Babylonian Empire

Page 96

"Then shall we still go to Emil?"

"Of course we have to go. For these important matters, the emir must personally nod and agree. Moreover, he has to hide it from Salim," Fahd said.

Kuwait is a hereditary monarchy emirate, and the emir has always been hereditary by the Sabah family.However, since the seventh generation of Emir Mubarak-Sabah, the Emir has taken turns to be the descendants of his two sons, Jaber and Salim, so that the Sabah family has formed two major groups: Jaber and Salim. branch.This generation of emirs came from the Jabir branch, and the crown prince was appointed by someone from the Salem branch. When the emir died or could not perform the duties of the head of state, the crown prince became the new emir.The emperor took turns to sit, and there has never been an accident.The positions of ministers of internal affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, petroleum, information and social affairs in the cabinet are also divided between the two factions.However, there is no swordsmanship between the two factions, just like the two factions in the United States during the general election. For a long time, they have always been united as one to prevent interference and disruption by external forces. "novel"

The royal family in the Middle East is full of unity and solidarity. Not only the interior, but also the royal family of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are very friendly.

Princess Faisal is from the Saudi royal family.

Knowing that Qusay was coming, Fahd knew that although this was a matter of absolute secrecy, in order to support the Iraqi struggle, it was necessary and obligatory for him to let the top Saudi officials know some inside information.

Because, he could almost tell that the other party was here to borrow money, and Saudi Arabia was also very rich and supported the Iraqi war, so he made up his mind that both sides should contribute.

It happened that Princess Faisal had always been interested in Qusay, and the news that Qusay was coming to Kuwait somehow reached her ears. As a result, she was in Kuwait City, so she must meet this miraculous rise Iraqi boy.

When I saw him just now, His Excellency Qu Sai really spoke elegantly and had extraordinary knowledge. His proposal was even more shocking. The other party came here not to ask for a loan, but to make a fortune together!

If it weren't for the fact that Saudi Arabia's oil fields are far away, Faisal would really like to agree to give him Saudi crude oil. There is nothing to do, and more money is made out of thin air. Although Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are relatively rich, I am afraid that everyone does not care about having more dollars in their pockets, right?

Soon, we arrived at the Dasman Palace.

Fahd took Faisal to a relatively quiet and secret environment in the palace, and met the current country's Emir Jaber Ahmed Sabah and Minister of Defense Sheikh Nuwaf Ahmad Germany.

"Your Majesty Jaber," Fahd said, "we have just spoken to Qusay."

"Well, we are waiting for the results of the conversation. Although Iraq has won several battles, they must have consumed a lot. How much do they need? If we are not enough, we can find some from Saudi Arabia," Jaber said.

"Yes, we need support for the just cause of the Iraqis," Sheikh also said.

"He didn't ask for any assistance from us," Fahd said.

"What?" Emil couldn't believe his ears: "Then what does Qu Sai come here secretly?"

"He brought a big business and wanted to do it with us," Fahd said.

Do business?Apparently, Emil's mind started to lose some control.

"Yes, he wants to refine our crude oil into refined oil. He is in charge of processing, and we are in charge of supplying crude oil and selling it. The profit is divided in half," Fahd said.

"As far as the level of the Basra oil refinery? They can't even use up their own crude oil!" Sheikh said.

"Not Basra," Fahd said.

"Where else is there? The north of Iraq is too far away. If you want to say that it is close, Abadan is probably the only one nearby." When Sheikh said this, he suddenly understood what Fahd was referring to: "His Royal Highness, Your Excellency Qusay , doesn’t it mean Abadan?”

Fahd looked at the emir and said: "The Abadan oil refinery has a crude oil refining capacity of 3000 million tons. Since the start of the war, Iraq's foreign exchange reserves have been exhausted. They urgently need new sources of profit. Therefore, they laid down After they bought the Abadan Oil Refinery, they wanted to get the Abadan Oil Refinery up and running as soon as possible, but their crude oil production was insufficient to meet the demand, so they wanted to borrow crude oil from us."

After listening to Fahd's explanation, Emir's face became serious.

Sheikh first said: "His Royal Highness, although they captured Abadan, do they have the ability to guarantee the safety there? Will they be captured by Iran again? Abadan, which is still in the war zone, is not the start of the oil refinery. good time."

"I don't think we need to worry too much about this. We are all bystanders in these few battles. Your Excellency Qusay's amazing military talent is like a prophet. I think this is just the beginning, Khomeini Hong Kong will soon fall into Iraqi hands as well," the emir said.

"But if it gets out, we will be passive. What will we do if the crazy Khomeini declares war on us?" Amir said.

Although the country of Kuwait is very rich, the combat effectiveness of the army is very weak, and Kuwait's policy is also neutral and restrained. Therefore, it is not a wise choice to directly participate in oil refining in disputed areas.

"For these, Your Excellency Qusay has already proposed a solution. Using those fresh water pipelines on our border with Iraq, we can complete the process of exporting crude oil and importing refined oil. We don't need to participate in any of these actions. We only need to transfer the crude oil Enter the pipeline, and you can wait to receive refined oil:." Fahd said.

"Okay, if this is the case, we can stay out of the matter completely. If any accident happens in the future, we only need to destroy those pipelines to completely cover it up." Sheikh agreed.

The emir did not speak, but looked at Faisal behind Fahd.

"Princess Faisal, what do you think?" Fahd asked.

"If you are not willing, Uncle, then I think Grandpa Hurd will be very willing." Feisal said.

At this time the King of Saudi Arabia is Khalid bin Abdulaziz, but he is very old, and the crown prince and first deputy prime minister Fahd bin Abdulaziz is almost presiding various affairs.

Both are called Fahd, one is from Kuwait, called Prince Fahd, and the other is from Saudi Arabia, who is about to become the king of Saudi Arabia

The Emir smiled: "Since that is the case, then let us Kuwait take this risk!"

ps: The third update is sent today, it can be regarded as making up for yesterday, thank you


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Chapter 1 Fourteen: Assassination

Chapter 1 Assassination——

After learning that Emil agreed, Zhang Feng didn't stay longer, and chose to rush back overnight:.

The starry sky was bright, and the hot and humid sea breeze blowing from the sea kept pouring into Zhang Feng's car.

Zhang Feng thought back to Prince Fahd's sincere words when he came out of Jahra just now.

"Young people, do your best. The future of Iraq must be extremely bright. We are waiting for the good news of defeating Khomeini!"

These words sound very sincere, revealing the sincere wishes of Prince Fahd, a friend who sincerely supports the Iraq War.

However, even though he knew it was sincere, Zhang Feng still felt a little awkward. It was like saying, bro, you go, buddy supports you mentally behind the scenes!If you are injured, my buddy will send you to the hospital!

Wrong time, wrong choice of war, Iran-Iraq war, no winner.

Zhang Feng put aside these complicated thoughts, since he came and changed the history, then, in the future, will it be consistent with the history he has mastered?

The future road will not be as easy as the previous one. I have to be vigilant at every step. This is walking a tightrope on a cliff. If you don’t pay attention, you will fall to pieces:.

Since it was night, Zhang Feng didn't take those luxurious cars anymore, but still used his own off-road vehicles. Since there was no air conditioner, he opened the windows of the car.

Fortunately, the wind is not very strong, there is no yellow sand blowing all over the sky, and the distance from Jahra is getting farther and farther away, and the hot and humid sea breeze is also decreasing.

Although there is not much suspense about the situation in Abadan for the time being, it is impossible for Iran to gather enough troops to launch an attack within half a year, but the air threat still exists.Zhang Feng knows that now he can rely on the Phantom F1 of the two squadrons to take the lead and maintain the vigilance in the sky. The radar of the Phantom F1 is relatively advanced, and can detect enemy planes flying from low altitudes. The sky of Abadan must be firmly guarded. Take it into your own hands.

However, Zhang Feng also knows that although the Iranian tomcats can be dispatched less and less, as the Iran-Iraq war progresses, the United States will secretly sell fighter parts to Iran. This is the famous Iran-Contra The incident caused a serious crisis of confidence in the Reagan administration.

Although these things were all carried out after 86, with his arrival, who knows if historical events will happen earlier?

Especially Israel!Zhang Feng knows that although Khomeini publicly stated that Israel is an aggressor and must disappear from Palestine.The only way to solve the Middle East problem is for the Muslim brothers in Palestine to eradicate the cancer of Israel.He said it swearingly, but in fact, Israel has been secretly smuggling arms to Iran. If Israel has phoenixes and f14s, it may have to sell them to Iran.

Zhang Feng's military literacy is excellent, but various political considerations still need to be improved, and he has been working hard on it.

Zhang Feng put down his complicated thoughts, looked around through the car window, and there was a glimmer of light in the distance, which is where the oil well is. The crude oil from the oil field here will soon be transported to Basra through pipelines, and then transferred to Algeria. Badan, bring yourself a steady stream of profits.

Petroleum Minister Chalabi, I am afraid that he will be more sad than killing him when he hears the news!

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