Big Boss In The Harry Potter World

Chapter 7 Filch

When school just started, what the professors handed over to the little wizard was basically theoretical things. Solim is already familiar with these, so he can spend a lot of time freely in the current very relaxed environment.

By this morning, what Solim had been expecting had been owled. All day on Friday, they only have classes in the morning, and Solim has free time in the afternoon and evening.

After lunch, Solim started looking for someone on campus—Argus Filch.

Filch is the gatekeeper at Hogwarts. He was a bad-tempered, obnoxious fellow whose hobby was to antagonize students. Filch has a cat named Mrs. Norris, which is almost his entire spiritual sustenance. Like Filch, it also wandered around the corridors of the castle all day long, and as soon as it found a student causing even the slightest disturbance, Filch would quickly rush to the scene of the incident.

Filch is a Squib, meaning he comes from a wizarding family but doesn't know magic. This situation also contributed to a certain extent to his terrible behavior and hatred towards little wizards. Hanging from the ceiling of his office are chains and handcuffs that he polishes so that if he gets permission, he can use them to punish students who violate discipline, which is his favorite thing to do.

There was only one reason Solim approached Filch: he was a Squib.

Seriously, it's hard to find Filch when you're not causing trouble. Solim had wandered around, but there was still no sign of Filch or Mrs. Norris. After asking about seven or eight portraits, Solim finally found Filch who was cleaning up the graffiti on the wall.

Filch was very old. He can't use magic and can only deal with dirt with brushes and cleaners, not like a wizard:

"Clean up!"

Filch stared back at Solim quickly, thinking it was a new trick.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Filch." Solim put away his wand.

"Go away, boy!" Filch limped over with a brush with a long handle. "Don't try to laugh at me!."

"I didn't mean to laugh at you, Filch. I just wanted to talk to you."

"Get out of here before I hang you up!" Filch yelled at Solim viciously.

"Don't you want to use magic like a wizard?" Solim said with a smile, "I'll cut to the chase, my sister is a Squib like you, and I want to help her gain the ability to use magic. And at this point, You fellow Squibs can help me."

Solim looked at Filch, who was still holding the brush, and said, "Shall we not come to your office to have a good talk? You know, I don't have classes this afternoon or evening, and if I want to have fun, I won't be able to... Hehe , what do you say?"

When Filch knew he was a Squib, he felt that the whole world lost its color, and he was a pureblood, but he was a Squib. I can only watch others use magic, feel the disgust of my family, and feel the ridicule of others. It's not that Filch didn't think of a way, but no matter how hard he tried, not even torturing himself, he couldn't make his magic awaken. Slowly, Filch gave up, and under the arrangement of his family, he came to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a gatekeeper with peace of mind. Filch had never been cared about, never cared about, never had a friend in his fifty plus years of life. But today there was a little wizard who was willing to help him. Even though he was just a test product for the other party, Filch didn't want to give up this opportunity. No matter how slim the opportunity was, Filch was willing to try. He knew that if he was a wizard, his life would be completely different.

"If you let me know that you are playing with me..."

Filch's office was a small room with an oil lamp hanging from the ceiling and the smell of grilled fish. There are filing cabinets for storing student disciplinary records. Looking at this room, one can tell how Filch's status is in Hogwarts. There are so many empty classrooms and rooms in the school, the environment is much better than this room, but the school only gave him this a small house.

"Come on, Filch, time is precious." Solim held out the package he had received this morning.

"Before we begin, Mr. Filch," Solim explained to Filch as he unwrapped the package, "you must be aware that there are two types of squibs."

People who come from wizarding families and cannot use magic are called Squibs. The same thing about Squibs and Muggles is that they cannot use magic, but the difference is that Squibs are magical. Because of magic, Squibs can see magical creatures like Dementors that Muggles can't see.

But Squibs and Squibs are different. Some squibs are unable to use magic because of insufficient talent, and the poor magic power in their bodies cannot produce magic riots; A riot of a large amount of magic power will cause irreversible damage to the little wizard's body. In this case, the body will subconsciously choose not to vent the magic power—that is, the magic riot.

The first thing Solim needs to confirm is what kind of situation Filch belongs to, whether he became a squib due to too little magic power, or because he had too much magic power and caused no magic riots when he was a child.

"Here, drink this potion, Mr. Filch, it's a magical reaction potion." Solim explained to Filch, "Drink it, and tell me how you feel."

The magic power reaction potion will reflect the magic power of the object. It is generally used to test the magic power contained in potion materials or alchemy materials, and the qualified ones are used as materials. But this kind of potion cannot be taken directly by wizards. Before Solim came to Hogwarts, he found a potion master who was willing to help him through his grandfather to make it a potion that could be taken by wizards.

Filch drank the bottle of magic reaction potion without saying a word. From his point of view, unless he was insane, no one would harm him with poison. If something happened to him, the kid in front of him would not be able to escape.

"How are you feeling now?" Solim took a notebook and a quill from the pocket beneath his wizard robes. "If you don't feel it now, just wait until you feel it."

Solim and Filch stared at each other for the next two minutes.

"No way? No matter how little the magic power is, there should be some reaction. Could it be that Filch is not a Squib but a Muggle?" Solim was a little puzzled.

"Wait, I seem to feel something." Filch suddenly widened his eyes, "My body seems to be soaked in hot water."

Solim stepped forward quickly and rolled up Filch's sleeves, his skin flushed and hot to the touch.

"Very well, let me know if there are any changes." Solim began to write and draw in his notebook.

Filch walked up and down his cabin excitedly, better to feel than not to feel, right? It seemed to him that this was the beginning of his ability to use magic. But at Solim's request, Filch sat obediently on the only chair in his hut.

"Mr. Selwyn, I feel as if the temperature has dropped." Filch was now completely out of the ferocious manner he had first met Solim.

Glancing at the huge hourglass in the corner, Solim nodded: "Almost thirty minutes, that's enough to explain the situation." Solim stopped writing and closed his notebook, "Congratulations, Mr. Filch, your situation is the best. That. In other words, there is a possibility that you can get rid of being a Squib." Ignoring the agitated Filch, Solim continued, "I'll visit you again when I've got something ready."

"Mr. Filch, I suggest that you better exercise your body first." Solim packed his things and prepared to leave. "Even if you can really succeed, your current body cannot withstand the riot of magic power."

Solim plans to contact his grandfather when he goes back. Solim's grandfather has nothing to do in the past six months. Unless there is an emergency, he will stay in the basement of Selwyn Castle. And once Solim's grandfather started working and started fulfilling his duties, Solim couldn't contact him. So Solim is going to ask for help as much as possible when he can contact his grandfather-after all, this is also for a member of the Selwyn family.

Solim's request to his grandfather was simple: to confirm Sierna's situation, and if it was the worst, then find another way. If it's the same as Filch's, let Grandfather find as many Squibs as possible to see if there are any individual differences.

The tome that Solim recently read was reprinted by his grandfather from the family collection, and it is not so much a book as it is a bound volume of notebooks and research notes. This book records various studies and solutions to curses, deformation damage, spell damage, and intractable diseases. Since there is no table of contents for this book, Solim can only look through it one by one. Moreover, there are very few studies on squibs in the book, which increases his workload.

Solim is rational, and he doesn't have any sense of superiority in this familiar yet unfamiliar world just because he is a "special person". Thanks to his background, he knew many secrets that ordinary wizards would never know. Also benefiting from his origin, the door was opened to him with knowledge of magic that ordinary wizards could only dream of or even unheard of.

Squibs are a social problem—a pure-blood social problem. Strictly speaking, a wizarding family with more than five generations can be considered a pure-blood wizard. Compared with half-blood wizards and Muggle wizards, pure-blood wizards have too many advantages. Earlier magic riots mean more magic power, and a long family history can accumulate a lot of wealth and connections. But there are also many problems that plague the pure blood family, the squib is one of them, and there is also the so-called pure blood curse. Of course, Solim does not care about this problem at present.

Since the problem of squibs has existed since ancient times, there will naturally be wizards to study the causes of squibs, the solutions to squibs, and how to eliminate the birth of squibs from the root. Solim never thought of solving his sister's problem by himself. As the saying goes, the predecessors planted trees and the descendants took advantage of the shade. Since some people have studied the problem of squibs, let's take a look at their research results first, and see their research direction and Ideas are also a way to solve problems-after all, "researching" this matter takes a lot of time and money.

Fortunately, in this smorgasbord of research manuscripts Solim found what he was looking for. A very detailed research manuscript on squibs, in which there is a plan to restore the use of magic power to squibs, but this plan has not been implemented by the researcher.

That's the only thing that worries Solim, the squibs are usually caused by a lack of mana - it's a congenital deficiency. In all the manuscripts Solim could find it was stated that there was no solution to this. Congenital insufficiency is also the most common cause of squibs, and people like Filch who have enough magic power but no magic riots are rare phenomena. Solim needs to confirm what kind of situation his sister Sirna is in before deciding on the next action.

Solim hadn't known how long it took an owl to fly back and forth from Hogwarts to the Isle of Man, but now he did. He picked one of the strongest owls from the owl tower to deliver the letter, and it took less than an hour from lunch to dinner. Solim received a reply from his grandfather while he was having dinner in the auditorium-you must know that this also included the time to confirm Sierna's condition.

Solim was delighted, and his grandfather wrote back that Sierna and Filch were in the same situation. But Grandfather wasn't sure if he'd be able to find a third Squib in this situation, and there was something wrong with potions. The potions master that grandfather had been looking for had gone to "work". There was no possibility of contact for at least half a year. And the potion masters who are in the rest stage have to wait for Solim's grandfather to receive a reply before they can confirm whether these masters have tasks in their hands.

Solim knew what his grandfather's job was, and what the wizards his grandfather knew did. If the potions masters his grandfather had contacted had jobs in their hands, then it would be up to him to figure it out.

But, doesn't Hogwarts have a ready-made Potions Master?

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