big perfect anchor

Chapter 699

Chapter 699

There are several scenes in the mountain village, and all of them are group plays. Even with the on-site crew working together, it took a full morning to announce the completion. Then he moved to the scene of the grain robbery, and Chen Kexin once again took on the director's career. Biggest test.

"It's okay, I don't need a double here, this protective measure is enough, even if it is not at this height, I can still protect myself."

In the play, this scene is Jiang Wuyang jumping down from the top of a line-of-the-sky type battlefield with a rope, and after killing an officer on horseback, he uses the rope to jump to the protrusions of the cliffs on both sides, forming a kind of wind-like movement. Light and agile image.

Chen Hao insisted, and Chen Kexin nodded in agreement. At this time, it is impossible for him to delay the shooting because of one person. Hundreds of people on the scene have to be dispatched. Problems in every link can make his shooting impossible.

When the walkie-talkie was almost silent, what happened to this camera, what happened to that actor, and what happened to this horse. This is just before the shooting starts. Once the shooting starts, any mistake or omission may take an hour or two.

Chen Kexin was looking forward to success from the bottom of his heart, but he also knew this kind of thing, sometimes even the director couldn't fully control it.

once, twice, three times...

At noon, everyone ate a boxed lunch on the set, and continued shooting in the afternoon, until the sun went down, and the shooting was not really satisfactory, and the progress was very slow. The scene of a robbery of grain trucks was only filmed for most of it. Otherwise, there is no way to be able to shoot materials throughout the day.

That night, Chen Kexin didn't sleep well, lying on the bed tossing and turning, and fell asleep for a while at dawn. He got up at six o'clock in the morning and began to urge everyone to get ready for the battle. If it is temporarily terminated, Chen Kexin, Andy Lau and Chen Hao will all go to the Golden Horse Awards to participate in the Golden Horse Awards Ceremony tomorrow night. The scene can only be temporarily stopped here, spending a lot of financial and material resources to stay here, and wait until the Golden Horse Awards come back. , he can’t maintain the state all the time, and the cost of traveling without moving for a day will be a lot of money, and the cost will increase a lot when he comes back to shoot again. The investor trusts him, but as a director, first of all, he can save money with the same quality. , is what should be done.

Jiang Wuyang's short sword, Pang Qingyun's long spear, and Zhao Erhu's big sword gave the crew a lot of surprises. The three of them maintained a very high level of performance. It was not because of them that they were called out in the middle of several shootings. What Chen Kexin was most worried about was that on the set, too many N cameras were filmed, which would hurt the emotions of the protagonists. If it wasn't for their reasons, even the director would have to be courteous to the big names who lost their temper on the set.

Fortunately, I was on Chen Kexin's side today. When everyone was restless during the shooting in the morning, Chen Hao suggested that everyone have lunch early today and then rest for half an hour. After shooting all morning, they were a little tired and cold. The villagers have already communicated with each other. The boxes of fruits that Chen Hao asked Chen Gang and Kang Yan to get early in the morning won everyone this temporary rest opportunity.

Regardless of whether it was the hot kang that helped, or the rest relieved the mood, or whatever, the filming started this afternoon, and it went smoothly. Several leading actors stood behind the monitor watching the replay with smiles on their faces.

Being able to finish work ahead of schedule, I am naturally in a good mood. Next, the crew can get ready to go to the film studio, where a large number of literary dramas will be filmed. In the afternoon, Chen Kexin, Andy Lau and Chen Hao set off to fly to Baodao.

The time was tight and the task was urgent. When I arrived at Baodao that night, Andy Lau had arranged a special team to wait here in advance. From makeup artists to stylists to clothing, they are all partners who have cooperated for many years. Chen Hao's happy gathering time is also the grand style of the new company. A professionally equipped team was also prepared for him alone. In terms of the clothes he will wear at the scene tomorrow night, the direct sponsor brought more than [-] sets of outfits to the hotel where he lives.

There are activities that I did not attend this evening. Chen Kexin still has time to accompany his wife. Andy Lau and Chen Hao worked in the hotel for more than two hours. After the outfits for the next day are finalized, they get up early in the morning to shoot and travel in the afternoon. Fatigue, haven't got a moment of rest in the evening, Andy Lau has made sure that nothing will be arranged tomorrow morning, let Andy take a good rest, Chen Hao also chose the same arrangement, Chen Hao has no problem with physical fitness, he just gives himself A little free time to let yourself relax and unwind.

Filming and live broadcasting are things he is willing to spend time and energy doing for a long time. He is more resistant to some commercial activities. Willing to force himself to socialize, he can steal half a day of leisure, and he is also happy to nest in the hotel room, playing games and chatting, like a silkworm chrysalis, flipping back and forth in the bed and playing with the phone all morning.

At noon, the crew of "Old Cannon" had dinner together, and Chen Hao went to the "Old Cannon" crew to eat alone on behalf of "Charlotte Annoyance". Both nominations belonged to him personally. There is no one from the crew once, a new director, a best original film song, Zhao Liying and Di Lieba don't need the Golden Horse Awards to gain popularity, they are the kind of people who are nominated for seriousness if I want to come As a human being, I don't lack popularity now, and there is no need for people to say that I went to the Golden Horse Awards to gain popularity. Therefore, in the end, only Chen Hao was left on the crew of "Charlotte Annoyance".

The other two little fresh meats didn't come. The reason was obvious. Chen Hao was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, so how could they come?Do you admit that you are not as good as Chen Hao?

Guan Hu and Xiaogangpao’s enthusiasm for Chen Hao remained unchanged. Everyone got together and had lunch talking and laughing. Regarding the uproar that Chen Hao caused in Baodao some time ago, the two still couldn’t laugh or cry when they mentioned it. I don't know whether to give him a thumbs up, or to say that he is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, no matter what?The result of the processing was as expected. In the Baodao area, the number of fans of Haomen increased in large quantities. At this moment, when their lunch was about to end, many fans had already arrived at the red carpet scene of the Golden Horse Awards At the scene, several high-end hotels had fans squatting to try to find out whether Chen Hao lived here. An aerial camera took pictures of the surrounding areas of the awards ceremony, and captured quite a few large posters and lights, all of which belonged to Chen Hao. He was in the Golden Horse The popularity value among these nominees for the award can definitely be among the best.

After lunch, Chen Hao had an hour to rest. He turned on the laptop he carried with him, and broadcast live to all fans for an hour. Needless to say, the popularity of the live broadcast, everyone is curious about whether he can win the Golden Horse Awards today. , he just laughed and didn’t talk about it. Everyone chatted happily. In the past, he was worried that his live broadcast would have no content. Every time he got a talent, he was very happy to fill it in his program list. Now he finds that he is quite useless as a hero Wuzhidi felt that the time of the live broadcast always passed quickly. After an hour, he felt as if he had just started chatting.

Chen Hao attaches great importance to the Golden Horse Awards. Through some channels, he has also obtained some news. Although it is rumored that the winners will be notified in advance, it is not accurate. It will only confirm some fringe news in advance. These fringe news are plain It is also to cater to some big-name artists and stop their inquiries through relationships. For example, for the best actor and actress every year, there must be some obvious nominees or particularly hot nominees, so that some rumors can be spread. News, if you don't want to come, you don't have to come.

About his information, of course, there is no certainty, unless the accidental supporting role of a super big star gets nominated for best supporting actor, otherwise it is impossible for any actor to ignore the nomination and put on a gesture that I will not go until I win the award ,almost none.

For a complete set of clothing sponsored by a top clothing brand, Chen Hao does not lack the money to buy high-end clothing. This brand is currently discussing cooperation and has entered a more substantive stage. This time the sponsorship, this time Chen Hao's Golden Horse Award appearance, cannot It's their test for Chen Hao, but it's a bargaining chip for the Happy Times guild to bargain with them. Don't you want to pay Haozi such a high endorsement fee?Then we will give you a chance to let you see the influence of our Haozi. This time the appearance of "trying on" is good. If the result is good, it will not be the number we talked about before. We will still rise. The risk of betting is It needs to be borne by both parties. If you want to guarantee the bottom line, you will have to pay the price of additional money for good results.

Based on his figure, the more than 20 sets of clothes were tailor-made in advance, and he put on the seamless underwear specially for attending such public occasions. He didn't have any accessories on his body, and he took off his watch. He was in a simple style from top to bottom. From the point of view of matching, it is very simple. If no one wears these, it will be a set of well-regulated public attire without any characteristics, and the effect will still be after people wear them.

Bald head, just this one feature, made it difficult to match Chen Hao's clothes by several levels. Andy Lau only shaved his head once. Some hair grew out during the shooting, and he didn't shave it again. With him, he can shave once. It's not easy to have a semi-bald head. You still expect him to shave his head continuously. After the stylist has done it, although the hair is very short, Hua Tsai's charm has been recognized in various styles over the years, so there is no pressure.

The key is Chen Hao's side. His bald head image, once he appeared on the red carpet, became the most special and beautiful scenery of the night. In many media after tonight, it is said that a bald head overwhelms many actresses... …

(End of this chapter)

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