Building An Army In Another World With My Smartphone

Chapter 30

Two CH-47 chinooks finally landed late in the evening after several hours of travelling over the mountains. They carried a small platoon of forty combat units and supplies, including batteries and ammunition.

Their mission was to establish a connection with the Kingdom of Haiumi for the future. But first, they needed to set up long-range communication to be able to receive orders from Headquarters, and after that, they needed to locate an asset.

The asset was a merchant, who had ties with Christina, and was also the younger brother of a baron that ruled a small piece of land in the Kingdom.

The units moved with great speed, setting up a large command tent, and began constructing the small yet powerful communication tower. They carried enough supplies to last them for just over a week, but more would be delivered in a few days.

After the communication system was set up and ready to go, they immediately contacted HQ.

"This is unit 2222 of the 22nd platoon, reporting in. We have landed safely and established a makeshift base. Our current location is in sector X-2-3, but we will continue to scout further outwards into sectors X-2-4 to X-3-0 in the morning."

"Unit 2222, this is Headquarters. Location and plan have been recorded, and the Secretary and Supreme Commander has been notified. Please report in every so often."

"Understood, Unit 2222 out."

It was the next day after the landing, not that it mattered much to the units as they did not need sleep. Nothing happened during the night, except for some lone nocturnal monsters who accidentally stumbled upon the camp but turned around once they saw how outnumbered they were.

"This is unit 2235, reporting to base camp. Sector X-2-7 is clear. However, human remains have been found."

"Unit 2235, this is base camp. It has been noted; please provide details of the victim."

"The victim is a middle-aged male. There are a lot of deep cuts made by multiple weapons and massive amounts of dried blood. He has a missing left arm, an ear, and a right thigh that seemed to have been gnawed off by scavengers. He has nothing notable except a couple of copper coins; it is unlikely the work of bandits."

"Acknowledged, the victim is likely someone from the village in sector S-4-5. Carry on with the scouting mission; a small squad has been dispatched to collect the body."

The next day, new information arrives from an SR-71 Blackbird that several large ships were sailing down the river. A small squad of units was dispatched to where the ships had landed.

They found a camp with roughly two hundred bloodthirsty looking warriors, drinking, eating and wrestling for entertainment.

There were also a dozen of giants that wore metal muzzles around their mouths and monster skulls over their heads. Each had the same metal collar around their neck. It was most likely slavery collars.

Slavery collars had different grades; for example, ancient grades were able to enslave powerful monsters like dragons. They were rare in general, and to have quite a few of them meant something really abnormal was going on.

These large bands of Viking like warriors called Vikners and giants matched the army composition that the prime minister had under his service, suggesting that they were the enemies. But they had to be sure.

With the current intel, it would seem that they raided any villages and towns that lacked proper defences. The nearest village in sector S-4-5 was likely a target as there were practically no defensive capabilities.

A squad of units stayed to watch them as they continued to drink until they were all blacked out. Using this opportunity, one unit entered the camp undetected and located the tent that looked like it belonged to the leader of this small army.

Inside was a large bearded man snoring away, and around him were lots of marked maps. The unit took pictures of every map and exited the camp, leaving no traces that it was ever there.

Several routes were drawn to several large fortresses and towns on each map. They could be secret routes, trade routes, or army supply routes. Whatever it is, they now know a rough idea of the enemy's plan.

The next day, a villager out foraging accidentally walks upon the camp. Incidentally, a small group of Vikners relieving themselves in the forest spotted her and began to chase her.

She managed to get quite far before her legs couldn't move any longer, and the Vikners slowly caught up. However, they all dropped dead before they reached her, each with a bullet to the head.

The villager had no idea where her pursuers had gone, so she assumed she had managed to lose them. Eventually, she makes her way back to warn the village.

Back at the temporary command base, there was a message from Headquarters.

"This is HQ, Unit 2222. Please confirm."

"HQ, Unit 2222 receiving."

"We have new information on the slavery collars. There should be a master bracer amongst the Vikner warriors to control the giants. However, we do not know how many there are. We are not sure that anti-magic grenades will have any effect.

These are the following orders from the Supreme Commander. Though it is doubtful, ask them to surrender first, then use force if they do not comply. The Supreme Commander explicitly asks to use non-lethal weapons on the giants if possible and take the collars and bracers for sampling.

Finally, additional supplies are on their way. We have another AC-130 with food supplies and experimental weapon 113."

"Orders acknowledged. We will meet Supreme Commander's expectations."

It was the fifth day after the landing. Following orders, ten units approached the Vikner camp in what might look like a carefree manner.

Many of the Vikners were confused by their sudden approach and immediately grabbed the closest weapon they could find. The same Vikner warrior with all the maps in his tent steps up to face the Units.

"Name yourselves!" he shouts whilst throwing a small axe at the feet of the units. The units could determine where the axe would land, so they didn't react or move.

"Our names are irrelevant, nor do we have a use for them. We are here to convey a single message from our leader."

"Spit it out then."


There was a moment of silence before the whole camp erupted in laughter.

"This must be some joke; I am the Great Jarl Ulf, and I won't surrender just because you asked. I guess I will have to deliver your heads back to the foolish lord you serve. That should be enough for a repl-"

"Eagle 6, fire."

Suddenly, Ulf began to cry in pain and dropped onto his knees, making the camp go silent. Several snipers were hiding in the forest, and one had taken a shot directly aimed at Ulf's left ear. It ruptured his eardrum and also took off part of his ear.

"Do not disrespect our leader, or it will be your head next. Now answer, will you fight us or surrender."

"You bastards, kill them now. I want their heads! Giants, come to me now!" commanded Ulf in rage. The ground shook as the giants began to unwillingly move toward their master.

Ulf had an ominous-looking golden bracer on his right arm, and when he gave a command, a purple marking formed for a few seconds.

"Experimental Mortar Squad 113, begin bombardment. We have located the master bracer; the targets are east of the camp. All eagles fire at will."

Several mortar shells whistled through the air whilst bullets began to rip Vikner warriors apart. Chaos had only just started.

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