Becoming Legend

Chapter 316: The Book

"You were different the last time we fought." Jerra manages to say words after Erarke took the time to help her and settle down under a tree.

Ned was asking for Twali in the first approach, but it seemed that he fought a satisfying fight.

"I managed to train even if it is just a short time," Ned replied after brushing off the scattered dust over his shoulder.

Erarke raised an eyebrow but manage to not utter a word. He lost. Simple as that, and behind those glassy dark eyes were determination, and Ned hoped it wasn't humiliation that he lost to someone younger than his and not even a Hunter.

The team circled under the tree, with Erarke standing behind Loti and Bud. But no matter how he tried to hide behind the two, his scars—no. His tattoos, rather, were visible. It was a dark ink etched over what seemed to be calluses. They were vividly visible under the bright blue sky. It was swirls of dark ink and some parts, especially under his chest, and arms were faded words.

It was at this moment that Loti manage to notice Ned and unbutton his bluish military cloak and gave it to Erarke. The team has gotten closer after a few months that they took care of each other. This kind of team was Ned needed to have. Yet unable to, since he was more comfortable doing things alone.

Yet, he knew, his soloing was to end soon after he finds and brings Gogmurch back to the Hive and swap for Katolin.

Ned's fight with Jerra has started to attract the attention of passersby above the bridge and around the river bed.

This made the team to prepare and leave the bridge.

On their way back to Lord Sven's manor, Ned learned from the team that not all of them came out of the same Hunter's Exam.

Loti and Jerra were Hunters of the Bogblot region just at different times. To everyone's surprise. Jerra gets to pass first the Hunter's Exam 2 years ago in Sudden Plate City but has to stop accepting Quest after she left for her hometown.

Loti on the other hand passed the Hunter's Exam a year ago to the same place as Jerra, but struggle to advance his rank because he was rarely to accept quest and would rather work in the port instead of becoming a real Hunter. It was his nephew that convinced him to work as a Hunter for the Stormcrags.

While Bud got his license in a Hunter Exam last year in a place called Margo Island, his hometown, near the borders of Titan Cay and the Cassan Continent. Just like Ned, their island was rarely visited by the kingdom. To live for a day, some of his clansmen resorted to leaving the island and join pirate crews for the Emperors of the Titan's Cay region.

Erarke was as quiet as always. Ned often wonders if he was quiet because he was with them, or simply wanted to be quiet.

Erarke sat beside Jerra, opposite of Ned and old man Loti, while Bud sat near the coachman of the carriage.

The carriage arrived at the Stormcrag manor. The carriage had to circle the manor, which was another 15 minutes for them and stopped behind it since the front gate was still crowded of the aspiring Hunters wanted to join the House Stormcrag.

Loti paid the coachman as he insisted against Ned.

Overwhelmed by both Loti and Bud's persuasion, Ned let go of the matter. But inside, he was contended since he's got less gold to spend.

After bidding goodbye, Ned left for Market Ventura to check for Barbo and Mina regarding his request.

On his way to the Market Ventura, Ned saw a ship over the horizon. It was rather massive for a ship since it was visible even if Ned was kilometers away from the port.

Ned pays no mind to the crowd forming ahead of their carriage, or the hunters and merchants bickering on the side, or the kids selling monster parts over the side to the right of them. He was more eager to see what the blacksmith have for him. Although it was just yesterday, Ned was not able to contain his excitements as to what they came up with the revolver weapon.

Several turns to the streets, and cutting through the pedestrian were made before Ned arrived at the Market Ventura.

Not minding the crowd inside the market, Ned proceeds to Barbo shop. There, Mina was busy stacking things while Barbo was nowhere to be seen.

"Uncle Bo's gone to get some materials." Mina hurriedly turned around to approach Ned. He was a year older than Ned. Yet, Ned could feel a younger brother vibe on him.

A stack of paper laid to rest over the table where Mina was busy doing his things. On the same table, Ned put his House card, gaining a long gasp from Mina.

"It is done," Ned said, stepping back from Mina. "Now it's your turn."

Although temporary, Mina's eyes show delight. He grabbed the House card and for a moment, Ned saw what it feels to be like a kid even though he never experienced it.

"Where's Barbo?" Ned said.

Mina's shoulders shrugged, but let go of the thought as he looked at Ned.

Great, Ned thought. What a way to break the mood.

Ned's body was that of a kid, and it was rare for him to call someone with honorifics. That must be the reason why the blacksmith apprentice seemed to change the mood.

Just take it as it is. Ned shrugged as well along with a thought.

"He went to get supplies and materials. We already started to mold the weapon." Mina handed the House card back to Ned with a smile, and proceed to finish stacking the papers over the table. "But it would take days before it cools off. We needed to have a sturdy body for the weapon and we can't risk making some shortcuts. Mhmm.... that's what Uncle Bo said before he left."

For once, Ned was convinced that Mina was actually walking the same path as his uncle. But it seemed that he's got a long way to go.

Ned nodded in return for an honest answer. Some merchants and smiths would take only someone's money and proceed to make the items or weapons without regarding the final product.

Ned smiled from the thought that his judgment has not gone to waste.

"You seemed happy, Master Ned?"

The question broke Ned's thought with a confused face. "Master?" he said.

"Y-yes." Mina towered Ned but his presence was somewhat the opposite as he spoke looking down the amber floor. Ashes and fumes scattered on the floor that with every step produces a swirl of them. "We are now under the House Sskat's care, and you as the owner be called Master."

Mina's voice rang under the ceiling, he's got a rounded voice that seemed ahead of his age. But still, he wasn't able to look Ned directly in the eyes.

Can't help it, Ned thought locking his hands behind his back. "I'm somewhat lucky to find you guys as my blacksmiths."

Mina flushed red on his face. "N-no... it was the opposite. Uncle Bo has been looking for a House to work with and it has been years when we were kicked out on our last House."

"Kicked?" Ned had to ask, they were under him now. Perhaps, it's better to know something about the two.

Mina nodded and said, "Yes. Uncle Bo was joining Raid to gather materials when his House accused him of stealing them before the House noted the materials. As you know, monster parts were used to make magical items. But that's not what happened, Master Ned. Okay?! Uncle Bo never stole materials to make weapons. He's not that kind of man."

This time, Mina got the strength to look Ned in the eyes. The latter was not lying, and Ned hoped it should stay that way.

"I have to prepare." Ned fingered his silver hair and spun to leave the shop. "I should get going, Mina."

"I-If you don't mind. Where are you going?"

"Just off outside. Trying to find spells that will complement with my mana."

Ned got a hint as to where to find the old goblin, he's got a new sword, and a revolver he didn't expect to have just by visiting the Market Ventura. Now that his preparations were almost finished, it's time for the real deal. To buy himself spells that would be useful for the Hunter's Exam. And Market Ventura got what he wanted.

And I almost forgot. I do not have the gold for that. Ned slapped his face internally. His gold was just enough to buy him a slot in the Hunter's Exam. Now that he remembered his lack of resources, his focus wandered to his display. That, for some reason, his energy bar was blinking half under his mana bar.

And never had breakfast, Ned thought with another slap to his face. No wonder I barely moved during the fight.

"Spells?" Mina's voice once again broke Ned's thought. "Wait!"

Mina stood letting the wooden stool rolled to his side and ran inside the room where he and Barbo used to talk with their agreement.

"Inside, Master Ned!"

Ned's forehead formed lines.

"Master Ned! Please come inside."

It took twice for Mina to call Ned. Curious, Ned went inside the room. There, another table was waiting for him with Mina gesturing for Ned to seat on the wooden chair next to it. His smile was shiny over his white teeth.

On the table was a book: hardbound with greyish and old leather. And on the center was an iron panel with a hole in the middle where a key was used to open it.

Ned wondered about the book.

As Mina saw Ned's confused eyes, he explained: "This book is a payment by a mage before. She can't pay for the shield she was asking for. Instead, the mage paid with a spellbook. Uncle Bo thought he was fooled because when he tried to sell the book, no one tried to buy it since it won't open."

"Spellbook?" Ned can't contain his excitement and proceed to open the book. But after trying once, and a second time, the book wouldn't open no matter the force he was exerting.

[Try to imbue it with mana.]

ICE's voice enlightened Ned and proceed to put mana into the book through the iron panel.

As soon as he does, the panel clicked and the Spellbook bulged open.

"Elementary Book of Spells." Ned hummed as he read the writings over on its first page.

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