Black Clover: Rampage Asta

Chapter 89 The Great Crisis! Open Seimon!

However, no matter how rare it is, it is a product that has crossed the river of time, so these armors and these heavy swords, and then Asta's crazy swing, quickly disintegrated!

Asta found that every soldier's chest is inlaid with a red gem, as long as the gem is broken, these soldiers will immediately return to dust, but these headless soldiers will also protect the chest gem like a heart!

"The system will exchange 3000 Kunai!" Asta said immediately.

"When the goods arrive, 10 Kunai per point, 300 points will be deducted this time! The system said immediately.

"Kill kill kill!" Every time Asta waved his hand, he would throw 4 Kunai, and these Kunai would precisely smash the chests of the headless soldiers who were not involved in the battle.

"Om!" Soon, it may be that Asta's slaughter was too exaggerated. I saw a dark blue light beam shining on his face. At this time, Asta could see clearly that these headless soldiers holding gems were holding Not only a huge gem, but also a headless general!

"Cum! 35 I saw a headless general wearing a blue cape, following the guidance of the dark blue beam, raised a huge wind blade like an eagle hitting the sky and smashed it down towards Asta!

"Asta!" Noell exclaimed. After the huge wind blade landed, the monstrous hurricane blew away all the headless soldiers around in an instant. This terrifying destructive power made everyone present unable to bear it. Frightened!

"Seimon!" Asta opened the third gate 'Seimon' of the Eight Inner Gates at this moment, which is also the last security line of the Eight Inner Gates. At this time, Asta's body began to become blood red due to congestion. As for The green light radiating from the whole body also shines brightly!

"Although it's still a little reluctant to turn on 'Seimon' now, but you are very good!" Asta's eyes burned with fierce fighting intent, and he finally found an opponent who could fight him physically!

"Bang bang bang" [!" The headless general has no memory of his life, so he won't chat with Asta, the giant sword in his hand and the endless wind magic, even forced Asta into a predicament for a while!

However, if the headless general is conscious at this time, he will definitely find that Asta's speed is getting faster and stronger, and this is a sign that his body is adapting to the opening of the Third Gate 'Seimon'!

"Okay... so strong!" Noell originally thought that his brothers and sisters were already very strong, but at this time, seeing Asta, who was fighting against the ancient headless general like a king, couldn't help but tremble, this is really too handsome !

"We are about to keep up with Asta, the headless soldiers behind are getting closer and closer!" Vanessa sighed Asta's powerful strength, and at the same time paid attention to the rapid changes in the battlefield.

"Okay!" Noell hurriedly followed Asta's footsteps, and now thanks to the headless general's terrifying blow, the distance between their front and Asta's back was no threat, and of course they couldn't get too close to Asta, Because the fight between Asta and the headless general was too intense and shocking, just Yu Wei shook the surrounding land to pieces!

"Bang bang bang!" At this time, Asta became more and more brave, and he would take time out to drink a bottle of recovery potion.

Looking back at the headless general, the gemstone on his chest was already darkened, but at this moment, the magic stone held by the headless soldier emitted a huge beam of light shining on the headless general. The headless general stopped after a short period of time. , Taking him as the origin, a huge wind column suddenly rushed out within a range of ten meters!

This wind column seems to be straight into the sky, making the entire sky of the ancient ruins even more treacherous and changeable.

In contrast, many of the headless soldiers in this phalanx were wiped out due to the exhaustion of energy.


Asta resisted the wind column twice with the sword of the broken demon, and was finally thrown upside down by the top.

Noell stepped forward, unexpectedly wanting to catch Asta, but Asta turned over beautifully in mid-air, successfully avoiding Noell's fragrant hug, there is no way, he is used to being a single dog (^T)!

"Are you okay!" Noell asked.

"It's okay." Due to the effect of the recovery potion, Asta is in good spirits and full of energy!

It's just that this huge wind magic is too earth-shattering, this is completely magic that can change the sky!

One can imagine how terrifying it was when the headless general was still alive!

But Asta is not afraid at all, because the Sword of Severing Demons in his hand can rebound and cut off magic!

In addition, the second sword, the sword of the old demon, can also absorb the magic power and release it!

~Huh..." Suddenly, the surrounding wind stopped, and I saw a huge wind tornado gathered on the headless general's giant sword. At this time, the headless general stood in the sky, and the giant sword held in both hands seemed to be dragging the main film. The sky is the same!

"No, he's going to make a big move!" Vanessa's face changed, at this moment they still had no magic power!

"Vanessa, you push back!" Asta took a step forward, his fighting spirit was high, the green light on his body was even brighter, and the sword of breaking the demon in his hand was even more red, he wanted to split this wind magic that seemed to destroy the world!

A real man is to be positive!

"Boom!!!" I saw the headless general slashing into the sky with a huge wind magic, and the wind magic was like an ancient dragon, tearing everything and rushing towards Asta!

"Break it for me!" Asta jumped up high, using all the strength of his waist and crotch with his hands, and his waist (Wang Dehao) and crotch with all the strength of his feet. At this time, Asta slashed out, and he was the strongest. Big hit!

This is all one blow after opening the three doors!

"Bang!" I saw the huge wind dragon split in two, and the raging wind spread behind him. Noell and the others were in no danger because they were close behind Asta, but the headless soldiers behind them suffered. Many were shattered by wind magic!

"Boom!!!" However, Asta's sword energy did not stop after destroying the wind magic, only to see the headless general, the initiator of the wind magic, split into two, and then the magic that provided energy for this square The stone was also shattered directly by the shock, and in an instant there was no headless soldier in front of everyone!

"I feel the magic is restored!" Noell felt the surging water magic pouring out of the Philosopher's Stone at the moment when the Philosopher's Stone shattered.

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