
Chapter 40: ~Registration.~

One more chapter before exile.

“I raise my hands and wriggle like a snake, the feathers shake.

Then I rattle my doll and sing my song, the end of the ritual doesn't take long.

The mushrooms taste good, so I give the fire another piece of wood.

Humping my back is easy to do, just not stepping wrong, whatever I do.

I stomp on the ground and my enemies are no more found.”

-The Great Shaman.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***


“Here, I organized this overview on the different courses of studies. Since you can sign up for any of them, you might want to check out what's available.” I hand our guests four stashes of paper while I lead them to the main office of the university.

Nikita flips through the pages. “Many of them are about random stuff, I thought this university focuses on magic?”

I nod. “Many choose to learn something that helps them in governing the country. The mages of Nict are mostly Governors for cities, officials, or they serve in other high positions and offices. If you want to rule a country, you need to know more than magic. We learn most of our magic in school until we are fifteen, but there are plenty of magical courses to choose from. If you are interested in our magical system, you could join one of the lessons with tutorship. The tutors are older students who help others on various subjects.”

“Hmm, I see. Nay, say... that general studies course. The tutor is listed as Azir Zait. Is that you?” Padma holds the sheet towards me and points at my course.

“Yes, that's my course. Feel free to join it. The general studies course is there to assist students who have questions on scientific themes and magic. I don't answer questions which should be covered by higher courses.”

Adala uses the sheets to fan herself. It's not a particularly hot day, but the Dwemer still looks a little ropy. “So you are really smart. As expected from someone who can build such handy artefacts.” She pulls her golden communication card out of her pocket. “What's your IQ?”

I raise an eyebrow. “What's an IQ?” I don't think that I heard the word yet.

“Intelligence Quotient. It's a test to measure how smart you are. In our country every magician has to take one before she or he can start an education. If you aren't smart enough to do it, you aren't allowed to become a shaman.” Adala ends her explanation.

Ah, I think there was something similar in my old world. “That sounds pretty stupid.” Oops. There my tongue slipped, I should have formulated that nicer.

Luckily my guests don't seem offended and just look at me with interest. Eliot is the first to speak. “Hmm. Why?”

I tilt my head. “Well, you said test. I guess you get a set of questions, riddles and problems to solve. Based on your speed and correctness, you get a certain score and that's it. But no matter how complicated and extensive such a test is, it'll always only select for certain traits.

I am of the opinion that a young person can learn everything, provided that you teach them properly. Denying someone an education because he wasn't taught properly before he took the test isn't right.” I shrug my shoulders. “If there are many who fail this IQ test, then you should either question the educational system they went through, which didn't prepare them, or the test is somehow faulty.”

“I see. Though we don't have much choice in the matter. Since our people have even less shamans than yours, we never have enough to teach everyone with potential. Most of them have to learn a lesser magical trait.” Adala answers a little subdued.

So they lack teachers. “I see. Am I right to assume that this test aims at the traits which are needed to become a shaman? And that learning shamanistic magic is seen as the highest possible trait you can learn.”

Adala nods. “Shamanistic rituals require high concentration, knowledge and absolute discipline. Not only that, but you could someday become the Great Shaman, who is the leader of our country. The Great Shaman's word is absolute and his magic rituals are powerful enough to move mountains. Don't you have a similar system between your clans? Aren't the Gejene the most powerful magicians.”

He can move mountains!? Maybe she exaggerated that one. I scratch my chest while I think of an answer. “Saying that the Gejene are the most powerful magicians is a little farfetched. There is a certain balance between the clans. The Gejene might be strong fighters, but they aren't the strongest ones. Their power lies in their crafting skills and limitless resources. If you want something, you simply tell them what you need and you get it. And if you piss them off, you can be sure that they just have to mutter their displeasure and several clans are on your heels. Their power is more on the economic side, just look at your house, one of their crafting groups built it within a few hours with everything that's inside.”

I take a breath. “If you are thinking of someone who wields our magical system the best, you have to look at the Siorda, but they aren't that powerful either. Their real talent lies in administration and strategy.

If you want someone healed there is nobody better than an Eddin and never try to kill one of them, they simply stand up like nothing happened. Unless you make sure that they are dead with the first hit.

The Veit are unsurpassed in buffs and enchantments. If you want a neat artefact enhanced a little further, they are the ones you call.

If it comes to pure fighting power it's much better to take a look at the Zait, Anja or Tinn. The other clans always rely on our assistance when there is a problem with the southern nations. Especially the Veit, their capital city is directly at the border to the south.”

Nikita purses her lips in a cute way. “Thanks for opening our eyes to the complicated relationships between your clans. So it's not like the Gejene can say the word and everyone jumps without thinking.”

I snort. “That's certainly not the case, even if they can probably get Nict to do anything they want if it's necessary. It's not as if that's restricted information. I am sure you would've found out soon enough with time.”

Adala nods, accepting my little hint at their true purpose. Then we finally arrive at the university's reception building. Smiling, I gesture for them to go inside and follow.

Two hours later we finally leave the building. Feeding them with the necessary information to choose interesting courses and classes took me and the poor secretary all our patience. They may be young, but those guys are thorough in what they are doing.

Each of them carries a stack of documents and books, which are necessary for their courses. I place my hands on my back and face them, forcing a smile onto my face. “Since you have everything you need, will you manage on your own from here?”

“I think that will be no problem.” Adala bows and walks off while looking at a map of the university. Padma and Nikita say their goodbyes in the same manner and leave, bound for their own courses.

They only one who is still here is Eliot. The male Dwemer is looking up to me and grinning. “Now that the girls are gone, you can show me the important places in this city! Where is a good bar for brawls and a brothel to celebrate the victory?”

“I... am not sure. I think the only bars which match your wish are filled with commoners. The bars for magicians aren't that rough. They certainly won't stick to their fists if there is a dispute. As for brothels, I have no experience with those, but you'll surely find one in the red light district of the city.” I point towards the main gate of the university. I know the city quite well from all my dates with Stella.

Though it's very unlikely to walk with your girlfriend into a brothel, or a bad bar. So I can't help him in that regard.

Eliot's eyes widen. “Don't tell me that you don't have any fun here. What does a man have to do here to let off some steam?”

I smile wryly at him. “Oh, I don't know, fucking your girlfriend maybe?”

His expression drops. “That gets boring, a man of your calibre needs a little change from time to time.”

Smirking at him, I cross my arms in front of my chest. “There is no need if you have a Gejene as a girlfriend. She can change her hair-colour as she wants.”

“What!” He gasps.

I whisper. “And if you ask nicely, she even adjusts her three sizes!”

His expression drops. “You are lying... or not? That's not fair!”

Then I sigh. “Anyway, it's hard for us mages to mingle with the commoners.”

He tilts his head in confusion. “Why?”

“There are strict rules against hurting or attacking people without magic. If I were to walk into a bar and hit someone, the least I have to expect is that I get a severe public punishment, if not executed.” I chuckle. “Not to mention that as soon as they find out that you have magic, they'll throw themselves to the ground and worship you.

And there would be an uproar if a mage is seen in a brothel. All mages are treated as nobility. Isn't it the same in your country? What do you guys do to stop mages from misusing their powers.”

Eliot looks a little disturbed. “Well, nothing. The shamans are the leaders and the rest does what the leaders tell them to do. The others with magical talents aren't that disconnected from the rest of society.”

I frown. “So what's your magic?”

Eliot stands straighter. “I specialize in body strengthening and hand to hand combat. Actually I wondered if there is something like duelling on this academy. I would like to test my skills. What about you?”

I shrug my shoulders. “A bit of everything I guess. My true calling is creating artefacts like the golden cards. And as for duels... I think you'll have some in the military lessons you signed up for. I have to warn you against challenging anyone on open ground. Such duels tend to go on until one participant is seriously wounded.”

His expression is a little disturbed. “Seriously. You guys don't know how to have fun. I'll take you out the next time and we'll search for a good brothel... such a miserable existence. I have to get to my course now.” He turns to leave.

“Don't forget the dinner tonight. Stella invited all of you to a fine restaurant.” I call after him.

Eliot waves his hand and disappears between the other students. I sigh, relieved, and start heading towards the healing institute. I have to do some research there.


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