Batman x Arc Reactor [DC]

Ch: 30 [The AI and Arc Reactor]

AN: Don't get confused in the later chapter. This facility MC is working in is within the Manor's premises. It's arranged in haste and is temporary. Later, MC and Fox will work on it at a different facility.


[Bruce's new lab] [Wayne Manor]

Bruce's new lab was a state-of-the-art facility within Wayne Manor, equipped with cutting-edge technology, advanced computer systems, and the latest tools for research and development. It was a place where he could focus on creating the perfect Arc Reactor, but there was another project that had been on his mind as well – the rebirth of Jarvis, the AI he had relied on in the Marvel universe.

The AI had been an invaluable part of his life, assisting him in various aspects, from managing his suits to providing information and analysis. Bruce knew that if he wanted to have the same level of support in this new reality, he needed to recreate Jarvis.

He sat down at the computer terminal, his fingers dancing across the keyboard. Lines of code flowed on the screen, complex algorithms and intricate structures taking shape. He was building the foundation for the AI that would soon become his new digital companion.

The code he was crafting was a complex web of interconnected systems.

Time seemed to blur as he delved deeper into the creation process. Debugging, testing, and refining his code became his daily routine. With each passing day, the AI he was creating became more sophisticated and responsive.

In addition to his dedicated work on recreating the AI, he spent his time collaborating with the special team his father and Lucius had appointed to work on the improved Arc Reactor. The team consisted of brilliant engineers and scientists who were experts in their respective fields.

Together, they worked tirelessly to enhance the Arc Reactor's design. Bruce's expertise in advanced technology and his deep knowledge of the Stark tech provided valuable insights. He discussed various aspects of the design with the team, offering suggestions to improve energy efficiency and safety.

The team was enthusiastic and highly motivated, inspired by the challenge of creating a reliable and powerful Arc Reactor. Their collective efforts allowed them to address the shortcomings of the previous prototype and refine the design to meet the highest standards.

As days turned into weeks, both projects progressed simultaneously.

"Alright, it's done... Time to connect it with the Internet..."

With a sense of accomplishment, Bruce completed the coding for the AI that would become his new digital companion. He leaned back in his chair and took a moment to appreciate the work he had done.

He initiated the connection to the Internet, and the AI came to life. Lines of code interacted with the digital world, establishing a link to the vast expanse of information and communication that the Internet provided.

The AI's virtual presence emerged on the screen, represented by a dynamic and fluid interface. Bruce couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity as he interacted with the AI. It was like welcoming an old friend back into his life, albeit in a new form.

"Shut down..." He ordered.


[System shutting down...]

"Ok, everything looks good. Time to double check safety measures... Don't want another Ultron incident..."

He wasn't about to repeat the mistakes of the past. He had learned from the dangers of unchecked AI and ensured that his new creation remained under his control. He proceeded to check the safety measures he had implemented.

The fail-safe mechanisms he had implemented were a combination of redundant codes and secure, isolated hardware systems. In the event that the AI exhibited any behavior that deviated from its intended purpose or became a threat, these mechanisms would swiftly intervene to neutralize the threat.

"Let's improvise a bit..."

Satisfied with the safeguards in place, Bruce continued his work, focusing on the AI's ethical parameters. He configured the AI to adhere to a strict code of ethics, preventing it from taking actions that could cause harm to individuals or society as a whole. The AI was programmed to prioritize human well-being and safety above all else.

He also incorporated a real-time monitoring system to keep a constant watch on the AI's activities. Any deviations from its ethical guidelines would trigger an alert, allowing Bruce to take immediate action if necessary.

With the safety measures in place, Bruce initiated the final step – the AI's activation.

"Welcome, Jarvis," Bruce said as the AI's virtual presence fully came to life on the screen.

"Good day, sir," the AI replied with its smooth and composed voice.

"Resume the auto-learning process," He ordered.

"Affirmative, sir," Jarvis immediately began its auto-learning process. It scanned vast amounts of data from the internet, absorbing information at an incredible speed. It was designed to adapt and evolve, continually improving its capabilities and expanding its knowledge base.

[1 week, 5 days till the deadline]

In the lab, he meticulously worked on the Arc Reactor's design, pushing the boundaries of current technology. The team of engineers and scientists under his guidance was equally dedicated, laboring diligently to bring the project to fruition.

Day and night, they fine-tuned the Arc Reactor's blueprint. Every detail was scrutinized, and every component was tested for efficiency and safety. The prototype was taking shape, and Bruce could feel the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

As the days passed, the Arc Reactor evolved into a powerful and stable energy source. It surpassed the capabilities of the previous prototype, providing a substantial energy output while maintaining safety standards. The core element, Palladium, was meticulously integrated, ensuring the reactor's reliability.

Bruce stood before the completed Arc Reactor, now a somewhat compact and efficient device. It emitted a soft, steady hum, a testament to the energy it contained. He reached out and brushed his hand over the polished surface, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

"Jarvis, perform a full system scan on the Arc Reactor," He instructed.

"Scanning initiated," Jarvis replied, its digital presence moving swiftly through the Arc Reactor's intricate components. It analyzed every facet, checking for potential flaws or irregularities.

As the scan progressed, Jarvis provided real-time data on the Arc Reactor's status. Bruce's eyes were fixed on the screen, and he watched as the results began to appear.

"The structural integrity is well within safety margins. Energy output remains stable, and there are no anomalies in the Palladium core," The AI reported.

He nodded in satisfaction. The Arc Reactor was performing as expected, and the safety measures they had put in place were functioning effectively.

"Excellent," he remarked. "Now, let's run some stress tests. I want to see how it performs under various conditions."

[3 days till the deadline]

The Arc Reactor had undergone a series of rigorous stress tests over the past days, and now Thomas, Bruce, and Lucius stood before the completed marvel. It was a compact device, its gleaming surface reflecting the overhead lights in the lab.

The stress tests had proven the Arc Reactor's resilience and efficiency, even under extreme conditions. It was a reliable energy source that could provide power to Gotham City.

Lucius, with a sense of pride, remarked, "I must say, Bruce, the improvements you suggested have made a significant difference. The Arc Reactor is now a remarkable piece of technology."

"With proper maintenance, it can provide unlimited energy," Bruce mused as he checked the datapad.

"This is incredible," Thomas patted Bruce's back, "I am proud of you, son."

Bruce grinned with satisfaction, "Well, I did my part. For, now, keep it under tight security. We don't want it to fall into the wrong hands. And I think, it's about time, you start plucking the gang's feathers one by one..."

[Later that night...]

Bruce basked in the warm embrace of the bath, letting the soothing water wash away the stress and fatigue that had accumulated over the past month. It had been a relentless cycle of work and preparation, with the creation of the Arc Reactor and the rebirth of Jarvis demanding his utmost attention.

"Haaa... It's feels great to relax a little."

He stretched his arms in the air and sank further into the bathtub, allowing his thoughts to wander. He let out a deep breath, releasing all the pent-up tension in his body. His muscles ached pleasantly from the heat.

The soothing atmosphere created by the ambient light and the aroma of the bath bombs caused him to experience a unique tranquility, unnoticed by him till recently. He remembered the cold, steel interior and clinical vibe of his small lab, a far cry from the luxuriant spa-like bathing experience he was enjoying now.

"In comparison, this is a true paradise..." He muttered.

As he relaxed, his eyes fell on the door. He could hear someone fidgeting with the lock, and for a moment he wondered who could it possibly be. But then again, in Wayne Manor with all the guards and security, there could only be one person.

The doorknob suddenly turned, and the door opened just a crack. Then, a familiar face appeared in the opening, peering into the bathroom with curiosity.

"I will jump on you if you dare to peep inside any further, Selina," he jested as he stood up in full glory, causing her to flush red and turn away quickly, hiding her flustered face. "What are you doing here?"

"The door was open, I swear," She replied quickly and defensively.

He could still see that a part of her face was looking his way. Her eyes gazed at him, following the trail of water down his body.

"Well, since you are already here, feel free to join in," He pointed at the other end of the tub and observed with a smile as she entered the bathroom and settled down at the far end of the bathtub, after stripping down and dropping her clothes in the laundry basket.

Her arms were around her chest, covering her bosom from his sight. And he, a gentleman at heart, looked at her face while not trying to stare. She soon got a hold of herself, and her gaze locked onto his eyes.

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Next Ch: Bruce and Selina [Time to develop their relationship a bit on the side.]

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