big perfect anchor

Chapter 755 The Opponent's 'Pig Teammate'

Chapter 755 The Opponent's 'Pig Teammate'

Park Jung-dao has become the saddest clown. Now, whether he promises to lose or not, he still loses. The former may lose nothing, while the latter, at worst, hide away. No one knows him in other countries, and he can live a normal life .

It's better than being kicked by the opponent to break a few ribs, right?
Subconsciously, Park Zhengdao had already put himself in the position of a loser, and he had already given up his courage to lose without comparing.

Losing is actually not a terrible thing. What is terrible is that Park Jung-dao appeared on the stage. Under the witness of the media, he also pretended to be the savior who will save the world. In less than 1 minute, he was arrogant and domineering. You were not given any chance, and if someone directly accepted your challenge, all you can do is say it was a misunderstanding.

In one incident, the effect he wanted was not achieved, and it allowed Chen Hao to ruthlessly circle a large number of fans, and also allowed his fans to gain an absolute advantage in the confrontation with black fans, making it possible for him to be promoted in "Certificate of Voting". The boycott incidents that emerged during this period were completely niped in the bud.At this moment, even those who stood on the opposite side of Chen Hao began to hate Park Jung-dao. You said you are what, and you were exposed at this time. If you can accomplish something, look at your ugly face , not only is he a wimp, but also makes us have no chance to attack now.

Park Zhengdao's martial arts gym doesn't need to be smashed by others. The people who are so disappointed in him have already started throwing eggs and tomatoes. Hao, let's try it out.

As a result, just as the media was called, and just about to frame myself as a tragic hero, another piece of news was broadcast on TV. It was an interview with Chen Hao by a media reporter at the hotel during the promotion of "Certificate of Voting". It was in the gym, Chen Hao was exercising, and the reporter asked about Park Jung-do not responding to the challenge.

Chen Hao said with a smile: "It's fine if there is no response. As a person, I will never force people to a dead end, so I will pretend that this has never happened."

During the interview, he didn't stop exercising. At this time, in order to respond to Park Jung-dao, what he said was the courtesy of a gentleman, but he gave the most direct response in his actions. He didn't even wrap his fist with a bandage. So abruptly hitting the sandbag, the media reporters didn't take it seriously the first few times, thinking it was normal training, but as the strength increased, the sandbag weighing several hundred catties was like a Like a slapped balloon, it flew around under the blows of his fists and legs.

Bang bang bang!
The sound was getting louder and louder. The sandbag that was knocked into the air was not the most frightening thing, but when it fell back, its own weight and inertia formed a considerable impact. Chen Hao used his fists and legs abruptly. To pick it up, don't say how much strength he has to bombard the sandbags, but how strong his bones and flesh are to meet the 'counterattack' from the sandbags.

Next, there will be no more interviews, the camera will be aimed at Chen Hao, zooming out to see him like the protagonist in the comics, using a sandbag of several hundred kilograms as a balloon to keep beating, thanks to the fact that the sandbag is Only after being fixed, can he return after being knocked into the air continuously. This kind of picture has also achieved Chen Hao's prestige and added the aura of Chinese Kung Fu to him.

Facing the media, Park Zhengdao swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and stared blankly at the picture on the TV. He knew the weight and hardness of the sandbag too well, and even more knew how powerful the impact force would be when it returned from a large angle. How big is it, the other party can easily show their own strength, how can I fight him, even if I can hit him, will the lethality be greater than the lethality of the sandbag?If I get hit by myself, I guess I won't be able to stand up again. I don't have the strongest ability to resist blows like sandbags.

"Uh..." Park Zhengdao groaned for a long time, and in the end he knew that he couldn't get it back, no matter whether it was his face or face, so what should he do with his love, and he doesn't want the martial arts gym anymore, so let's take his family and money and go far away. It is enough to spend the rest of my life in Australia.

On the same day, Pu Zhengdao's martial arts gym was smashed by his disciples and grandchildren and the public. He took his family to board the plane and left with almost nothing. He even bought a first-class cabin for this purpose. Here, at least he can still Get less glaring eyes.


Having an opponent like Park Zhengdao who "give away the head" directly established the advantage of Haomen fans, pushing the tower and pushing the ground, so that Chen Hao's promotion in South Korea can be carried out smoothly, and it also makes it possible for the filming of "Certificate of Voting". To normalize, there is no need to be influenced by those who oppose Chen Hao, and deliberately reduce the number of films against him.

In itself, Chen Kexin, Jet Li, Andy Lau, the names of these few people are enough to attract a considerable number of audiences into the cinema, plus Chen Hao, and so many things that happened, too many people want to see this movie to the end We will not talk about what the photos look like, if the photos are good, we will not be polite.

After the publicity, Chen Hao went to the hospital to see the broken female fan. Her heart-warming behavior has been widely recognized among Haomen fans, and the loyalty of her fans has also been greatly improved. , There are idols like this, if we don't treat him as our family, how can we have the face to call ourselves his fans.

Being able to retreat from South Korea, a large number of people in China have already given thumbs up to Chen Hao. This time, I really felt the refreshing feeling when your enemy opponent has a pig teammate. You don't need to do anything, just wait for the other party to take the initiative to give you an advantage.

Everyone also knows that the root of all this is that Chen Hao's own strength is strong enough, and he needs to be hard enough to make iron, so hard that he can't fear any invading enemy, and I can deal with it safely.

Coming out of South Korea and arriving in the island country, the situation here is actually somewhat similar to that of South Korea. They love and hate Chinese stars, some like them, and some resist them. Most people don’t want Chinese stars to have too much influence. Yes, it is commonly known as local protectionism, but with Park Zhengdao’s lessons learned, the island country is not so stupid as to come up with a guy who will take the initiative to give away the head. Under the escort of fans, the whole promotion is still going smoothly, but After they left, there were some voices boycotting the film on the island country's network, which resulted in a relatively low recognition of "Certificate of Voting" by the entire island country. Effect.

Chen Kexin didn't have time to take care of it anymore. He took the main creative staff and carried out a round of publicity in Southeast Asia. Chen Hao didn't follow him. He came back to shoot some supplementary shots of "Descendants of the Sun". In the short term, all the specific work Finished, officially entered the short rest.

"Certificate of Fame" was released on May [-]st, becoming the biggest blockbuster of this schedule. It has received the largest number of films in Hong Kong and Baodao in the Mainland, and has attracted much attention. It is also the movie with the highest celebrity level.

The premiere ceremony was held in Xiangjiang, the whole premiere ceremony was like a small awards show, many celebrities and celebrities came to join in, and the good popularity of Chen Kexin and his wife was also displayed to the maximum extent.

The whole film still retains a lot of mystery until now.

From the start of filming, the entire crew has been shooting in a closed mode. Media interviews are not accepted, and the entire filming area is surrounded. Therefore, everyone has a clue about how to adapt the plot, but how does Chen Kexin direct this film? What does it have? The difference, no one knows, what can be shown in the trailer is limited, everyone is actually very interested in tonight's premiere, you can take a good look at what director Chen Kexin, who is directing a blockbuster for the first time, will hand over. Zhang satisfied with the answer sheet, what kind of sparks will there be in the collision of two movie kings and a popular king?

The interviews and interactions that night mainly focused on the actors, such as Xu Jinglei's plain face and disregard of image, such as how downcast and ruthless Jet Li is, such as Andy Lau's performances in several painful dramas.

Chen Kexin spoke highly of the performances of the actors. He would talk a lot about everyone. When it came to Chen Hao, he didn't hide it. Seeing that the premiere was about to start, he didn't hide it. Yes, bluntly: "In the film, Haozi will dedicate to everyone a gluttonous feast of performances, and he will have a close-up long-shot scene, which is extremely exciting."

Since the Golden Statue Awards, this topic has attracted a lot of speculation. Why does Chen Kexin have such a high evaluation?

Why did Jet Li and Andy Lau also admire Chen Hao's performance so much?It can be seen that it is not polite, what kind of role does a supporting role have to be so brilliant?Even if there was, how did Chen Kexin arrange it so that this wonderful scene wouldn't steal the limelight from the protagonist?

No matter how much suspense there is, it's finally time for the reveal.

Professional film critics, media reporters, senior audiences, peers, gathered together, in a large screening hall, at [-]:[-] p.m. Yanjing time, the global premiere, pre-sale tickets also met Chen Kexin's expectations early, Ninety-five percent of the tickets for the premiere movie theaters nationwide that can enter the computer system for statistics are sold out, and all the big movie theaters in big cities are sold out.

At the Xiangjiang premiere, at the Hong Kong premiere, we followed the decades-old rules here. Whether your movie is good or not, after the show is over, the applause of these professionals in the venue is for you The most intuitive evaluation of movies, and their appreciation tastes can basically represent the tastes of the audience.

No matter how confident you are, at this moment, from Chen Kexin to the actors to the behind-the-scenes staff, everyone is sweating. The total investment in the production, distribution and publicity of the entire film has exceeded [-] million, which is not counting the European and American side. If the box office does not exceed one billion in publicity expenses, it is not considered profitable.

Chen Kexin's nervousness can only be adjusted by taking deep breaths, whether it is a mule or a horse, it will be revealed in two hours...

(End of this chapter)

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