Bow and Arrow

Chapter 755 — The Last Stand (2)

The Last Stand (2)




"..." Yun Beishang observed the deep shade or red ball of 'blood' and...what consisted of the entire remaining members of the God Race, what no longer exists anymore, what not even this one old man before him forms part of any longer. But after furrowing his brows a little for 5 seconds, Yun Beishang's still crossed arms remained the same as he turned his face towards Katakya. "You want to be like your Creator and form a new Race? One that will be long to you, of course. One that will be better than whatever she ever did, and was?"

“Kids, choose. Adults, take! I am not wanting, kid, I AM going to have it!!” The old god’s words were venomous, a clear sign of how he saw his Creator, of the envy that made him who he is. With his neck extending forward, the old god looked like a cartoonish little evil bug, having cute eyes but that would turn scary whenever it got an ‘angered shot’.

“...” Yun Beishang maintained silence and the very same position as always, but tilted his head leftwards this time. The old god cared not for Yun Beishang’s thoughts any longer, he turned his body around as he floated to stand just 20 cm below the disgustingly abominable liquid wall spinning on the spot and directly in front of it.

“Being the Evil God seems to be just a title for you, and what is that of you holding both that failure’s Relics? Hm, you are just so fortunate, Yun Beishang.” The old god’s head turned back to look at the Evil God, adding along with a condescending look, “I’ll show you what a definition of ‘God’ stands for.”


As soon as he finished saying that, the old god lifted his right hand unceremoniously towards the deep red with barely noticeable brownish touches to it like he was simply opening his bathroom’s door, the moment his right hand made contact with the liquid ball, it suddenly flew straight towards his mouth which was immediately accompanied by a slurping noise.

SLUUUUUUURRRPP!!!” The chest of the old god that was still glowing from within of a bright gold luster continued on shining, but his body was now being swiftly encompassed with a red and brownish, a red-brownish; aura that outlined his entire body from the top of the head to the soles of his feet.

“... … …” Katakya didn’t say anything, but his mouth was left wide open and his eyes slowly shrunk to the ordinary size that they should’ve always been all this time. Brown and golden ‘fought’ to remain within his eyes as his pupils, while a dark, deep shade of red was all the color that came from his irises instead.

As he looked at Yun Beishang once he slowly turned his body around with his elbows bent and his fists sent forwards towards the Evil God’s general direction in that stance of power, the possessed-like old god had his mouth opened fully and in a smile. A terrific sight enveloped Yun Beishang’s retinas behind his helmet whereas the old god was silently laughing in victory.

“Yes, yeeeeees~ aaaahh~~, this is MY power, ahahahahhhaha!” The old god laughed crazily, his every exclamation purely filled with depravation and spoken rapidly through teeth, “It is MY POWEEERRR!”

The old god was joyous, he seemed so content and peaceful about achieving his dreams, nothing could break them now. Nothing except a God’s mockery.

“Is this what you’ve been eating your own men, children and kin for millions of years? The Imperial God? Is reaching halfway through to getting ‘there’ so much worth to die for and make everyone else die for as well? Damn, not even I think that you were doing this to get out of this little prison here anymore, you were just using others for power.”

“To increase your own and then call their every sacrifice your greatest doing; achievement. Is it so powerful to become an Imperial God, hm~?” Yun Beishang made Katakya stiffen for the third time, his whole body was with his neck sprain upwards and his huge ass mouth slowly coming to face Yun Beishang’s ordinary and hidden face.

“Might as well, killing a simple Ancient God as an Atmosphere God would’ve been embarrassing, that is too much bullying for me, even for me.” Yun Beishang finally relaxed his crossed arms, his elbows folding and semi-unfolding to a stretch over and over again. Katakya didn’t seem to plan on closing his mouth as he stared speechlessly at Yun Beishang with the same expression of joy and elation as if waiting for the Evil God to go on.

“You know, killing you like that would’ve been easy? I mean, it’s nice that you’ve sacrificed so many very powerful subordinates and family, as well as their and your future in this whole world just to get stronger the way you wanted to. Maybe you didn’t know how large and arduous the path to becoming an Universal God is, but it is still recommendable how you did all that for achieving an actually perfect and top-notch Imperial God, clapclap motherfucker, I’m impressed. Hey, wanna da-”

“What ‘Universal Goood’~?! What are you talking about?!!” With an ugly countenance, the old dog- no, the old god interrupted Yun Beishang with his nose wrinkling and his frontal upper and lower teeth showing how crooked they’ve become with the edges of his gum becoming the darkest shades of red.

“Oh…ahaha…really, yo knew nothing, hm?” Yun Beishang’s mind had its gears working slowly as an evil thought entered his head, a smile that neither Katakya nor the spectators could see - which was more devilishly than the former - emerged from his lips. “If I were to tell you a bit about myself, uhuhuhuhu~~, I’d say ‘I’d pay to see your face in that situation’ but I think I’m already seeing it, kiki.”

Giggling childishly, Yun Beishang made Katakya even more baffled, but his tolerance bar was already exhausted when Yun Beishang didn’t respond to his calls of mentioning him as a ‘man’, a mortal; rather than a God. Which, to himself, Katakya would’ve been so mad he might’ve even died by accident.

“Just a pair of things before start, calm down, let’s talk a bit more, ‘kay?” Nodding at his final word with his right hand making a ‘calm down’ gesture, Yun Beishang stopped the already ragingly shaking old god. “First, what was the point in even having a fight against Main Kingdom in the first place? Not only were their soul detonations’ unneeded, the fight itself was so.”

“Why? They’re all there to fight! I am going to bring my Race to a future no living being has ever see-”

“Even as an Imperial God, are you this afraid of Main Kingdom’s Spirit?” Yun Beishang interrupted with his eyes upturned as he had lowered his head, a shadow looming over his helmet and making him seem even more ruthlessly trying to shame the old god. To which, the old god went silent at once, first by the Evil God’s words before beginning to shake even more intensely by the Evil God’s demeanor.

“Second…” Yun Beishang suddenly dropped his façade, his entire visage becoming severely stern, and his voice… Oh, his voice had a hint of coldness that was scarier than emotionlessness, more dooming than a full dark sky everlasting and heavier than one’s guilt and regret in life. “The people from my planet, the leaders of that place…did you ever do anything to them?”

“...! …? …?!” The old god suddenly calmed down, it was as if he had found his anchor just as his worst demons were about to go out and meet his brain, melt it and end his life. The expression from the old god eased, returning to a face that was finally able to be defined as normal and back to the even handsome old, languid but in shape- man.

“Oho? Oh, oh, oh, oh. Oooooooh?! Oho-hoho-ho~?!” Katakya became a tad more, his eyes knowing so well what this Evil God was mentioning, and becoming so- much- more at ease as those realizations rolled in his mind over and over again.

“Those?” After a few quirky giggles of an old man from old god Katakya, the old crooked lips from the old god danced and twirled playfully as he honestly spoke with his red-golden and brownish eyes twinkling at Yun Beishang. “Aiyo~, we didn't even had the time to even plan anything about them, they were already doing so fine without any guidance, E-EEHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!”

“... … … … … … … … … … … … …” From within the spectating side, suddenly seeing but also finally hearing any sound come from the lips of any of the two of them, only to hear a maniacal laugh that could never be mimicked in any movie or show, by nobody.

“I see, alright…” Yun Beishang’s eyes, to the ignorance of anyone else but himself, Katia, Lioness and Rosey as well as a possible extra; dropped low before instantaneously looking back up again. With his eyes now emanating violet glow, they had become a pair of obscure violet, broken glass eyes with the cracks on his eyes seemingly becoming spiritual veins that connected him to anything he saw, felt and sensed; unparalleled.

“Let’s fight, tiny Evil God, let’s kill each other to death until we DIE!! AHAHAHAHAHA-.” Without needing interruption, the truly crazed and long gone of reality old Katakya cut off his own laugh and even had a normal, tranquil as well as unresponsive expression on his face. Then, the old god took 2 steps towards Yun Beishang while his golden glow turned a hellish red, before becoming a mix of a darkest red with brownish and goldish elements added to it; completely new and…corrupted.

“No no no, no no.” Yun Beishang facepalmed his eyes with his finger, rubbing his eyebrows and nose as he lowered his head, a whole damn lot. His right index finger made a ‘no no’ gesture and shook it towards the old god. Stopping on his tracks, for some reason that the old god himself could not explain, he heard Yun Beishang’s next words out.

“You’ve made me wait for you, and it was even more than what was originally planned, no-uh! You lied to me, what was a minute almost became 5 minutes, you owe me!” Yun Beishang’s nonsensical self even baffled Katakya for the third time in a way he still didn’t expect at all. Then the following words also came out from Yun Beishang’s mouth right after the previous ones, “So now you gotta wait for me, just a few seconds…”

His tone was somber though, and for some even weirder, but this time for at least a known reason, the old god Katakya felt a deep sense of crisis. “URrgghaaah…!!”

“!!!?” The old god tried to move his brand new, strongest and perfect body forward, only one step was needed for him to appear right before, to any side or behind Yun Beishang and all he had to do was to plunge his hands into the Evil God’s torso, take his heart and brain out before eating them! That was all!

“AAAAGH?!!” However, with the deepest of fears being shown in his face when he tried to move forward, but was pulled and held from moving any further, his knees weren’t even in the starting pose to begin motioning!

The sensation of being unable to move, of a stronger force easily controlling over his everything…it all made Katakya go back to the times that the God Race was celebrating the return of their Creator; the Gods’ and the Goddesses’ Goddess Creator and with the even more perfect news that she came to aid them out of this hell!

Memories and flashbacks of it all resurfaced in his mind, his head, his heart…his POOWEER!

“ANGHYAAAAAAAAAAA~! NOOOooooooooo…!! Stop this facade, you mongrel mortal flesh that deSERVES to be TRAMPLED beneath my feet!!!” The awkwardly stagnant Katakya couldn’t even move towards any direction, even his eyeballs were set and locked, even his breathing was stopped and even his heart stopped beating!

“No, you see… I owe to save this world to too many, and it just so happens…that this world now owes me too. You see, what I’m getting at, is…” Yun Beishang suddenly closed his eyes at this moment, unavoidably having to stop his words for now as his throat was slightly visible with his head thrown slightly backwards.

His throat, which was tightly hugged by his Great Petals of Destruction Suit Armor Set all over his skin and that looked like the hardest and truly one and only impenetrable of defenses - had his adam’s apple ‘appear’ as it suddenly went up and then down like a person’s first reaction when remembering they have a body and it moves after waking up to a long, long coma they were awake the entire time…

Like the fascination that it wasn’t just Yun Beishang who has gone through when life coming from him and his other half formed another little life from between their cultivation, holding that brand new life of his and his other half in his hands, the little life breathing, moving and feeling for the first time.

But this time, without even needing to use his capabilities to remember his memories like records replaying as long and as much as he wanted and needed them to inside his head, when dreaming. Yun Beishang felt it all on his own body and in the most extravagant and most incredulously fascinating of sensations.

Ssu…hmmmm~pfhh~...” Lowering his chin, his face went back to directly looking at the old god’s, who no longer tried to keep on moving and who even seemed to forget the most anxious, panicky and terribly terrified he has ever been in his life like all the worst nightmares to ever exist happened only to him.

Hum-..hmmfhh~...” Behind his helmet, Yun Beishang felt his lips never so relaxed before, and as he pursed them a little bit naturally, his eyes slowly opened to glance at whatever was in front of him.

In an instant, the entire world was visible in his eyes within Rising Essence, while his eyes did the most primitive action to simply ‘look’, his entire body was undulating with waves and waves of massively dense, powerful and ethereal violet energy. Katakya looked on, preoccupied as he couldn’t understand what was going on, not even with his tens of eons-long life!!

Meanwhile, through his eyes, not yet using his capabilities and senses; Yun Beishang was able to see the Universe, the entirety of space - as a little net that was there for him to watch. He could see very little dot connecting, the stars that had been in danger of becoming extinct for the last eon suddenly begin reproducing more and more stars at the other side in the grayed other half of the Universe.

The Hollow Kingdoms that he was surrounded by, and where other Kingdoms that were fully destroyed, disintegrated and annihilated that are no longer. Yun Beishang could see as if he created them and put them there himself, as if they would listen to whatever he said, even if he lightly accidentally muttered: ‘come back to life’.

“!!!” Yun Beishang suddenly looked at Katakya , which made his entire body stir up in the most primitive of fears, his skin numbed, something he hadn’t felt since the arrival of that ‘fake’-Goddess Creator and never in his life prior to that event. And for the Evil God to be stupidly looking around, like a country bumpkin who suddenly got into the most structurally advanced building in the nation and was twisting his neck almost to death just to look around; to then suddenly and sharply turned his head and straighten his neck to look at himself - how could that not have horrified the old god?!

On the other hand, Yun Beishang saw the body and beyond of the old god Katakya, his skin wasn’t as pale and still retained some gold-ishness, making him look more like a sick old man of the Human Race than anything else. But within, Yun Beishang saw his most foundational sources of his everything.

From his heart spot, there was an adult’s head-sized heart with a more unique, circular shape completely colored by a glimmer of only dark red, a tiny dot of brown at the center. But from Yun Beishang’s ‘opinion’ that heart should’ve been the most everlasting, brightest of golds ever; and not this unbecoming sight that this abomination of existence became.

Additionally, just like the Universe itself in its entirety, the old god’s body was all connected by a net, threads and threads of a graying gold with the volume of less than a nanometer avoided the left chest area of Katakya. And while that part was avoided, it also looked that the threads that used to be connecting his heart with the rest of the tiny net within his whole body were fully without any glow, color…nor life.

Destroyed. Self-mutilated and impure to the most petrifying degree.

“ it is the world that you fear so much, chaining you like you once enchained the entire world - back.” Yun Beishang finished his words, his hands going to his lower back and resting while his emotionless voice turned the old god’s body fully cold.

And at the moment that the Evil God’s words disappeared from the Universe which, unbeknownst to Katakya, resonated within it; Yun Beishang made his move.

…peeevvw!!! Fwoh… …PUMMK~~!!

Yun Beishang’s body suddenly appeared right before Katayka, the latter only saw a blurred line leaving afterimages which didn’t even last an instant which, once they disappeared, all he could see was the Evil God’s covered eyes and a violet so powerful it suffocated him, instinctively tightening his throat in a self-harming direction.

And with his arms lifted like those of a pouncing tiger, leopard or lion on a running prey; in a humanized-humanoid style with his shoulders at his ear-level, Yun Beishang’s right foot and left palm attacked at the same time towards the old god’s sternum and forehead at the same time respectively.

As the old god’s body was sent flying by the Evil God ‘downwards’ in space, the old god’s arms were sent forth while his back arched and his stomach sank. While pain inundated his being, the old god looked at the already non-visible to the naked eye Evil God ‘above’ his falling body, which fell to a deeper and deeper level of the Universes’ reaches.

'Atmosphere God level?! How could' Though the old god when sensing the Evil God's power.



New Earth, one of the many living rooms within the Peaceful Rain Household.


“...!” Yun Yun was standing up while hundreds of maids in their resting outfits; casual clothes were either seated down on a sofa, chair or the floor or standing around in the living room like Yun Yun was.

Step, step, step step step steps tepstepstepstta-ta-ta!

“Careful!” Yun Yun suddenly turned around and slightly rebukingly said to a maid who was about to trip on her own and fall face-first to the floor, saving her in time with her senses. The maid’s ultra hurried steps and extremely worried face baffled Yun Yun, ‘Mmm, seriously, what is it with my Brother’s maids being so silly? They need more training…’.

“Ah! Ma-Ma-Ma- Madam Yun Yun, it’s you! Ah!!” Suddenly realizing, at last, who she was right to the side of, the maid who almost tripped opened her eyes and slowly came to her senses. But her words were shot away and she anxiously screamed while sobbing, making everyone in that living room and surrounding ones turn their heads to look at her.

‘What could she possibly have to say?!’ Everyone though, not really having in mind what the fuck could be it that made one of them become so…frantic?

“!!!” But then, when they saw who the maid was after separating their fully concentrated attention from the TV just as Yun Beishang’s battle with the big bad BOSS commenced at last; they all trembled.



Let It Rain's Note: Cyberpunk - history by gazelle; look it up to read the next chapter if you wish to.

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