Black Witch from Another World

Chapter 2 – I Really am in Another World

Walking on this forest alone in my thoughts. [Maybe I shouldn't have done that.] I shook my head as I remove such thoughts and focus on the task at hand, getting out of this fucking forest. 

[But still...] Yes I probably shouldn't kick that message like that but, [I mean it's that 'god's' fault.] I thought in anger. 

I don't know if that disproves my earlier theory of this being a dream while I'm in a coma but it could be the real deal, [I don't really wanna incur a god's wrath but I'll treat that message with a lot of salt for now.] I don't know if that was a joke by the developers or I really am just snorting shrooms. 

"...Or maybe this game is messing with me." I may still be in Endless and those assholes that is the game masters are playing a prank on me.

"Tsk I'll kick their asses then." with renewed anger I go forward now, vigorously wanting to get out of here.

I am travelling along this thicket of trees, roots, and rocks in a random direction in a straight line. [Honestly I don't know what the fuck am I supposed to be going.] just walking around and hoping to find something is not really the most cleverly thought out plan is it. 

Until I was stopped by some trees blocking my way. "I suppose since I am Morus right now I kick these trees out huh." I said that as a joke but...

A spark suddenly lit up in my heart as I thought of the concept every people was wishing exists when they were a kid. "Magic!" of course magic you dumbass, I'm a mage for god's sake! 

"I definitely need to try it...." I stare at the tree for a bit, with a smile on my face for the first time since I came here. 

I look around. [But I don't really wanna use any magic that could damage the surroundings.] I don't really wanna cause forest fires or bore through logs here without any justifiable reason right? Plus I'm an elf so of course I'm a fan of nature.

I look for a bit more until I found a particularly thick branch that could support me above.  

[That's should do for now.] I smile as I found the perfect test for it. 

I squat down, focus on the thickest part of the branch, hold my breath for a bit and look on, fully ready. {"Sprint Jump!"} I shouted my spell which causes my body to sped up midair and reach heights not capable for an ordinary person.

As I jump, [Holy shit!] for a few seconds there I felt the feeling of flying using magic! 

"Whooaa...." when I jumped up, for the first time ever since playing the game that I ever felt this sensation before. 

"It's all real!" due to real life not having magic, creating one in virtual reality is very strange as you control yourself using real life to move. 

So normally when you're flying there's always an invisible wall that you feel on your legs for balance. You can never turn them off since it's connected to the sense of touch your foot has in real life. But this was the first time actually flying without it.

"E-even with advancement of VR this shouldn't be possible..." just like how you can't have every interaction in real life be coded for a regular game, the strangeness of creating something magical based in physical senses is impossible. [No matter the technology you can't create something that doesn't exist.] and now that basic limitation is broken. 

Looking on my palms and releasing magic. "...Hell yeah." it's like a feeling of liberation, my body not beholden to any game-like restrictions. It's not a bad feeling to have. 

Also there was a surge of power, a tingling sensation of a thick air-like substance flowing within me to my legs, undoubtedly magic as well. 

I look down, the spell a success and I made a wide grin. "Alrighty then..." I straighten my back and hold on to the tree bark, the texture completely real, and taken a look on the view in front of me. 

"What a view to celebrate." I celebrate my first intentional magic I casted in this place with this view. Normally being proud to cast a spell is only for those reserve in the tutorial but this time, I think, is quite different. 

[There is only one thing left I need to do.] there is no doubt in my mind anymore where I am but it is only 99% confirmed. 

Let's make it a hundred. "Now then, status!" none, there isn't a response this time, no black screen or any letters in front of me, nothing. 

Normally this would dampen the mood but, "As I thought." It's indifference. 

[Now that confirms it.] The completely realistic surroundings, with even the textures are real. The lost of the flying support barrier, and then the disappearance of status. All of this combined just makes me consider only one, single, conclusion. 

"100 percent..." I spoke slowly.

One that when I say it to myself will completely turn me into weebshit. But alas I look at the view in front of me, with the many trees and nature covered my eyes, and then the blue sky without any pollution as clouds dotted around and semi blocks the sun. I smile and snicker at myself as I admitted the inevitable line. 

"....I really am in another fucking goddamn world...." I said the magic words but at least got my swearing along in it. 

Now that I said it out of my system I step back for a moment and enter in my deep thoughts.

[What the hell should I do now?] now that I'm presumably in another world now. First things first I'm not a dense highschooler that can't even fuck his own harem. I'm a grizzly 30 something year old brothel veteran that has decades worth of pick up lines that mostly work, and my ears always perk up when my name's being mentioned i.e I'm not a dense brick but having elephant ears. 

[Now that's confirmed what else?] I remember my parents...

"Mom..." I look on with sadness at the approaching down to sunset. "That's..." I dunno what to feel. 

[I guess I'm really cruel huh...] I don't anything about it, because I know. [Thankfully I have arranged my inheritance before I'm here.] so that only my mom and my sisters would get the money, no one else. 

"Now then..." I look at the beautiful scenery once more and there's only one thing I can think of about this. [If I survived then that's good I get to see them again but if not then I shouldn't sulk about it.] I lived a life with no regrets so I believe I can start something new in this new world. 

As Morus Sibylissa.

[And I wouldn't be a dumb dense virgin highschooler!] I promised to myself. I made that thought to lighten myself up. "Hehehaa..." and it worked enough to make me smile and look into the future. 

"Now now Rin—I mean Morus, now's not the time for to think of before and move my ass." then I moved my ass. 

But as I move my ass,


A scream was heard. 

"Where did that come from?!" I look to see where that voice came from.

"Heeelp...!" the female voice cried out loud again.

As my thoughts were a sudden mess from that cry. "Crap!!" my body moved all at once and immediately track where that voice came from. 

{Sprint Jump!} {Wind Sphere!} {Gravity Rush!} {Mass of Air!}

Four spells at once, this is something that you would need a lot of mana for and also need the right combinations of spells to make it not backfire on you.

Sprint jump for extra speed while jumping. Wind sphere for small masses of air to concentrate on my hands and feet. Gravity rush to bend my center of gravity forward so I can move easier. Then mass of air to make my whole body mass lighter so I can move faster. 

[What an exhilarating feeling!] having your body as light as a feather while moving at lightning fast speeds is enough to get me in a feverish high! Although jumping from that branch earlier was great, this takes it to a whole another realm. 

Jumping from branch to branch like a ninja is something that could not be replicated in any other media aside from those where you only watch and read. 

"I need to keep focus—whoa!" I tried to say as a tree branch above hit my face. [I have someone to save right now.] I am by no means a knight in shining armor that saves the princess and defeats a dragon. [I'll help her out, especially if they can get me out of this place.] that's my logic.

"G-get out...!" the voice is getting closer and it sounds to be a girl, a very young girl at that. [It's the first time I heard a human's voice in this place, so I need to save her for me to get information.] she might be useful to me. I'm not some hero that can save everybody so I'll save those I care and find useful, she is in the latter.

And finally, "Hyup..! Made it!" I sat on the last branch before looking at a field of red flowers in front of me, surrounded by an ocean of green.

And on the flowers is something that's ruining the view. "Haawoouuhh....!!" aloud howl echoes throughout the whole field, as it signaled it's group to surround the area. 

[What're they surrounding for?] I thought for a moment before taking a closer look. 

"H-h-h-help~meeee~!" In the middle of the field, a scrubbing sound was heard from the flowers. It's from the source of the voice, a young girl with red hair that seemingly camouflage herself with her hair is wailing for help. 

"...That's the one." I said in a low voice as to not hear me, but she's definitely the one I heard earlier, although I couldn't see her very well but she is in distress right now, and I said I gotta save her right? 

I grab a long throwing knife equipped on my thigh, "Alright time to test out my aim from years of first person shooters." 

I pointed the blade right on the main beast's head as my other hand hovers on the knife. 

{Wind Blade!} {Spinning Wind!} 

I casted two spells in quick succession, one is for the wind to concentrate and increase the sharpness and speed of the knife, as the other one allows the knife to spin as I throw it for more penetrating power. 

[And the final one.] I grab the knife itself tightly with my other hand. 

{"Ember!"} I shouted. 

Immediately a trickle of sparks like those of a firework covers my hand, burning the blade into a melting temperature.

Or so it would normally would. [This thing's ore been dug up from the lava of hell itself!] Luciferian Steel. A metal only found within the inferno sections of Endless. A metal which only produces when demon infested magma is around. So something like my spell won't melt it one bit. 

"Hrrreea—ah?!" the beast in the middle of pouncing on the little girl was flown away to her right.

The beasts being beasts didn't notice the knife being thrown their way. "Eat hell you scum!" I shouted. 

[Just the perfect time as well.] if it had been a second later that girl would have been dead meat. [Poor thing, didn't even noticed it until the end.] I checked my hands as I have four more blades in my hand, one for each beast on the ground

{Wind Blade} I casted wind blade to get ready to kill them off.

Looking at the first victim is almost pitiful. It perfectly hit the side of its face, near the cheek bones and were all burnt crisp. It bore through the thing like a drill on wood, or a lamprey boring on a prey and came out the other side. 

Luckily beast's body collapsed where the blade landed so it won't cause a fire, I should be careful next time. 

Now looking at the remaining four "Alright you fuckers I'll skewer you each for dinner!" I smiled as I grab each knife and casts a spell on it. 

[I don't need to bring out my main weapon for these guys.] I thought as I grabbed one knife and begun to aim it at them.

"Hoooooowwwl...!" they all seem to be ready too. 

They pull off their aggro from the girl and focused them all on me. 

{Spark Plug!}

In a cruel twists of fatethis beast will be killed the same way that also killed me. 

I threw them at the one right beside the girl as it's still getting ready to lunge at me when it hit its eye and spasm itself for a few seconds before falling flat next to the girl with it's brain undoubtedly fried. 

[I'm gonna give that girl some trauma ain't I?] I shook that thought off as I need to focus on the other three charging towards me at a surprising speed. 

"Alrighty then..." grabbing a knife.


And threw it at one of the charging beast. 

It hits the snout this time, but that didn't seem to kill it immediately...but nature did though. 

"Hawuuh?!?" its snout has been closed shut by the vines quickly wrapping around it and then the moss spreading all over it's face. 

By the effects of fertilizer; the target hit will become a source of food for the plants around it. it seems that the moss and vines came from the fact the knife touched a splatter of green slop on the tree bark when I casted the spell. 

But now. "Rraaawwgghhhrr..!" the beast somehow managed to get to the tree and surprisingly climb up to it very well. 

"Yikes!" I won't be able to throw the knife fast enough. 

The tree started to wobble as it climbs closer to me. 

[Think!] When it finally came close to my feet I unconsciously put my foot up. Then an answer finally came. 

{"Iron Stomp!"} 

The strike was a close one, I put all my power to that single kick and stomp down on the beast that almost got me. 

When it went close I finally got a good look at it. It looked like a wolf in all accounts but it's front legs were on the sides having a wide shoulder, similar to a gorilla, but far smaller. A weird creature indeed, I'll call it the silverback wolves. 

But that doesn't matter now since I felt the cracks of it's skull before falling down, it's foaming from the mouth with its eyes clotting blood. With it's arm like legs wide open like having a hug. A hug for the grim reaper that is. 

When the last and smallest one of the silverback wolves saw that I'm not only superior from afar but up close as well, it skedaddle like it saw a monster. It's quite comical actually. 

"Now then." I step down and saw the wolf twitch before succumbing to the cold hands of death, I walk forward. 

[Man have I gone cold or what?] Normally a person couldn't kill a creature quite easily, even if it's not human I should have felt more remorse than what I currently am. 

Well, my arms are shaking and feeling disgusted and sad at the sight of the creature being devoured by plants right now. 

[Well I guess I'm quite glad that I haven't lost my humanity after the fight is over huh?] My heart starts clenching at the sight of the beast I killed. [It would only feel me when my bloodlust is gone huh?]

"So this is really not a game after all." I was hoping that these carcasses would soon disappear and turn to XP or drop a crystal or something but I guess I need to let go of my attachments to the game. 

I hold my chest as I look away and grab the knife from the plant infested carcass. 

I look at the blade, with the blood of the creature that I just killed, I like dogs in real life and seeing the blood of something similar to it gave me a bitter, flat expression without a smile or a frown, just a line across my face. 

I look up at the sky where the clouds finally unblock the sun and it's rays are shining down at this very field of red. 

"I guess I really am in another world huh?" I smile, as the rays of the sun hits my face and a warm, fuzzy feel spreads across my body telling me 'You didn't do anything wrong.' as I walk towards the girl I saved. 

I swipe away the blood from the blade, the red blending in to this field of red and sheathed them back at the scabbard on my body. 

I stop walking, and look at the red headed girl in front of me, sitting on her bum with an obviously nervous face, and all I could say is... 

"Yo, you alright?"

I'm terrible with kids. 

Heya! Me here, I hope you guys like this chapter, unfortunately I didn't manage to put the conversation with Morus and the girl into this chapter, I just didn't feel like it'll fit with the chapter after the wolf fight so yeah, and plus I just realized that Chapter 1 was a REALLY short chapter, so I just don't want you guys to immediately plunge into a 3000 word chapter on ya. But yeah a reminder that chapter is an exception and it will continue to get longer as time goes on. 

But yeah I'll leave you guys a question. What do you think I should make of the animal sounds? Is it a quotation mark (") or this mark (') lemme know. And yeah I'll tell you guys how my symbols work (", [], {}) OK my profile account. So arogatou guys! :D

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