
Chapter 43: ~Rage.~

“If using your emotions correctly gains you power, what do you get by abandoning them?”

-The Great Shaman.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***


Being a guide for the Dwemer is troublesome. Eliot is causing quite a lot of trouble recently, it almost feels like they are up to something. At least he became a little more docile since Azir completely overpowered and knocked him out. I admit that the situation was in Azir's favour, but Eliot doesn't want to admit that.

Recently I am in really bad shape and to top everything off my sister Sola invited me to a meeting. She left me alone for quite a while. Unfortunately our work requires us to talk to each other.

Right now I am waiting for her on university grounds in a restaurant. The street behind the window is full of people, but the restaurant I am sitting in is almost empty. She said that she has important information about our guests and gave me this location as a meeting place.

“Hi, sister!”

A voice from behind alarms me and I turn around while sipping on my orange juice. It's my sister in a plain dress. Is she trying to play a secret agent? It's unusual for her to restrain herself like that. Normally she dresses like a queen, so that everyone is able to recognize her status at a single glance.

I sit a little straighter and smile. “Good morning. What's the reason for this meeting?”

Sola purses her lips and takes a seat. “Don't be so uptight. Even if we don't like each other, if it concerns the country we should keep our problems to ourselves.” She sits down in front of me.

I grumble. “Even so, I don't understand why you are inviting me like this. And what's up with this outfit? Are you trying to hide from someone?”

Her expression turns troubled. “Our guests made contact with some individuals whom we believe to be part of the black magician's organization. We want to observe the situation further to see if we can find more people who are related to them.”

“But...” My sister's revelation hits me like a sledgehammer. “I can't believe it. They are responsible for all of this? Why would they expose themselves like that?” This makes no sense! I didn't think of them as bad people, I even became friends with Adala. At least I thought of us as friends. Of course I know that they are mainly concerned for their own country, but I can't believe that they are related to the black magicians! Am I really that bad at judging people?

Sola raises one finger. “I didn't say that they are working together, but they are spies from a foreign country. It's logical that they are trying to get connections within our own country. If they are able to gain the trust of the black magicians, they might be able to gain information, which we are holding back from them.”

I form fists with my hands and try to control my feelings. “It seems logical, but I still don't like the idea. So we found another group of them operating within our borders?”

My sister shrugs her shoulders. “Mother's agents are working around the clock to uncover their secrets, but it's hard if you don't have any connections to them. Their biggest protection is that they don't recruit people from within our country, yet they are able to train them sufficiently. They are able to hide themselves really well.”

I groan. “So you are saying that this is turning into a conflict with three sides participating at the same time? This can only end in chaos!”

Sola leans back. “More like a fight with four parties. We shouldn't forget the southern nations. It looks like they have their fingers in this too. At least our agents there say that some of them have interest in a war between Nict and Dwemer. There is still the possibility that the Dwemer are the force behind the black magicians, but I don't believe that. If that is the case, then they wouldn't need to set up such clumsy meetings with the agents whom we believe to be involved.”

“We have agents within the southern nations?” I didn't know that. “And why don't you grab the black magicians in the capital if you already identified a few of them. If they are operating openly enough to be recognized, it surely means that they are about to strike again!”

She makes a dismissive gesture, but her expression tells me that she doesn't like it either. “Maybe calling our informants from the southern nations 'agents' is overdoing it. They are people who are informing us of their little power games. A few sacks of gold are also involved.

Regarding the black magicians we identified, our parents believe that we should wait until we are certain to give them a decisive blow. The last stand off against them stopped their plans, but in regards to information, we are still fighting against a shadow. You can't win a war without knowing whom you are fighting.”

I stare at my sister while considering the options. There isn't much I can do if our parents decided to gather information first. Maybe they are right, if another confrontation with the black magicians turns out in a similar manner, we gain nothing and remain as clueless as before.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***

***Assassin, Black Magician***

This is better than I thought. Smiling at the waitress, I take my cup of tea and place a few coins on the table. I was paid to deal a blow to the Gejene, according to my performance I'll get more money.   Stalking the first heir of the Gejene was a hard task, she was obviously trained in avoiding pursuers.

She even used her ability to take a few short-cuts through buildings and walls. If it wasn't for my ability to identify a certain person's aura, I would have lost her.

And now she met with her sister! I shudder in pleasure as I think about my reward and take off the heavy wristband on my left arm. I trace the proper rune to activate the delayed spell and slip the item under the cushion of my seat.

Creating such wristbands is costly and takes a lot of time, but I guess the use of one will pay off if I get both of the sisters. I'll surely get out of this with a big bonus for my pouch.

Then I stand up and leave the restaurant. My targets are sitting just a few metres away from the seat which I occupied just moments ago. The delayed spell within the wristband should trigger an explosion, powerful enough to kill everyone within the restaurant.

I take position outside of the restaurant and wait. People are walking in all directions and I feel safe inside the crowd. Normally I would leave immediately after placing a trap like this, but I was briefed on the Gejene's abilities.

After everything I heard about their abilities I fear that they might be able to survive the explosion. I should stay to finish the job, just in case.

Confirming the kill is also important, if I run back and report their death while they actually survived isn't good in my branch.

While I am counting the seconds, one of the sisters looks through the window and waves at a group of people. They are walking past the restaurant and I can identify two women and a man, as well as a male and a female Dwemer.

I bite into my lower lip, but it's too late. I heard that the Dwemer might become allies if we play our cards right. They turn and head towards the restaurant, but before they arrive at the entrance, the time on my item runs out.

Both of the sister's heads snap towards the seat where I placed my wristband. I smile in respect, there are not many magicians who can detect a triggered spell like that. A second later the restaurant turns into a ball of flames and the approaching party is blown off their feet. The civilians around me twitch in shock and several people go down, being hit by debris. Good, the Dwemer shouldn't be dead.

I watch calmly while the world seems to stop. It's always interesting to watch the moment after one of my attacks. Most people need quite a while to recover and adjust to the situation. Originally I had hoped that I could use this moment to rush in and finish the job.

But the man and one woman from the approaching group jumped up immediately after the explosion and entered a fighting stance. There was no opportunity to make certain of the kill since I am not that good in personal combat. Using triggered spells and poison is my forte, I am not stupid enough to rush between several hostiles. I click with my tongue and continue to hide myself within the mass of confused people. After the silence of the first shock, the moaning of the wounded starts.

One of the women rushes into the destroyed building, followed by one of the Dwemer. They return with the Gejene from the smoke. Both of them look wounded, but alive. At least the women is casting healing magic on my targets.

They are sturdy ones, again I click with my tongue. Should I call it a day? It doesn't look like they'll give me a second chance. Next time I'll use poison or a higher spell. That's what I get for being stingy with my equipment, though I would have never thought that anyone can tank such an explosion with just a few moments to prepare. I frown and spend some time watching them, then I realize that a big crowd of watchers gathered around the scene.

I walk closer and use them as cover, maybe I'll get my chance after all. More people arrive, but this time they look like healers. They take over in treating the sisters and the other people who got caught up in it. My gaze wanders, searching for an opening, but there are just too many people arriving on the scene and some of them look like military. At least they are pushing the crowd back and me with it.

One of the sister's starts crying and the healer who is treating her pushes her down. I notice that the man of the group is talking into a golden card. Just a moment later another figure appears on the scene. It's a young man and he simply appeared besides the guy who was talking to the card.

He immediately steps towards the Gejene who is wailing on the ground and pushes her down. He is talking to the healer and the crying girl. His expression turns from confusion, to pain. Then he starts to stroke the girls hair while she is clinging to him.

His gaze wanders aimlessly around until his eyes fix upon me and stay there. I watch his expression turning cold as his eyes make contact with mine.

A bad feeling runs down my spine and I turn to leave the scene.

***Free City States of Nict, Capital***


“I lost it...” Stella whimpers repeatedly while holding onto my clothes. The healer promised that she and her sister will survive, though the growing life within Stella is lost. I stroke her head in a vain attempt to soothe her.

A torrent of emotions runs through me as I realize that I can neither solve nor fix this problem. The person I love for whatever reason is crying and I can't help her. I never saw Stella crying before and it feels like something stabs right into my heart.

She lost her child and I can't change it. Our child. My child. My gaze wanders and I scan the faces of the crowd. There I see pain, confusion, curiosity, shock... shouldn't I feel some of those feelings too? Why is there just this strange pain in my chest.

Then my eyes lock onto a certain face, it shows neither of the feelings which should be expected. The face belongs to a woman with average looks and average features. Her gaze is analysing and thoughtful. That's not the expression of someone who is caught up in a terrorist attack.

She realizes that I'm looking directly into her eyes and flinches. It can't be, am I just imaging things? My raging feelings stop from one moment to the next. Then she turns away, but not like someone who is uncomfortable with the eye contact. Her whole demeanour screams guilty while she is hastily walking away! It's almost as if she is fleeing the scene.

I teleport directly in front of her, not caring if anyone sees my display of skill. It's just a stupid hunch, but I have to confirm it. It can't be that the assassin who set the bomb stayed to watch. But maybe she stayed to confirm the kill and thought herself safe within the crowd?

Her eyes widen upon realizing my appearance in front of her and she looks over her shoulders to confirm that I am gone from my previous location. Then she attempts to run from me, dropping a wristband onto the ground while turning.

I kick the thing with all my might before it touches the ground and leap after the woman. Now I know why I found her strange! She was just a touch too average, like someone who didn't want to be remembered. And she looks just a little too old for a student, though she tried to look younger by applying tons of make up.

The wristband flies up into the sky and I manage to grab her. An explosion occurs above us and confirms my hunch. Both of us go down and she attempts to grapple with me.

Rage wells up inside me and my mind simply stops working. I hit her face without holding back. Blood and teeth spurt out of her mouth and she coughs while I am grabbing her clothes and pull her into an upright position.

She attempts to kick my feet away from under me, but I throw myself onto her with all my weight, placing my elbow on her throat while doing so. She lands on her back and I grin as I crush her throat. She was clearly trained in combat and had a reason to run.

Her arms flail at me and I pull her towards me, then I slam her into the ground. Her eyes widen in disbelief at the sudden brutality of my attack. I can't stand her expression and grab her head, placing my thumbs on her eyes.

Then I push them inside, invading her mind at the same time. We struggle for several moments and sparks of magical power surge back and forth between us. Her tail wriggles around my hands and her hands claw into my flesh as I am tearing her mind apart.

She tries to scream, but everything that escapes her crushed throat is a silent gurgle.

Piece by piece, Memory by memory, I strip away the being that calls herself Reagan. Memories of her childhood, I don't need them, so I discard them. Her mouth displays a silent scream and her body convulses as I continue my work.

Finally I find what I want and though it's not as much as I want to know, it suffices. I let go and raise my hands above her face. Concentrating on her soul, a green mist is released from her mouth and gathers into an orb between my hands.

Chuckling, I pull my hands apart. There is actually resistance and the orb stretches and bends between my fingers. She won't become a threat ever again. Finally the orb pops like a balloon and I hear the final scream of a dying soul as it disperses into fragments. The scream isn't one of sound, but one of pure mental pain, a last echo to the world.

The body stops twitching under me and I free my hands from her tail. Then I look up and realize that everyone's gazing at me.


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