
Chapter 70: Aftercare…

As my vision began blurring, Melody’s face left my view and I soon felt her arms wrap around me from my right. I brought my own arms back down from under the pillow, although they still just awkwardly hung out around my chest unsure of where to go, and turned my head to the right to get another view of Melody, who was still holding her comforting smile.

Melody’s right hand came up to my head and brought me closer to her. I began nuzzling into her neck when a sudden brief giggle caught my attention and I pushed myself back, questioning her.

“Sorry, sorry.” Melody calmed down and went back to her peaceful smile then brought her right hand up to my head, pulling off my headband and tossing it behind her. “Your ears tickled me.”

Releasing a breath I didn’t know I’d held, I giggled and nestled myself back into her neck. It was an odd feeling, her little giggle felt out of character in the moment, I… for whatever reason expected her dominant side to hug me, to comfort me, not her… normal side. I felt like she could’ve easily held back the laugh but she didn’t, she was trying, or really not trying, to hide herself. She was just… herself. Still dominant of course, that is a part of her, but not the evil sexy side, just the… pure caring side.

“I’m going to take this out too,” Melody whispered as her right hand left my head and gently scraped along my body all the way down to my tail, which, surprisingly, I’d mostly forgotten about. She gently wrapped her hand around it giving a very gentle tug and then asked, “Ready?”

“Mm,” I confirmed and relaxed my lower body. It came out quickly and after she tossed it behind her, we went straight back to cuddling.

Soon, her hand began combing through my hair and she held me like that for a few minutes. I cried into her shoulder and she held me tight and it… was way more comfortable than I could ever imagine. Just her hold calmed me down, made my stupid brain somehow register that she was here for me, she cared for me, she wouldn’t leave me… I could cuddle her forever…

At some point Melody began whispering affirmations, and the very first thing I heard created another brief cascade of tears. “You did a great job today… this entire week… you’ve been a really good girl…”

The childish “good girl” affirmation destroyed me. Those two words had such a large effect… and I felt so silly but despite that... I felt more fulfilled than I ever had before. And I didn’t know why, but… it was wonderful. Soaking in Melody’s body heat, her gently combing through my hair, her soothing voice… I… loved it—loved her…

Eventually, Melody pushed herself back a little and whispered, “I’ll be right back, okay? I’m going to get you some water.”

With tears still filling my eyes, although far less than earlier, I nodded and rolled onto my back, taking a few deep breaths. After looking over me a few more times, Melody climbed over me and then off the bed, before crouching down and again whispering, “I’ll be right back, Scar.”

I nodded once more and she stood back up, quickly heading out the door and downstairs. I spent a couple seconds looking at where her naked body just was but… crazily enough I wasn’t feeling super horny after seeing her naked butt, rather I was a little… sad. Every damn cell in my body knew she’d be back in this room, back to hugging me, in under a minute and yet I couldn’t stop myself from tearing up a little more. She’d be back though. Melody wouldn’t lie. Melody never lies. I just need to calm down… breathe… and wait a little.

That minute felt like decades as my mind raced through scenarios, scenarios that are less probable than the damn sun exploding right now, and yet they still made me worry… worry that Melody would leave, that she’d leave me crying all alone in our dorm room…. What type of fear even is that? She totally could… right? I mean, I’d be fine… I think. It’s just… mean. I don’t know! I just want… I don’t know…

Thankfully, Melody did return. She returned carrying a cup of water in her left hand just like she’d promised and she also held a giant chocolate bar in her right. As soon as she saw me, her pace picked up a little and her smile cracked as she came over and sat down by my side. The very first thing she did was ask, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah…” I replied, not wanting her to worry about my meaningless thoughts during her brief excursion. I began pushing up with my arms to get into a sitting position, and soon felt both of Melody’s hands press into me, one on my back and the other on my arm, to help. Once I was upright, I swung my legs around and sat down on Melody’s left, leaning against her shoulder.

Melody briefly reached down with right hand to grab the cup of water and then she brought it to my lips, slowly tilting it so I had just a little bit without any risk of spillage as I sipped away. While I was drinking Melody began unnecessarily apologizing. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have left you for so long… I’m sorry Scar. I should’ve just carried you with me—“

“Melody,” I said, surprising myself with my own confidence as I cut her off and pushed the glass of water away. “thank you.”

“What…?” Melody mumbled as her brain racked for an answer to her confusion, a confusion so confusing she completely forgot about her surroundings and tipped my glass of water too high, causing it to spill down onto my chest and lap. The moment she noticed due to my chuckle, she began profusely apologizing. “Sorry, sorry, sorry…should’ve brought some towels… and you’re covered in my juices… why didn’t I think about clean up…”

Deciding to ease her worries, I explained my thoughts as I brought my hands up to hug her. “Thank you for caring so much… and… I-you should cover me in… them… more often.”

Melody sighed, before chuckling a little and hugging me back after setting the water cup down on the floor. “I’m supposed to be caring for you and yet here we are… thank you, Scar.”

I giggled along with her then broke our hug. “Aftercare’s for-I-uh… we both need it…”

“Yeah…” Melody sighed. “I guess so… I’m just… not used to this.”

“Me neither,” I said and we leaned against each other for a couple more minutes.

By the time Melody broke the silence, my tears had completely stopped and I was feeling much better… not that I was ever feeling bad, but I felt more… present in a way. “Want some chocolate?”

“Yeah,” I said, taking my head off Melody's shoulder as she leaned down to grab the king-sized bar. She quickly ripped open the packaging and broke off a small piece, then brought it toward my face with a mischievous smile.

I happily bit into the chocolate and she let go, letting me bring the piece into my mouth. It was some very sweet milk chocolate and while I usually prefer dark chocolate… this definitely fit the moment better, this very sweet moment. While I ate through my piece, Melody ate through one of her own and then we rested for a little, just staring at one another… until Melody broke off some more chocolate.

After we both ate another piece, Melody feeding me of course, she asked, “How was today? Or this entire week, since we never really talked much about it?”

“Amazing…” I sighed. There really isn’t any other way to describe it. From the moment I got an X tier system it’s been a dream, beyond a dream. So incredible there’s no way I’d have ever been able to imagine it.

Melody fed me another piece of chocolate then elaborated a little more. “Nothing pushed you too far? Not the humiliation?”

“No… it’s… I mean, it’s a lot, but I don’t regret… anything,” I replied, taking a few deep breaths. “I love it… I always feel safe with you… there…”

“Not the… uh… helping you pee?” Melody asked, hesitantly.

“No… I… kinda liked it?” I can’t believe I just said that… but it’s true. Her pushing against me… it felt like she controlled me in a way, controlled something super intimate and personal. It’s hard to describe, but the joy doesn’t necessarily come from the pee thing… in that case at least… rather the environment. Just doing private things so openly with one another feels really… embarrassingly cute? And seeing Melody so willing to do the same of course… it made me feel both equal and inferior at the same time. “It was… fun.”

Melody hesitated for a little bit, then asked her next question. “Not Silvia?”

Silvia… how do I answer that? She hasn’t really done anything… yet. “How much does she know?”

“She’s smart. I think she’s already figured it out, but I haven’t told her anything,” Melody answered, then suggested, “We can be less obvious around her if you want.”

“No…” I replied. Honestly, Silvia is kinda cute and she definitely knows plenty… and seeing as she hasn’t left us or anything, she probably doesn’t care. And a little risk makes it more enjoyable. And… “If she asks… tell her.”

“You sure?” Melody asked, surprised, as she broke off another piece of chocolate for herself.

“Yeah… maybe… she’ll… uh… want to join… sometime…” I can’t believe I just said that. But it’s true… It would be fun. Having someone watching me do something… someone less involved and connected to me, someone normal. And think of all the pleasure four hands could give…

Melody chuckled, feeding my blushing face another piece of chocolate. “You want to just tell her?”

“No! Nope! No way… just if she asks…” I replied immediately. No way I’m ever going to openly reveal this stuff… I just won’t be opposed if she’s interested enough to ask… and it can stay as a little fantasy in my imagination for a while… no need to do it now. Melody will always be enough.

“How have the punishments been?” Melody asked, moving on from Silvia. “I know it’s just been spanking and some denial but do you still want more?”

“Absolutely.” My fantasies crave so much more and there’s no way they’ll ever stop unless I experience more and either enjoy it or, maybe but probably unlikely, get dissuaded from it. Even then I doubt they’ll stop… but whatever. I want so much more… especially from Melody… it feels fucking fantastic recieving anything from someone so endlessly caring and nice and perfect and it feels even better… to annoy them a little and face some wrath…

“Eager, huh?” Melody chuckled. “How about next time you earn a punishment, we use a whip?”

“Please…” I chuckled nervously… despite my confidence ten seconds ago, looking at Melody’s grin completely flipped me and now I can’t stop imagining myself curled up in a ball and being absolutely destroyed… which is kinda also hot… also… “Tie me up, too…”

“Sure.” Melody nodded with a gentle smile acting like she hadn’t just promised to whip me, and then handed me another piece of chocolate. “Well…”

Melody fell back onto the bed and I followed a second later and we hung out in silence for the rest of the night, still covered in each other's fluids, but who cares honestly, as we finished up the chocolate and soon curled up into my bed and let our tiredness take over. And although I feel like I’m saying it every single night, it was easily the best night's rest I’ve ever had. Cuddling with Melody…

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