Broken Tower Saga: The First Swordsman

Chapter 163: Money Well-spent

"Our suits and dresses have arrived," Anton said, carrying two packages on his both arms, walking inside their suite. Behind him followed two manservants, carrying more of the similar package. 

The girls were the first that ran in to receive their dresses. While Wrik, Jacob, Kevin and Davin were still sitting on the couch, enjoying their afternoon tea. The package had a big logo of the Revelians in it. Apparently, it was one of the big brands known throughout the tower for its luxurious clothes. 

On another note, not even most novels could get their dresses done in just one day. For such a brand, there were thousands of people in the queue for their dress to be done. If everything went like that, they would not be able to get their thing on such short notice. Maybe their identity as Mahasayer helped, or that they did not ask many more things—at least, the boys did not. 

Wrik had already imagined what the girls wanted for their dress—after all, they invested so much time in the store while they only chose after watching a few of the designs. 

The three girls took their own, leaving Anton with the rest, who threw the packages to the one it was for. 

"Ton, how much does all of it cost?" Wrik asked, sipping his hard tea.

Anton checked a short pamphlet that came with the packages and said, "8.25 million credits. Though, the dresses of three girls were double the price we put together."

The three girls snorted together at Anton, who could only shrug. 

Wrik could not have imagined how the dress could be this expensive. After all, the armour they bought in the test was about the same price, counting the contents. "I guess, we have to pay to see pretty girls wearing pretty dresses," Wrik said and rest his package on the table.

"These were made by professional artists and, taking care that mahasayer would wear it, of course it will be expensive," Michelle added.

Wrik and others nodded, though none of them stood up from the couch. Wrik returned to the book again. He considered finishing it before the time came. Though that might not be possible, as there were only a couple of hours and the book seemed to be more interesting than he thought. So he could not skip any content of it, and most importantly, it was written in Elgin Scripts—that was the main reason he was having trouble reading it. Though he had learned the rune language properly, he still had not reached the level to speedrun it.

"Why are you all still sitting like nothing to do, get up and get dressed," Tanya said this time. 

"I don't think I'll need a couple of hours to dress myself," Wrik said, raising his head from the book.

"We are with Wrik on this," Davin and Jacob joined. While Kevin still did not seem to blend in with the group—though he was never a good talker. 

The three girls snorted together like they had practised before and went inside the same room with their dresses. Anton dealt with the two manservants and returned to the couch. He seemed to be the most excited among them about the ball and talked with the others while Wrik continued the reading. 

Wrik read till the when he reached the end of a chapter and looked at the clock. One hour had passed, yet the girls had not finished their dressing. He put his ears to work and did hear a few giggles come out of the room the three girls were in. 

He rested the book on the table and shook his head. "Guess, it is time to check out what this half a million credits worth suit looks like," he said and got up. He took the package and left for his room. The rest did the same as well. 

Wrik opened the package and found the dress entirely in black satin silk. Only giving it a look, he put on the trousers, and then the tight undercoat. Even though the cloth was considered being short and plain, it was quite warm. Then he hid a couple of kids inside it-who knew when it would come in handy. Then all that remained was the long overcoat that reached his knees. 

Write on and all the other things such as a handkerchief and cosmetic pouch inside it. Then he came before the mirror and what reflected on the mirror proved that his money was not wasted. Now the only thing left was his hair.

Wrik left the long hair resting on his shoulder from behind and came back to the drawing-room. Davin and Kevin came at the same time. The exchange nodded and sat on the couch again. Wrik continued the book where he had left off.

Anton came next and Jacob did not waste time too. All their dresses were quite similar. A similar tuxedo with a long overcoat, though the colour varies from person to person. They walked together like that. It would not be wrong to say they were from the same gang. 

The girls came in half an hour later. They did not come in together, but one by one. First was Byul. Her body was held in a black satin gown with gold designs embroidered in it. Her waist looked overwhelmingly skinny in that tiny gown and she seemed to have a problem walking it with. With a tomato-like face, she came before them, holding her dress high.

"I can clearly say, you are not used to it with only a word," Wrik said, giving a look. "And it appears you are not trying too."

"I am suffocating," she said.

"You would be fine, Byul," Michelle said next when she came in. Her dress was similar, only the work embroidered in was red—matching her flamboyant red hairs.

And the last one that came was, of course, Tanya, who appeared taller than she really was. She seemed to blend in with her dress far better than the other two. "How does it look?" She asked everyone, though her eyes were at Wrik. 

Wrik gaped at her from head to toe and said, "I can say the money was well spent."


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