Becoming Legend

Chapter 312: Meeting Horn's Team Once Again

Glanrur Bofeft did his best. He escaped together with his party, but unaware that they were being trailed by a beast that bores underground. All it needed was a snap of its massive jaw to tore both muscles and bones from Glanrur's legs.

Still, Glanrur Bofeft did his best. This time to live life to his will. Unable to be of use to his fellow dwarves, he was (along with hundreds more of disabled dwarves), they left the Mountain until some of them landed in the region of Bogblot.

Here, in the capital of Bogblot, Bogmoor became his home. Glanrur became famous with his iron smithing, but what put him to the top, and eventually offered a job inside the Canton of Commerce, was his unique way of creating the Talismans of Truth.

His creation was so splendid that he was hired by many Major Houses to create a Talisman.

Yet, somewhere inside him, he knew he wanted to hammer irons, the smells, the sparks, he wanted to mold them to his desire. But he needed the feet; he wasn't complete without his feet.

"It was all in the past now." Glanrur Bofeft puffed a smoke with the iron pipe. His fingers were thick, and one would wonder how strong was his grip or how big of a hammer he used to work with it. "Well… you see. This iron cabinet wasn't something a mere kid like you could lift. Even Hunters of Silver rank were having a hard time lifting or just to pull at least an inch of it."

Silver rank huh, that also means my raw strength would fare against Silver Rank? Ned thought as he walked past the iron table and went back to sit on the iron chair.

But something bugs Ned: why would there be iron if Glanrur has long forgotten his past? Unless…

"If you don't mind?" Ned rested an arm over the iron table. Coldness made his hair stand over his arm. The iron table was cold as though they were somewhere in the North. "Why all the irons?"

Glanrur Bofeft sighed. Pulled the iron pipe out of his thick mouth and laid it flat over the table.

"Oh, kid… you don't get it, do you?" Glanrur Bofeft wanted to move. His eyes hover behind Ned at the wide vacant space of the iron room. "I need to regain my strength, that maybe one day… I might be able to walk again… and I want to hit iron again, kid. It's within me, my blood wanted to hit more of those damn irons."

Ned was kept in silence from the dwarf's sudden change of temper.

"Why am I even talking to you about this," Glanrur said under his cigar-filled breath and reached for the House card next to him. He then pulled an iron quill under the cabinet and wrote something on the House card.

After determining and finalizing what he had written, he gave it to Ned.

But under those blank eyes of his, Ned saw something. Something the dwarf was yearning. Perhaps, an adventure once more.

Ned kept silence to linger longer in the air.

"Just write the names of the temporary Household members you invited. If you want to keep them, be back by a month."

Temporary Household members only hold by a month from the time of signing. A month was short, but for Ned, it was more than enough for his revolver to be completed. And if he wanted to ask for them, he might want to contact them once again.

Ned took the iron quill Glanrur offered him. Again, even just for a piece of small iron, the weight was more than enough for his fingers to bear.

After writing Barbo and Mina's name under his House. They were now officially under his care. Not that they needed care, but still, he was the Father of his Household, so he might as well act like one.

Ned sighed. In the first place, he never asked for this to happen. It was all planned and happened by Glenn: one of the spies the Time to Loot introduced to him.

Ned walked to leave the room but was halted by Glanrur on his way out.

"Kid… if you have time… I'll be here… something you want to talk about… you know it's not always that someone could pull my irons here."

With that, Ned left overlooking the smile Glanrur was having.

After leaving the Canton of Commerce, Ned took a carriage and went straight ahead to Lord Sven's manor.

Upon arriving at the iron gate, where two hunters stood as guards, Ned was greeted with the throng of hunters.

"Kid." The guard in metal-plated armor blocked Ned with his spear and pointed over his chest where House Tarragon's insignia was etched.

"I'm here to see Twali," Ned explained but it seemed that no matter how he did, the latter's focus wasn't directed to him.

There were too many people lining outside the manor, all of which do not belong to the House Tarragon.

The line of people both comprises young and old. Young: a little older than Ned by perhaps, a two to three years. While the old ones stood with experience while they ignored the blazing heat of both the sun and the noises coming from the surrounding people.

"Nice try, kid." The second guard approached Ned and crossed his spear the same as the first to block Ned from entering. "As you can see. Others wanted to join the House. Perhaps, you should do the same. But to the back."

No way in time would Ned fall in line just to see Twali, and what about him wanted to join the House? He already made it clear—he wasn't.

It seemed that they mistook Ned to join their House.

"I'm not here to join Lord Sven's House."

"Again, nice try, kid. But it won't be that easy. Not for us, but for you…"

Ned snickered from the statement and caught a necklace tucked under the metal armor. Still, the silver rectangular object was visible.

Silver Ranked, huh, Ned thought as he pulled his self away from the two guards.

"Shyou!" Ned heard a cracking voice not far from the gate where a man was admitting the people lining to go inside the manor. There, beside the man was a bald man pointing his thick fingers to Ned. "Shwat are you doing here?"

"Horn?" Ned forced a smile as he watched the bald and Silver Rank Hunter approached him.

This time, his face shows no contempt towards Ned, not like the first time they met as a misunderstanding. Slung behind him was a spear, and sword over his waist. He wore leather like a valiant warrior, and his boots were sleek in brown.

How could he wear that fancy armor? Ned thought and shrugged as he saw the two guards sneaked at him. Yes, Someone knew me. Ned plastered a smile.

"I am here to see Twali."

"Shmaster Twali you say?" Horn grumbled words as he raised his hand to block the sun from blinding him. "Shyou need to come inside."

As Ned walk with Horn, the two guards couldn't stop him. All it takes was Horn to wave a hand and let the two of them pass. They were both Silver in rank, yet, Horn seemed to hold a far better standing than them.

As they walked inside the gate of the manor, Ned was getting a weird feeling looking at the back of the head of Horn. People around him were greeting Horn with a smile, as though he was some kind of a superstar among them.

"Afraid to say." Horn spun and topped Ned by a couple of inches as he looked him in the eye. "Shbut, Master Twali ain't here anymore."

"Then." Ned paused looking up at Horn. "Why did you bring me here?"

"Shwell, I thought you wanted to see your former team."

"Former team?"' Ned said flexing confused eyes.

"Shyes." Horn raised a finger and waved after a cute lady Hunter tapped him over his shoulder. "Shafter you left, and after you beat Jerra and Erarke, my team got a lot of attention that Mond gave us resources and higher Quest to earn some money and buy equipment."

So they became something of an idol, Ned smiled with the thought. At least, they get to improve.

Although Ned wanted to talk to Twali, but since he wasn't here anymore in the manor. He might as well talk to Horn's team since he helped Ned entered, and it won't hurt him to talk to them.

Horn led Ned back to the sparing circle, where, as always, crowded with Hunters on training.

But this time, Horn's team was resting in the center-most of the flat sparring circle.

There, Ned saw Loti: the white-bearded old man that showed him the full scale of his Water Flowing Stance. Beside Loti was Bud sitting with his butt and sweat drenching his half-naked body. Bud was the one with a hulking physique yet with a voice so high it would come out as if a chipmunk was speaking. Behind Loti and Bud was Erarke: the farmer boy shrouded with mystery as what Twali has said since his tanned body was carved of bruises. Yet, this time he was smiling talking to Bud with his spear rested over his shoulder. And besides, the three was Jerra: the yellow-haired Werecat who was happy jumping as though she was about to box someone else. Her Werecat ears were tingling along with her smile. She still wore the glasses she was fitted to look cute.

Ned looked behind Jerra and thought: No tail there.

To Ned and everybody's surprise, Horn aside, Loti, Bud, and Jerra jerked the moment they saw Ned and walked toward him plastering happy smiles. Except for Erarke who shows a little less of a smile.

It was Bud to first approach Ned. "Ned," he said and was about to come closer to him but Ned raised a hand to stop him from going any further. "You're back!"

Loti stopped beside Bud and nodded to Ned while Jerra nearly punched him on his shoulder but failed to do so as Ned evaded it nimbly. Gaining a frown from both himself and Jerra.

"That was quick." Jerra showed a dimple under her long and wavy yellow hair. Her hair gotten longer up to his waist and to the point that it blocks her view with her bangs.

"What are you doing here?" Erarke the farm boy, began which made their smiles faded away while Jerra rolled her eyes.

"ShNed's here to see Master Twali."

Horn's words gained a whistle from both Loti and Bud.

"Wow," Bud said with his chipmunked voice. "Not everyone gets to see Master Twali so casually."

Horn, Loti, and Jerra nodded simultaneously.

"But why?" Erarke didn't wait for Ned to add more and began.

"I thought I might ask him to have a spar with me."

Erarke aside, who was raising both of his coffee brown eyebrows, the three gasped in unison.

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