[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

H: Warm Welcome

Yibai spent most of class waiting for lunch. That letter was burning a hole in his pocket and he had to nip this problem in the bud now rather than later.

While he wasn’t worried too much about being spoken about, the ‘cinderella’ matter was a sore subject he didn’t want spreading. Even though those two weren't here, it was bound to draw their attention.

He had chosen not to interact with them anymore for a reason.

As if the universe was granting him a reprieve, Song Yang wasn’t nagging him today. Usually, his class time would be spent ignoring his discreetly passed notes and eager stares.

Today, however, he seemed distracted by something else. His eyes kept darting to the piece of paper inside his desk. Yibai didn't really care, as it just meant he would be free to think about his next plan of action.

As soon as lunch came around, Song Yang jumped from his seat and fled the classroom as if chased by wild dogs. A few students whispered with confusion but most wrote it off as him being dramatic.

This was, after all, the guy who openly declared himself the leader of the classroom.

Yibai was about to leave as well when the doors of the classroom slammed open.

“Where is that no good bastard!?”

Three teens burst into the room, the rest of the class falling silent as they surveyed the room. The teens were definitely delinquents, their swagger and arrogance indicative of their disregard for what is proper.

In essence, troublesome people.

Without a word, Yibai packed up his things and walked to the back entrance. He was quickly spotted however and stopped at the door.

“Where do you think you're going?” One of the boys, possibly the leader, walked over to block his path.


He wasn’t about to deal with something possibly troublesome without something to eat first. To endure annoying things was bad enough but to do so on an empty stomach was just abuse.

“We are looking for the leader of the class here. Do you know where he is?”

Ah, so they wanted Song Yang? That guy must have known he’d poked the sleeping tiger just a bit too much, considering he ran away so quickly. Yibai briefly considered telling them he had run away but chose not to. It wasn’t his business and he wasn’t about to get involved with such a thing.

Simple things like this had a way of coming back to bite you in the ass.

Yibai shook his head, trying to move past the two at the door but still finding his path blocked.

“Do you think you can just leave before we find him?” The leader pressed. “He caused us a lot of problems.

“And how is that my problem? Am I supposed to wait for you to let me leave?” 

The teen, clearly an alpha, seemed put off by Yibai’s dismissive answer. He had become used to students either cowering or meekly staying quiet. Yet this beta, despite being shorter than him, showed no fear.

No, instead, he looked bored.

Like he was staring at a child’s game.

“You-” The teen was about to snap at Yibai but a tone rang from his pocket. It was a simple melody but one that froze his blood. Without hesitation, he answered the call and spoke in whispered tones.

“Hello?... N-no, we haven’t found him yet but we’re in his class asking the people here…” He flinched, glancing around the room nervously. “N-no but there aren't any teachers around so it shouldn't be a- … Yes… Yes.”

He responded in the affirmative a few more times, his demeanor wilting with each answer. He was clearly being scolded.

But Yibai didn't care, walking past them as they spoke. He didn’t even bother asking why those guys had cell phones despite them not being allowed on campus. 

If they were the crazy guy, it was no wonder they could disregard such rules. 

They were delinquents after all.


On the way to the rooftop, Yibai saw a worn down sign telling students they weren't allowed there. It looked like it had been pried off the door dozens of times and hung loosely on some strings.

Clearly this was a loosely enforced rule considering the principal couldn’t even be bothered to bolt it back to the door.

Moreover, unless he was caught, what was there to be worried about?

So like many others before him, he disregarded the sign and stepped out onto the rooftop. The air was chilly and made Yibai regret not grabbing his jacket before leaving class.

As he looked around, he was surprised to see he was alone.

While he was here to confront his would-be blackmailer, surely such a spot would be filled with other students too. It wasn’t so cold that eating up here would be uncomfortable yet there was nothing besides the wind accompanying him.


Still, after all this time of dodging Song Yang and his ‘friendly offers’, it was nice to have a nice, quiet lunch period. If that bastard wasn’t here yet, why not enjoy this small moment of peace.

Moving out of sight of the entrance, Yibai relaxed against the wall, opening his lunch. For a moment, he considered inviting Yang Ru but decided to leave it for another day. She was busy with some student council things.

Out of nowhere, he saw a pair of feet suddenly appear before him as someone jumped down from above. Attached to those feet were legs that very quickly encircled Yibai as that person slammed his foot into the wall beside his head.

“I could have sworn there was a sign outside that said no one was allowed up here.”

This deep voice sent shivers through Yibai, though he wished he could suppress it. He had heard some alphas could influence others just by talking but this was a first for him.

It was hatefully attractive.

But Yibai was not one to take the matter sitting down.

He jumped to his feet, meeting this alpha face to face. Or at least he tried to as this guy was taller than him.

Damn these guys and their abnormally long legs!

“Yet here you are.” He shot back, glaring back.

The alpha looked unconcerned, as if Yibai was a mere child before him. 

It was annoying and the urge to punch this guy grew.

All the while, the teen with the punchable face stared back at Yibai intensely, his brows furrowing as the silence fell between them. He seemed to be pondering something but this was of no concern to Yibai.

Chances are, this was the guy who sent the note.

He wasn’t sure how he planned on handling the matter but he needed to make sure this guy didn’t say anything.

Punching him would be a solution and totally wouldn’t be just because this guy was being annoying. Absolutely not.

But first, he had to be sure.

“Why are you up here?” Yibai asked, narrowing his eyes.

“Me? I should be asking you that.” He shot back, folding his arms. “Everyone knows this is my spot.”

This arrogant-! “You can’t claim an entire rooftop as yours alone.”

“Who says it's mine alone?”


“It belongs to both kings, not just me.”

K-kings?! Was this guy…

No, he wasn’t the Tyrant since his hair was black so he must be-

“The Mad King.” The beta muttered, his desire to leave growing within him.

At that, the guy snickered, his lips parting slightly to show a pair of fangs. Perhaps it was just human instinct but the gesture felt mildly threatening.

“Is that what they call me?” He sneered, looking mildly bemused. Perhaps he’d never known before this what his nickname was.

Then Yibai had best keep Yang Ru’s nickname a secret.

The king continued. “Then shouldn’t you be running?”

“Why should I?” 


“Just because you call yourself a king,” He snapped, staring back at the taller boy.  “doesn’t mean I’m going to let you boss me around.”

“Oh?” The alpha looked amused. “Then punch me.”



“Punch me.” He repeated, as if the statement was perfectly normal. “Preferably in the face but then again that annoying guy will get all pissy if he sees it.” After a moment of consideration, he shook his head regretfully. “Damn, maybe not in the face then.”


Maybe Yang Ru was right about this guy. He was crazy.

Yibai might want to punch him but being asked to is suspicious and weird!

Yibai grimaced, stepping to the side. “Don’t involve me in your weird interests.”

This seemed to break through the alpha’s thick skin.

“Eh?” He cried, looking flustered. “Why does everyone accuse me like that?! I’m not into that kind of weird stuff!”

So this was a regular thing!? If so many people say that, the common factor is you!

“If you don’t want to be accused unjustly,” Yibai snapped back. “then don't say misleading things!” 

“This is this and that is that.” He shot back, blocking Yibai’s escape route with his arm. “I just want to know how it feels to be punched by you.”

How does that not sound like someone’s kink?!

Ah, this mad king really lives up to his name!

Regardless, Yibai didn't want to participate in whatever this guy wanted from him. 

“Move!” He growled, though it probably didn’t sound as intimidating as alpha. In fact, the one before him just cocked a brow.

“So...” He continued, looking curious. “Is that a yes or no on the punching thing?”

This fucking guy!

Pissed off, Yibai threw a punch his way, wanting to just hit this guy once. It might not do much damage but there was only so much his pride could take.

Yet his fist was caught just before it would have landed on his face.

“Hey now, I know I asked for it but a bruised face would really be too much trouble this week.” The alpha complained, pouting. “Maybe later~”

“Don’t be weird! I hate dealing with troublesome people like you.”

At that, the alpha froze, his hand clenching just a bit on Yibai’s fist


Whatever the alpha was trying to say was none of Yibai’s concern. He just wanted to leave yet when he tried to pull away, he found himself stuck between the wall and his captor.

Worse yet, even when he managed to free his fist, the bastard grabbed it again, intertwining their fingers.

Yibai tried to pull his hand away but the alpha’s grip was too strong. If anything, it was hurting him just trying to escape. Much to his annoyance, this bastard didn’t look to even notice his struggle.

If not for how close they were now, Yibai would have kneed him in the balls.

All the while, the Mad King stared down at him with a strange look.

“Do...Do I know you?”

“Know me?”

Would knowing me mean you can just pin people to walls like this?!

“You…” He leaned in close, seeming to relax despite his grip being strong. “You smell familiar.”

“Do you usually go around smelling people?” Yibai snapped back, glaring at him. “Cause that's really gross.”

Despite his attempt to provoke him, the alpha seemed unbothered. He even pressed their intertwined finger to the wall as he closed in on Yibai.

“And that harsh way of talking too.” He whispered, his breath hitting his ears in ways he hated himself for reacting to.

“Oi, don’t ignore me, you bastard! If you forgot me, that's your problem.”

The alpha stared at Yibai with wide eyes, gray to red. He frowned as something seemed to occur to him.



Master? The only one who would ever call him that so brazenly was Guiren but… Could this really be him?

The Guiren he remembered but strong but his body was still lanky from youth. There was none of the bulk this guy had yet the red eyes that gleamed whenever he saw Yibai was the same.

This annoying guy was that guy, it seemed.

Guiren saw the recognition in Yibai’s eyes and rejoiced, his bored expression falling away to reveal pure joy.

“You are! Master, it is you!” Guiren beamed, wrapping his arms around Yibai. This overbearing attitude and casual touching could only be that Guiren.

Though if he was here then…

That other troublesome person could possibly be here too.

All the while, Guiren was happily nuzzling Yibai. This scent that had been tickling his nose since the beta had come up here was now engulfing his senses. This was the scent he felt missing whenever he and that annoying guy had to spend time together.

Ah, this was the best~

Yibai, throughout, said nothing, letting Guiren hug him to his heart's content. It's not like he could escape from his grip from his position.

All of this was fine and good for Guiren but just like their first meeting, it would end the same way.


Guiren cried out, falling to the ground as he clutched at his groin.

The first time Yibai met Guiren after 2 years, he kneed the crowned king in the balls.

It was only right for him to receive such a welcome.


AN: This chapter was originally going to be longer but I chose to split it cause this worked better narratively. Good news is that since its a split, the next update wont take nearly as long. Huzzah!

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