Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 155: Rewards

"Madame, you are a goddess," Anton said to the woman who was in charge of the medical ward of the sanctuary. He looked at the middle finger and could not help but admire the skill of the healer. It only took half an hour for her to transplant the finger back, though it still needed a couple of weeks to become as dexterous as his other fingers. 

Sheala smiled faintly and finished checking him up. "Don't try anything stupid for a few days," she said. "I have eliminated most of the cold energy from your system, and for the rest, it will be eliminated itself. The wound in the chest is not fetal, but I would recommend complete rest for 48 hours." 

Then Sheala looked towards the others in the rows of beds next to Anton. The closest was Wrik, who was resting with open eyes. Then there was Jacob, Kevin and the noble son Theiron, who was not staring at them since they were in the medical ward. There were a few other patients as well. But Davin could not be seen and, as for Fraser—he was divided by another sanctuary. 

Davin had been taken to the emergency wards the moment they were teleported here. Sheila had already reassured them there were no life-threatening injuries to their friend, but he would need some time to recover—let alone get back to his strength. 

And as for the cost of all the treatments, they were all taken care of by the Omega council. At least, they did something other than make things difficult. 

"You all needed rest, injuries or not," Sheala said. "Even though the test ended earlier than usual, you have put your bodies through exhaustion for multiple days. Rest is essential to recover."

"Thank you," Wrik said, and the others joined him in thanking the healer for taking care of them. 

The moment they were teleported back to the sanctuary, like the other time, a few men in white clothing came and took them to the medical wards. The same thing happens with all the females, though they were taken by women. 

Sheala left after advising a few more things, leaving all the men here. 

"Theiron," Anton called at the very moment. "Why are you shying away like a girl?"

The noble son did not utter a word, nor did he look at them. After he betrayed Wrik and others, the only thing he did was listen to commands with no question asked.  He thought about taking revenge on Wrik and the others for making him a fool with the fake slave brand thingy, but alas! Even after betraying them, he did not get what he wanted. 

In the end, Lily had beaten him black and blue. Now he was considering what sins he had committed to getting into such an awful result. His only consolation was that Wrik's party had not won the test, and he did something that restricted them. 

"How did you find out about the tracker inside the brand?" Wrik asked next with a somewhat curious expression. He could guess someone from above helped them there, but he was not sure.

"What tracker are you talking about?" Theiron asked, finally looking at them. His eyes were purple and black like a panda with a good amount of wounds in his body. 

"You don't know about the tracker?" Wrik frowned. "Who planned the trap at the end of the test?"

"I don't know. I knew the slave brand was fake, but nothing about the tracker," he said. "Scythe told me to lead my men and some of his men there and wait until further instruction."

"Is this guy an idiot?" Anton asked. 

"Probably," Wrik said and laid comfortably looking at the ceiling. He had no interest in knowing who the culprit was. Even though Theiron has good strength, he was a fool who knew nothing about what happened in the trial. Now he was mostly sure that someone pulled the string from above. 

Well, it didn't matter anymore. After all, they have lost the trial. 

"Wait a minute, you put a tracker inside the brand?" The realisation finally hit the noble son as he questioned Wrik. "How could. . ."

"So not entirely a fool, eh," Anton laughed faintly. 

Wrik just clicked his tongue. 

"Hey, two hours is up. Why has the evaluation did not open yet?" Jacob asked with enthusiasm. 

"Right," Wrik nodded and gazed at the clock. 

They only have to wait a few minutes more until a transparent omega window appears in front of everyone. 

[Congratulations, Mahasayer Wrik Evernight on passing the test on the first floor of the Maha Tower.] 

With the congratulatory notification, more names started to appear in the final evolution of the test. 

[The winner of the Little war: Scythe: Grade-S

Grade-A: 10 

Wrik Evernight


Tanya Syfinn

Anton Blaciel

Camililliel Eliza D'borge

Harth Entier

Dairyl Josiel D'borge

Michelle Emmens

Jacob Trabin

Arjamith Adam D'borge

Grade-B: 100

Aeriel Josiel D'borge

.. .

Davin Mckain 

Aasan Tabir 

An Byul

.. . 

Evan Welsh

Fraser New Moon

Sitara Naik 


Grade-C: 889

Kevin Keplin



.. .] 

[1000 omega points are credited to Mahasayer Wrik Evernight for getting Grade-A in the test.]

[Your Omega seed has been advanced to Grade-C with the additional reward of the test.] 

[You have gained 4 free attribute points.] 

[10 million Omega credits are credited as a congratulatory gift of the test.] 

[500000 omega credits are awarded for awakening omega ability: Resistance.] 

[100000  omega credits are awarded for the advancement of the omega ability: Eye of Insights.] 

[45700 credits are awarded for helping in the act of freeing 457 slaves.]

[A total of 1200300  omega credits were awarded for miscellaneous tasks.] 

Wrik sucked in a deep breath, reading all the names and messages in the window. Even though he did not get what he wanted, the rewards were still a little startling. In the previous trials, the rewards they got were dozens of times cheaper in sum. Guess the actual test of the tower changes things. 

Though the credits did not hold much appreciation, as he had over four hundred million omega credits, the thousand omega credits will be more than useful. And his omega origin had been upgraded to the next grade. Although he did not understand it clearly, he knew it was the most useful reward. And there were the four attribute points too.

Then he opened his personal attribute window to evaluate his growth in the two months. 


[User: Wrik Everknight

Class: Omega Designer (Beginner)

Omega Rank: C (Omega origin).

Affiliation: None.

Alias: Shiny Eyes.

Private Attributes :

Strength: 35.

Agility: 39.

Constitution: 29.

Vitality: 31.

Perception: 49.

Intelligence: 44.

Magic Power: 36.

Luck: 56.

Free stat points: 7.


1. Eye of Insights: (Grade: Mysterious) (Rank: B)

2. Maha Mana Applications: (Rank: C)

-Mana sense: B-

-Mana Discharge: C+

-Armament Reinforcement: D

Armament reinforcement has reached the initial realm.

-Maha Points (Auxiliary): 227

-Mana circuit (Auxiliary): 89.6%

3. Immunity: (Rank: E)

This is one of the general Omega abilities all the mahasayer developed over time. It is the primary resistant ability of the body.

-Poison Immunity: E+

- Cold immunity: D-

Techniques and skills :

>Swordsmanship: C

>Axi Script Mastery: E

-Elneo: D

-Lenin: E+

Achievements (0):

OMEGA credits: 461200300; Omega Point: 1000]


There was some growth. Mostly in the attributes. While his skills grew with them as well, though it was not much as they were busy in the test. Luck was still the attribute he had the highest points on. It had increased more than any other attributes which he had worked hard for. 

His armament reniforemet had reached the initial level in the last battle, he had not noticed. And swordsmanship had reached grade-C.

"Holicow," Jacob said quite loudly. "How did I get Grade-A?" 

"Did you notice it just now?" Anton asked, raising a brow. 

"I was searching from below first," the archer said, a little flustered. 

"You have done many things in this trial Jake, getting Grade-A is not unfounded," Wrik said. 

What he said was true. Jacob had survived alone and even saved a couple of dozen fellows. Even after that, he was successful in all the tasks and joining with Anton and Michelle; he helped in burning a fortress. He was undoubtedly the best archer candidate on the test. 

"But I did nothing at the end battle."

"Stop complaining," Anton said. "Do you want me to take away your score?" 

"I was not complaining," Jacob said in a fluster. "Well, you see, compared to the other nine grade-A scorerer, I've done nothing fancy."

"I thing the score did not all depend on the battle power of how many men you have thrashed," Wrik added. "You see, Dairyl had not fought once in the test, but she had freed half a thousand odd people from slavery, and in the end, her designer spell played a vital role. So your score is not unfounded. Good job, Jake."

"I'll take that as an explanation then," Jacob said, nodding heavily. "It appeared I'm more powerful than I thought." 


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