Bow and Arrow

Chapter 751 — Battle Of The Exiled (1)

Battle Of The Exiled (1)




Within Yun Beishang's White Space, as soon as the camera angles of the live streaming were all 'turned off' and focused on the pursuing Godly Journeyers instead.


"..." As soon as Yun Beishang stepped into his White Space, his Unusual Cauldron was already gone and the right side of his glabella glowed a little bit with the shape of a cauldron before flickering off at last. Looking at his surroundings, there was some bemoaning here and there as Maidens' comforting voices sounded every now and then as well.

Step, step, step!

“How is she?!” Yun Beishang rushed towards one little group of 3 Maidens surrounding another Maiden, the surrounded Maiden was with her back laying on the floor while her hands and temples were being tenderly massaged. He didn’t need to ask since he could feel it himself how she and everyone else became after being impacted so nearby from those ‘attacks’.

“...” Naturally as well, the Maidens massaging the most affected Maiden didn’t respond as they knew it wasn’t needed for them to. Merely, they looked at their husband altogether, as he touched the affected Maiden with his right hand and his Pure’s Essence began doing its work. Yun Beishang spent a few dozens of seconds in this way, using his left palm to caress the affected Maiden while his right hand then moved around to do the same with the other Maidens as well as grabbing their hands.

“Yun Beishang! I-I, uf-wuuu, my Father, he and Synfyl were together, they got hit a-and… I don’t know if they are oka-” From his right, as he was finishing his little treatment of the Maidens, Yun Beishang heard Sylda’s footsteps along with Kay’s while the former’s voice was tearful as she spoke.

“...” Grinning a little from the left corner of his mouth, Yun Beishang stood up and went over to Sylda and Kay, embracing them both into his chest before nudging at Sylda with his chin, causing her to look up in askance. “You can see that he and your Father are still in the game, can’t you? Don’t worry, even if they were hit, nothing would’ve happened to them. Mother would’ve forced them to log out before the effect of anything was to get to them.”

Yun Beishang caressed the sides of Sylda’s head while he spoke as Kay tilted her head and looked at them both with a light but also slightly nervous smile, Yun Beishang then gave them each a bout of his Pure’s Essence while the Maidens already treated from before logged off after softly calling out to Yun Beishang.

“Okay, now you should go and take a break…wait for me, okay?” Yun Beishang cupped both the step-siblings' faces, the obedient pair let him hold their cheeks with a nod, then gave him an extra hug for support to both sides before logging out as well.

“Sigh…” Yun Beishang threw his head back a little bit, his eyelids slowly becoming lighter as they had been rather heavy since he had ‘used up’ his Godly power from his real body quite a lot, even managing to spend so much of his overall energy to protect Main Kingdom.

“Beishang…” While he rested this little bit of time, Diana’s footsteps were heard by him, but only when she spoke out did he lower his head and look at his previous wife. Yun Beishang smiled, comfortingly speaking to her as he took 4 steps to be face to face directly, “Don’t worry, I already checked and there are no hidden sequels, nor anything.”

“Mmm, okay.” Diana lifted his right hand, brought it to her left cheek and calmed herself with this little antic of hers, having already closed her eyes, she gave out a little sigh from her lips as Zyv and Yun Yun’s footsteps were heard by both Diana and Yun Beishang. Diana suddenly said to him after a little bit of Pure’s Essence connected with her body through his right palm.

“Just make sure to come back, alright?” Diana’s worried eyes spoke infinitudes as Yun Beishang only looked back at her and smiled. Seeing the smile, Diana pecked him cutely before turning around and logging out.

“...” Seeing his wifey disappear from the game, Yun Beishang maintained silence for 2 seconds before lifting his arms, from his hands and fingertips, Pure’s Essence came out and traveled towards the backs, chests and upper section of the heads of all his Maidens and Ladies within the game, which had all gone into his White Space the moment their bodies even slightly sensed the awfully terrifying deadliness of those God Race members’ sacrificial attacks.

“...Brother, Sister Natalia has already left for the sake of keeping the public a bit distracted, she left a few minutes ago before you came in.” Yun Yun’s voice entered his ears just as he finished easing everyone’s hearts up and quelled the turmoil in their minds. Even he himself was a tiny bit affected and he was not a Godly being in this world after all; let alone the Maidens who weren’t even beginning to understand the basics before such a type of level of power.

When Yun Beishang heard Yun Yun’s voice, all his fatigue went away, and the sight of his Sister and Little Sister together got his heart slightly pumping up. Coming right towards them, hugging their necks and remaining in silence for quite a little bit, Yun Beishang then said straight away. “Go back, I’m gonna need your help to keep the beauties feeling troubled at ease, okay?”

“Mn,” Yun Yun said as she returned the embrace, hugging his neck only to realize that a Little Sister Zyv had already done so and she had to overlap the latter’s arms to hug her Brother’s neck. After a little bit of time, Yun Beishang said as he kissed his little wolf cub’s right top corner of her small head, “Thank you for keeping many of those safe. My Zyv is really powerful, mwuh mwuh.”

“Kihehe…” Though feeling playful, Zyv wasn’t in the mood to just continue on playing with her Big Brother Wolfy. Enjoying his smooches and then hearing just the same kinds of sounds from her Sister Yun Yun’s side, Zyv felt at peace with her mind gaining stability despite the fact.

“Okay, I have to get going now…Or I won’t be able to play with those before they reach their ‘main camp’.” Yun Beishang spoke, gently and lovingly, but his eyes and lips were and moved devilishly, bloodthirsty and he seemed to already be enraged to no end yet with a calm face in the exterior while hidden beneath…phew.

“Mn, go Brother. We will wait, we will.” Yun Yun cheered on her Brother, placing her palms on his chest and sticking her gigantic, most amazingly biggest and fullest breasts against him. As if to remember on his way back home, like a little extra cheering from her lovely sister and wife’s; part.

“...” Yun Beishang smiled as he caressed his wives’ hands, it was now only the 3 of them left in his White Space. As his smile covered them in warmth, before they knew it, Yun Beishang had already come out of his White Space; only a verdant gloom glow at where his left hand was, a metallic-gray, pitch-black like abyss glow where his right hand was and an undeniable, most powerful violet glow where his sternum was remained before they also too dissipated quickly.

“Sigh…” Sigh~...” A pair of delicate, lonely sighs resounded through Yun Beishang’s White Space before they suddenly disappeared, leaving the entire White Space alone with only a few grand and majestic buildings as well as structures and even some Abysmal Creature Race in their ‘main’ habitat all alone…for who knows how long.

. . .


A few millions of kilometers away from Main Kingdom, where the kingdom in question and its violet glow encompassing all around it could still be seen as half Yun Beishang’s fist in size.


“...” Yun Beishang was standing in space, hovering and doing no movement whatsoever. His body was no longer bare, now wearing the Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set and with his Vicissitudes of Life in his left hand, but his left hand’s fingers were also holding Void Jumping Star. Both of them, who were unusually quiet as they traveled through space with their owner.

“...Guess I’m late.” Yun Beishang used his right hand to go below the neck of an old lady, her face was sternly pale and with closed eyes, she must’ve been either given enough time to rest peacefully - time bought by her fellow comrades in the fight; or was the last one standing with her enemy dying before her.

“I’ll tell Amaya of how wonderful you were, Amamond.” Looking at the dull, turned off-like hair of the old lady, which would’ve been burning bright like the origin of flames itself just a few dozens of minutes ago when both sides were still alive and kicking each other to death, but that glow was now gone and not even clarity could be seen through any strand of her hair.

Some reddish-orange spots could be seen from the sections of some strands of hair closer to her head, and with her eyebrows and eyelashes having a lot more of that reddish-orange. They were proof of her pride, honor and of her love for Main Kingdom…for her granddaughter’s future.

“...” Looking at the old lady, grandma-in-law of his, Yun Beishang’s eyes were semi-narrowed, strong emotion showing off of them while gazing at Amamond’s closed eyelids before turning his head to the left and raising it. From within the seemingly lightless Universe, Urtan’s body had his shoulders slumped and extended forwards while his body kept flowing backwards from its own trajectory.

A few tens of kilometers away, a bunch of chunk of pieces of flesh, some clothed and some indiscernible that they even appeared to not be human nor humanoid at the very least and half-rests of bodies were floating semi-close to each other and moving towards any direction at the same time; as if they’ve had been in a strange but powerful formation and…died altogether a the same time.

There were another 2 groups of ‘graveyards’ like this, while on the other hand, there was a white-pale body with only its torso left existing, no head nor limbs were visible, and all Yun Beishang could deduce from his Godly senses was that they were turned into ashes and then dissipated away into nothingness.

However, this headless and limbless corpse of a god was being dragged away at last, as if the thing looking for it took some time to bring it forth. Looking at this corpse that began moving away shortly after he arrived and was now a mere dot in the distance at the lever of his naked eye, Yun Beishang said nothing as the corpses disappeared from space with each of them turning into a white light that was sent to the top of his head.

‘Oh, don’t be shy to hide it from me. I will be going there as soon as I take a few extra trips.’ Yun Beishang’s eyes were deadly cold and locked into the corpse flying away, his fists were tightened, his Essential Armament glowing, calling out softly but filled with ferality at his emotions and situation.

Tshin-shin~~~... … … … … … Tshin-alalaloowww~... … … …

. . .


Within the reaches of space, on a pathway that was invisible and only in the walkers of it that had traversed it for millions of years coil instinctively go through even while asleep.



A figure with only one limb remaining, his left arm and with both his entire legs and right arm gone, his skin pale-silver and rotting from all over his body. A head that supposedly should have had hair but was now an ugly combination between hair and perfectly squeaky clean bald and whose eyebrows were mostly gone but whose remains of them were enough to make the god look terrific.

“Heeh, heehh, he-eehhh!” Seemingly gasping, as it was well understandable that ‘running’ without barely any limb to do so was ultra strenuous, let alone simply moving through space at a speed inferior only to the Spaceships that he and his Race fought against just now. This god wasn’t an Atmosphere God, however, but a simple Almighty God.

At this moment, his eyeballs were bigger than before the bombardments and use of the god-killer-like weapon that was used against those who were of the Atmosphere God level in his God Race. While his eyes and the skin all around them were completely fine, it looked as if he had gone through either torture with such being targeted, or through serious injuries.

In truth, however, the god was having his thoughts calmly driven about in his mind while fleeing away. His mouth was wide open and as big as a baby’s head, which was probably not a coincidence as he moved through space: ‘What kind of monster, what kind of monster, what kind of monster, what kind of monster- what kind of weapon was that?! So powerful, powerful, powerful so, powerful so, powerful so, so powerful so powerfuuuuullll-AAAAAALLLLL~!! I- earrrr- gotta run, leader, leader, leader please help me, leader, leader, leader please eat meeee.’.


“HUH!?!!?” The god suddenly raised his head from his current position and looked back, his eyeballs almost hiding his whole pale-golden iris that only made his entire facial features and image the more crooked and creepy; hella creepy. Right before he turned his head around though, a white sheen abruptly manifested itself 1,000 kilometers behind and above his trajectory position.

But before the bastardly animal had any time to react, two arrows flashing a bright platinum came shot down from above, each of them following a similar trajectory taken but 20 meters apart from each other that became infinitely close when becoming just about to reach the back of the god.

Bvreee-Vwlsht!! Bvreee-Vwlsht!!

“Guwaaaaah!!? Who is you-you ar yu?!” The god turned around and faced his body upwards from where the white sheen of light manifested, his words already vague when he started to bend his neck forwards and looked at the pair of arrows that for some reason actually went through his durable body that no Godly Journeyer was able to go through without hitting the same spot and with strong skills without stop for half a hour!

Instead of getting an answer, though, the god only saw a flying figure from his now front come straight towards him with a Movement Speed that was blurry even for himself, A GOD!!

UUUUUUUUEK!! You- you are the EEEEvil Goooowad?!” The god had a terrified expression of the most terrified ones there could ever be, his unusually large moth became as wide as it could disgustingly become so. His lips broke apart and many little worms began moving out and wiggled about nonstop as if celebrating coming out of home for a change.

Bvreee-Vwlsht!!! Bvreee-Vwlsht!!!

“AAAAAAAHHH!!!!” But all the god got in return was an enraged Yun Beishang coming down at him, those arrows suddenly begin transforming while coming out of the god’s chest, fully ending the piercing of his body and immediately flying towards Yun Beishang. Then, with the same Movement Speed that made the god even crazier as it seemed to be possible- Yun Beishang struck both Divine Gladiuses against the god’s chest only once.

However, that once was enough for his body to be cut into two and be sent flying backwards for hundreds of kilometers alone…and this was with only Yun Beishang’s raw strength in the formula, not using any of his skills and only allowing his hands and Divine Gladiuses to do the work.


Sounds muffled, Yun Beishang’s body chased after the god’s 3 pieces-body, the latter tried sending one-dimensional beings at Yun Beishang while screaming at the top of his lungs as his left arm dangled and struggled to point at Yun Beishang. “So what Evil God is? So whhwhwwhat!! I’ll kill an Evil God now theeeeeeen, theeeee-”

Bvreee-Vwlsht~!! Bvreee-Vwlsht~!!... Bvreee-Vwlsht!!! Bvreee-Vwlsht!!! Bvreee-Vwlsht!!!

The loudly screaming god was too busy increasing the volume of his voice that he didn’t notice Yun Beishang’s body simply ignoring whatever shitty one-dimensional ‘impregnable’ attacks were sent to his body. Each time any one-dimensional being made contact with his body, like bubbles, they would just pop and disappear from all existence and sight.

Before the god could even finish screaming, he was interrupted by Yun Beishang’s Divine Gladiuses that slashed once more at his face and sternum laterally  with Yun Beishang hacking down at the god’s body from a different angle. And as it was now a body that was cut into 5 pieces, with the little dangling left arm left alone on purpose, Yun Beishang followed up the chest and head that were sent flying together before striking over, over, over, over and over again at them.

…Before even 10 seconds went by, Yun Beishang had traversed thousands of kilometers as he found himself hacking down at the last drop of blood from the long dead god’s head and chest, he had hacked down at the god with his Divine Gladiuses so much, so fast and with such raw strength that it the god’s head and upper chest became little nothingness from just Yun Beishang’s gladiuses alone.

“Huff…huff…huff, huff. Mother, what is going on? Why- no, how can I just make the conversion of my Godly power from my real body to my virtual body faster- no, right away?” Yun Beishang asked calmly after recuperating his breath, his still not Godly level of being current power that was sent from his real body to this virtual body of his…though enough to kill an Almighty God, not enough for the ending of his unending war alone.

*PING*... - … -... - …it is to be expected, if you were a ‘normal’...Godly being…you wouldn’t even need a day…to receive a Godly strength of the High God level…but you are…the Evil God…and your Bloodline…is too much for me…and tiring… but…

“But what?!” Yun Beishang was damn sure he needed to keep his time not wasted, and so far it was fine, but if he really could get all of his Godly power, strength of his actual Universal God true level back on New Earth into Rising Essence…that would then be enough.

*PING*... - … - … - … - … - …there is a way…but not for all of your Godly strength, it’s…it is still too much, child…only…only your strength…at the…Atmosphere God level will be…for you to convert…how-

“Good, tell me!!” Yun Beishang hurried Mother up, his short conversation and his opportune Unparalleled Bloodline having given Main Kingdom that salvation from any further harm; if Mother didn’t come out if he called, how could she still dare to call herself Mother, the Spirit of Main Kingdom?

*PING*... - … - … - …child! The-...the price is too big, your body wi…ll…be…

“There’s no need for you to worry about me about the price, sigh~... Mother, just tell me what to do, I’m not a stupid person, and my Atmosphere God strength alone is enough. I can resolve this on my own,” not being unseemingly courteous to Mother, Yun Beishang spoke to Her just as he used to speak to the ‘system’ long ago, he didn’t even became surprised when she responded after almost 4 years of ‘knowing’ each other in total silence from Her part.

*PING* … - … - … - …listen…well…



This is the beginning of Volume 8 — Life Making, Essence Destroying.

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