[BL] Between an Alpha and Omega

U: Nothing Lost

AN: This chapter went on… a bit longer than I anticipated. Things got derailed and went in a weird direction

No edits so let me know if I messed up anywhere.


The blistering hot sun beat down on muscled backs as they worked tirelessly. Arms bulged with sandbags to be carried, deep groans of exertion as pipes were adjusted to the right position and the shouts of the foreman as he ordered his men to get things done.

This was Jun Yibai life.

He hadn’t wanted to do this but it couldn’t be helped. While the offer of rooming with his friends had been on the table, he refused to live like that unless he could carry some of the burdens.

So he worked to earn enough money to get a place of his own.

To be honest, he mostly got this job due to his father's connections. He was really lucky that his dad trusted his words and didn't question his decision to move out or else he’d have already been caught.

It had been a year since he’d graduated high school and moved out. His mother was distracted but his father nodded like it was to be expected.

“It's best you learn how to fend for yourself out there.” He’d said the day he broke the news. “I can give you a good word but that's all I’m giving. With what I’ve taught you, it should be more than enough.”

It was cold but it was very much like this.

This job was hard and only paid by the day but the benefits were well worth the sweat and dirt. Dorms for the workers. The quality was… livable but compared to paying for hotels every night, it was preferable.

The beta had been wiping the sweat and grit off his brow when he heard a voice call out to him.

“B-brother Jun!?”

He looked up to see one of the newcomers to the site. There was no questioning his sex, with such a charming face and delicate figure. When he’d first arrived, the other betas gave him the stink eye, as was expected from those who knew how precarious their employment could be.

Everyone but Jun Yibai, neither approached nor dismissed the young man.

He didn't know why an omega would bother seeking out a job like this. He clearly wasn’t built for this kind of stuff. He struggled with even the lightest loads but as a fellow teen trying to make money, Jun Yibai had lent him a helping hand every once in a while.

Since then, the omega had followed him around like a stray.

“Brother Jun.” The young man, Huo Yun, ran to his side, holding up some papers. “These came for you.”

“You ran all the way over here to hand me my mail?”

Their sites were quite a distance from each other. Even though the dorms were halfway between the sites, it was still a long trek.

The omega flushed, shielding his face with the rim of his cap. “B-brother Jun did say I should try running to build up my stamina.”

“Ah right.” He muttered absently, mildly recalling him saying something like that. While he wouldn’t stop the omega from working, he didn’t want the man to kill himself trying to do the work of men twice his size. “I did say that, didn’t I?”

He gave the omega a friendly shoulder pat. “I’m glad you’re sticking to it.”

Again, the omega’s face flushed.

Ah, it must be really hot for him. He thought, handing the man a bottle of water. Afterward, he went through his mail. Most of it was junk but one caught his eye. 

The OO University emblem on the envelope filled him with dreadful anticipation.

He swallowed nervously, thinking about whether he should open the letter now or later. If he opened it now and it was bad news, it’d ruin his entire day. But if he waited until later, the anticipation would throw him off anyway

Either way, he was not going to get through the day with a clear mind now that he had the letter.

He let out a breath, calmly opened the letter, and read. The omega beside him watched, curious about the letter too. Who didn’t know about OO University and its tough qualifications? Getting in was hard enough to be able to afford the tuition which usually forced students to drop out. If not for the excellent facilities and preferential treatment given to graduates, it would be a school only for the most affluent.

A young person working as a laborer couldn’t possibly be acce-

“Yes!” The omega jumped at the sound of the beta shouting. It was a rare show of excitement from the unusually taciturn male. Yet he was grinning from ear to ear, his fist clenched around the letter.

“Brother Jun?”

“Little brother, thank you so much for bringing me this!” Again, the omega found his shoulders being patted, though a lot more enthusiastically than before. “This has made my day!”

Ah, has brother Jun been accepted into OO University? From the look on his face, it must be.

“Congratulations, Brother Jun!” Huo Yun felt sincerely proud of Jun Yibai. While the others on the site were content with their lives, he felt this man was always striving to better himself. To see him take that first step was very fulfilling. “We should celebrate!”


"Y-yes!” Huo Yun looked away, fiddling with his fingers. “I’m not sure how close you are with the men on your site but if you don’t have anyone else, perhaps we could just celebrate your acceptance… together?”

It was a daring thing to do, an omega asking about a beta. Worse, he was sure Jun Yibai wouldn’t see it that way. 

Still, the chance to go out with the guy he’d come to like was worth it!

“I… suppose that’s fine.” The reply was slow but firm. 

Yang Ru was probably busy with her own things so calling to celebrate would be too much. He was sure the woman would bite his head off about it later but he knew just how much her classes were draining her.

He’d endure the lecture for no other reason than to keep her enrolled.

As for the others he could invite…

“I do have some friends that might come but let's go out later tonight.” He offered, noting that the break was ending soon. “You should get going or else you’ll be late.”

“Right!” Huo Yun was over the moon, not even worried about being late. He’d get chewed out and given extra work on top of having to run back but it was worth it.

Brother Jun said yes!

Sure, he’d be inviting his friends but maybe he could get them to like him and encourage the beta to give Huo Yun a chance.


A dark car that took in the merciless heat of the sun was parked outside the construction site. Sitting in such a heat box would usually require an air conditioner to be blasting within but none was needed.

No, why use such a thing when the person in the backseat was chilling the air with his ire?

Neither the driver nor the occupant spoke, the former too terrified to even breathe too loudly. The occupant seemingly stared expressionlessly out the window at the beta/omega pair talking.

“So many flies.”


Jun Yibai had been thinking about whether or not to call Li Suren and Chen Guiren when the decision was taken from him.

“Hey, sweetie~”

Jun Yibai had been walking with Huo Yun when a sleek luxury car drove up to them. The omega jumped in surprise but Jun Yibai could recognize the car on sight. Especially when the window rolled down to see a familiar face.

“Didn’t I say not to loiter outside my job?” He was quick to chastise the man inside, much to the surprise of Huo Yun. “You stick out like a sore thumb.”

While his father had fewer friends in this city, he knew being seen with Li Suren was going to draw attention.

“I brought my least attention-grabbing car to escort my dearest sweetie to dinner.”

“So you know then.” It wasn’t a question. Li Suren was good at gathering information. His acceptance into OO university would have been easy to secure.

“Absolutely and now I’m here to make sure my sweetie gets the celebration he deserves after all his hard work!”

Jun Yibai looked away, feeling a bit embarrassed at his words. While he really had wanted to earn a scholarship, to be congratulated for it felt strange. He did study hard but did he need to talk about it like he’d split the atom?

“Whatever.” He grumbled, only then recalling that he wasn’t alone. Huo Yun stared at Li Suren with wide eyes, no doubt recognizing the Li family heir.

This was the reason he had hesitated in calling either of his friends, as they stuck out in any crowd. They mostly talked via texts or calls but considering the circumstances, it shouldn’t be too bad this time.

“Little brother- no, Huo Yun.” The omega finally pulled his gaze from Li Suren, looking up at Jun Yibai in shock. “Do you mind not… telling anyone about this?”


“If anyone finds out about this, it’ll be really troublesome for me.” He explained. He knew the men on his site. They were resentful towards those they felt got a leg up or putting on airs. If they learned he was friends with the Li Suren, they’d conclude he was just mocking them by roughing it with them in the less-than-idle dorms.

Because surely, if you had a richer-than-god friend, you’d use them rather than slum it as a laborer.

Those are the bitter thoughts of those who work from dusk till dawn.

Huo Yun seemed to regain his footing at his words, scowling up at him.

“I would never tell those jerks about this!” He insisted. “I was just… admittedly, trying to come to terms with you and him.”

Jun Yibai watched him for a second before relaxing. It seems that he’d pressed him too early. 

“I’m glad.” He turned to Li Suren. “You want to celebrate with us, I’m guessing?”

“Kidnapping you isn’t on my schedule so an invitation would be nice.”

While Huo Yun looked a bit awkward, the three decided to go together though Li Suren got to pick the venue. It wouldn’t do for a well-known face to show up at a local bar.

Half an hour later, the trio was being walked through a pristine marble floor at one of the most expensive places in the city. Huo Yun looked around in awe, enamored by the beauty of the place.

Jun Yibai was grimacing deeply, feeling like he wanted to scream.

“Did you have to take me to such a high-end place?” He whisper-growled, grabbing Li Suren’s shoulder. The waiter leading them glanced back at them, surprised by the casual touch but neither seemed to notice.

“How could I do anything less?” Li Suren replied, patting the beta’s hand affectionately. “My sweetie got accepted into OO University despite being too morose about it. Shouldn’t you get something nice?”

Nice was taking a laborer smelling of sweat and dirt to a 4-star restaurant? He supposed he should be grateful though. He was sure the only reason Li Suren had stopped at 4 stars was to avoid being noticed by the press.

The waiter had the courtesy to keep them out of sight of the other customers. This was the kind of place where rich people wanted to eat without being ogled so it was given. As such, the only ones around were the staff.

The staff stopped to stare at Li Suren.

Jun Yibai sighed, having gotten used to it a bit.

He found that of the two, he preferred having Chen Guiren around when eating alone with either. It's not that he liked the alpha more but he was very good at keeping people away when needed. He was handsome enough to draw eyes but somehow terrifying enough to make people not dare look their way.

Jun Yibai had no idea how he did this but preferred that to all the attention they were getting right then. The only upside was that the attention was mostly on Li Suren.

Perhaps they just saw an intern or errand boy when noting the beta beside him.


The celebration was just them hanging out. The food was excellent, though foreign to Jun Yibai and Huo Yun. There were a lot of words he didn’t know.

Li Suren was weirdly eager to show off now that there was a third person with them. Since Li Suren was the type to do preen and posture, it wasn’t really anything Jun Yibai paid much attention to. If anything, he was glad to have someone who would explain what the fuck ‘escargots de Bourgogne’ was and avoid it like the plague.

The food arrived and the trio peacefully ate in relative silence. Jun Yibai thought the skyward silence would continue afterward but Huo Yun broke the tension by proposing a toast.

“To brother Jun!” The omega held up his glass, offering it to the beta. He couldn't legally drink but since what had that stopped him?

“Thank you, Huo Yun.”

Taking the offered cup, their fingers brushed. It was a casual and generally unnoticed moment for Jun Yibai. To Huo Yun, however, he pulled back lightly brushing his fingers together as if to relive that brief moment once more.

Jun Yibai drank, unaware of the adoring look he received from his coworker. Li Suren watched this all with impassive eyes.

“So,” Li Suren cut in as Jun Yibai placed his now empty cup on the table. “Since you got in, I assume you’ll be speaking at the orientation meeting?”

“You assume a lot.”


Damn this nosy guy.

“…I might be.”

“Just as I expected from my sweetie!” He clapped, rubbing shoulders affectionately. “Ah, I bet you’ll look so cool~”

“Shut up.” He grumbled, hiding his rippling lips in his water. 

Damn this guy! Why did he have to make such a fuss about it? Now he felt embarrassed at all the praise.

“I just wish I could come to see it too.”

Jun Yibai froze.

“You can’t?” He tried to keep the disappointment from his voice.

“Yes, unfortunately. Grandfather-” He stopped, glancing at the third wheel sitting beside them. “Family concerns.”

Jun Yibai nodded, understanding his reluctance. Families were a subject that shouldn’t be talked about around outsiders. Whether that included him was up in the air.

Still, Jun Yibai was disappointed he wouldn’t see Li Suren at the orientation. Chen Guiren had been out of town for the last few days so he had hoped at least one of them would attend.

He could call his parents to tell them the good news. While his dad might not be very approving of his ‘fruitless endeavor’, a scholarship was something that he’d surely be proud of. The man might not strive for much but success was a success regardless.

Just as he was weighing his options, his phone rang, forcing him to excuse himself to answer. This left the two omegas alone. Silence fell like a rock, filling the room with tension.

Like before, Huo Yun broke the silence first.

“This restaurant.” He noted, looking around. Though he looked uncomfortable with the luxury, he hid it well. “It's very nice.”

“Anything less would be an insult to my sweetie.” Li Suren replied, smiling with pride.

The younger man grimaced. “Must you call him that? It's weird.”

“Whether it is or not, is none of your business.”


“You like him.” It wasn’t a question but confirmation.

“L-like who?” Huo Yun blushed, denying the accusation shyly.

“Don’t play dumb. It's not cute and there's no one here to endear yourself to.”

“Are you trying to intimidate me?”

“Me? Why would I bother doing something like that?” He chuckled, smiling wistfully. “Sweetie is already mine so I'm just spoiling him as he should be. You can have your little crush, I’m not threatened.”

“What?!” While Huo Yun wasn’t planning on confessing anytime soon, he still felt offended by the other omega’s words. Such arrogance! “I could-”

“Could what? Get him by acting all soft and sweet? Sweetie isn’t into those kinds of guys. He likes capable people who can hold their heads up high. He is nice enough to lend a hand and you think it means he’s into you? Don’t get cocky.”

“You-!” He tried to defend himself, though he had had that thought once or twice. He knew Jun Yibai saw them as friends, perhaps even less but the thought that he could have the beta to himself with just a bit of pushing was a tempting thought. “I-”

“I don’t care how you feel about him but if you try and pressure my sweetie by leveraging your friendship with him, I will not let you go.”

“I would never do that!” He insisted, feeling insulted. While he wanted to get along with Brother Jun more, he was fine with his feelings being unrequited as long as they could still be friends.

To lose both a friend and a person he liked would be heartbreaking.

Perhaps seeing the conviction in his eyes, Li Suren smiled, clasping his hands together in a dignified manner.

“Good, then accept your role as ‘friend’ and stop trying to be more than that. Understood?”

Li Suren’s smile grew as the other omega gritted his teeth. He was fine with being the villain here. He absolutely refused to let some little upstart risk putting his sweetie in an awkward position just because of a crush. Sweetie had very few friends, fewer still when counting non-beta’s. It was best to let them remain friendships exclusively.

That and he really disliked the thought of other people coveting the enigmatic beta.

Perhaps he was being a bit mean, acting all possessive and warning ‘rivals’ away but he felt no guilt for it. Sweetie had been his since the day he grimaced down at this prince and called him troublesome.

The night ended upon Jun Yibai’s return, as he’d been informed he was volunteered for an early shift the next day. There was disappointment all around though Li Suren was willing to reschedule. He had even offered to invite Chen Guiren though the offer was said through gritted teeth as he spoke of the alpha.

He even called him a mutt, which both amused Jun Yibai and made him relieved since he wouldn't need to explain how he knew THE Chen Guiren.

 The next few weeks went by in a flash. The school term started, with Jun Yibai speaking as the representative due to his high grades. It was the closest he’d gotten to being treated like an alpha in his life.

It was suffocating.

Everyone was staring and muttering to themselves as he spoke.

“Thank you, headmaster. As for those who will be embarking on this journey with me, I thank you as well.”

His words were scripted. Everyone representative was required to read out these lines and, as such, no one really cared about what was said. The real draw was who the representative was.

Most times, it was an alpha. A person who was tall, intimidating, and oozed strength in ways that drew people like the kings of old. Other times, it was an omega. A person who was beautiful, charming, and had a voice that made people want to lay the world at their feet.

This time, it was a beta, which caused quite a stir.

‘Is that…?’

‘Yeah, it can’t be anything but a beta, right?’

‘Not with those looks.’

‘He’s not bad but with a speech this dull, what's to look at?’

‘Was it even worth showing up?

The words weren’t loud but in a room with only a little more than a hundred people, it was clearly heard. The teachers tried to keep things quiet but those they couldn’t reach without shouting continued muttering to themselves.

Jun Yibai wasn’t too concerned, reading his speech with the same cadence and volume as when he started, as if he couldn’t hear anything.

It was no surprise the students were mystified. Most betas either failed to reach this stage or didn’t bother to try. It was easier to remain in the comfortable shallow end rather than risk the raging rapids.

Jun Yibai wasn’t like that. 

There were youths who went to college because that was the predetermined path set forth by their parents. Those people would be lucky if they found their passion that way but most wander aimlessly for many years. Then there were those who went because they wanted to and had a goal they were striving for.

Jun Yibai was a mix of the two. He knew what he didn’t want.

He didn’t want to follow after his dad.

He loved his father and appreciated the effort the man made to start a business on his own just so he had something to pass on to his son. It wasn’t a large business but it was his inheritance.

Yet Jun Yibai wanted more than just that. Perhaps it was silly to think he’d get much done in his life but he wanted to live doing as he liked. Obviously, there were people who would naturally be better than him but why let that stop him from trying to succeed? 

He didn’t give up when competing against Suren or Guiren, so why start now?

Thinking about it, his sole reason for continuing on was because of those two and their stubborn desire to challenge him. Perhaps he would have been like his mother and just settled for the easy path had it not been for them.

It was amusing to think but he’d probably have to thank them for all the trouble they’d brought him one of these days.

The orientation ended with the students being invited to a get-together. It was short and only had a few snacks but was meant to get the students to interact with one another before classes started.

Usually, the students would converge on the representative, wanting to be close to the student with the highest grade but none did so. Mostly for one reason.

He was a beta, so they doubted he’d stay on top for very long.

They could accept a beta getting the top grade this time but in their minds, it was a one-time thing. Soon enough, someone better would take his place.

Jun Yibai just stood on the side, watching the others interact. The fact no one was interested in talking to him was fine with him. Had they approached, it would have been for ulterior reasons so it was for the best.

Still, he was bored. With no one to talk to and at least another hour until the ‘party’ ended, this was becoming a drag.

Stepping aside, he pulled out his phone and made a call. It rang for so long, he considered giving up before it connected.


“Ah, am I calling at a bad time?” Chen Guiren was panting and there was a lot of chatter going on in the background.

“Uh… A bit.” He grumbled, a muffled shout coming through fainting. The alpha shouted back, “I’ll be back in a minute! Just break his kneecaps and he’ll talk. I’m on a call.”

“I… I’m not going to ask what you are doing.” The beta mildly regretted making this call. Somehow, he always managed to catch Chen Guiren involved in something he might end up seeing on the news one day. If not for the prestige of the Chen family, he might have been worried.

He might not know the business world but he knew not all deals were made in boardrooms.

“It's just a friendly business dispute” Chen Guiren chuckled, trying to reassure his friend.

“That involves breaking kneecaps?”

“That involves breaking kneecaps, yes.” He echoed, sounding sagely. “Finance can be pretty cutthroat, you know?”

“Right…” Best not to press any further. 

Unfortunately, their conversation was short-lived as he was called back to his ‘business dispute’. He did get a congratulations and a promise to ‘see ya soon’. Both were appreciated, though he doubted he’d see the alpha any time soon.

Since graduating high school, it had been hard to see the two. The only one he could conceivably see was Li Suren as he went to OO as well but Jun Yibai definitely wasn’t planning on doing so with others around.

After the call, the beta went outside for some fresh air. It was chilly out when night fell but his sweater was good enough to keep him warm for a few minutes. He let out a breath, letting the night air fill his lungs.

“Oh!” A voice from nearby spoke up. A man was leaning on the wall nearby smoking leisurely. “Sorry, did you want the spot?”

Ah, it seems he wasn’t the only one wanting some fresh air. He shook his head at the stranger.

“No, it's fine. I just needed some fresh air.”

“Yeah, it's a bit stuffy in there.” The man chuckled. “Hey, I'm Hanyu. You?” He held out a hand, to which reciprocated. 

“Jun Yibai.”

“Ah, the rep, right?” The man raised his lit cigarette in a toast. “Congrats.”

“Thank you.” 

The two men spoke until the get-together was over, after which Hanyu invited him to a party.

“My friends and I are going out to drink for a bit. Wanna join?”

Ah, getting drunk before classes even began. Truly, he was living the dream.

As if worried Jun Yibai would refuse, Hanyu continued to persuade him. “You don’t have to be nervous. There will be people your age there too. It's mostly just my juniors wanting company.”

“Juniors? Isn’t this your first year?”

“Nope. I just like to sneak in so I can recruit some fresh faces into our club before anyone else.”

“Like me?” He deadpanned.

“Exactly! See, our rep is a smart guy, after all~” 

This sly bastard. Still, Jun Yibai was amused and enjoyed the man’s company. He was friendly but not pushy, so it never felt like he was being pressured.

Still, an upperclassman sneaking into the freshman orientation to headhunt was a bit much.

That didn’t change anything, however, and he accepted the invitation.


He immediately regretted his decision.

The club Hanyu took him to was loud and stuffed with people. In fact, if not for capacity limits, he was sure they would be shoulder to shoulder and need to crowd surf to get through.

Hanyu assured him that they had a private room but the fact that they had to shove their way through the crowd had soured Jun Yibai’s mood.

Once they entered the VIP area and the noise was muffled behind padded doors, he could finally voice his complaints.

“Is it usually this crowded?”

“Only for the last few weeks.” Hanyu said, leading the way. “Apparently, some prestigious young masters came by here before, and now everyone wants a chance at meeting him here.”

Of course, that's what it was. Who didn’t want to be the main character in some cheesy novel where they bump into a super rich young master and end up in a wild romance? It was ridiculous to think about.

“Then why choose this place?” Jun Yibai grumbled, his desire to leave bubbling forth.

“Because a bunch of people come here! That means more faces and more potential members.”

This guy and his club!

“What kind of club is this?” He couldn’t help but ask now that it had come up so often.

“Oh?” Hanyu’s eyes gleamed with predatory excitement. “Interested in joining?”

“I’m not joining anything unless I get details.”

“Really? You won’t sign away your soul on a promise that it’ll be fun?”

“I’m pretty sure that's the kind of line scammers use.”

“Aish! That is harsh!” Despite his words, Hanyu was grinning.

Seeing his expression, Jun Yibai relaxed. He really wasn’t the type to go clubbing or be social but he wanted to leave his comfort zone a little. He might not enjoy tonight but it was better to try it at least once, right?

Upon entering their room, the pair were greeted by half a dozen other faces. They were all welcoming, introducing themselves to Jun Yibai despite his less-than-enthusiastic replies.

If anything, Hanyu made up for his lacking attitude by diverting the group's attention to himself when things got tense. This happened quite a bit too, as Jun Yibai wasn’t the most ideal conversation partner.

He’d spent most of his life either studying or working so when those around him wanted to talk about TV shows and books, Jun Yibai was at a loss.

The shows he watched were years old and past the point of interest for those his age.

Eventually, most of the people lost interest in him, moving on to talk to each other. Jun Yibai didn’t mind, enjoying the noise and proximity of such a small group. While he might not be able to watch or read the stuff they’d suggested at the moment, he kept the title’s in his mind for later.

Hanyu was the center of attention, having most of the people hanging off his every word. If it wasn’t his magnetic personality, it was his knowledge of pop culture that kept the conversation lively.

Then the party shifted when another person arrived.

She was tall, beautiful, and held an air of elegance that screamed money. Having spent so much time around Li Suren and Chen Guiren, Jun Yibai could recognize a young miss at a glance.

“Senior Han!”

“Li Min!” Hanyu greeted her with a friendly side hug. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

When I heard you had come by, I had to! The party I was at was so boring~”

Jun Yibai watched them talk, mildly interested in the interaction. 

This woman, Li Min, was an alpha female. She took over the room as if it were her own and those within were her subjects. The men and women drew close, seeking her attention.

Yet she seems fixed on Hanyu, for whom she clung to his arm as if it were a given.

Yet Hanyu himself looked a bit perplexed by her, consistently redirecting her attention to others. 

Was he uncomfortable?

He didn’t look it. Merely confused and concerned. 

Jun Yibai didn’t understand but chose not to ask. It wasn’t his business.

Eventually, Hanyu’s phone let out a beep and he was freed from the alpha’s grip so he could answer. She pouted for a moment but beamed when someone else started talking to her.

Hanyu walked over to Jun Yibai, sitting beside him with a sigh. The kind of sigh one let out when finally released from a grueling task.

“You okay?”

“Just tired.” He said, yawning. But the second his eyes drifted to his phone, the exhaustion disappeared and his smile looked to have been connected to the goddamn sun.

Jun Yibai watched the man text someone gleefully, chuckling to himself like a maniac.

I really shouldn’t ask. He thought, watching this. I’ll definitely regret it.

Then again, he’d done things he later regretted already so why not add another one?

“Who are you texting?”

As if he were waiting for this moment for hours, the senior spun on Jun Yibai, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He whipped out his phone and moved in close, whispering like it was a secret to take to the grave.

“You really want to know?” He pressed. Jun Yibai immediately felt himself regretting his mild curiosity as the man continued on without waiting for his reply. “My girlfriend texted me just now. Look!”

On the screen was a simple ‘when are you coming home tonight?’

It was a mundane thing, barely anything to bring up yet Hanyu looked like a child who’d received their most desired gift early.


“Ah, she’s so cute, right?!” He gushed, grinning madly. “She always acts all serious but never forgets to check in on me whenever I go out drinking with the club. She’s even picked me up a few times.”

“Ah, that's nice of her.” He wasn’t sure what else he could say. Wasn’t that normal between couples? 

“Right? Especially since there are dangerous people out there. Ah, see! This is her.”

Again, the phone was shoved in his face. If not for Hanyu’s upbeat and positive attitude, Jun Yibai might have found it annoying. But it was hard to hate someone for being upbeat. It's like hating an enthusiastic puppy. You just feel like a jerk.

On the screen was, to be honest, a fairly pretty girl. She wasn’t stunning or anything but pretty. If anything, she would have been even prettier without the heavy scowl on her face. Clearly, she wasn’t pleased with being photographed at that moment.

“See? She was grumpy cause I was trying to catch her smiling and missed it.” He let out a wistful sigh. “She’s still cute though.

Hanyu continued to show off his girlfriend, scrolling through dozens of photos of the two of them. It was amusing to see them together, as he was always beaming like the sun while she was either frowning or indifferent.

To others, it might seem like they were mismatched but Jun Yibai could see how relaxed she looked with him in comparison to photos with just her. Whether it was due to her personality or not, it was clear she was more comfortable with Hanyu.

Maybe she was just one of those people with a resting bitch face.

While scrolling, a notification popped up, letting Hanyu know he had to take his suppressants today.

“You’re an omega?” He asked, looking him over. Hanyu was definitely good looking but he resembled an alpha more than anything.

The newly revealed omega cocked a brow at him. “Shocked?”

“No, it fits. You’re too entertaining to be a beta.”

“Hey now, don’t sell yourself short, bro.” The omega said, giving Jun Yibai a friendly shove. “You might not be the life of the party but you are fun in your own way. You stuck with me, right?”

“Did I have a choice?”

“Nope. I’m a very devious con man.” He replied. “I lure people in with the promise of fun and then BAM. I’m showing off my girlfriend to all my single friends!”

“You’re a cruel man.” Jun Yibai retorted, fighting a smile.

“Indeed, I am!” And thus, he continued to sing his girlfriend’s praises.

Most people would get annoyed at Hanyu’s antics, feeling as if the man was showing off or boasting about being in a relationship. Jun Yibai, despite being single himself, wasn’t offended. If anything, he was just a bit overwhelmed by his energy.

Hanyu left, wanting to call his girlfriend. This left Jun Yibai alone once more, nursing a non-alcoholic drink.

When he thinks about it, he is a bit envious. It must be nice to be so in love with someone and know they feel the same. To feel such joy at mundane moments others take for granted. To look forward to seeing each other after all the stresses of the day.

The desire to call up Li Suren and Chen Guiren bubbled up in his gut.

They didn’t get to hang out nearly as often as they had in high school and he found himself missing them. If not for them being famous, he might have risked it by inviting them to dinner.

Maybe we can lat-

“Hey, you!” Jun Yibai looked up, seeing one of the girls who’d been talking in the crowd sitting beside him “What were you and Senior Han talking about?”

Considering how animated Hanyu was before, he didn’t think much of the question so he responded honestly.

“His girlfriend.”

“G-girlfriend?!” She stammered, her face becoming pale. “He has a girlfriend?”

Jun Yibai shrugged. “Apparently.” 

“Are they close?”

Jun Yibai frowned, finding the question strange.

“They are dating so I’m assuming yes.”

She didn’t look happy at that. Upon reflection, Jun Yibai recalled that she was the girl who had been sticking close to Hanyu all night. They’d only split up once the man moved away to answer his phone.

Aside from Hanyu, this woman was the center of attention. She dominated the scene and had many of the other male club members lapping at her heels.

Everyone but Jun Yibai and Hanyu.

“Do you know when Senior Han is coming back?”


“Are you sure?” She cooed, leaning forward so her cleavage was more visible. They were a good handful and while it was attractive, the pure manipulation in her actions cooled any interest he might have felt.

“I’m sure it's none of your business.” He snapped, shocking the alpha into moving back. Clearly, she wasn’t used to being rejected and scowled at him. 

After glaring at him, he stepped out, not wanting to be interrogated anymore. She can have her little crush but badgering the man was not something he was going to stick around for.


The evening came to a close soon after, leaving the members waiting by the VIP exit for their rides. Hanyu was waiting for his girlfriend, who had a car. 

The man was very clearly drunk, leaning on Jun Yibai’s shoulder as he mumbled about random stuff. To keep him awake, Jun Yibai responded to all his gibberish earnestly and pushed him to respond.

“The kiwis… they eat hippos?”

“No, they eat rhinos.”

“They’re big though. Why not birds?”

“They fly away too quickly.”


This went on as the room cleared out. After a half hour, there was only him, Hanyu, and Li Min.

“Brother Jun, it's your turn.” She called out, sitting beside him with a smile. “Have you called a cab yet?”

The fact she called him brother without asking was annoying. They were not that close.

“No.” He bit out.

“Can you not afford it?” She asked, blinking innocently. The tone was light but he could feel a mild derision underneath. “Then why not let me cover the cost? It's late after all.”

“I’m fine.” He said, remaining where he was. Hanyu grumbled something, though he was beginning to fall asleep. 

Li Min bit her lip, glancing between them before fixing her expression with a smile.

“Please don’t feel bad. It's not an issue.” She tried to persuade once more. “I just couldn’t stand it if someone I became acquainted with was stranded here. The hotels are expensive around here and the trains have left for the night.”

“And Hanyu?”

“His girlfriend is picking him up, right? So after you get settled, I’ll make sure they meet.”

“Uh-huh.” Jun Yibai wanted to call her out of her bullshit but refrained. It wouldn’t be good to make enemies, especially with a rich person.

Still, he refused to leave his friend alone with her. While he was sure his girlfriend would arrive, god only knows what might happen between then and now.

When he thought about it, there was nothing lost if he stayed. If his suspicions were true, he was keeping his friend safe from a predator. If he was wrong, he hadn’t made any accusations that could come back to bite him so it was just him being a good friend.

Nothing would be lost.


AN: I’ll be honest, I hated writing this. I couldn’t figure out where to end this for the longest time and it frustrated me to no end. It's why it took me so damn long to update this. 

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