Birth of the Devilish CEO: So what if i'm a Lady?

Chapter 168: Trouble in paradise

Early Monday morning, everybody got the shock of their lives when they woke up that day to be confronted with the news that Lie Changle's mysterious man was the almighty CEO Yi. Everyone was dumbfounded by the sudden revelation. " When did they start dating to the extent that they are planning to get married so soon? Was Lie Changle dating Young Master Yi in secret? How come nobody knew about this union". These were the questions in the minds of the public. All the ladies who had a crush on Yi Lan were so heart broken. The agencies who previously rejected Lie Changle as their lead actress after the news about her father trouped to her agency begging her to consider their scripts. Some agency even had to rewrite some scenes to her taste. On the other hand, hell almost let loose when Yi Lan saw the pictures. With first glare, he knew the person who was responsible for uploading such intimate pictures of him on the internet. The first thing he did after seeing the pictures was for him to rush over to Lie Ruge's Mansion immediately. He even forgot to change out his pajama. He was somehow relieved that it was the weekend or else he would have been in serious trouble had Lie Ruge seen the intimate pictures of him with her so-called cousin together. Lie Ruge does not usually check the internet, so he was sure she would not have seen the pictures before he got there. All the servants in the Mansion were shocked when they saw Yi Lan that early morning in his pajama. They stared at him weirdly before they allowed him into the Mansion. He didn't have to ask her servants about her whereabouts since he already knew where she normally was at that hour every day.

" Boss, there is no need for you to vent out your anger at me, if you need explanation you can ask Young Master Yi what actually happened between him and Changle or you just have to say the word and I will bring Changle before you right now. By then you can do whatever you want to her for being slutty", Xu Feng said pitifully. They have been in the hall now for the past two hours during all kinds of strenuous exercise but it does not look as if his boss was going to stop any moment from then. He was sleeping peacefully when his boss called his line and ordered him to come to the Mansion immediately, who was he to disobey the order of the Lady Boss when she had spoken. He had sleepily driven to her Mansion at that early hour only to be subjected to all manner of torture in form of exercise immediately he stepped his feet into the Mansion.

" Shut the hell up and be at alert or you will drop dead immediately if I launch a punch at your vital points", Lie Ruge said coldly as she threw a punch which almost landed at the position of his heart had Lie Ruge not warned him earlier. Xu Feng got into a defense position with his tired body; he has been sparing with her for fifteen minutes straight without winning after they had performed every other crazy exercises before, and he was now too worn out to attack anymore, so he took to the dense tactics. Yi Lan arrived in the hall at that moment, the first thing he noticed was how fierce Lie Ruge was attacking Xu Feng and from his observation, it looked like she was very angry about  something. He also observed that although Lie Ruge looked so energized and agile but from his analysis after seeing how tired and worn out Xu Feng was, he guessed that they must have been practicing for long. He started approaching them after he was through with his analysis, after covering some distance between them, the next thing he saw was that a knife was thrown towards his direction and with great speed and agility he quickly bent down skillfully to dodge the flying knife. It was after Lie Ruge threw the knife at him did he know that she was not only angry but extremely angry about something because Lie Ruge had the habits of throwing knives or daggers at anyone who sneakily approached her when she was provoked beyond her limits. Since she was very angry, she had sternly warned anyone not to come close to the hall unless she calls for them, and she dislikes it when her servants disobey her. The reason she threw the knife was that she thought that the person who just entered the hall was one of her servants, she would have freaked out if she had known that it was not her servants but the love of her life that she threw the knife at. Xu Feng was the one facing the entrance of the hall, so he saw the moment Yi Lan entered into the hall, and he wanted to inform his boss about it but Yi Lan signal to him not to disturb her. Lie Ruge was stunned when she saw Yi Lan pushed Xu Feng out of the way to take his place, she wanted to stop instantly but Yi Lan told her not to, and she reluctantly continued.

" Why did you drop by so early, is there something wrong? You seem to have been in a hurry since you even forgot to change out of your pajama into causal wear", Lie Ruge said as stared at him weirdly. Although Yi Lan did not want her to stop, she finally stopped after five minutes.

" Nothing is wrong, I just missed you so much that I couldn't wait to see you, so I hurriedly rushed down to your Mansion to spend the day with you", Yi Lan said playfully as he quickly screened the room for any trace of her cell phone.

" Spend the day with me? Are you sure about that because this is just 5:00 am right now? And did you lose something here the last time you visited because it seems like you are searching for something", Lie Ruge said as she lied down on the floor. The moment she saw him in his pajamas, she knew the reason why he dropped by at that early hour, but she pretended as if she did not know.

" Huh?. I didn't lose anything, I just cannot help admiring your training room", Yi Lan answered acting a little suspicious.

" Really? But you have been here numerous times and has never gotten fazed about my training room or even my Mansion before so what has gotten into you today? Are you sure nothing is bothering you?", Lie Ruge probe further. Although she was very angry at that moment, the truth was that she was not angry with Yi Lan, she was very mad at Changle for daring to mess with her man. She has always tolerated them no matter whatever they did to her but messing with her man's perfect reputation was another thing entirely, and she will not let this issue slide just like that without doing something about it.

" Of course, nothing is bothering me, I am perfectly alright wifey", Yi Lan said not daring to look into her eyes at that moment since he knew that Lie Ruge will know that she was lying.

" But it looks like you are feeling hesitant to tell me something", Lie Ruge said touching his face. Yi Lan felt so guilty although he didn't do anything wrong after seeing how worried Lie Ruge was about him.

" I was just informed about a new development last night and I didn't dial your line since I thought you might have been fast asleep by then. Don't get mad at me Ok because I didn't mean to keep this information from you", Yi Lan said drawing close to her.

" What is this information about? I promise I won't get mad at you so just say it", Lie Ruge said firmly. She thought Yi Lan wanted to inform her about the pictures of him and Changle which was all over the internet, but she was wrong.

" My mum and dad called me late in the night yesterday, they invited you over for lunch today in their Mansion", Yi Lan said meekly fully preparing himself for what she will do next.

" What? Your mum and dad wants to meet with me today? Oh my gosh! What am I gonna do now? I'm not prepared to meet them yet", Lie Ruge said frantically as she instantly stood up from the floor. Yi Lan knew that she was going to freak out when he mentioned the invitation from his parent that is why he had already prepared himself for that occurrence.

" Relax Ge'er, you don't need to make elaborate preparation before you can decide to meet my parents. They like you just the way you are, and they won't mind no matter the dress you are going to put on. They just want to get to know you that is all and why do you always freak out whenever I mention an invitation from my mum and dad? You are not always yourself, I have always noticed that. Don't you want to meet my parents?", Yi Lan asked inquiringly.

" Of course I want to meet them. Isn't that how it is for everyone when you are meeting your father and mother-in-law for the first time? We all want to leave a good impression of us in their hearts and that is exactly what I am trying to do. I want to earn your mum and dad's love. You might not feel tensed right now because they are your parents but I can assure you, you won't feel this relax when I introduce you to my dad for the first time. My dad is very hard to please but don't worry he will like you very much if he gets to meet you", Lie Ruge said reassuringly. Her dad has already thought very highly of Yi Lan without getting to meet him so it won't be hard for Yi Lan to please him. Her dad did not only like him because of his achievements but because of how much he had pampered and loved her since they had started dating. Mr Lie Huo had always made sure to check up on her twice every week, but she sometimes ignored his call since her dad has always disturbed her to bring his son-in-law to the main Mansion. He always had his men follow her about in secret although she often pretended as if she did not see them. " That is so true, your Dad was very hard to please the last time we met, I wonder what he will have me do when we officially meet", Yi Lan thought.

" Are you sure your dad will like me?", Yi Lan asked doubtfully, he was behaving like a child who was afraid of his parent and this was a very sight to see.

" Of course he will like you, I can assure you that", Lie Ruge said she grab Yi Lan's hands. She was very tensed before, but she felt somehow relaxed when she heard Yi Lan's words.

" Ok, I have prepared everything you are gonna wear today so you won't have to disturb yourself about finding the perfect clothes to wear", Yi Lan said as he helped her up from the floor. Xu Feng had already left when Yi Lan arrived. He knew that his services were no longer needed again now that Yi Lan was around.

" Really? Wow, that is so thoughtful of you. You are the best hubby in the world", Lie Ruge said happily as she planted a kiss on his lips. Finding the perfect clothes to wear was one of the biggest issue she was going to face and that has been taken care of.

" I'm glad to see that you are happy. Fei Yan will deliver the clothes later on", Yi Lan said as he opened the door for her to enter into the sitting room.

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