Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 23: The Overlooked Story

When Solim came back, he saw Elrond fiddling with his workbench, and Sirna was sitting on the side reading a book.

"It's over?"

"same as usual."

It was obvious that both the grandson and the grandson didn't take what happened just now to their hearts. Elrond clearly knew how capable his grandson was, and little wizards like Adelaide and Wright would not be Solim's opponents at all, and This has happened many times. Sometimes even when the little ones were fighting, the adult wizards watching would open their mouths.

"How are you doing? My lovely sister?" Solim greeted Sirna.

"As usual, the only entertainment is reading." Selna replied to Solim without looking up.

Elrond and Solim exchanged glances.

"Then brother told you some good news, how about it?" Solim went to his sister and closed the book in her hand. Solim noticed that she was reading "The Tales of Beedle the Poet"

"Oh? What? I'm smothered. I hope it's good news." Cyrna looked up at Solim.

Taking a breath, Solim said slowly to Sirna: "Sirna is going to become a wizard, what's the news?"

Silna froze for a moment, seeing that Solim did not speak, she knew that her brother would not make fun of her.

Solim saw that his sister didn't speak, so he could only continue: "Now there are some potions that can help Sirna become a wizard. If there is no accident, you will be able to go to school next year. How are you happy?"

Sirna looked past her brother to her grandfather, hoping to get his confirmation.

"That's right, little Nana will be able to go to school in Schuyler next year." Elrond responded with a smile.

Solim turned around and looked at his grandfather in disbelief: "You want to send Sylna to that crappy place?! And she's already ten years old! Schuyler doesn't accept little wizards who are older than seven years old! "

Glancing at Solim, Elrond said in dissatisfaction: "What are you calling out! The age limit is only for men, and Sylna is a girl, so there is no age limit, as long as she is under eleven years old. You are so You don’t even know this after studying for many years?”

"No! Grandpa, you know exactly what kind of place Skull is! Do you think Sylna can adapt to that kind of place?!" Solim strongly objected to sending his sister to that ghostly place like Skull. "And what the hell is the age limit, how come I didn't know it after all those years of schooling?"

"How do I know why you don't? This is common sense. Besides, Sylna is from the Selwyn family, so she can only go to Skull." Elrond was unmoved.

"Grandpa, you know what I've been through! I managed to escape from there with great difficulty..." Solim's voice became smaller and smaller, looking at the corner of his grandfather's upturned mouth, he suddenly realized something.

"Hmph...or did you say it was missed? 'It's hard', 'try to escape', right? Eh?" Elrond folded his arms and asked Solim with a smile: "So you didn't bite to death, did you? Is it because of your impulsiveness, what? Finally said what's in your heart?"


You bad old man is bad and ruthless!

Closing his eyes and taking a few breaths, Solim opened his eyes and looked at his grandfather: "So those nonsense about age restrictions are all false?"

"No, that's true. Think about it for yourself. Have you ever seen girls your age when you were in school in Schuyler? The senior female students you met were all in other schools before. You will be taught at a place where you will be taught at a certain age, and you will not be able to attend classes with male wizards until you are a certain age, have you never noticed that there are no girls of the same age around you?" When he said the last sentence, Elrond had a very strange expression.

After seeing Solim's expression, Elrond was convinced that his grandson really didn't notice this problem, "Oh my god, my god..." He said while smacking his lips: "Tsk tsk tsk...I really care for you worry about the future."


"Spare me..." Solim groaned inwardly.

Who has the time to pay attention to whether there are girls around in Si Gule's environment?

Sirna smiled and watched her grandfather and brother bickering. She likes to see such a scene very much, after all, such a warm scene will only appear on these two people in front of her in the entire gloomy and depressing castle.

"Okay, old man! Don't be kidding. Sylna must go to Hogwarts. If it doesn't work, go to Beauxbatons. Don't think about Durmstrang."

"Of course it's Hogwarts, what's the point?" Elrond gave Solim a blank look, and continued, "It's getting late, let's go up to dinner."

The three of them, grandparents and grandchildren, usually eat in a small restaurant when they eat, and they don't sit with other relatives. After all, they don't like each other very much, and they don't see each other as soon as they can.

Elrond took the lead and walked in front, while Solim talked with his sister behind.

"I just saw you reading "The Tales of Beedle the Poet". I remember that you have read it several times? It's not that there are no other books to read. Is there anything in that book that attracts you?"

"Brother, did you read that book when you were young?" Selna asked Solim back.

"Of course I saw it, what's the matter?"

"Don't you think the story of the three brothers is very interesting?"

The story of the three brothers can be said to be known to all wizards. After all, "The Tales of Beedle the Poet" can be regarded as an enlightenment book for the wizarding world. Of course Solim knows-he knew it in his previous life.

(I will not write (chao) the specific content of the story, I will post it to the work when the time comes)

"Oh? Tell me, Sirna, where do you think it's intentional?" Solim talked to Sirna at random.

"Look brother, the eldest got the wand - he was killed, the second got the resurrection stone - he committed suicide, the third got the invisibility cloak - he died. Look, how interesting, man Several ways of death are represented by these three items. You said that if a person got both the wand and the resurrection stone, how would he die?" Sierna asked Solim a question.

"Huh? What?" Solim had just heard about the resurrection stone, and couldn't help thinking that he and his grandfather were going to touch that dangerous Horcrux in a few days, so he couldn't help being a little distracted.

"Really, I'll say it again, you have to listen carefully." Sirna repeated what she just said.

Looking at his sister who was a little unhappy, Solim had to listen obediently, but as he listened, Solim's face changed, as if he heard something terrible from his sister's words.

The term Deathly Hallows is no stranger to Solim. The Elder Wand, the Resurrection Stone, and the Invisibility Cloak are the legendary Three Hallows. Let's not discuss their functions first. Let's see who owns them first.

The Elder Wand, the legendary wand that can make its master invincible is now in Dumbledore's hands.

The Resurrection Stone, which is said to be able to resurrect the dead, was made into a Horcrux by Voldemort, and was later also in Dumbledore's hands.

The Invisibility Cloak, which is said to allow users to avoid the gaze of death, will be handed over to Harry Potter by Dumbledore during this Christmas holiday.

So according to Sylna, it is also what the story tells us: the one who owned the Elder Wand was killed, Dumbledore had the Elder Wand, and Grindelwald and the wand maker Gregorovich of dé also had Over the Elder Wand, wouldn't they end up being killed? Dumbledore was killed by Snape, Grindelwald and Gregorovich were killed by Voldemort, but Solim didn't know whether Draco and Harry, who also had the Elder Wand, were killed in the end.

The resurrection stone, the owner of this thing will eventually kill himself. Except for the examples in the story, the people who once owned the Resurrection Stone in reality, except for Voldemort and Dumbledore, Solim really didn't know what happened to the others. Then let's take a look at what happened to these two people. Dumbledore was indeed killed by Snape, but he was voluntary - he was killed voluntarily. If the fate of holding the Elder Wand is to be killed, and the fate of holding the Resurrection Stone is suicide, then Dumbledore's death method is completely in line with this inference-the fate of holding these two items at the same time is to be voluntarily killed .

And then, Voldemort, he's only ever owned the Philosopher's Stone - the Elder Wand doesn't count, he's not the real owner of the Elder Wand. What is his final fate? Not to mention that the Horcrux is originally a slow suicide. In the final decisive battle, since the real owner of the Elder Wand was Harry Potter, Harry also used the Disarming Curse when using the Killing Curse, which caused the Elder Wand to return the Killing Curse to Voldemort. The Curse of Fate killed him—isn't that suicide.

Thinking of this, Solim couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. These inferences are not afraid of being false, but of being true! You know, in a few days he and Elrond will have the idea of ​​playing the resurrection stone. If these things are true...

"Brother! You're deserting again, are you listening to me? Hey!" Sirna stomped Solim hard.

It was a kick that brought Solim back to his senses.

"About your question, I think...willing to be killed. Maybe." Solim said slowly, word by word.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? You were a little absent-minded when I was talking just now."

"It's nothing. Do you have any interesting points about this story?" Solim asked his sister. Now he really lifted his spirits and was ready to listen to his sister carefully.

"Yes, you see, the wand makes people kill, the stone makes people commit suicide, and the clothes make people die naturally. It seems that they are all related to death. But thinking about it the other way around, people who have wands can only be killed, and people who have stones can only die. Suicide, and those who have the invisibility cloak can only die, isn't it interesting to think so?"

Solim slowly repeated Sirna's words, chewing on the meaning.

If the Elder Wand represents homicide, the Resurrection Stone represents suicide, and the Invisibility Cloak represents natural death. So does it mean that when you have one of them, you rule out the other two ways to die? For example, with the Elder Wand, this person can only be killed, he cannot commit suicide, and he will not die naturally?

How can this be! Don't die of old age with the Elder Wand? What kind of joke is this? If the inference is true, it really cannot prove whether you will die of old age—because you will be killed first, and besides, suicide, as long as you really make up your mind to die, you can still die. Is there anyone who can't die?

Could it be that with the resurrection stone, you can only commit suicide? Can someone give you an Avada and not kill you? Or is it possible to live forever with the resurrection stone?

Thinking of this, Solim couldn't help laughing at his previous thoughts. He preferred to believe that the way Dumbledore and Voldemort died was a coincidence rather than the Deathly Hallows.

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