big perfect anchor

Chapter 748 I'm Different

Chapter 748 I'm Different

The group of people who didn't want Chen Hao to get away with it all went out together, and there was a tacit cooperation. It was also the first time someone brought a wave of rhythm in the five-five live broadcast room. The big victory and unrivaled made the live broadcast room The management of the company was also slightly slack, and the rhythm of this wave directly made Chen Hao face the question of whether he was insidious.

Chen Hao didn't change his face and his heart didn't beat, and he still maintained his proper demeanor with the two cooperating actresses by his side.

"Yeah, I am an insidious villain. When facing the enemy, I will not have the slightest mercy. When you stand on the opposite side of me, my choice is not to be infinitely patient with you, but to take action when it is time to do so." , I can solve the problem in the simplest way, I don’t care if I become an insidious villain, that’s fine, so what.”

Aren't you going to use this as a criticism?Alright, I will give you a chance, just let you kill your heart directly, I will accept it.

His frank admission made those rhythmic people stunned. They thought of how many ways to dismantle their tricks, but they never expected that Chen Hao would admit it frankly in the face of such a heart-breaking theory.

Da Mimi and Wang Likun were also dumbfounded. The question just now was very cold and embarrassing. They also realized that their partner might be in trouble. Word-of-mouth is really important. If your reputation is damaged, the light one is that you haven’t had any film appointments or activities for a long time, and you can’t get any pictures from the media; the serious one is that you may be directly criticized You block.

Isn't he afraid?

There are many people who can think of this like them, and they all figured it out soon. They are selling it to their fans on the Internet. These days, they have been saying that they made their fortunes on the Internet, and the Internet is his home. Now I am using this method to tell everyone a fact, you guys, don’t worry about me, once I really can’t get along in the real entertainment industry, it’s okay, I’ll come back here, I’m still the Haozi you all are familiar with.

Tricky buys people's hearts.

Haozi, do you want to be so shameless?

"Oh, by the way, my current behavior is also to please you. There must be many people in their hearts at this moment saying that I am shameless and tricky. I don't deny it. That's the thing. As a performer, I To bring happiness to your audience, as long as it does not touch the moral bottom line and the law, there is nothing wrong with it, what do you think?"

With this wave of rhythm, the field control and management in the Meicheng studio are like being hit by a storm while walking on the road. Although the first reaction is to run to avoid everything that may be encountered, but to be honest Yes, dumbfounded is more like their true inner feelings.

Something happened, were we distracted just now?Have we been taken advantage of?In Wuwu, when was he successfully attacked by others, even when he was not as popular as now, no one could cause such damage to the enemy Wuwu.

They were frightened and stupid. When they realized that they wanted to clean up the live broadcast room, the greater rhythm of the live broadcast room was brought up by Chen Hao's words. With his fearless confession, the Haomen fans in the live broadcast room , as if going crazy, he began to type and respond in the live broadcast room. The rhythm of the previous wave was completely wiped out in the bigger wave just after a small wave was set off.

When you like someone, you will moderately beautify this person in your heart, and slowly accept his way of thinking. After a long time, you will find each other unconsciously. Our thoughts are so close. What I think and what I think in my heart are all in the same wave band.

Chen Hao is accepted by everyone. What everyone likes is his image and personality. Before, some people thought he was sinister and black-bellied. Looking back, you will find that Haozi didn’t do something on purpose at all. In the end, his temperament is just like this, and it has not changed at all. What really changes is ourselves, and we use our own thinking mode and moral standards to judge another person.

No one thinks that he did something wrong, they just like his temperament and nature, they just like this kind of Chen Hao, when faced with doubts from the outside world, Chen Hao no longer needs to explain, they will replace the explanation, we like this kind of Haozi ,Is there a problem?Is it still up to you to take care of it?This is our freedom, if you don't like it, get out of here, we don't welcome your existence here, you go to the saint you think to like it, there is only one Haozi we like here, this is our world, we don't allow it It's not okay for any of you to come here and pollute, even if it's just the air between your breaths.

Some media want to try to make some articles. Before Chen Hao created tens of millions of live broadcast popularity, a piece of praise, and even pushed the voice entertainment interactive platform to a very high position, which made a considerable part of the media feel very uncomfortable. They What can be done is to criticize the number of live broadcasts. What is the number of real-time online users with tens of millions of users? You Lele will not engage in the same set of online platforms back then, do you have tens of millions of people?More than half of them are fake, why don't we believe that the current webcast can still have tens of millions of popularity.

At that time, amidst the hymns, after Lele Big Data came up with the rescue, the sporadic voices failed to make any waves, which also made many media feel unbelievable. Why are the various routines we are accustomed to When it comes to Chen Hao, it doesn't work or is not very useful. Why?
Until this time, when almost all the fans didn't take Chen Hao's frank admission that he was insidious, and even raised their arms and cheered, the media concluded a pattern and talked about taking this matter The mind of making a fuss.

Chen Hao, who started on the Internet, has a group of fans who are the most aggressive and difficult to serve. When he finally completely attracts and conquers these people on the Internet, then he has owned An iron-clad army, compared with the iron-clad battalions and flowing soldiers of other real stars, the gap is really not a little bit.

For other artists, some pretentious negative news may lose followers on a large scale, not to mention some negative news with solid evidence, it is very likely to be directly devastating; on the other hand, with Chen Hao, from the most ordinary state Fans have seen it before, and they have never had high moral and moral requirements on him, and they can also use their standards to do things at will. The news that the media thinks can be a fuss-Haozi is ridiculed as sinister, and he admits it frankly.Such news can't be done on Chen Hao, it has no value of exploration and hot discussion, fans don't care, they continue to conquer with this slogan for a few days, it is a completely sweeping situation, organized on Lele At first, there was an army of millions online almost 24 hours a day. There were more people during the day, and in the second half of the night, there were nearly a million people scattered in the major live broadcast rooms, bombing the entire network of hostile unions with soy sauce.

No one would believe it hadn't really happened. There will be such a person on the Internet, who can possess almost invincible dominance. In the Internet age where all heroes are always at the same time, how could there be someone who is liked and worshiped by most people? What about people?


The second son is a person who was once forgotten by the world. Since Chen Hao came back, he has become a real person, and his inner wisdom has been developed little by little. The external super negative score will no longer affect him.

In the past few years, in Meicheng, he has always been the master. Although Liu Dong is also a manager, he has also obeyed his duty as a subordinate in front of Chen Er.

An accident happened in the five five live broadcast room, this incident is too big.

Chen Hao is special, special in every aspect. In anyone's live broadcast room, like Qingtian Dongge, it is normal to be brought into some rhythm from time to time. It is not unacceptable for the live broadcast room to lose control a little matter.

Just in Five Five, these things are big incidents, never happened before, once this happens, it is obvious that the opponent has enough people and the attack is fierce enough, and our fans are also negligent in guarding against it, the rest is The management and field control were negligent. After many victories, they hadn't fully entered the fighting state during the New Year's break. At the beginning of the year, such a big thing happened.

Chen Hao didn't say anything, Chen Er couldn't say nothing.

In the company's large conference room, Chen Er had a gloomy face. There was no trace of a smile on that face, which was defined as the extreme of beauty and ugliness by human beings. There was only a murderous look covered by dark clouds.

The entire conference room was silent, and there were more than 50 professional management and site control team members, including the company's financial department, security department, and cleaning department. The door was closed, and Liu Dong was in charge of monitoring in the monitoring room. All in the conference room.

Chen Er's small eyes rolled round, and his indifference swept across the entire conference room, killing the sky.

"For the management and field control departments, the monthly bonus will be deducted, and the year-end evaluation points will be halved."

"I don't care what you think in your heart. This is my decision and the company's decision. The boss has no time to deal with such trivial matters. I can't be indifferent. The company is worthy of everyone here, and the boss is worthy of everyone here. People, that's why I have the confidence to say these words at this very moment."

"Some people may say in their hearts that Chen Er is nothing. Without a boss, you may still be the guy who no one in the village cares about you and treats you as a fool. Yes, I don't deny this. Who told me to have such a brother? I came here."

"What I said is what you must listen to. Your income here is no less than that of white-collar workers in any big city. Work harder. Some of us here are even comparable to those gold-collar workers. Here, there is still room for improvement. I believe Most of you are very satisfied with your current job, if you are not satisfied, outside our gate, you should be very clear that there are many people who want to enter and work here."

(End of this chapter)

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