Barrier of Light

Chapter 30 Soul Torture

It was raining lightly on the roof, and the two men stood quietly.

In the darkest corner of the corridor, squatting a quieter orange cat.

Two people and one cat, motionless.

Like a stone sculpture.



Gu Shen vaguely remembered someone calling his name.

Then he raised his head uncontrollably and looked at the man.

When I woke up again, I came here.

【"It's so dark..."】

Up, down, left, and right were pitch-black chaos, and nothing could be seen.

Where is this?

There is a feeling of familiarity, somewhat similar to the Waking of Insects dream, but not exactly the same.

He looked down at the palm of his hand, but only saw the mist of UFO, the consciousness still exists, but the body has no entity...

"This is Han Dang's 'dreamland'."

A mass of white light, faintly condensed, became the only ray of light in the darkness.

The so-called white light is not Chu Ling herself, but an oil paper lantern in her hand. It looks very ancient, like an exorcist girl in a comic book. The flame of the lamp burns and illuminates the darkness in all directions , to disperse the fog.

"Just now, Han Dang adopted the most straightforward method to lull you into a dream.

Chu Ling raised the lantern to illuminate the end of the shadow in the distance——

Gu Shen saw another self, sitting on a narrow chair, bound by iron chains, with his head bowed, this is a dream world, and everything is created based on spiritual power... Obviously, Han Dang is Ruler of this world.

"Pull me into a dream..."

Gu Shen felt that he could no longer make a fist, the sense of strength in his body gradually disappeared, he was like a group of catkins that would be blown away by the wind.

"Your mental strength is not enough to resist Shi Meng, a powerhouse of Han Dang's level." Chu Ling said: "But I performed a [spiritual link] on you at the last moment and forcibly replaced your spirit. So... at this moment Sit in the chair, not you."

She pouted: "It's me, to be precise, it's my virtual 'you'."

Looking at the chair, Gu Shen felt depressed for a while.

Just staring at that dark space, one can feel the suffocating mental pressure.

"What will happen if you sit on it?"

"If you sit on it, you will lose control of your spirit." Chu Ling whispered: "In Han Dang's dream, your soul body cannot hide or deceive, and he will get all the information he wants to know... Because of Luo Er and Zhong Wei's close protection, he had no chance to get close to you. He didn't expect to leave Da Teng this time, but it was self-defeating."

Gu Shen was terrified for a while.

"Fortunately to have you." He murmured thoughtfully, "Will he be aware of it?"

"I'm not sure...but you haven't even awakened your extraordinary power, so there's a high probability that he won't notice it." Chu Ling said slowly, "The more powerful a person is, the easier it is for him to be conceited. For a person like Han Dang, If I want to pull you into a dream, how could I make a mistake?"

Gu Shen asked nervously again: "So, now you are 'torturing' for me?"

"Han Dang's mantra field is indeed called the soul torture room by many people in Nagano." Chu Ling smiled, "So it is appropriate to say 'torture'."

"In Shi Meng's dream... there is a possibility of death, even if it is a shallow dream, it does not mean it is absolutely safe." Chu Ling introduced with a smile, "If the spirit breaks down, the dreamer may become an out-of-control person. Maybe die directly. It depends on the specific thoughts of the dream master."

At this moment, she was still smiling.

Gu Shen worried: "This is too dangerous! What should we do now?"


Chu Ling tilted her head slightly, she looked at Gu Shen in confusion, and asked, "You seem to be worried?"

"Of course..." Gu Shen said anxiously: "In the dream, people will die. You entered the 'torture room' for me..."

"Don't worry." Chu Ling said lightly: "My spirit is quite special. No matter how much Han Dang interrogates and tortures, it doesn't make sense to me...I won't feel the pain."

Under the radiance of Chu Ling's code, the two stood in the bug area of ​​the dream, watching the torture of the soul in the interrogation room.



Han Dang smoothed his tie and smoothed the folds of his suit.

He looked down at the poor boy on the chair and snapped his fingers.

A puddle of cold water appeared out of nowhere and fell violently, dousing the young man all over.

The spiritual link is broken at this moment——

The boy on the seat woke up instantly, the cold water turned into cold mist, he looked up at Han Dang, with "panic" written all over his face.

"Gu Shen, the 'S' that Zhouji people place high hopes on."

Han Dang said softly, "I've always been curious about the extent of the genius who wants to be protected without hesitation by using the amnesty order...but when I saw it today, I was very disappointed."

"Judging from the blood stains on the roof, you should awaken the extraordinary power of the spiritual system, right?"

Han Dang squatted down, looked at Gu Shen, and said calmly: "But your mental strength is too weak... You can't resist my Shi Meng at all, and you don't even have the slightest sense of resistance."


The boy opened his mouth, as if he wanted to speak.

It's a pity that I couldn't say a word.

"'I do not understand what you are saying.'"

Han Dang smiled and said: "This should be what you want to say...but the words come to your lips, but you can't say them no matter what..."

"How does it feel?"

The boy looked at Han Dang in astonishment.

The man in the suit spread his arms, and his voice was as majestic as a god!

"My dream realm... is named 'Mantra'!"

Han Dang's figure suddenly dispersed, his suit turned into flying sand, and his voice also turned into wind. The flying sand and wind swept through every corner of the dark dream.

"Here, what I say is the truth. No matter who the dreamer is, in the field of truth, no one can lie."

The next moment he suddenly appeared beside the young man, raised a hand, as if he touched something... A pale lamp lit up in the darkness, and the light shone on Gu Shen, making him look more like a prisoner.

"We will meet...with our truest faces."

Han Dang stepped back, staggered as if accidentally, his body was instantly wiped out, and fell into the boundless darkness.

The next moment, the flying sand gathered five steps away from the boy, and the man just happened to sit on a comfortable high seat, without the slightest embarrassment, only graceful and calm.

He put his hands on his elbows.

The pale light illuminated the thing between the two of them.

It was a long, cold, dark table.

This place was completely transformed into an interrogation room, and the surrounding walls gradually protruded.

"It's a pity, boy who likes acting, you met me." Han Dang stared into the boy's eyes, expressionless: "I have watched the interrogation video of the A-009 incident, and you have been pretending to be crazy since then. Right?"

There was a whooping sound in the throat of the interrogated.

He couldn't speak, couldn't deny it.

"Stop struggling, it's useless."

Seeing this scene, Han Dang smiled.

"Next... I will conduct a soul torture on you!"

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