Building An Army In Another World With My Smartphone

Chapter 18

Standing on the walls of the Rolis, a large town with thousands of people, was Arisu. She was only twenty-one but had already earned herself the title as a fierce warrior, skilled with the sword and the bow.
Even then, she would not last against the fifteen thousand enemies, who had just set up camp outside. With only three thousand poorly equipped troops and a stone wall, it was a matter of time before they fell.

"Goddammit, where are our reinforcements?!" she curses.

Her adjutant, Lana, who was one of her old classmates from school, replies.

"Unfortunately, they can't spare us any. Our orders are only to hold on until reinforcements from Lord Houdart and Bartrem arrive. Even then, I doubt we can win."

"Then what are our options?"

"We should evacuate the whole city, and our walls won't hold on long, so we might need to resort to urban warfare."

"Fine, pass on those orders now. We should have some time before they can attack."

The soldiers from the Empire had spent hours marching to the city; they were resting and setting up their siege weapons like the trebuchet.

A Huey hovers over the base during the night, the soldiers on night watch spotted them, and the soldiers are in disarray. With no clue what it was.

A rope drops down, and a unit slides down with its face camouflaged. The rebel soldiers immediately form a wall around the unit.

"I would like to speak to the leader," it says.

Arisu sensed no hostility from it but did not know that it was not alive. She tells all the soldiers to hold.

"I am the leader here; who sent you?"

"We are reinforcements sent on behalf of Lord Houdart and Lord Bartrem ."

"I've never seen such weapons and that flying object. I never knew they had hidden some magic armaments; where did they get them."

The unit does not reply. Arisu takes the silence as its reply.

"Fine, when are the reinforcements coming?"

"They are stationed somewhere and will arrive during the fight."

"That's too late!" Lana shouts, "We need as many as we can to defend the walls."

"Those are my orders. Our weapons are not able to be stationed on the walls."


"Lana, stop." Arisu interrupts, "Can you guarantee that we will receive those reinforcements during the fight?"

"Yes, a couple of us will be stationed here as your contact."


On their agreement, five more units slide down. Their equipment was strange, and the rebel soldiers were wary of them.

The next day the Empire's soldiers were all lined up. A horseback messenger approaches with a letter to the rebels. Its content was unexpected.

Usually, the side with the upper hand would tell the enemy to surrender, to stop unnecessary bloodshed. But all this message said was that even if they surrendered, they would all be executed.

There was a specific note for Arisu that she would become a toy for their army. Instead of scaring the rebels, it infuriated them even more. The message was also shown to the units, who relayed it to the central command.

Of course, their offer was rejected, and the fight began. Archers shot arrows back and forth. Catapults and trebuchets launched large projectiles, hitting the walls.

Arisu herself was on the wall firing her bow non-stop. Every shot hit its target, but she couldn't shoot enough. She eventually ran out of arrows and pulled out her sword. She slashes an enemy climbing the ladder up the wall and then charges into a large group of enemies.

Arms, legs, and heads flew every time she moved, but she wasn't invincible. An arrow hits her in the leg, and her movement stops; immediately, the enemy surrounds her. She was too far away from her allies, and she could see Lana trying to fight her way over.

"Lay down your weapon, and we won't treat you too roughly." they taunted.

"Yeah, and take off-"

Their words were cut off as they were all put down by the units. The guns were loud, which surprised not only the enemies but the rebel allies as well.

"What the hell are those weapons." Arisu wonders, and a nearby unit answers.

"This is called a gun. I would suggest seeing a medic now. Reinforcement has arrived."

Arisu looks over the wall but doesn't see any reinforcement soldiers.

"Where? I don't see any?"

Suddenly AC-130s and Warthogs fly overhead; the battlefield suddenly goes quiet as everyone stops fighting to look up.

First, siege weapons were destroyed by the cannons from the AC-130 and bombs dropped by the Warthogs. Then they began to lay hell on the Empire's soldiers, who were torn to shreds by the Gatling guns and explosions.

"Dragons! We've woken up the dragons. Everyone run!" shouts a panicked soldier. No one knows which side it was from, but they all ran for their lives.

They didn't know that only the Empires soldiers were being targeted. All they knew was that they needed to run.

At the Empire's main camp, a young woman tried to put armour onto a fat obese man. The obese man was the one leading the attack. Of course, he bought his position with money, so he had not actually achieved anything or experienced commanding an army.

"Commander, dragons, there are dragons everywhere!" a panicked man runs into the tent, which surprises everyone, and every bit of armour pops off like a button on a tight shirt.

"Shut up, it's just a dragon. I can kill one in my sleep; I will head out personally and let you witness my powers!".

As soon as every bit of armour was put on with a large rope strapped around his chest plate to keep it in place, he headed out on a chariot with six large warhorses attached. Even then, the horses struggled to pull the heavy load.

On the battlefield, soldiers were running in random directions. The Empires soldiers who were in the open were easy targets.

"Dragons, bow down to my power!" he yells as he brandishes his golden sword and points it towards the sky.

But of course, they weren't dragons, and even if they were real dragons, the obese man would look more like a greasy fat ball.

At the same time, the A-10s and AC-130s began to leave the sky to replenish ammunition. The remaining Empire's soldiers began to cheer for their commander, thinking he had actually scared away the dragons and reorganised themselves to fight again.

"Haha, see! Those dragons are scared of me; look at them flying awa-"

Loud whistling sounds interrupted. Those were the bombs dropped by the B-52 Bombers, which can carry up to 70,000 pounds of explosives. They were bought in to finish everything off.

A large shell lands in the middle of the soldier and explodes. The slaughtering was not over, and the remaining soldiers were decimated.

All the rebels had their jaws dropped as they watched the massacre from the walls. Their panic had stopped after Arisu told them that they were the reinforcements. The best reinforcements they could ever get.

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