big perfect anchor

Chapter 691 Exposed

Chapter 691 Exposed

In the night, the bright moon hangs high, and the gentle waves beat layer upon layer on the beach. With his head lowered, he watched his feet constantly fighting against the sea and sand under the faint moonlight. Di Lieba did not dare to look up .

Under the moonlight, two people walked side by side, holding hands.

The sea water frolicking ended with each other fearing that the other would catch a cold in the water, and ended with Chen Hao grabbing Di Lieba and begging her for mercy. After the end, although there was no affectionate kiss under the moonlight, the two The hands are tightly held together.

It suddenly became quiet, and I didn't know what to say, so I just walked silently on the beach until the sand under my feet could no longer provide temperature to fight against the increasingly cold sea water, and the two left from the beach.

"Are you hungry?"


"What to eat?"

"That's the one, there are quite a lot of people."


Well, the short pause between reconciliation, Di Lieba just thought that the other party was looking at the seaside restaurant he pointed to, but he didn't know that this short pause was a kind of consideration, whether to go, go, there will be news tomorrow Appeared, glanced at Di Lieba, Chen Hao knew that this choice should not be left to girls, even if she was not fully prepared to expose the relationship, but if you asked her, she might be recognized, this It is also where men and women cannot reason.

What, are you afraid that the media will find out if you are with me?What are you afraid of, what are you hiding?Is it because the relationship with me is not intended to be truly exposed?Or do you not love me that much in your heart at all, and you never thought about facing the storm of relationship exposure with me?
Clearly aware of the many disadvantages of exposure, Chen Hao also clearly knows that the other party just doesn't know his real fame and influence, so he thinks that he can eat in public in a foreign country, but he just can't ask.

In the entertainment industry, when artists expose their romantic relationships, at least they have to have a deep enough relationship and live together. Most of them will only be exposed when they are talking about marriage. According to the current development of Chen Hao and Di Lieba, you ask No one would approve of their exposure.

At this time, a man has to choose a man. Chen Hao nodded, and then led Di Lieba into the restaurant with strides. Behind them, Chen Gang stopped Di Lieba's assistant and Qiu Yu: "Even if Di Lieba doesn't know that Chen Hao is also very popular in Europe, we can't stop him. She doesn't know, but Hao Zi knows. Let's just do our own thing, Qiu Yu, you send him the wallet, I will inform the crew, prepare the car and people, and leave as soon as possible if necessary."

Walking into the restaurant, the seaside restaurant is decorated with a very emotional atmosphere. The window has a very thin tulle net. From the outside, it seems that the guests inside are eating with the window open. Only when they are inside can they know the existence of this layer of net. Enjoy the sea breeze and watch the moonlit sea and people on the beach in the distance, without worrying about mosquitoes flying around.

The two found a seat and sat down. Chen Hao was not recognized immediately. He chose a relatively out-of-the-way seat with his back facing a crowded place, and began to order food.

"Why don't you eat it? It's embarrassing for me to eat alone."

"It's not a bad day for fitness, come, eat a piece."

When encountering delicious food, Di Lieba is always very happy. The restaurant has a lot of people coming and going. Chen Hao thought in his heart that he didn’t think too much about it. He just thought about you, little pig, eat your fill quickly. He never I doubt my popularity here. When the crew first came here to film, more than a hundred local fans and fans from overseas gathered to film the scenes in the neighborhood and entered the town. Chen Hao’s popularity is very large, and many people know him .

Will I not be recognized when I eat in a restaurant?
The answer is of course not.

It's just that I didn't expect that it wasn't the fans or the public who recognized him first today, but the media. I don't know if it was the local media or the domestic media that was squatting here. It was just a few meters outside the window of the two of them. Knowing the distance between the facial expressions of the two, press the shutter in quick succession.

"Ah!" Di Lieba's subconscious reaction wanted to lower his head and face sideways, as a kind of self-protection.

"Hey, I've got the picture." Chen Hao reached out and put his right hand on the table to cover her left hand. This action made Di Lieba stop thinking about self-protection or even running away.

Most women are emotional, and they know in their hearts that they shouldn't be like this. There will definitely be bad results, but when they see the firm eyes of the man opposite them, they are completely filled with happiness at that moment. He will protect me, he will protect me. Willing to bear everything after the exposure, a great sense of security will follow, and any danger becomes unimportant at this moment.

The media reporters outside saw that the two of them were not dodging. They were so happy that they didn't hide themselves anymore. They got out of the cover of the small tree and went to the window of the restaurant to shoot.At the same time, someone in the restaurant recognized Chen Hao, two blond girls, they sat in the same remote position, on the oblique side of Chen Hao and Di Lieba, a familiar profile made them careless about being rude He came over and was very happy to see that it was Chen Hao.

As soon as he was happy and yelled, he alarmed the people in the restaurant.

About one-third of the customers all knew Chen Hao, and half of them came directly to Chen Hao. The joy on their faces was similar to that of the two blonde girls before. Among them was a table of Chinese guests. It could be seen that it was a family. A boy was younger and [-] or [-] years old, and a girl was [-] or [-] years older. They traveled with their parents. They were far less excited after seeing Chen Hao. The excitement between him and Di Lieba's interlocking fingers was even greater.

"Ah, you are together, what is said on the Internet is true."

Around this time, the outside media reporters went directly into the restaurant, taking pictures one after another of the scene.

Chen Hao walked to Di Lieba's side, pulled her up, held her right hand with his left hand all the time, faced everyone around with a smile, and greeted everyone warmly. Di Lieba was very envious of his fluent English , being with him will make you stupid, and you forget that he is still a top student. When you enter the film academy college entrance examination, the score of zero is a lot higher than the admission score line, and you are also proficient in several languages. At this moment, sweet feelings filled the whole body. Space, she doesn't want to think about the consequences, she just wants to be happy at this moment, raise her head, face everyone calmly, smile, and show her face that both Eastern and Western aesthetic standards would consider stunning.

"Are you together?"

Chen Hao didn't answer, but just raised his left hand, holding Di Lieba's right hand, this action explained everything.

After all, there were few people in the restaurant, so Chen Hao was able to chat with everyone, and those who came to take pictures could still take pictures with a smile. In less than 3 minutes, people in the restaurant who hadn’t recognized Chen Hao before finally knew who he was. The creator of the first golden song, a magical oriental singer.

First, all the people from the restaurant gathered, and then the media who got the news came to the restaurant. They ran all the way, attracting the attention of the surrounding tourists. After scanning each other, they knew that there was a star in the restaurant, and it was the oriental singer Haozi who was very popular this year. , rushed towards the restaurant one after another, and when Chen Gang and Kang Yan entered the restaurant to protect Chen Hao and Di Lieba and came out, the people gathered around and the people chasing out of the restaurant had already formed a small circle, surrounding them. plug up.



I don’t know when people are willing to call Chen Hao in English like ‘mouse’, but they don’t know that this Haozi is not the other mouse, but I can hear that the shouts around me are full of goodwill, maybe it’s because foreign fans feel kind It is more comfortable to call them than 'chen' which they find difficult to pronounce.

The enthusiasm of foreign fans is no worse than that of domestic fans. It was only then that Di Lieba realized how stupid it was for him to go out with him and go to a public restaurant to eat, but he didn't hesitate at all.Thinking of this, it’s full of sweetness again. A woman’s sensibility will be manifested in all aspects. Once your image is positive, do something that is not really a big deal, and move a woman, that will double your points scroll up.

Chen Hao put his arms around Di Lieba's shoulders, protected her in his arms and walked forward in the crowd. Chen Gang and Kang Yan on the periphery separated from the crowd. All he could do at this time was to smile at everyone, thank you Let's talk about everyone, more attention is still on protecting Di Lieba, and I don't want her to be crowded.

After getting into the car, Di Lieba breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head, looked at Chen Hao, with a slightly aggrieved expression: "I don't know, but I took you to a restaurant to eat..."

Chen Hao shook his head with a smile, and put his finger on her lips: "Just don't blame me."

Di Lieba shook her head. At this time, she would not think about the consequences. She felt that her heart had already been filled with sweetness. A woman's heart does not necessarily need enough gold and silver to fill it. How could she not know in the future? , Today, Di Lieba feels that she is happy, very happy, and many pictures of the love she once fantasized about have been confirmed today.

Sticking out his tongue, Di Lieba felt the car slowly leaving the crowd of fans around him: "I didn't expect you to be so popular abroad, aren't you a little silly?"

Chen Hao nodded seriously, but this was obviously not the answer Di Lieba wanted, curled his lips, and patted him without using any force, it was just a way of being coquettish and savage.

With a smile on the corner of Chen Hao's mouth, he took her hand again. Di Lieba did not refuse. In order not to get close to the car door, he was frightened by the fan's palm suddenly shot by the car window, so he moved to the middle of the back row, taking advantage of the situation Resting her head on Chen Hao's shoulder, it was natural that when the car left the fan group, the quiet car began to remind her of the impact of tomorrow's domestic news reports.

Subconsciously, she raised her head slightly, wanting to look at the face of the man beside her. The movement of her head also made Chen Hao look sideways at her.

Looking at each other, Di Lieba subconsciously shrank her eyes and body, but in this car, there is nowhere to hide, she can only face each other, she sees indifference in the eyes of the other party, and also feels peace of mind, yes Ah, what's so scary, is it because you are afraid of announcing your relationship to the outside world?

(End of this chapter)

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