Bow and Arrow

Chapter 745 — Brush In Hand, Godly Blood Across The Stars (2)

Brush In Hand, Godly Blood Across The Stars (2)




But they would only be instantly killed if they weren't witty enough, and either decided to be brazen about it, rushing over the projectiles which seemed one-dimensional to call it something or not defend at all.

The 2nd point, or 'use' of these projectiles from the God Race was, however, to defend themselves from the Godly Journeyers. Not yet as in 'also' from the old Inhabitants, since they remained on their spot to observe the situation...and they were observing good.

Each time that it was the moment for a god or goddess to use such strange attacks to defend themselves from the actually scary bunch of ants that just never felt any kind of fear at being taken down with just one move sometimes, the projectiles from the gods and goddesses were perfectly able to block any attack, spell and even the least of undulations coming from any move nearby to them.

The bad side to it was, however, that when they were being used to defend the humanoid figures would be destroyed right away even with the slightest of touches; but if anything, even if one used their strongest skill or a Godly skill, it would still just be blocked and his damage would be absorbed by those one-dimensional attacks.

So whether they were being bombarded by the strongest of skills in order to break those defensive or attacking strange ‘spells’ of the gods and goddesses, the Godly Journeyers were sending their all into the enemy’s ranks, not letting one single second pass by without the use of their skills, basic attacks and even enhanced attacks by their items every now and then.

Naturally, in the first 100 seconds of the battle which unfolded so abruptly and in semi-chaos, the casualties of the Godly Journeyers were to the millions when counting the 7 whole Regions’ battlefields at the same time. But after those seconds, which were enough for the Godly Journeyers to adapt to them, the Godly Journeyers began to hold their position and endure the horrendous bouts of pain and keep their bodies steel and unmoving like a mountain of nothing else but steel as well.

While being constantly hit by a god or goddess and sometimes even both, the tankiest Godly Journeyers were suffering more pain than what their tolerance pain should have allowed their bodies to suffer. It had already been reported and the other Godly Journeyers who weren’t in the know of it since they weren’t at the clashing point of both sides, had a much well prepared mindset for when their turn came.

In this way, even though it was the Godly Journeyer side who were losing millions every few minutes, and then down to tens of thousands every few minutes thanks to their unique, heart-jumping and excitingly visible adaptation to such strange circumstances, the Godly Journeyer frontline, brand new Legendary Vanguard…was holding up against the gods and goddesses!

Other than that, it was no longer a choice for the gods and goddesses to choose how to attack, as the moment that around 10 minutes passed in the battlefield, the God Race members began to be swiftly but also slowly surrounded. And while they were surrounded, they kept on pouring the Godly Journeyers in front that were blocking their way to Main Kingdom with their hands.

From under their wrists, more and more one-dimensional attacks were made, which was also in the way how many Godly Journeyers in a leading position could report about their strangeness to the highest in commands of their Regions, and then discuss it among each other.

Some gods had humanoid figures, some other goddesses as well had trigonometrical; some had many sides and protrusions of corners coming out from seemingly nowhere, while others were like simple geometry shapes of all kinds encompassed by strange colored ‘rotten’ energies that flew and made tiny contrails wherever they went, hitting any target— Godly Journeyer —on their weak spot with their strongest momentum and side or part of ‘their’ bodies.

They had so many shoes, but their sizes were equally different, some had a normal person’s stature, while others even had minotaur and Beast Race-like tallest height instead and could be capable of either easily getting the Godly Journeyers’ weak spot or being broken by just about anybody, and by mistake at that.

The only good thing about these one-dimensional attacks was that they seemed to only be able to get their target hurt, in the first place. So when, at first, the gods and goddesses thought that these ants only needed a tiny projectile to be sent over and did just that, only to realize that they were barely killing any of those so-called ants in both power and number.

Then, by simply observing their enemy, the God Race members could tell what kind of properties did these otherworldly helpers of the already sure enough putrid and helpless Main Kingdom that has lasted for millions of years were capable of, not only did they reek of that delicious Essence which the Godly Journeyers found on their own, but they were capable of even ‘accepting’ a sort of battle that was against all common sense.

Yet, by the time that they were already machine guns gatling the shit out of the Godly Journeyers, their backs, sides and front were filled with Journeyers of all kinds. Each of the gods and goddesses were now being surrounded by the Godly Journeyer - Main Kingdom’s warriors, in the tens of thousands for each side towards these hundreds of gods and goddesses but even more of those numbers to the front.

It wasn’t just a ‘frontline’ that the Godly Journeyers were very wary of losing their defense towards Main Kingdom, as unlike what the gods and goddesses expected, the warriors of Main Kingdom might have surrounded them all, but there were still lines and lines of defensive formations right in front of each of them.

Those lines of formations were no longer as thick and large as before, but those formations were capable of aligning a few several to even dozens of gods and goddesses right in front of a thinner and smaller combination of several hundreds of thousands, completely creating a firm blockade to the passage towards Main Kingdom’s space.

But even then, and even as those gods and goddesses bar HP was surely falling down despite the number that should’ve already been enough for them to become fearful and dispirited about, the Godly Journeyers of Main Kingdom weren’t backing down nor backwards at all, and instead died without bothering about whether it was their first death or their second one.

Only one thought was kept inside their battlelusted heads that wanted nothing more but to end the God Race once and for all! …Fight, fight and fight!!

…The gods and goddesses became surrounded, the Godly Journeyers became as ferocious as beasts fighting in a racial battle decisive of the other’s pack, herd or so - survival. Their hammers, shields, brandished weapons were swung, cleaving and hacking down at the god and goddesses whose muscles seemed to be fake as their limbs extended over more than what could be considered as ‘natural’.

Arrows flew, magic spells danced and danced before creating ephemeral, exotic and groundbreaking explosions which were not capable of giving their allies a friendly fire in blinding them or obstructing their vision and concentration when fighting these gods and goddesses!

Instead, seemingly being more than at ease with such projectiles and magical as well as elemental explosions occurring left and right, the Godly Journeyers flawlessly kept on attacking their now living target as said god or goddess became more and more overwhelmed, but those HP bars were still above the trillion digit…

The expressions from the gods and goddesses themselves were, however, all the more like animals and those full of a savagery which couldn’t even be imagined of how such a Race that was very well above all else could ever get to that point. But with the Godly Journeyers being trained through hellish training thanks to Yun Beishang, they didn’t lose any time thinking of useless things such as these.

Those gods and goddesses that charged up at the warriors of Main Kingdom, were however, not the main force among the God Race members. According to the reports and whatnot coming from each Region’s spatial area and now battlefield as well, there were a total of 17 members who were standing right behind where the golden hue was standing strong just a few moments ago.

While everyone was fighting, those other gods and goddesses were seemingly standing in space and not making any motion. However, at some point after the 15th minute mark, said figures farther away suddenly launched themselves through space like there wasn’t any kind of obstruction keeping them from even becoming shooting stars!

…pfffweeuuvm… pffweeuvm, pffweeuvm, pfweeuvm pfffwwweeeuvvvm~!!!...

The moment it happened, the Godly Journeyers who were waiting for their turn to hold the gods and goddesses down suddenly saw, and very obviously, a huge pair of moving objects that were seemingly being covered by a distortion of the space at their front, which was caused from the velocity and mass in which they were moving and moving with at the same time.

But the blurred figures thanks to the distortion was rather small nonetheless, and by the time those incredibly fast things came into the full view of the Godly Journeyers and they began to get ready to receive the newcomers and stop them in their trails before they could get to Main Kingdom…only to have almost one third of an entire tank lining formation annihilated in just an instant!

The Godly Journeyers that managed to defend against such god or goddess became incredibly terrified, and as they looked at the comrades on their side, screamed for the old Inhabitants help for as these were totally not the kind of enemy the Godly Journeyer could face, the other most powerful god or goddess from the same Region’s spatial area was making a massacre out of Godly Journeyers.

This tactic was as simple as sending one full tank into an enemy of mobs, then using a most overpowered geared up melee assassin to swiftly delete the horde of mobs and gain as much Experience as possible in the least amount of time without using AOE-focused classes or skills at the very least.

But it was working; and in each Region’s spatial area, the despair of seeing so many thousands being taken down with just a punch, and then creating a path for themselves made out of flesh from the Godly Journeyers from which only some became pixels and then drifted back to Main Kingdom; the 2 stronger gods and goddesses in each Region became a total menace for Main Kingdom in just a few moments!!

In such an unanticipated and unforeseen event unfolded, even faster and unprecedented than the beginning of the battle, the old Inhabitants could only respond a few seconds later, right when that one extremely aggressive god or goddess reached the rear of the first line of the Legendary Vanguard’s - defense.


While the Godly Journeyers who had just died went forth and, instead of letting the second line of defense come and meet the god or goddess which was much stronger than any other, sacrificing their second and even third life one after another; ending up with what was left of their ‘corpses’ not being embraced by a pure bright golden energy and reformed once again.

Just at that moment, within the Bright Sunset Region, a fist that was covered in both: a watery energy through all of his left fist and actual Water Core Element at his knuckles - attacked the god whose build was of at least 6 meters tall and bulky, having overly big muscles and an extremely thicker upper back.

Yet, with the left punch striking the god right on his face, the god was sent flying even more backwards than where the Godly Journeyers were surrounding the other weaker gods and goddesses. Yet, before that god could tell what was happening and how Main Kingdom was able to grow so strong, the god became stepped upon by a fiery foot surrounded by marvelously ordinary looking bright red flames on his stomach, pushed away from Main Kingdom’s space and to outer space. Just then, the god senses a pair of palms aiming at his back, and before he could even begin to rotate his body a tiny centimeter, he felt his whole body stiffen and collapse as dozens of hand prints struck at his back!

It all happens in just one single second! First it was Urtan, the old fogey of the Azure Legend’s Region unit that he had left in the hands of Lino, who first fist-punched the shit out of the god’s face. Then it was Amamond who stepped like a queen on an enemy kingdom’s reigning power full of majesty and elegance - who sent the god outside Main Kingdom’s space.

Then, from his back, the god was coordinately attacked by the old fogeys from the Black Legend’s Region unit, which forced the former’s body to become impossible for himself to control, directly sending his back straight towards them at a much greater momentum; hence hurting the god even more than it would’ve been to just palm strike his back.

“AAAGHH!!” The god reacted, his back arching forward and the old fogeys of the Black Legend’s Region unit jumping away from any nearby position to the god. On the other hand, some old fogeys from the White Legend’s Region unit, Carmesí Legend’s Region unit and Azure Legend’s Region unit accompanied their old fogey leader and stood to the side of such; encircling the god that was now their prey.

“You lot…how…have you become this strong?!” Unlike the other gods and goddesses fighting in the outer section of Main Kingdom’s space, thi god seemed and sounded at least sane, his speech was spoken venomously as he stared at them with bloodshot eyes though. And such eyes…were terrible when compared to his putrid, rotting pale skin.

“...” Unlike what the god wanted to hear, the ‘god-level’ powerhouses from Main Kingdom said nothing, taking such a chance that the enemy took to speak, they instead analyzed him and began preparing while looking at each other’s eyes to devise their ultimate plan. The god frowned deeply at once, and holding his stomach with his right arm, he slowly stood straight up once again while freeing his right arm.

“No, you’re all Universal level at most, with most of you, bunch of garbage, being of just that Galaxy Eater level, hahahhahahhaahhahahahahahghahahahhahahahfhjasjhfhaahsjfhass~!~!~!!!” The god suddenly lost all kinds of ‘serious points’ that he had just gained, he began chortling like he was choking in water but still did not mind such a thing and even enjoyed it, continuing to crack himself up with his chortles over and over again.

Though feeling a bit insulted, the old fogeys from each Sub-Division of the Bright Sunset Region were all with either their eyes closed or their calm and serene eyes looking back at the god who was clearly provoking their self-esteem. After all…it was only with the Lord’s, Ladies and Maidens’ Statues that they managed to reach such a level that nobody else could.

“Oh~~, wel~~, show me what can the filthy, disgusting, SHITTYYYY Main Kingdom can off-”


“Shut it, you old piece motherfucker, AAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH!!!!!” To everyone’s disbelief, it was the always calm and collected, old and experienced Urtan who became provoked at last, ‘breaking’ their encirclement but sending the god member far away into the distance without being able to see his figure with the naked eye within just 1 second after he was punched in the guts.

After hitting the god away that had become so distant from Main Kingdom’s space, which would probably be even difficult to spot the latter in the former’s position even; Urtan bared his chest forwards and roared in space to the top of his lungs! The everything around him seemed to want to distort and claim the liberty of showing his might, but still couldn’t!


Seeing the oldie fly away towards where he sent the god flying to, becoming invisible to their naked eye after a mere half a second, Amamond looked at the old fogeys from the other Sub-Divisions before looking at her own, quickly encompassing them with her Fire Core Elemental fire with the energy of the gift of the Carmesí Vermilion Bird with a smile - she followed the oldie’s tail.


If the smile from the strongest being from the Carmesí Vermilion Bird’s smile wasn’t enough to scare and baffle the shit out of the old fogeys, then the sounds coming from sooo far away was the thing that ended up waking them the fuck up and hurried them to join in on the fight. But while they were still flying forward and were still so far away, all they could see was an unimaginably large energy azure dragon resurfacing from one point to another and hitting another point over and over again.

There was no sense of direction whatsoever all around in space, in the universe; so the ongoing battle was rotating and changing angles with each movement that the pair of decrepit old men fought each other with. Whenever there was a roar, another would accompany it right after, and whenever there was a sound that would otherwise kill any ordinary life back on Main Kingdom in tens of thousands of kilometers in radius in an instant by the sound itself alone, they were muffled instead by the strongest laws of space in this world.

…The old Inhabitants did a great job of taking care of half the strongest gods and goddesses in each Region’s spatial battlefield, but the remaining one wasn’t being awfully let alone to finish what the other couldn’t. Instead, it was another type of really damn strong beings who were just about to engage them, beings that were the core strength of the Godly Journeyers!!


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