[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

H: Right Fit

The following morning was lovely. The birds sang a gentle tune and the morning air was fresh.

For the three hungover teens, however, the morning was horrible.

The birds' cries echoed through their ears like a jackhammer in an enclosed room. It was high-pitched and made their ears ring. The sun was merciless as the trio hadn’t thought to close the curtains before falling asleep. It cut through the thin veil of blissful darkness their eyelids provided.

And the air? What fresh air? This is a city!

“Ugh~” Chen Guiren, as the one facing the window, was hit first by the cruel reality of the morning light. “Fuucckkkk!”

He tried to turn away but the beta clinging to his back kept him in place. Such a pleasant surprise and it was tormenting him in this way!

“Master, move and you can cling to my chest.” He tried persuading, sleep getting further and further away by the second.

“Don’t want it.” He grumbled back, burying his face in the teen's spine. The alpha’s body was shielding him from the sun and he didn’t want to give it up. Let him make the noble sacrifice for his bed partner.

He who was being offered to the unforgiving sun was not happy as sleep was cruelly ripped from him. Unwillingly, he opened his eyes, groaning in dismay.

If there was an upside, it was the warm mass clinging to his back. With the assurance that he wouldn’t be bothered by the sun, Jun Yibai wrapped his arms around Chen Guiren’s waist freely. This warm pillow was nice and he wanted to hold it a bit longer.

The alpha was enjoying the moment too, wishing he could return the gesture but that damnable sun was still blinding him. With a heavy sigh, he carefully slipped from the beta’s embrace.

The fact he was quickly replaced by a pillow was upsetting if not a bit cute.

As he trudged over to close the curtains, he couldn’t help but notice that there was someone missing. While he generally disliked that person, it felt wrong for him to be missing. A thread of concern raced through him as he searched the moderately sized hotel room to find…

Li Suren unpacking some breakfast at the table.


“I come bearing Starbucks.” The omega announced with a grin. “You may revere me as your god now.”

The promise of caffeine in the morning was something worthy of praise but Chen Guiren was more hungover than tired. That and seeing such a chipper face when you felt miserable was annoying.

“You look energized.” He grumbled, grabbing breakfast and bringing it to the bedroom. Li Suren followed behind, grinning at the alpha’s haggard appearance.

“Of course. One of us had to be the responsible one and get a change of clothes.”

“For three?”

“My driver knows better than to question my orders.”

Ah, it was mysterious and mildly scary sentences like that that made the fathers of Chen Guiren like this seemingly delicate omega. He looked harmless but those who knew him knew how scary he could be.

God only knows what he had done to get the driver working for that nagging dinosaur to keep quiet about anything, let alone his omega grandson.

Inside, Jun Yibai had reluctantly awoken, his usually grumpy expression having coalesced into the embodiment of ‘I am not a morning person’. Even with the blinds closed and the pair keeping their voices down, the beta had awoken mere minutes after their conversation started.

As such, he hated them with a burning passion right that second.

Without a word, Li Suren handed the grumpy teen his coffee.

A single sip was all it took for Jun Yibai to stop hating the omega for daring to wake him up when his head was pounding. He leaned back, closing his eyes as he let the warmth of the cup travel up his arms and wake him up little by little.

“So,” Chen Guiren continued, seeing as the crisis had been averted. “Master and I are in no condition to go to school today.”

It didn’t need to be said that Li Suren was fine. While an alpha had a good metabolism, it couldn’t be compared to a person like Li Suren who’d ingested liquor for a much longer time than Chen Guiren. To be a socialite like everyone else in his family, Li Suren had been trained to keep a steady head in all situations, including while ‘socially drinking’.

“Sweetie definitely isn’t fit for human contact.” Li Suren nodded, glancing at the scowling beta on the bed. He sighed. “You’d probably just pick a fight. Should we skip then?”

“Hell yeah, we should! Look at Master. He’s half dead!”

As if to prove his point, Jun Yibai spoke up, his sour expression having not lessened at all.

“I hate you all~” He grumbled, nursing his cup of overpriced sugar milk. He knew he’d have to move and it was all because of the two in the room with him.

Li Suren paid this no mind, sending a series of texts. Chen Guiren was aware of Li Suren’s network of information to a small extent. It wasn’t something he was interested in prior. 

Had he known how much this omega could find out with a single text, he wouldn’t have bothered to try and trick him the day before. The fact he got as far as he did was a simple courtesy.

Still, he couldn’t help but ask. “You have us covered?”

“Please! I’ve managed to cover up your delinquency for months now.” Li Suren countered, looking mildly offended at being asked at all. “Do you think I lack the blackmail to get an absence overlooked?”

If not for Li Suren’s interference, all of the incidents with Chen Guiren would have been relayed to his dads. While they assumed Li Suren was keeping their son out of trouble, it was more like he was keeping them from learning about all the trouble their son got into.

So in a way, he was doing as he said.

“Do I want to know what you have on the principal?” Chen Guiren grimaced as he recalled just how many times his partner needed to get favors from that man. That blackmail had to be heavy.

“No.” The omega grumbled, recalling what his driver had uncovered. It was just a simple affair but the fact it was managed between so many was mildly horrifying considering how dumb the man was. How he kept it all straight was a mystery and Li Suren just wanted to wait to see when that house of cards collapsed. “Just trust in me and we’ll be fine.”

Chen Guiren nodded, feeling relieved. He didn’t like Li Suren but he trusted him enough to know that all would be well.


By the time Jun Yibai was fit to converse with the others, the trio was being driven through town in Li Suren’s car. The driver was one who didn’t work for his grandfather, so it was the safest bet.

Dressed casually, they looked nothing like high schoolers skipping class. Li Suren and Chen Guiren were completely comfortable while Jun Yibai still had a sour look on his face.

“Master, relax!” The alpha assured, alighting from the car. “A day off ain’t gonna kill you.”

“No, but my parents will.”

“Which will bother them more? You coming in hung over or skipping altogether?”


“Well then, it's a good thing you won’t have to deal with either.” Li Suren assured, joining the duo. “I don’t want you to be troubled by us.”

Jun Yibai sighed, feeling a bit bad. He hadn’t been forced to drink so he could only blame himself for getting to this point. Moreover, if he came in as he was, he’d be expelled for underage drinking at the very least.

But if he was caught skipping, his parents would kill him.

So the choices were expulsion or parental punishment. The two were equally unpleasant.

“We won’t get caught?” He pressed, glancing around as the trio walked down the sidewalk.

“As long as master lifts his head out of his chest, we’ll be fine.” The taller teen reassured. “Best way to get away with things is to look like you haven’t done anything wrong.”

A smirk graced the pale-haired teen's lips. “Talking from experience?”

“Fuck off.”

“Behave yourselves.” Jun Yibai relaxed a bit, and let the cool air brush past him. The day was nice and it was the first time he’d walked around during the week. The streets during school hours were much more calm than he expected.

At least it was until Chen Guiren spoke up.

“Wanna grab a bite and head to the park?” He suggested, pointing at the nearby park. The weather was a bit cool but not enough to make eating outdoors unpleasant.

“Didn’t we eat already?” Li Suren asked, cocking a brow.

“What, that? That was a breakfast sandwich and sugar milk.” He complained, looking aggrieved. “How is that a proper breakfast for growing boys? We need meat!”


“Am I wrong?”

“No, but it sounds so dumb when you say it.”


“I’ll treat us then.” Jun Yibai interjected, looking around for a place to eat. There were plenty of places to choose from and all looked nice.

The silence that met his declaration drew his eye. The alpha and omega were staring at him like he grew a second head.


“I just didn’t expect such kindness from Master.” The alpha snickered, looming over him. “We usually have to drag you to get you to cooperate but now you’re treating us?”

“You treated me yesterday.” He argued. “Why wouldn’t I do the same?”

“Because that isn’t like you at all.” They said in unison, shocking the beta.

“What, being nice?!”

“Since when did my sweetie care about that?” 

“It's true! Master punched me, a client, in the face at our first meeting minutes before his interview.” Chen Guiren pointed out with a shrug. "How could such a person even think about other people’s opinions or actions?”

“Right?” Li Suren nodded, smiling. “Sweetie is a guy who does what he likes and never considers how other people feel.”

Their expressions made it seem like they were reminiscing on fond memories but all Jun Yibai heard were condemnations.

There was only one explanation.

“Are… are these supposed to be complements?”

The two seemed surprised when they saw his bewilderment.

“They aren’t insults.” Li Suren was quick to assure him, seemingly unaware of how their words sounded.

“How is all that not insulting? You’re calling me inconsiderate and violent.”

Chen Guiren blinked, looking innocently confused as he spoke. “Aren’t you?”

This was the guy who, upon reuniting with his friend after years apart, kicked him in the balls. Regardless of whether or not he deserved it, the fact this had happened twice now had left a firm impression on the alpha.

He didn’t dislike it. It was like having a stray cat. Sometimes it lets you pet it, other times it hissed and scratched you for daring to cross its path.

Was there anything more adorable?!

On the other hand, Li Suren recalled his first meeting with Jun Yibai when he fought off those bullies to save him and then abandoned him immediately afterward. It was shocking to the child that had been held in everyone's hand prior. It was novel and Li Suren liked how he wasn’t special in the beta’s eyes.

He wasn’t Li Suren, grandchild of the Li clan but just Suren the omega.

His inconsiderate beta was still his favorite!

All the while, Jun Yibai was coming to grips with these revelations. Was this how they thought of him?!

Oi oi, weren’t these guys his friends? Why were they being so rude now?

“You know what? Fine, screw you guys. I’m going home.” He snapped, turning on his heels. His escape was thwarted, however, as the pair grabbed his arms and dragged him into the cafe.

“Don’t get all pissy~” The alpha chuckled from his right. “I’m also violent so we match. Don’t leave yet.”

“Right!” The omega said with a catlike grin. “We can’t spend time like this at school so why let the opportunity go?”

“Why should I stick with you guys if I’m inconsiderate?” He argued, though he didn’t fight their grip.

“Simple! You already said you’d treat us so now you have to.” 

Chen Guiren’s words might have been meaningless for anyone else but Jun Yibai was someone who kept his word. He agreed to hang out despite the trouble he could get into. He allowed himself to be seen and photographed with the two most desired heirs in the city. He spent the night with them despite his mild misgivings.

All this because he said he would.

“I hate you guys.” He grumbled as he realized he was stuck.

“You’ve been saying that all day. How about you say something cooler?” The alpha’s expression became excited, like he was waiting for a treat. “Like grabbing me by the collar and giving me orders? Something cool like ‘don’t make me have to repeat myself, punk.’”

Jun Yibai and Li Suren looked at him with undisguised disgust.


Chen Guiren had the balls to look wounded at the beta’s whisper.

“Then stop trying to drag him into your kinks.” Li Suren cut in, waving him away. “You want to be dominated? Go to a S&M club.”

“I’m underage.”

“So are we, yet here we are, hungover and playing hooky.”

Sensing another argument forming, Jun Yibai cut in.

“You want orders? Fine. Find us a table.” He ordered, crossing his arms.

“A table?”

“Did I stutter? Go.”

Chen Guiren, for reasons only known to him, grinned manically. He gave the beta a mildly predatory look before slowly nodding. 

“Yes, master~”

The alpha turned to grab a table, the half-aware patrons moving out his way despite him saying nothing to them. He was young but still an alpha. They might not know him but they knew to stay clear.

He was on a mission after all.

Jun Yibai, however, failed to notice the change in atmosphere. To him, it was just that Chen Guiren was a fairly tall guy so was noticed quickly. Li Suren, on the other hand, wondered if things would be okay. To rile an alpha up like that and set him loose was a bit-

“You coming?” Jun Yibai called out, nodding to the register so they could order.

“Absolutely!” The omega replied, tossing aside his concerns. So what if that blockhead was a bit excited? His sweetie would be spending time with him exclusively!

Let the mutt cause trouble and irritate sweetie. More for him~


An hour later, however, Li Suren regretted his previous thoughts. 

He’d been naive.


How could he have assumed that anything would be simple or only affect that dumb alpha?!

“Have they left the area yet?”

“Of course not.” Li Suren grumbled. “Hooligans like this always lurk about like fleas. Would they leave so easily?”

“If you let me take them out, we’d be in the clear.”

“Thoughts like that are why we are in this situation, to begin with!”

In truth, it was only half true.

The fight that began was instigated by the man several yards away clutching his bloody nose as he searched for them. It was unclear how things had gone awry. Chen Guiren insisted that he had been minding his business when some chick came to talk to him.

She was older, pretty, and apparently taken as the teen was soon cornered by her boyfriend. Somehow, he came to the conclusion that the teen had been flirting with his girlfriend and wanted to intimidate him.

His choice in target, however, was a little shit named Chen Guiren.

What was said was unheard but by the flushed face of the girl and the look of anger on the man’s face, it was clear the words weren’t very polite.

The first punch was thrown by the boyfriend and as an alpha trained by professionals, Chen Guiren chose to refrain from fighting. He dodged and parried until the man had tripped and knocked over a table, covering himself in half-eaten food.

Then all hell broke loose when the girlfriend giggled at the sight.

A man’s pride had been wounded in front of his partner. It could no longer be ignored.

He summoned his back up and tried to jump Chen Guiren.

By this time, Li Suren and Jun Yibai had heard the ruckus and arrived to pry the eager teen from the fight he was clearly looking forward to. People were already filming so the police would be soon behind.

The last hour had been spent trying to keep out of this crazy guy's sight.

“Should we go to my house?” Chen Guiren offered, checking the time. It was halfway through their school day so he was sure his parents would be well into their work day.

“Why yours?”

“Auntie Na is gonna be at home, right? My dads both work so we just have to avoid the servants.”

Li Suren grimaced, feeling aggrieved. 

“True but I wanted Sweetie to come to my house.”

“Right now, we just need to get off the street.” Jun Yibai interjected, watching their pursuers move down the street. “Let's go.”

They arrived at the house pretty quick, sneaking through a back gate that looked both abandoned and well-used.

“I found this a few years back when I was grounded and needed a way out without being seen.” He explained, showing them how to sneak through without disturbing the foliage. “This is the best way in. We just need to sneak in through my bedroom window

“How often do you need to sneak out of your house?”

“Not often but I need a way to sneak back in without being seen by my dads.” He said, leading them to a rolled-up rope hidden in the bushes. The hook at the end had paint chips on it and the rope was well-worn.

The wear on the tools and its ease of collection told a very different story than the one Chen Guiren was trying to tell.

Just how much of a delinquent was he? Jun Yibai briefly wondered just what kind of trouble this guy caused his parents.

As if to solidify this notion, Chen Guiren tossed the rope up with practiced ease onto a nearby ledge and hooked it onto something. The rope had a few foot holds tied into it so it was just a bit short. Help would be needed to get to the first notch. Without a word, he offered the rope to Jun Yibai.

“Last time I did this, you grabbed my ass.” The beta pointed out, seeing where this was going clearly.

The alpha grinned, nodding at the fond memory. “I don’t regret a thing.”

“Yeah, well I’m not letting you get another chance. You go first.” He declared, shocking the teen. “Unless you think I can open your bedroom window?”

Chen Guiren scowled, looking like he was missing out while Li Suren beamed.

“Then I’ll go next! Sweetie, you’ll help me up, right?”

“Hm?” He blinked, surprised by the omega’s sudden enthusiasm. “Uh, sure?”

The alpha, however, knew why he was so enthusiastic. As the weakest of the three, he was definitely planning on climbing the beta like a tree. A few fumbles and they’d be in each other's embrace.

Shameless bastard! He thought spitefully, wishing he could do the same.

That is exactly what happened and all the while, Chen Guiren glared at the shameless Omega as he was assisted up the rope. Once up the rope, he had wanted to say something but Jun Yibai had followed soon after.

Helping Li Suren up the rope as well as climbing up almost two stories worth of rope was tiring. Add the workout of running from goons and his mild hangover, Jun Yibai felt like death warmed over.

He groaned, unthinkingly laying on Chen Guiren’s bed face down. Li Suren sat beside him, stroking his back in comfort. It didn’t help but it was nice.

“Oh dear!”

The omega’s gasp was noted by Chen Guiren, who had been undressing as if no one else was in his private space.

“What’s up?”

“My vice just sent me a text.” He explained, typing away. “We might have just dodged a bullet by skipping out today.”

“What do you-”

The door to his room rattled, stopping the conversation in its tracks. Not wanting his friends to be caught in his room, Chen Guiren rushed to intercept the door just before it opened.

On the other side was Jinyao.

“D-dad!? What are you-”

“Ah, there you are!” The elder alpha let out a breath, looking relieved. “We were about to call to ask if you needed a ride home.”


“I heard about what happened at school so I was worried but it's good you got in okay.”

“Y-yeah, right that.” He coughed, trying to cover up his nervousness. Luckily, he’d taken off his casual clothes already. “It was a bit crazy so we tried to get out quick.”

Having been worried out of his mind about the incident, Jinyao didn’t notice the strangeness in his son’s actions.

“Good. Really, a school like that is so not what I want for you.” He sighed, shaking his head. “Are you sure you want to go there?”

Chen Guiren glanced behind him at the panting beta lying on his bed. His face flushed and relaxed. The omega was lying beside him, chuckling to himself as he read something on his phone.

He smiled. “Yeah, I think it's a good fit for me.”


AN: I'm almost done with the High school arc now so yay.

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