Batman x Arc Reactor [DC]

Ch: 19 [Reunite- Maggie]

Bruce had promised Selina that he would use his connections to help reunite her with her younger sister, Maggie. Over the course of several days, Thomas Wayne, the Mayor of Gotham City, worked tirelessly to locate Maggie's whereabouts. He used his resources and connections to find out which church had adopted Maggie. Eventually, he managed to track her down to a local church-run orphanage.

On a bright morning, Bruce and Selina found themselves standing outside the church. They had just arrived, and the anticipation was palpable. Bruce was there to provide emotional support to Selina and ensure that the reunion went smoothly. He could see the mix of excitement and nervousness in her eyes.

"Are you ready, Selina?" Bruce asked, offering a reassuring smile.

"Yeah," She nodded, her heart pounding with a mixture of hope and fear. It had been so long since she had seen her sister, and she couldn't help but wonder how Maggie had been all these years.

The doors had a large sign over them that read 'Saint Mary's Home for Children'.

As they entered the orphanage, a nun who was busily sorting donations greeted them. She wore the usual garb of a nun, with a cross around her neck, and had a kind smile.

"How can I help you, children? Do you need any assistance?" Sister Martham asked, smiling gently at the pair.

"Yes. We're looking for a girl named Magdalene Kyle," Bruce replied politely. "The Mayor has called you yesterday... Remember?"

"Oh, Yes... Come right this way," She nodded and led them to a small, cozy room where they would meet Maggie. Selina's hands trembled as they waited for her sister to arrive. "Please wait here for a moment, I will call her..." She left the room.

"Where is that feisty girl now? You look too nervous. It doesn't suit you. Relax," Bruce teased her trying to lift up the mood.

She chuckled lightly, "I am relaxed... Not everyone could get an opportunity like this..."

"So, your sister," He looked toward her nervous face, "Does she know about..."

"That her sister is a street thief?" Selina completed his sentence with a bitter smile, "No... She doesn't know..."

Bruce nodded─ it's understandable.

As they waited, Selina couldn't help but fidget, her nerves getting the best of her. She had spent years worrying about Maggie, wondering if she was safe and cared for. The guilt of leaving her sister had always weighed on her, but now, finally, she had a chance to make things right.

After a few minutes that felt like an eternity, the door creaked open, and in walked a young girl with red hair and brown eyes. She looked around the room, a bit apprehensive, until her eyes landed on Selina.

"Maggie," Selina whispered, tears brimming in her eyes as she rushed forward to embrace her sister.

Maggie froze for a moment, clearly surprised, but then her eyes widened in recognition and she let out a gasp, "Sis? Is it really you?"

Selina nodded, tears streaming down her face as she hugged her tightly, "Yes, it's me. I'm here, Maggie. I found you."

Tears welled up in Maggie's eyes too as she hugged her sister back just as tightly, "I missed you so much. I thought I'd never see you again."

"I missed you too, sis," Selina whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "I promised you I'd come back for you, didn't I?"

The redhead nodded, a small smile breaking through her tears, "You did. And you kept your promise."

Selina pulled back and cupped Maggie's face in her hands, examining her sister's features as if committing them to memory, "You've grown into such a beautiful young lady."

Maggie blushed, still in disbelief that her sister was here with her, "You've changed too. You look... different."

Bruce stood there watching the touching reunion with a warm feeling in his heart. Seeing Selina so happy filled him with joy, and he knew that this was a moment she would cherish forever. And with this, her loyalty for him would also increase even more─ Bruce smiled inwardly─ He had planned everything perfectly.

Maggie turned to Bruce, curious, "Who's this guy, sis?"

Selina turned to introduce him, "This is Bruce Wayne. It's all thanks to him that I found you."

Maggie's eyes widened in shock, "Wayne? As in, THE Waynes?!"

Bruce chuckled, amused by her reaction, "Nice to meet you, Miss Kyle." He extended his hand towards Maggie.

She shook his hand hesitantly, "N-nice to meet you too, Mister Wayne."

Selina smiled, her eyes glistening with happiness, as she spoke to her sister, "Maggie, we're going to live with Bruce and his family. They've adopted us. We won't have to worry about anything anymore. We'll have a proper home, food, and education."

Maggie's eyes widened in astonishment, "Adopted? Really?"

She nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, really. It's like a dream come true. We're going to have a better life, sis."

Tears of joy welled up in Maggie's eyes as she realized the magnitude of the change in her life, "I can't believe it. How did you do it? Why are you helping us?"

Bruce answered, smiling kindly, "Just because I took a liking to a certain someone and couldn't see them drowning in sadness anymore." His gaze lingered on Selina─ She blushed slightly under his intense gaze.

Maggie turned to her sister, confused, "Drowning in sadness? What does he mean?"

Selina chuckled awkwardly, "Shut it!" averting her gaze, "It's nothing important, sis. Let's go home, shall we?"

Bruce laughed, amused, "Alright, alright. I will be waiting in the car. You help your sister pack up her belongings." With those words, he exited the room, leaving the sisters alone to catch up.

Maggie looked at Selina curiously, "You and him... Are you two...?"

Selina shook her head vehemently, blushing furiously, "NO! Of course not!"

Maggie giggled mischievously, "Your expression tells me otherwise~"

She rolled her eyes, "He just offered me to become his future assistant and I took it. So, stop teasing me and start packing up your stuff."

Maggie grinned impishly, "Whatever you say, sis~" But inside, she was glad─ Selina deserved happiness after all that she had gone through. And if Bruce Wayne made her sister happy, then she was all for it.

[Bishop's Office]

Bruce sat across from Bishop.

"Here you go, a small donation," Bruce handed Bishop a cheque worth 200 million dollars─ Enough to rebuild Saint Mary's Home for Children completely.

Bishop's eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the amount, "Y-you sure? This amount is... It's too much!"

"I'm not giving you this just for fun. Rebuild this place properly─ With good teachers, better facilities, and better security. Also, hire some nurses and doctors. I don't want to see any homeless kid committing crimes out on the streets ever again. Got it?" Bruce narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Bishop gulped nervously─ The boy before him was dangerous. His piercing glance made him shudder. He nodded, "Of c-course, sir! I will do my best!"

"Oh, the election is nearing, isn't it?" He reminded Bishop.

"Yes, sir. It is." Bishop confirmed.

"This is a church and an orphanage. Isn't it?" Bruce leaned forward─ His demeanor intimidating Bishop further.

"Y-yes, sir!" He stuttered, sweating bullets.

"You know how to earn public sympathy, right?" He asked. Bishop nodded frantically. "Good. Might as well whisper among your staff about how good is Thomas Wayne, helping the church and orphans... Spread a rumor... Tell the truth..." He pointed at the cheque on the table, "It's not like I am asking you to tell a lie. Tell the truth in your own way... I am sure you can take care of the rest, yes?" Bruce smirked─ Bishop understood what he meant.

He nodded eagerly, "Yes, sir! Thank you very much, Mr. Wayne!"

"Hmph. Alright then. Farewell." He stood up to leave. "Oh, and don't tell my father that I told you to spread the rumor. Say that you came up with the idea yourself or something..." Bruce gave a slight nod... Bishop got the message.

He bowed respectfully, "Yes, Mr. Wayne. Even without you saying anything, I would have done it myself... I swear upon God."

Bruce smirked─ Bishop was a smart man, he wouldn't disappoint him.


Bruce entered the car. He took the seat beside Alfred who was in the driver's seat. Selina and Maggie soon came out carrying Maggie's luggage─ They placed it inside the trunk and got inside the car too.

"Ready to go home, girls?" Bruce asked, smiling.

Selina and Maggie nodded excitedly, "Yes!"

'Now that everything is taken care of, it's time to train this weak ass body,' Bruce thought─ He had plans for the future.

"Alfred, drive us home," Bruce ordered. The butler started the engine and drove away.


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AN: Now with Selina's part taken care of, I will wrap up the party in the next 2 chs. Then we will see some interludes and training [Obviously with a sexy M]

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