[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Everyday problems

AN: So there is some… spice that I wasn’t intending on including in this chapter. It started out fine and then it just kept going until I… I honestly don’t know how this came about. My original outline went straight out the window. It doesn’t complicate later events but I honestly feel kind of embarrassed about this. ////


The next few days were the same deal.

Li Han ‘accidentally’ left out his things in the shared area, tripping Jun Yibai up a couple of times.

Eating his food despite being clearly labeled as his.

Playing loud music at ungodly hours of the night, though that stopped when the neighbors complained.

Blaming that loud music on the beta so he was the one getting dirty looks from their neighbors.

It was all petty stuff but stressful when put together.

“So you punched him out, right?” Yang Ru, who had come by to hang out with him, leaned back in her chair with a raised brow.

“Of course, I didn't.” He shot back, chewing a straw. He had been nursing his soda for a while but recalling his week was stressing him out. “He's my roommate. I can’t afford to make any enemies here.”

Those Li siblings were out to get him but he assumed since they were only doing these petty things, it would eventually die down. If he pressed the matter, they might up their game to actual malice.

He had considered getting a room change. Much to his chagrin, however, he learned he couldn’t afford to get a new roommate. Something about a lack of open spots or some bullshit. He suspected the clerk at the office had a connection to Li Min since he had seen him with the alpha sometime later.

His only other option was an off-campus house and he couldn’t afford that. The hotels alone would break him in only a few months and he couldn’t work and study with his coursework.

So he was stuck with dealing with petty shit.

“Who said anything about making enemies?” Yang Ru continued, interrupting his musings. “Just a quick right hook to the jaw and he’ll know better than to mess with you.”

Jun Yibai suppressed a chuckle, tempted by the suggestion.

“He’s not a dog I can train into behaving, Yang Ru.” He argued, amused by the thought. It was a nice thought and would definitely soothe his frustrations swiftly. “Moreover, that's the kind of thing you’d do to resolve this.”

She raised a skeptical brow at him, deadpanning. “Says the guy who punched a dude on his first day of work.”

“He deserved it.” He answered with a shrug.

“So does this jackass!”

While Jun Yibai agreed, it would be bad to make his roommate his adversary. At the moment, it was just minor things so he could deal with it.


Days later, he was confronted by Li Min. She smiled serenely as she stood next to Hanyu, who was unaware of her backbiting nature.

Jun Yibai had tried to broach the subject but the omega was very doubtful since the beta couldn’t outright accuse her of anything. She was very friendly and sweet around others so his own experience seemed out of sync.

While he understood the sentiment, it was annoying. Still, it was fine since he and Li Min rarely interacted. He liked Hanyu and wanted to stay friends, so he chose to let it go for now.

But now here she was, greeting him like they were close.

“It's so good to see you again, Brother Jun!” She said, smiling sweetly. It might have been cute if not for her blatant disregard for his previous statements. So he did the only proper thing one could do.

Ignore her.

“I thought we were going to the library to study, Hanyu.” He turned to the omega, who at least had the decency to look ashamed. He knew Jun Yibai disliked Li Min and had made it a habit to keep them apart despite his desire for his friends to get along.

The two had agreed to study together because they shared a class that the omega was struggling with. Jun Yibai had agreed to help since he needed to study too.

So why was this person who wasn’t in their class here when they needed to study?

Hanyu grimaced, looking like he wished to be anywhere but here. “I-“

“Brother Jun, don’t be like this!” Li Min cut him off, surprising the man with her impassioned words. “I know you don’t like me but don’t blame senior for this. I wanted to tag along because he promised to spend time with me.”

Again, Jun Yibai ignored her and turned to Hanyu. The omega sighed harshly, looking actually annoyed by her declaration. Probably because it sounded like a date when put like that.

“I did promise that but I told you I need to study for my next exam.” He explained, though his tone was weary. “I’m sorry about the last-minute rescheduling but I really need this guy’s help.”

“But your promise!”

“We can hang out anytime but this class is really important for my degree.” He argued, pulling his arm away. “Better yet, we can invite the club and hang out together!”

“But I-”

“Are you planning on holding us up much longer?” Jun Yibai cut in, feeling annoyed. She was clearly trying to pressure Hanyu into letting her join their study session. “We have important things to do right now.”

She glared at him, hiding her expression from Hanyu with her hair. “You-”

“Li Min, please don’t be difficult.” Hanyu stepped between them, keeping them apart. “This is my fault so I’ll make up for it later.”

“Like with a date?” She offered with an impish grin.

“Li Min!” Hanyu snapped, glaring at her.

“I’m just joking!” She stepped back, seeing that she had crossed the line. “Relax, senior~ See ya, brother Jun!”

The alpha departed, leaving the two in a strained silence. Jun Yibai could feel his friend glancing over at him but didn’t feel like saying anything.

So Hanyu spoke first.

“I-I’m sorry about that.” He mumbled, scratching his head awkwardly.

Jun Yibai sighed.

“It's fine, I understand.” He really did but that didn’t mean he wanted to talk about this. He really just wanted to study. But Hanyu still looked concerned.

“I really wasn’t trying anything or-”

“I said it's fine!”

Hanyu flinched at his tone, but let the matter go. Jun Yibai was indeed annoyed. While he liked Hanyu, he was too accommodating toward others when pressed. Honestly. Jun Yibai was just happy he had at least argued back this time but he wasn’t going to let this go that easily.

The two went on to the library and studied as planned. The air between them was tense for a while, as if Li Min had hung over them like a cloud.

As expected, the study session wasn’t the most productive one.

After two hours of stilted words exchanged, Jun Yibai considered ending the session early. While his ire wasn’t directed at Hanyu per se, being around him was just reminding him of what he really was mad about.

That Li Min and her obnoxious brother disrupted his life.

“Ah, it's my lucky day!”

Hanyu and Jun Yibai had chosen a secluded corner of the library to ensure they wouldn’t be disrupted by casual visitors. So far, other than those few people researching the obscure subjects on the shelves behind them, they hadn’t seen a soul.

Yet somehow, this guy showed up.

“I was so hoping I’d get to see you soon~” Chen Guiren grinned at Jun Yibai, dropping down into the seat beside him. He could swear he felt the floor shake as he did so. The alpha was huge when compared to others so he seemed to swallow up all the space around him.

“What are you doing here?” Jun Yibai scowled, not feeling in the mood to deal with anything else right then.

There was a moment of silence as the alpha stared back at him with a weird look. Then his grin returned.

“Business.” He replied, resting his cheek on his fist.

“At the library?”

“Did you think I’d be exchanging classified documents anywhere else?”

“Doing so at school is unbecoming.” And probably illegal.

Chen Guiren chuckled.

“It's nothing troublesome, I promise. The sly fox wanted me to drop some stuff off to a client.”

“And you did?” Those two were usually at each other's throats so the thought of them working together was… hard to believe.

“It helps me too.” He shrugged his massive shoulders, showing off his strength in that casual way he did. Across from them, a gulp was heard. Neither of them looked toward the sound as the alpha continued. “By the way, who is this guy?”

Jun Yibai blinked, only then recalling that Hanyu was there too, staring wide-eyed as the two conversed casually. Damn it, he got drawn in by this bastard's antics and forgot himself.

And from the look of it, so did Hanyu. His face was flushed again, leaning away from the table as if to distance himself. Yet the omega couldn’t seem to make himself look away from Chen Guiren, giving the alpha a hard look.

Was this a kind of dominance thing? He was sure Hanyu had said he felt uncomfortable before. What was he trying to prove?

“I saw him with you the other day too.” Chen Guiren growled, regaining Jun Yibai attention once more. Gone was the pliant and easygoing Chen Guiren. In his place was an alpha who stared intensely down at Jun Yibai like he was demanding his submission. “Are you picking up more flies now that we don’t see each other as much?”

What? Was this guy crazy!?

“Hanyu is my friend so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t cause any trouble for him.” He snapped back, his stare just as intense as the alpha. “Who I make friends with is none of your concern.”

Chen Guiren clicked his teeth, looking annoyed but Jun Yibai didn’t care. He was like this sometimes. Trying to assert dominance at random times as if he’d forgotten to do so at some point.

But that wasn’t their relationship.

If anything, Chen Guiren seemed to prefer being the less dominant one when it came to him and the beta. It was only at times like this when those alpha instincts reared up that Jun Yibai had to put his foot down.

And with the mood he was in, he briefly considered whether or not they’d have to get aggressive today.

As if sensing his thoughts, Chen Guiren tensed. That manically excited look flashed in his eyes, the look this guy only got right before a fight started.

The air felt heavy then and he heard a small whimper from across from him. Worried, Jun Yibai tried to turn toward the sound but his chin was grabbed by Chen Guiren.

“Don’t look away from me, Master.” The alpha snarled, his red eyes gleaming with a possessive heat. “I already have to share you with that fox. I’m not letting anyone else have you.”

Jun Yibai felt his heart jump at his words but something in him refused to melt, wanting to bite back.

“I’m not yours.” He snapped back, smacking his hand away. Despite that, the alpha grinned perversely.

“Not yet.” He growled, the sound low and rumbling like far-off thunder. “Master won’t let just anyone claim him, right?”


A predatory smile graced his lips as he moved in closer.

“Then you are still mine.” He whispered in his ear, his hand going around his neck. It was a light touch but something about it felt proprietary. “And as my beta, shouldn’t you be honest with me?”

“I’m not yours,” Yet, a small rebellious voice called out but was quickly crushed by the beta’s rationality. He refused to be swayed by this guy.

He reached up and pulled Chen Guiren back by the hair. It should have hurt and gotten him back to his senses but this was Chen Guiren.

Obviously, he wouldn’t do as he was expected to do.

No, this bastard let a sinfully erotic growl. No, a growl wouldn’t sound like that. It was too soft, less of a sound, and more of a feeling.

W-was he purring?!

“Master~” He cooed, looking dazed as Jun Yibai’s fist unconsciously clenched harder. Again, that manic pre-fight look came forth, challenging Jun Yibai.



They both froze, only then recalling where they were. Jun Yibai shoved Chen Guiren away, feeling ashamed to have been drawn into the alpha’s clutches once more. He had even forgotten where he was and acted like this!

And he was seen by… a stranger?

The man who cleared his throat was glancing behind him, his gaze searching for something. Yet Jun Yibai could feel his attention on them. His face was impassive, as if he’d seen nothing.

Hanyu, on the other hand, was covering his ears and looking away. He looked halfway out of his seat and mortified. As if sensing Jun Yibai's gaze, he peeked over and sighed with relief. He still looked embarrassed but not any more than the beta did just then.

The smug look on Chen Guiren's face said he was pleased to have been seen by the omega. As if the show was intended for their audience.

This fucker!


A few minutes later, Jun Yibai and Hanyu were walking out of the library in silence. A silence that lasted all of 10 minutes before the omega could no longer take it.


“Stop.” Jun Yibai pleaded, feeling embarrassed just thinking about it.

“Oh, MY GOD!” Hanyu turned to him, gesturing wildly. “I… You- y-you and him are-”

“We’re not anything but friends!”

“Friends don’t scent mark each other.” He snorted, tactfully covering his nose. “My girlfriend only does that when she gets restless or jealous.”

“He just gets like that sometimes.” He explained, trying to make their relationship sound less strange. Really, it wasn’t weird. They both did that kind of thing sometimes. It was never an issue since he rarely interacted with anyone but betas.

The few non-beta’s he met either just steered clear or paid it no mind. He suspected his previous job in construction made it hard for most to notice so it never occurred to him to curb this behavior. Now he was openly scented by Chen Guiren and noticed how it seemed.

Then again, he was also seen being scent marked.

He tried to explain that their behavior before was absolutely not weird for friends but Hanyu refused to budge. The omega stared at him like he’d gone crazy.

“Dude, you guys looked seconds away from making out on the table.”

Is that how they looked? It wasn’t like that though! Sure, he was kind of hard after pushing back against Chen Guiren but that was only because of their relationship.

Chen Guiren and he were sparing partners first and friends later so his desire to pin the alpha was a normal reaction. It was the adrenaline, really.

Moreover, what happened before was only because Chen Guiren was trying to get him to submit. The alpha knew how Jun Yibai felt about that so tensions were raised and he acted as he was supposed to in a fight.

To dominate his opponent. And that's what the alpha was at that moment, his opponent.

The mild arousal was just his dumb lizard brain mistaking a win as permission to have sex. Simple as!

“Had that guy not shown up, I’m pretty sure you’d have been doing the nasty before long.” Hanyu continued, cocking a brow.

Right, that guy. Apparently, he’d been one of Chen Guiren’s guys sent to check in on his boss. Worse still was the fact that it had apparently taken him a few tries to get their attention. Or at least, Jun Yibai’s attention.

“You couldn’t have waited a few more seconds, Xiao Fu?” Chen Guiren sighed, still staring at Jun Yibai with misty eyes. “A little longer and everyone would know who this guy belongs to.”

This had earned the alpha a kick in the shin. His yelp of pain soothed Jun Yibai's mildly bruised pride. Even as his snickers echoed in Jun Yibai's ears as he and Hanyu left, he felt satisfied that he’d at least avenged himself in that small way.

“That guy is an alpha so he gets all possessive around other people.” He finally explained with a sigh. “It’s normal.”

Jun Yibai was used to him acting like this and generally preferred it since it kept others away from them. Chen Guiren was like a wall in general but add in other people and he became very territorial. As if he thought someone would take Jun Yibai if he didn’t growl at every passing waitress offering a refill.

It was nice to not have people stare.

This time, however, it was troublesome.

He honestly didn’t expect Chen Guiren to act like that. He usually was very touchy and possessive but this time was… different. It felt less like his casual declaration of ownership and more intense.

As if he was mere moments from biting him and making him wear his mark for everyone to see.

The thought sent shivers through the beta, though he wasn’t sure if it was from excitement or dismay. The former bothered him much more than the latter.

“I’ve got to go.” Jun Yibai cut off Hanyu’s words, which he had been drowning out for the last few minutes. He doubted the omega believed him about just being friends with Chen Guiren but he honestly didn’t want to argue the point.

His relationship with those two wasn’t simple and he didn’t want to explain it to anyone, friend or not.

Upon arriving at his dorm, he was not surprised to see Li Han in the shared living space, watching TV. If he wasn’t making Jun Yibai’s life a hassle, he was there in front of the TV, watching something trashy.

Worse, it's not even the guilty pleasure kind of trashy. It's the ‘why in the world would you make a show like this at all’ kind of trashy.

This time, however, Li Han wasn’t watching some weird ‘reality’ show. He was watching the news.

[...a recent change in management has been finalized after a long and expensive legal battle. The new CEO of Song Entertainment is scheduled to have his first press conference later this week. It's been theorized that the new CEO will be addressing the recent scandals associated with their talents and claims of abuse from upper management. The most vocal of the claims are from an Artist known as Y who claims that-]

“Song?” Jun Yibai echoed, only half listening to the newscast. He generally didn’t keep up with entertainment since it was messy and hard to follow. The story was never clear since so many people put their own spin on things.

This time, however, he was curious about the name of the company. He recalled his classmate from high school, who was also surnamed Song. The chances of him being related to one of the growing companies were low but for some reason, he couldn’t help but wonder.

Maybe I can call Suren and ask if there was a connection. He thought, walking past the alpha. He was glad that the man was one of those people who ignored the world when watching TV. He didn’t feel like dealing with both of the Li siblings today.

But, much to his surprise, Li Han grabbed his arm all of a sudden.

Jun Yibai glanced at the hand clenched on his wrist before looking at the alpha.

“What do you want now?” He said, his tone cold and annoyed.

Li Han didn’t seem eager to respond, cocking his head as if trying to figure out something. Just as Jun Yibai was about to demand an answer, the alpha pulled him close and sniffed him.

Fucking gross!

Jun Yibai kneed the alpha in the balls, shoving him away in disgust. He could deal with petty shit but if this guy thought he’d be willing to be touched by him, he’d better be ready for a fight.

“The fuck are you doing?!” Jun Yibai shouted, raising his fists. He was sure this wasn’t something Li Min had planned. Such a thing was too much.

Li Han groaned, glaring daggers but keeping a distance.

“Don’t flatter yourself, asshole.” He said through gritted teeth. “I can do a lot better than you. Why would I want to touch a beta, especially a guy like you?”

Jun Yibai rolled his eyes at the comment. As if he wanted to be touched by this guy either. He was good looking but all alphas were. His arrogance was just an added insult to injury.

“But you come in reeking of some other alpha and expect me not to notice?” Li Han continued, looking strangely insulted.

Jun Yibai blinked, confused. Was this some kind of alpha posturing thing? He had heard that most alphas don’t like the scent of another in their home but surely it wasn’t that, right?

“Had you not grabbed me, I’d have been in the shower by now.” Jun Yibai pointed out, feeling a headache forming.

“Who were you fucking?”

“What?” Jun Yibai blinked.

“You heard me. You were fucking some alpha, right?” He pressed, his gaze running over Jun Yibai’s body as if searching for the scarlet letter on his skin. “A dominant one at that. Who was it?”

Ah, that's what it was. He was worried that Jun Yibai had someone he couldn’t intimidate backing him. He wondered briefly if the scent scared his roommate as he was now keeping a cautious distance from Jun Yibai.

“None of your business.”

Maybe now he could study in peace.


Meanwhile, elsewhere, Chen Guiren was happily returning home. His mood was practically bursting from the seams!

Outwardly, however, he looked to be sleeping in the backseat of his limo. Across from sat Li Suren, who was watching the alpha with a curious expression.

“You saw Sweetie?”

“Yep.” The alpha answered without opening his eyes.

“And you didn’t let me know?”

“Would you have for me?”

They both knew the answer. Both wanted Jun Yibai for themselves, their possessive need for the beta somehow overpowering their need for each other. It was the reason they sat so far from one another.

Any closer and the latent scent of the beta on Chen Guiren’s clothes might have tempted them to do something more than talk business.

Speaking of business.

“Did you get Yi Lin?” Li Suren asked, turning back to the files on his lap. The original purpose of their meeting was just to make sure everything was going as planned. It was just the faint scent of their beta’s scent that distracted him.

“Yi Lin?” The alpha finally opened his eyes, glancing out the window. “Which guy was that?”

“The basketball captain!”

“Oh, him. Yeah, I got him.” He assured, remembering that guy. Because of him, he got to see Master while beating his ass in his own preferred sport. It was a win-win for the alpha. “I don’t know why you need me though. He’s an arrogant idiot, so I doubt you couldn’t get him on your own.”

The idiot had fallen right into Li Suren’s trap. Just a few choice words and a sultry look had that guy salivating for a chance at the omega.

The fact he was engaged didn’t seem to deter him at all.

So like a proper alpha, Chen Guiren challenged him for ownership of Li Suren. Those hadn’t been Chen Guiren’s words but it had been Yi Lin’s downfall.

The second that arrogant little shit had tried to claim Li Suren as his, Chen Guiren had forgotten all about the plan. The simple plan that just needed him to show he wasn’t disinterested in the omega in order to draw him in further.

No, he got mad. No, mad was too tame. He was furious that this little shit thought he could touch his omega. That Li Suren would be anything but his and Master’s omega. That he could dare to fantasize about him was what made Chen Guiren want to break the other alpha.

What better way to break a man than to demolish him in his own area of expertise?

The look on his face when Chen Guiren confessed to having never played basketball before was euphoric.

“Alphas respect strength.” Li Suren explained, interrupting the alpha’s pleasant memories. “They submit to stronger men, those who show their superiority in their accomplished field. I can’t beat him physically, so he would never respect me or my authority. Hence why I needed you to reign him in.”

Chen Guiren shrugged, glancing at his phone. Social media was abuzz about the new CEO of Song Entertainment. It was a rising star that recently had some scandals spring up.

A rising star that was edging on Chen Guiren’s company.

“Anything on Song Entertainment’s new CEO?” He asked, still scrolling.

“Other than the fact that he’d one of the sons of the former CEO and he’s been overseas for a while now, nothing.” Li Suren answered, having been asked about this before.

“And before going overseas?”

“Getting records on minors takes time.”

“I see.”

They soon arrived at their residence, a large highrise that overlooked the city. Originally when the two had chosen to live together, they’d wanted to get a house so that when Jun Yibai finally agreed to live with them, he’d be more comfortable. Unfortunately, their parents had insisted they stay here, close to both households.

An engagement gift, they had been told.

Chen Guiren had already bought a smaller place, as he was sure Li Suren had done the same. A place they could all live without being observed by their families.

Staring up at the high rise, he couldn’t help but wonder what master would have thought of this place. He’d probably grimace in disgust at how unnecessarily lavish it was, inside and out.

He chuckled at the thought.

“Are you coming or not?” Li Suren called out, waiting for him

Chen Guiren nodded, feeling glad to be back. It was almost home. It was just missing one other person to make it so.


AN: Random factoid. I chose which of the two boys would show up at the library via a coin flip so there is an alternate scene where Suren showed up instead and proclaimed Yibai as his.

Also, for those wondering why Hanyu didn't leave, he had wanted to after seeing how intimate the two were but the bodyguard, Xiao Fu, wouldn't let him leave. He was ordered not to let anyone get close or leave the area.

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