Becoming Legend

Chapter 334: Caress

Silence, after the enemy, attacked Newter unprepared.

The once longing and scenic view were now filled with craters, broken trees, and dead bodies littering the ground.

A loud thud hit the ground, all eyes gazing at the purple lighting showering the base of the hill.

Gogmurch and Napond stood a good far distance from each other. Sometimes, Gogmurch could not hold himself from smirking as his green rounded eyes glancing at Napond. Who would have thought that the captor now fought together with his slave?

Ned stood with blood running under his mask. The Kurashinpi was almost half-broken, showing pale skin underneath. Silk Road tattered on both sides. Tore from fighting. Both his magical items were too slow to fix themselves. It was to be expected since Ned's Mana was down to a hundred. A little more, and he would, once again, Mana Burned.

I can't afford that to happen, Ned thought wiping blood and sweat. Heavy breath that produces steam underneath his mask.

Ned walked the nearby tree, dead body lingering beside it, where Butterfly, now half-broken, was seen lying beside it.

Ned reached for the broken Butterfly. Even his energy dwindles at less than 14%, unable to use Vanishing Stance.

All this while, he was fighting with Brute and Vanishing Stance. Still, their enemy was standing, alive and well.

After the dust and greyish clouds settled, all eyes widened, and jaws locked open.

Newter, if she liked to be called by that name after she was evolved to her final form: black, fine, and strong fur. Claws retracting whenever she wanted. Eyes of red and glowing looking down at the Guulvorg underneath her foot.

Both now at almost the same size: nearly 40 meters on four. But Newter was having wings underneath her forelimbs. Her spike rattled before she threw them to the Guulvorg, hitting its eyes, and neck. Newly spiked formed after that. Her skin was also black, and now with a newly added tail, she was looking like a massive black panther only with a pair of wings.

She strangled the Guulvorg with her paws, locking the latter's neck.

The Guulvorg struggled but was unable to free itself from Newter's lock.

Newter screamed and blew Fireball after Fireball straight to her enemy's face.

Although immune to fire, the Guulvorg screamed of pain from the impact. This was the first time that they witness the Guulvorg struggled.

Unable to free itself, the Guulvorg waved its bulb-like tail and produced electricity from it. Purple lightning creeping on the ground, exploding upon contact with the wyvern. Newter was baby no more.

Gogmurch reached first beside Ned before the limping Napond.

"What have you done this time?" Gogmurch began. Jaw now moving, but his eyes seemed to be well impressed by what he was witnessing.

Ned looked past his left shoulder after he recalled the Butterfly back to his Ring as though he was already sure that Guulvorg was to be defeated.

"Just a little help," Ned replied under his breath. A thread of silver hair leaving the gaps in his mask. "But it won't last long."

Just like Coco the mythical cat, Newter would soon be reverted back to his baby state, but before that could happen, she needed to defeat the abnormal beast first.

Ned was counting in his head. 5, perhaps, 6 or 7 minutes, Ned thought and sighed. Just in time for Napond to reach the two of them.

"Baron-sir," he said, polite as he may, his voice was whizzing. Jade ax resting over his shoulder. Cracks on his bluish and greenish armor were visible under the right angles of the sun. "Maker's tongue." He was more than surprised. "Ishashil-savior-of-all-living, what have you done?"

Ned frowned under his mask. He almost forgot, they were once attacking him, but Ned assumed the truce won't last long after his support comes marching in.

"Nothing, Hunter-sir." Still, the hunter helped them fighting the beast, he was, or at least gain a speck of Ned's respect.

"Call me Napond, Nap would be fine as well," Napond or Nap said. "He waved a hand before Ned.

Of course, this was the first time that Ned and Napond had an open talk.

"What about the two Hunter?"

Napond smiled, he was a man a little taller than Ned. He has shining bald, and thick lips, and thick eyebrows, and a thick nose. But he was approachable for a high-rank hunter.

The air before them whistled, gushing whirlwind flowing restlessly mid-air. Evolved Newter wagged her tail and struck the Guulvorg on its chest and the same time, cutting the bones behind its back. Gaining a wild, and pleading scream from the Guulvorg.

"It seemed that your friend is winning." Napond rested the ax before him, resting the butt with his arms. "Thanks to you, they survive. Sooner, support will arrive."

Gogmurch hissed, razor-sharp teeth showing green mold, he then mumbled something that made Napond frowned in confusion.

"We can't just yet," Ned said, looking at the beast beside him. "Also, they helped us."

Looking at Newter, who was winning as Guulvorg was still locked underneath her, Napond turned to Ned and said, "So, you can talk to them as well." He was dumbfounded as Ned was able to talk to Gogmurch. Since, no one, no one has ever made it possible to talk to a magical beast. Not until now, of course. "What did it said?"

"He said he will kill you."

Napond rushed to pull the ax buried on the ground and extended himself in a lunging position with the ax resting over his shoulder covered with bluish light as he was about to conjure a spell.

"Easy." Ned raised a hand while Gogmurch only smirked. "He won't do it as long as I'm here."

"Yes," Gogmurch grumbled, confusing the Hunter even further. "When you're around. Lucky him his safe."

Napond knitted his brows but recalled all the Mana he was about to spend on a spell. A deafening roar rang their ears, as a flash of purple lightning stormed the surrounding under the hill.

Newter flew directly to Ned and the rest and opened her wings, protecting Ned and the rest from the lighting.

The three thought as though the area has just turned night after Newter opened her wings, catching all the light from the sun, and the purple lighting randomly striking from above.

After the bolts of lightning vanished, Guulvorg could be seen leaving the battlefield with its tail between its legs.

I don't think so. If Newter could speak, that would be his words as Ned looking at her hissing.

A flap of his wings threw him upward and landed before the frozen tail Guulvorg. She then swung her spiky tail onto her enemy's head. Throwing the beast further back the base of the hill.

Newter flapped her wings once again, making her fly. She then hovered midair before diving back to Guulvorg.

The ground shook after Newter threw her massive self to the beast.

The moment the dust settled, Newter could be seen biting the forelimb of the lupine beast. She snarled until she broke the forelimb. Snarled once again until she successfully tore its limb apart.

Throwing the torn limb aside, Newter pushed the Guulvorg deeper in the ground and, this time she growled with fiery breath leaving her mouth.

She then pulled the Guulvorg closer to her and forced open its mouth as wide as she could possible. A moment of stunned silence lingering in the air.

But without hesitation, Newter blew fiery breath to the Guulvorg's mouth. Deep down to its throat, deep to its stomach, deep to where the lump of meat was once beating with a dab-dab sound.

The Guulvorg shook its body. But no matter how hard it struggles, Newter's grip was too strong that it tore a pelt under its jaw.

Guulvorg's eyes widened until it was filled with red flame, popping its eyes off its sockets. A hole where its former eyes were visible, this same hole was filled with flaming energy. Its throat then expanded along with its chest, and stomach. It was expanding so fast, it was almost about to burst.

And burst it does after Newter's flame came burrowing deep down its body.

Guulvorg was turned to pieces of black meat. The former glory of the Guulvorgs was turned to nothing but char. Aside from one.

A lump of meat, this time bigger than the previous fist-sized meat, was seen beating under a crater.

Newter came rushing toward the lamp of meat and blew a fiery breath. Turning the meat to ash.

"I," Napond said. "It would be better if we could study the lump of meat."

"Guess you won't anymore," Ned said under his breath, also smirking.

Newter came rolling and stopped before Ned.

The three had to look up to meet the wyvern's eyes.

She wagged her tail back and forth and lowered her black furry head to Ned. Waiting for a caress. And caress she got after Ned reached for her head and brush them gently.

"You have done a good job," Ned said and fell on both his knees with a smile he was plastering.

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