big perfect anchor

Chapter 758 Let You Watch Movies Twice

Chapter 758 Let You Watch the Movie Second Time
If you have to make an accurate positioning for "Voice of Names", at least those who have just finished watching the movie now have no way to extract a word that he thinks is suitable from their minds. The amount is not large, but it actually has a very large amount of information. The epitome of the background of that era is vividly displayed in one movie.

Such a film can make the audience enjoy watching without feeling boring at all. This is success, and it can also make the audience applaud the performance of the actors frequently, which is even more applauded and popular than success.

For the audience of the second show, the best time is after ten o’clock in the evening. The ticket sales of the theaters can be counted, and there are almost no screening halls with empty tickets. Movie theaters in major cities across the country all use the method of queuing up to check tickets. , forming a rare long queue of moviegoers.

The audience after zero o'clock in the third scene got feedback from the audience at the premiere. Some decided to wait until after midnight to watch, while others got the news outside or at home and rushed to the theater full of expectations to buy the movie. After zero o'clock, watch this movie that has received rave reviews in a short period of time.

The main creative staff followed Chen Kexin to stand on the small stage in front of the screen. The applause and applause on the scene gave them the most authentic answer. In Xiangjiang, such a scene is sacred, especially this time Chen Kexin invited many sharp-tongued film critics People and reporters just want to reproduce the effect of the premiere of the Xiangjiang movie in the 90s. Good is good. It’s better not to perfunctory this kind of thing. It will embarrass you and embarrass me.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

I have said everything that needs to be said, and now there is nothing to say, just a simple thank you. Stars from all walks of life came forward to shake hands and bid farewell to Chen Kexin and the main creators. The success that ushered in, and among them, when everyone faced Chen Hao face to face, they would give a thumbs up.

The performance of Ling Chi in the last part is too wonderful. Those who can use such a one-man show to show their characters are in the standard configuration that everyone recognizes as the actor and actress. Like this one-man show that lasts for several minutes, a long shot Locked in the close-up of the face, without the aid of sound, without other actors to set off, and without other stories happening, it was just this scene, advancing in balance, relying on Chen Hao's performance to support everything, and finally the camera opened to reveal the mystery Everyone didn't suddenly realize it, but there was an inexplicable sadness. Jiang Wuyang was the greatest portrayal of the victim of that era. His character and traits were a very iconic group of people in that era.

Such a young man, no wonder Chen Kexin dared to present this scene as a supporting role. Although it was intended to overwhelm the main character, but throughout the whole film, Chen Hao always acted very decently, and successfully assisted the two elder brothers, no matter how much the scene was No matter how outstanding his performance is, even if Jiang Wuyang's entire role is broken away from and fused with Zhao Erhu and Pang Qingyun, no matter how good he is, no one will think that he is the protagonist of this play, only that he is the two. A derivative supporting role of the male protagonist.

The film critics, filmmakers, media reporters, and those senior movie audiences all felt that they had a lot to say, and they couldn't wait to pick up a pen or type on their mobile phone or tablet. I spit out all my impressions after watching the movie.

This is a rare and wonderful film, the actors perform well, but the appeal of the whole story is second to none. What makes professionals feel comfortable is that everyone can understand it, and there is no intentional catering to overseas countries just because the film has the concept of overseas distribution. The taste of the audience, in the face of the weight of history, although the film is only performed on a small scale in one city and one place, it has not lost the weight of history. The discussion and changes of the problem have also been widely circulated by the outside world. It seems that the group of directors and actors has won the victory. Present everything truthfully.

In fact, in another theater, the distributor and investor specially invited a group of foreign audiences to watch the English version of the film. The changes in the shooting method and content put a lot of pressure on it, investing more than 20 million yuan, to In the end, you have to rely on the domestic box office to support it, and there is not much profit. After all, there are only a few movies with a box office of more than a dozen or two billion. higher.

The overseas market has always been a strategic aspect of the film's future profit system. The story does not cater to the overseas market, which itself creates a huge pressure on people. I am afraid that the film will not get the value it deserves in the overseas market.

A special show for foreign audiences was arranged for the premiere. During the watching process, some people observed secretly and found that they were watching very seriously. Action themes have always been China's specialty. This time the three protagonists and all the action scenes in the war , all of which are simple, powerful, fast and explosive. This method is more in line with the appreciation taste of Westerners. It is very enjoyable to watch, especially the display of several weapons, each of which has a different feeling, and foreign audiences are hooked. , the advancement of the whole plot did not make them feel boring. Although there are some things that they don't understand, it doesn't matter. If you don't understand history, you can only read the story of the three brothers. For domestic audiences, this story is a remake. We all know, and the main line is also clear.But in the eyes of foreign audiences, everything is fresh and looks very enjoyable.

At the end of the film, the applause was also very warm. A woman between brothers killed her sister-in-law and killed her brother. These stories have their own unique appeal to foreign audiences. They find them very novel, especially Chen Hao’s last story. The performance shocked them too. Chen Hao and the others knew each other. He had just shined on the stage at the Grammys and won two awards for Best Pop Singer and Best Song of the Year. They didn't expect him to be so good at acting.

They are not very familiar with Ling Chi. In the foreign version, after the announcement that Jiang Wuyang will be Ling Chi, a subtitle and sidebar are added to explain what Ling Chi is executed.

Even with an explanation, foreign audiences did not expect that Chen Hao would have such a long monologue performance. In their perception, bloody scenes can be graded, and they can be brutally shot to stimulate the audience's adrenaline.

There are not so many choices here, just a few minutes of close-ups of the face, no language, no stories, no barriers between Eastern and Western cultures, it is simply a performance transmission, to be honest, it is this performance that impresses foreign audiences the most. The resonance that can be generated is also the strongest. When the camera is pulled away, combined with the previous explanation and the display of the tip of the iceberg in the screen, the shock of uncovering the mystery is more shocking in front of foreign audiences than domestic audiences, and the audience is exclaimed Hearing and admiring, I felt it was too unbelievable. Chen Hao’s performance just now appeared in my mind, and I had an inexplicable impulse. I want to watch it again. After I know the answer, I will take a closer look at the performance just now. Chen Hao's performance will definitely be particularly enjoyable.

"It turns out that his eyes were meant to express that meaning, and I misunderstood."

"He was crying. I didn't understand why he was crying. It turned out that it was just the tears that appeared in the body's natural reaction after the pain was unbearable. I said why his eyes were so cold at that time. Crying was not his intention."

Foreign audiences recognized the film, and they praised Chen Hao's performance even more.

Although there is no data for the first foreign show, the crew has sent people to the North American market to observe. The theaters in the CBD area of ​​the city do not have screens for this movie, but in Chinese districts and some ordinary cities, there are screening halls to show it. Now look at the word of mouth behind.

Domestically, the movie market was bombed at the level of an atomic bomb. The performances of several protagonists were all explosive, especially Chen Hao's performance. Given his age and qualifications, everyone's recognition of him has been raised several times with this performance. At this level, if everyone only knew that he was too talented in music before, it was a waste of talent to come to make a movie, but after this movie came out, no one said that.

Previously, Chen Kexin’s interview at the Academy Awards was also taken out, and the interviews of several people at the airport were also taken out. At that time, everyone’s praise for Chen Hao was still confusing, but now it’s different. See After Chen Hao's last performance, it really made countless audiences want to watch it again, otherwise I'm really sorry for Haozi's performance for a few minutes, especially those who didn't see that Chen Hao's performance for a few minutes was in Those who endured Ling Chi's torture felt that they were so blind, and they explained clearly before and after, Haozi's acting skills are so good, but he has developed the habit of watching popcorn movies, and he is not serious about watching movies. This time, he is not so profound If you don’t understand it, it’s because you didn’t take it seriously at all.

In four hours that night, the mainland box office box office was 6000 million, and the Hong Kong box office was 200 million.

On the second day, the first 24-hour box office day, the box office in the mainland was 2000 million.Xiangjiang box office is 800 million.

On the third day, the second day of the May Day holiday, the mainland box office was 1000 million.Xiangjiang box office is 830 million.

On the second day, all personnel from production and distribution to investment and finally to the crew no longer waited anxiously for box office data from overseas. We digested it internally. This film may get a box office that satisfies all parties. data.

(End of this chapter)

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