Behind the Scenes from American Comics

Chapter 43

Chapter 43 The Weakest Iron Fist In History

Hearing the reminder of [Zhuge Qing], the defenders looked up.

I saw that in the dark night, a terrifying blood mist swept over, and along with the blood mist, there was a bloody rain.

The rain was scarlet, strange and inexplicable. After it fell to the ground, even the raging flames were dyed red by it.

[Extreme value from Daredevil Matt Murdoch +854]

[The amazing value from Luke Cage +865]

[Extreme value from Jessica Jones +992]

[The exclamation value from the punisher Frank Custer +845]

[Amazing value from Tekken Danny Rand +873]

Needless to say.

Seeing this very villain-style appearance, the defenders know… the Gorefiend is here!

as predicted!

After the blood mist dissipated, [Gorefiend] vibrated the scarlet wings behind him and appeared in front of everyone with a grinning smile.

“This is the Gorefiend? It looks so ugly!”

Jessica couldn’t help but complain.

“Don’t be careless.”

Matt’s eyes were dignified, he clenched the short stick tightly, and said to the Punisher after a moment of contemplation: “Frank, test your firepower first to see if you can knock down the Gorefiend.”

Frank nodded silently, raised the M16 automatic rifle in his hand and aimed it at the Gorefiend, emptying the entire magazine in one go.

Bang bang bang!

For a time, the gunshots were loud, but it was lonely.

Because Frank was targeting Matt, if it wasn’t for Luke Cage’s timely response and blocking Matt with his body, Matt would be cold now.

? ? ?

The defenders were a little bewildered.

“Frank was caught in the Gorefiend’s illusion.”

[Zhuge Qing] shot in time, woke up Frank with one finger, and explained: “Before I left the mountain and sea world, a senior from Shushan reminded me that the most difficult part of the Gorefiend was not his magic trick of manipulating blood, but His Hypnotic Ability and illusion.”

“Hypnotic Ability? Illusion?”

Jessica froze when she heard this.

“Just don’t look him in the eyes.”

[Zhuge Qing] Looking directly into the scarlet eyes of the Gorefiend, “He uses his eyes to perform illusions.”

“Then how can you see it?” Jessica asked when she didn’t understand.

“Because I’m a warlock!”

[Zhuge Qing] squinted his eyes, stepped forward on the auspicious position of Lizi, and said softly: “Lizi – Fire Meteor.”

The voice just fell.

In the dark night, dozens of orange-red fireballs shot up into the sky and shot towards the Gorefiend with a turbulent force.

“The warlock of the Zhuge family? It seems that I have a good time tonight!”

[Blood Demon] Jie Jie sneered, raised his hand to control the blood mist, and turned it into countless blood-colored bats.

The bats are densely packed, covering the entire sky, At the moment is swooping, madly rushing towards the people below.


Zhuge Qing’s orange-red red ball hit the bat group, but it didn’t play a big role. The exaggerated number of blood-colored bats flashed red light in their eyes and continued to rush to the ground at an extremely fast speed.

“Everyone be careful!”

[Zhuge Qing] Lightning flashes all over the body, blocking the crowd in front of everyone, “Once bitten by blood bats, they will melt into your body and explode.”

Hearing this, the defenders looked at each other. Luke Cage and Jessica, who had strong physical defenses, took the initiative to stand in front, while Frank in the back silently raised the muzzle.


Matt clenched the short stick in his hand and felt a deep sense of powerlessness for the first time.

He found that his strength was still too weak.

At this level of combat, it simply cannot play its due role.


When Matt was thinking about it, the few people in front had already started to fight against the blood bat group.

[Zhuge Qing] Lightning flashed all over his body, killing the blood bats that approached him one after another, while Jessica and Luke Cage resisted torn by hand with their strong body defense.

[Lu Xiaofeng] and Iron Fist Danny Rand are not here.

The two rose into the air, one left and one right, attacking the Gorefiend in the sky.


The hero sword is drawn again!

The vast sword intent slashed towards the Gorefiend along with the fierce sword light.

And Danny waved his fists, sending out golden energy light waves.


[Blood Demon] didn’t even look at Danny, just stared at the hero sword in Lu Xiaofeng’s hand, blood mist began to surge around him frantically, turning into ten blood-colored giant wolves.

Among them, the nine-headed blood wolf opened its huge mouth and rushed towards Lu Xiaofeng, and turned around and rushed towards Danny.

(╬ ̄Dish ̄)!

Danny felt pissed off.

This Gorefiend is too despised.

He waved his golden fists, took the initiative to speed up and rushed towards the blood wolf, and then…

Then he was slapped by the blood wolf.


A human-shaped pit was smashed into the ground, and Danny lay in the pit with a doubtful expression on his face.

Before he left Kunlun, Shou Lao once highly praised him, saying that he was an unborn genius who had initially mastered the power of Iron Fist and could be on his own.

As a result, this is it?

Danny suspects that he has been fooled by the old man.

Look up to the sky.

He wanted to see how [Lu Xiaofeng] was doing.

A blood wolf is so fierce, [Lu Xiaofeng] facing the nine heads alone, isn’t it fierce? !

However, the truth is exactly the opposite of what Danny thought.

[Lu Xiaofeng] Holding the hero sword, they slammed a group, and one person beat ten blood wolves.

The reason why there are ten is because the blood wolf that swept Danny, and seeing how good Danny is, he also chose to go back and besiege Lu Xiaofeng.

But even in the face of ten blood wolves besieged, [Lu Xiaofeng] was still able to handle it with ease and firmly gained the upper hand.

[The amazing value from Tekken Danny Rand +1500]

Seeing this scene, Danny is completely autistic! *

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