big perfect anchor

Chapter 762 "Batman: The Dark Knight"

Chapter 762 "Batman: The Dark Knight"

Super hero.

This theme has been enduring in Hollywood for decades, and various versions have emerged one after another, but it is still the darling of the big screen.

Marvel's growing strength cannot obliterate the superheroes successfully created by opposing companies such as Superman and Batman. When Christopher Nolan took over the directorship of "Batman: The Dark Knight", he was working with producer Charles Rowe. Wen had an in-depth conversation, and the reason was about the actor who played the role of the Anti-No. [-] Clown in the film.

Casting has its own system in Hollywood, and the producer has absolute authority. It is precisely because the role being discussed is not the male lead and the female lead, so there is room for discussion and flexibility.

Who to choose is a big problem that has not yet been hammered after several months of selection.

For superhero-type movies, there is almost no chance to show your face, almost the whole process is full of makeup, and you can't even show your own face. There is almost no chance to choose a big actor actor, and those old actors look aura Insufficient, young actors have been selected and selected again, and there is really no suitable one.

Just a few days ago, by chance, a very internal movie-watching opportunity, Nolan saw a movie from China, and it was also a sequel movie, with a gunfight theme. It once created a box office of nearly one billion US dollars in China. It's scary. Even if it's just for this point, its sequel [-] also has a certain room for operation in North America. There are so many Chinese here. The box office they contribute alone is worth introducing this film and releasing it within a certain range.

"Wolf Warrior 3" is more difficult to conquer the international market than "Voice of Fame", the latter can be released globally simultaneously, even if there are only a few hundred screens in North America, it is also globally synchronized.It is more difficult for the former to operate to this point. The subject matter is limited, and the actors and casts in it are limited. No matter how bad Jet Li is, he is also an actor who has entered the tens of millions of salary clubs in Hollywood.

Nolan originally just watched the gun battle in a relaxed mood. Unexpectedly, the actor who played the anti-number one caught his attention. He looked familiar after watching it. He asked the people next to him and suddenly realized why he felt familiar. This is MOUSE, a Grammy-winning singer and a pop star who is famous all over the world for two songs.

He can still act?
Still acting so well?

After Nolan appeared in the film, the anti-number one ZERO, he began to concentrate on watching the film with his whole body tense. The more he watched, the more excited he became, and he felt that he had found the actor who played the role of the clown all at once.At least, this is the most suitable one I have seen so far in looking for actors.

Because of the importance of the role of the clown, Nolan knew that he, the director, had no right to choose actors and was still choosing actors. He was afraid that the absence of the clown would ruin the show. On the surface, it was a superhero-themed commercial blockbuster, but In this role, as one of the screenwriters, he incorporated many attempts that he could not do on Batman. He knows too well what kind of performance this role needs to be able to reverse the entire film.

After watching the movie, he suppressed his inner excitement when he came out, and immediately asked his assistant to collect all the film and television dramas that Chen Hao had acted in. When he first saw Brother Erlonghu Hao, Nolan was dumbfounded, thinking that what he saw was not a People's performances, from "Old Paoer" to "Charlotte's Annoyance", from drama to comedy, and then to the performance of "Certificate of Fame", strengthened Nolan's confidence. After communicating with the producer, he expressed himself After the sorted data was taken, Charles Rowan was really moved.

The appeal of MOUSE is acceptable. If it is only for commercial value, then Charles Rowan would be very happy. The key is that this Haozi has won a Grammy award and has become more famous worldwide. The commercial value is Skyrocketing, without any recognition in Hollywood, does not hinder the value of his salary as a star, just look at the numerous Haomen fans on Facebook, and you can know how big this commercial appeal is.

To invite him, you have to come up with the top remuneration of a second-tier artist. If it is just a simple vase, it is impossible for the crew to invite him. Nolan's careful preparation has played a role, especially in the recent "Voice of Fame", which was released simultaneously worldwide. The one-man show performance, even in the eyes of major Hollywood producers, is one of the few excellent performances.


When Chen Hao arrived in LA and read the script, he didn't lower his attitude in any way. In his eyes, such big Hollywood productions and superhero series are only things that can be obtained gradually in the future, so there is no need to bow down.

So when he got here, he didn't accept the assessment first, but he had to read the script first. The impact of the role of the clown can be seen in the script.

"I want to act."

Chen Hao's confidence, placed in the East, would make people feel a little arrogant. Fortunately, the West recognizes this kind of confidence release positively. Only good actors have this confidence to flaunt their individuality.

"Give me some time, tomorrow, I will come."

I don’t ask which part of my performance you want to test. What I need is to let myself read the script carefully several times, and interpret the role of playing the clown with my own understanding. In this way, there is no need to say that you want to When watching any of my performances, I must have an overall understanding of the role. I should be able to take up any scenes about clowns. This is the basic qualification.

Charles Rowan likes his self-confidence. If he is a cross-border star with commercial value and box office appeal, and has good enough acting skills, then for a movie, paying the top salary of a second-tier actor , is perfectly acceptable.

Chen Hao succeeded, got the role, initialed the agreement, and there is no irresistible accident, he will join the filming of the superhero movie "Batman: The Dark Knight", playing the role of the nominal third male in the play, and the opposite role of the clown.

The United States officially announced this news. The winner of the Grammy Award at the beginning of the year and a popular singer with considerable influence in the world participated in the film. bring positive publicity.

Once the news spread, it was another day's headlines. The response on the Internet was not as great as expected. The media still felt strange. Could it be that Chen Hao's influence was weak? Everyone was used to him always having all kinds of things. News, tired of him.

I found out after looking online that it wasn’t that I was tired, but that I was more confident. Whether it’s Haomen’s fans or the audience who likes his performances, there is a relatively common perception on the Internet that Haozi’s going international is still worth going. Looking forward to something?It's a matter of time, it's a bit late now, and it's still anti-number one, so there's nothing to make a fuss about, it's a logical thing, isn't it?
Confidence is cultivated little by little. From an Internet celebrity anchor to an artist in reality, Chen Hao did not give up his identity as an Internet anchor, which won him more fans but also received wider criticism. Your identity is a bit out of the question, since you have already stepped out of that circle, why bother to look back?

In addition, the cognition that Chen Hao brings to everyone is always success, from the success of songs that are popular all over the country one after another, from the success of variety shows that have received rave reviews and greatly increased fame, from the success of personal image and commercial value operation, and then To the success of one character and one movie, he always gives his fans the best fan experience and enjoyment. He can comfortably watch the news every day to get to know his idol, and he can spend time with the people around him every once in a while. Celebrate your idol's success.

As a fan, it is very comfortable to watch idols constantly have news, works and success. It feels a bit like your favorite football team keeps winning. No one wants to see their favorite team lose. The ball, my favorite idol is either negative news or mediocre.

Step into Hollywood.

Isn't this a matter of course?If we make a fuss, wouldn’t it seem too dull, what we need to do now is to wait for the release of the film, and then we will watch the audio-visual feast that Haozi brings us.

Of course, there will always be those naysayers on the Internet, whether they are black fans or eye-catching, their rhetoric is very interesting: "Is this Chen Hao being hyped by a professional hype company all the time? Why? All the news about him?"

For this kind of people, Haomen's fans are too lazy to talk to them, even ordinary viewers will unconsciously curl their lips when they see it.

"Which hype have you ever seen, who can have such a high-yield work and a good reputation to hype, it really has reached this point, even if it is really a hype, it is not a hype, otherwise you find out more newsworthy than him News, then the media will not be his news every day."

Those who are on the opposite side really have nothing to say, so they can only talk about Chen Hao's live broadcast: "The big star has rushed into Hollywood, why can't he change the nature of the dirt, and still go to the live broadcast, can't it be Is it because people are used to acting as clowns for others, and if they don't perform for a day, they will feel uncomfortable?"

Encountering this kind of voice, it is a voice that can really irritate Haomen fans. They will fight back on a large scale and even swear. On the contrary, the person concerned seems very calm about such voices, and will comfort all fans during the live broadcast: "They are envious, jealous, and envious of me having such a place where I can communicate with all of you anytime, anywhere."

Fans are also ghosts now, and they will immediately follow up with a sentence: "Then tell me about the plot of "Descendants of the Sun"."

"It's going to start right away, are you guys so impatient? I promise you'll enjoy watching the first episode. You don't have to go out every day to tear up with those guys who have nothing to do. Trust me, just wait to see what happens after the first episode airs." Slap in the face, I will make those who say that I lost a mess in front of "Xingmeng" completely shut up."

(End of this chapter)

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