Bow and Arrow

Chapter 748 — Yun Beishang’s Anger

Yun Beishang's Anger




"No, I didn't." Yun Beishang said, his vicissitudes of Life appeared in his left hand while standing up, his bare torso showing extensive sweat being cleaned off on its own by electric-like energy currents of mere, raw and simply undeniable power! When he stood up, his neck slightly hunched, he added in a light tone while straightening his neck with his closed eyes and lifting his face up. "And I wouldn't be able to anyway."

"..." Katia's voice went silent, she was frowning her cute little eyebrows, incongruous to her heroic, valiant and headstrong self. But, as if thinking of something, she added after this little bit of silence with Yun Beishang relaxing his whole body's muscles in peace. "Just...make sure you won't be hurt, that you will be safe, do it; okay?"

"" Cheerily snorting, half inadvertently and half on purpose, Yun Beishang said nothing in return and only spoke clearly with his words spoken out after 3 seconds. "Let's go, they're about to become dead gods and goddesses by our hands."


Katia silently ‘mn’ed’ at his words, and before such a notion was fully spoken out, with her small head nodding, Yun Beishang had already teleported them out, just in plain time to see the Atalayas he has built on his own with his overly incredible Hidden Stats within just a few hours, so long as he had the resources, he could do just that!

Fwu-shushushu, fwu-shushushu, fwu-shushushu…

A kind of coordinated, mechanical-like sounds of energy were being emitted from the center of the net, which was just a few tens of thousands of kilometers in front of the space station. As he teleported to right above the space station, Yun Beishang and Katia got to see the spectacle of the Atalayas’ unique ‘Family Formation’ about to shoot away for the first time!

…Back at the vanguard, where gods and goddesses were being held against the will and with such utmost powerful attack being aimed at them, such levels of insanity that the God Race members already had couldn’t be anymore ‘enhanced’ with such a predicament for each of them.

There were many movements from a few others who were of the strongest gods and goddesses around, trying to escape the encirclement of the strongest Godly Journeyers. They were, naturally, incapable of accomplishing their escape no matter what.

Because it was only now that every single Godly Journeyer encircling those strongest god or goddesses had become suicidal, not letting any kind of powerful enemy get away from such situation. Yun Beishang could see his dear sister confining the 4 limbs of a goddess while the other Maidens had their pikes and halberds stabbed and remaining within the body of said goddess.

Her fingers were trembling and her face a bit contorted with exhaustion, some dried blood that the system didn’t bother cleaning away as it should remained on the left corner of her mouth down her chin; and that kicked in for him.

“This is your Lord…weapons on all Atalayas and space stations, fire already!!!” Yun Beishang’s voice suddenly sounded out, amazing the Godly Journeyers that were all behind the lines of Godly Journeyers. After getting over the amazement and thrill of their Leader having come back, they began aiming and unfolding the cloaked system in the weapons; for those that were stationed in the Atalayas, of course.

“FIRE!!” - “FIRE!” - “‘FIIIIREE!” - “FIRE! RAZE THEM TO DUST, TO DUST!!” - “FIIIIIIIIIIIIREEE-AAAAH!” Endless commands from each Atalaya’s team leader stationed in those weapons: High Intensity laser cannons, artillery cannons, rapid fire Kilzy lasers, Catacosmic lasers and Elemental lasers. All of them, all at once, all around Main Kingdom’s space…began painting the darkest universal ‘skies’ of a dozen different colors all around.

…pew-pew-pew-pew- kak-rararararararararararararara… PVIUM PVIUM PVIUM PVIUM PVIUM- FWGHAAASH, FWGHAAAAAASH, FWGHAAAAAAAAASH!!!!!

Though muffled sounds they were, the amount of such extremely potent, never seen before ammunition and cannon firepower broke the most ordinary and basic laws of reality itself and of one’s mind even. As they made their way to the gods and goddesses that weren’t of the strongest ones, surrounded by Godly Journeyers alike, the latter weren’t afraid in the slightest as it went from the back of their heads being illuminated, then colored by the incoming bombardment to all of their bodies; back and front alike.

Meanwhile, the gods and goddesses could only see the incoming bombardment of lasers, different speeds and different colors with different levels of threat depending on the amount of lasers coming at them or the type of the same. From laser shots as small as one’s eyes to being 300 meters in diameter, it all became clear and even slow-motioned for the God Race members to witness…their incoming calamity.

“... … …!! … … …!!! … … … …!!!!!!” With their whole frontal body, and hence their faces more than anything, being illuminated, the unimaginable happened. As their retinas felt more and more the lasers coming closer and closer to get them, the God Race members began having their poor eyes burning, smoke coming off from their retinas as tears…of blood trickled down their chin at a speed faster than that of those lasers.

“What are you idiots doing? Detonate your souls, detonate your useless, dirty souls for me!! Save your bodies to me!!!” As if time had stopped, there was a sudden figure who looked as if he zoomed in from the other extremes of the Universe to all the way here, right in front and visible to the naked eye of all and every Godly Journeyer.

“!!!” The sudden appearance shocked Yun Beishang, whose eyes were widening while his left hand was already coordinating with his right hand to aim his Void Jumping Star at him! But before time went back to flow normally as if it had really stopped and slowed down just now, the lasers’ bombardment began and even the God Race members whose eyes shone with determination and understanding couldn’t help themselves as they all became confined by the ‘booms’.


“HOOOOOOLD IT, DON’T LET THESE MOTHERFUCKERS GET FREE, LET THEM DIE, WATCH THEM FUCKING DIEEE!!” The intensity of the bombardment was such that the Godly Journeyers felt their feet rupturing as if a vacuum was suctioning at their feet, forcing them to fly off and about over and over again. But harshly, the Godly Journeyers all held onto each other and, enduring the little bit of pain but extremely weird and strange sensations, allowed those motherfuckers to burn into dust!

At the same time that the insanely, overly aggressive and bestial-like bombardment kept on going and the nets were charging up still, with just a few more than half a second having gone by since he came out, Yun Beishang looked at the information passed on to him by the hugest in command Godly Journeyers and his Ladies and Maidens before looking at the gods and goddesses himself.

[God Kissicko]: Type: God(God Race), Grade: Universal(???), LV: 200, HP: ???.

[Goddess Flareura]: Type: Goddess(God Race), Grade: Universal(???), LV: 200, HP: ???.

[God Kalamithka]: Type: God(God Race), Grade: Universal(???), LV: 200, HP: ???.

[God Kissicko]: Type: God(God Race), Grade: Universal(Wasted from Almighty God), LV: 200, HP: 20t/190t. A God who has been living for eons, his strength has, however, been regressed from the loss of his heart. There is only a single thing that keeps this monster alive, and that is the desire to be the only monster in the Universe..

[Goddess Flareura]: Type: Goddess(God Race), Grade: Universal(Wasted from High God), LV: 200, HP: 46t/500t. This Goddess, like many others that were at her level once and had become beings not even at the Godly level as a whole anymore, are in the middle of the food chain of their own ‘Race’, whereas they would be receiving threats from both the stronger and occasionally the weaker ones without it ever going to stop.

[God Kalamithka]: Type: God(God Race), Grade: Universal(Wasted from Atmosphere God), LV: 200, HP: 142t/1q. As one of the last few Atmosphere God powerhouses left alive of the God Race, from which it was one of the highest possible to be attained since eons ago, this God has fallen so low without even knowing why, for whom and what is their reason for even doing whatever that they did on  daily basis.

‘Hmph.’ Yun Beishang lightly snorted mentally, his eyes turning indifferent while Katia’s state of feeling relieved yet extremely itching for a fight kinda spread out to Yun Beishang, willingly accepting such sensations from her being.


Suddenly, Yun Beishang looked up and saw the net finally condense a tiny ball of energy that only he knew what it consisted of. And once it formed, just as nobody was expecting it with the entire bombardment still ongoing, 2 of those tiny balls sent out even tinier lasers which instantly arrived before a the Atmosphere God god’s forehead; Kalamithka could only widen his eyes as he saw the deep but light green tiny laser suddenly appear right one meter in front of him coming down in a diagonal angle towards his forehead.

As if time stopped, Kalamithka couldn’t even move his eyeballs or flutter his eyelids a tiny fucking bit; and sensing the state of the rest of the strongest Godly Journeyers in this spatial battlefield, he was the only one under such a state of…’enlightenment’?

‘Oh…so this is how I g-’


…fwwooshh! Fwooosh!! Fwooooshhh!!

The Maidens and Yun Yun who were holding the god in order to get done exactly what just happened, didn’t even had the chance to see it coming as they went from still gritting their teeth, holding their polearms to keep the god impaled and resisting the urging of their bodies being forced to be blown away when, in the next instant and without the slightest of knowledge, they found themselves several kilometers away from the god they were help confine.

As for Yun Yun, she couldn’t even hear the sounds of Yun Beishang teleporting beside her, grabbing her and then keep on teleporting to bring his Maidens away before leaving them all at the nearby space station before disappearing once again when she herself recuperated conscience. It all happened as if a movie was sped up to go from 3 hrs long to just 2 minutes ‘long’.

It was too impossible to even think about it, and it took Yun Yun a few tens of seconds to realize what had just happened. When she came back to herself, she first turned around and placed the floating Maidens close to her before attaching their bodies to her own with the help of her Universal Hidden Class, before finally turning around to watch where the god previously was..


Only to see what remained of him, a mere image of a statue that was slowly being pulverized by time itself at an ever so impossible fast speed appeared in her starry gray pupils, showing her shell-shocked state evermore.

‘A god…like that…so strong…taken down just like that? What…Brother…Brother!!’ Yun Yun was a bit distressed, glad and very content but still quite speechless and confounded. It was only when the Maidens behind her woke up at last that she recomposed herself a little and decided to wait for Yun Beishang to come back after saving the rest of his wifeys that could be sent flying away immediately by being so close to the explosion’s epicenter.

“?!?!?!” But, right then, and with the rollercoaster not ending at all, not yet. Yun Yun felt a terrifying presence from the rest of the gods and goddesses that also obviously witnessed the prowess of those of the Atalayas’ Family Formation. In the same manner, she and many most powerful Godly Journeyers and Maidens directly felt the same from other Regions’ spatial battlefields.

And with their eyes suddenly revealing an unexpected surprise, one not pleasant, Yun Yun looked far ahead in front of the Godly Journeyers’ formations. Instantly, her starry gray eyes shrunk, and her lips opened up to yell to her brother, to which even though they were currently millions of kilometers at the very least apart from each other; she knew he would hear her.

Gasp! …Brother! They are going to destroy Main Kingdom’s bar-”

“...uggh…ughwaaaggh…GYWUAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” One; just one sole cry coming from one of the remaining God Atmosphere gods and goddesses in another Region, only that was enough for the entirety of the Godly Journeyer army to know that something was wrong. And that it was already time over for the ‘resisting’ part of the battle, that a clearly possibly deciding factor was now occurring; yet they couldn’t do anything to avoid it!

After so many hours, it was obvious that the God Race members had a close to infinite amount of stamina! They could employ so many one-dimensional beings to attack and instantly kill any Godly Journeyer for so many hours, the latter's numbers had dwindled so vastly up to now that the remaining fighters were already too tired!

Defending against those one-dimensional beings was too much, and now, facing off a brand new, seemingly ultimate attack left the Godly Journeyers speechlessly hopeless! All they could do, as those who were close to the first crying Atmosphere God god suddenly turning into a being infuriated, covered by the palest of either white, silver and even a disgusting gray colored ‘energy’ which looked much different than any Godly Journeyer had ever seen in the past as it rose from the Atmosphere God god’s feet to up to his forehead where his right and left index and middle fingers tapped on his glabella.

DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!” His voice, having become beyond terrifying, like that of a tremendously large being, as large as Main Kingdom and hidden within the void, yelled out towards them and made many of the Godly Journeyers’ hearts stop, almost forcing them out of the game. But that wasn’t enough just yet, though it might’ve been better to have fallen like this, seeing that a terrifying sense of doom filled the faces of all Godly Journeyers while their heads only implored to them aloud with one sole train of thought: ‘PLEASE GET OUT OF HERE!!’.

But it was, just like before with the gods and goddesses, too late for them…

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

In an instant, the God Atmosphere god suddenly had a pungent flow of the smoothest and most translucent of energies coming out from his glabella. As those flows of disgusting gray energy flew out, they arrived before the Atalayas’ Family Formation in the Origin Pertaining Region and with just the passing of the flow of translucent, thin energy through the middle; all Atalayas became incredibly exploding worst-than-massive-nuclear-weapons tools as they painted the Origin Pertaining Region’s skies with a tragic orange and blue.

Yun Beishang, ignoring the destruction of his Atalayas, became stumped the moment he heard his sister’s cut shout. And it was cut, because…from the Bright Sunset Region’s spatial battlefield, though they no longer had an active/alive Atmosphere God god or goddess around, there were still tens and tens of High God and Mighty God’s God Race members. And each and all of them did just the same as that Atmosphere God god was doing in the Origin Pertaining Region’s spatial battlefield.

Right after the Atmosphere God had that disgusting gray flow of thin, translucent energy flow out of his glabella, he became totally, and if the Godly Journeyers who were either far ahead in front of him or holding in place weren’t annihilated in just half an instant since the disgusting gray flow of energy passed hundreds of meters away from them, which was enough to cause millions of Godly Journeyer all to perish… The Godly Journeyers, now not even reviving anymore, then have been able to see how the utmost powerful god of the God Race was all limp…deader than dead.

But at the same moment, the god’s body began to be drawn away in small tics, as if ‘something‘ was trying to connect with his dead body and drawn him away, blood coming from even his butthole and penis as his pants began to flood the space outside his pants with disgusting, murky bloody-brownish blood while being dragged around.

However,  just a few instants after the Atmosphere God god did just all of that, the whole other gods and goddesses of the same battlefield and in all others began following him right after. Maybe it wasn’t all of them, but it was more than enough to instantly pulverize the Godly Journeyers and those ‘huge things’.

And so, all at once and as if a coordinated dance, one of pure deathly destruction and consuming of life; the God Race began evidently sacrificing themselves, sending thin and translucent flows and flows of disgusting gray energy.

With an image akin that of all of Main Kingdom beginning to be cobwebbed from the outer space, with yet those cobwebs bringing about the pureness of deadliness with them, not only destroying the Atalayas all at once and completely but also the space stations behind them and even then still going forward trying to lunge at Main Kingdom all the same.

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!

…puh…wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhppp!! CKCKCKRUUUSSGGSSSHHHHH~~~~~!!!!!...

“!!!!!!!” Yun Beishang, just amidst the sacrifices of virtually all God Race members, either Atmosphere God level or below it, saw the images of every Godly Journeyers turning into chunks of indiscernible flesh right before being logged out of the game. And at the same time, from all over the space of Main Kingdom, almost blinding, white sheens of light traveled at a speed that was still always absolute even in the face of the God Race’s counterattack.

Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!! Tshing~!!...

With each of his women appearing in his White Space, Yun Beishang saw their faces, felt their tumultuous hearts and frightened beings, all of them needing of their sisters’ hugs and comfort while they themselves were utterly scared - almost being forced out of the game also.


Seeing them as he tightened and tightened his freed fists from his Essential Armament, like this, under his protection and under the situation of being in the middle of the battle; besides cold sweat, Yun Beishang felt only one notion…



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