Building An Army In Another World With My Smartphone

Chapter 7

I sat opposite Gilot, the slave merchant, who had gone completely silent.

"So, what did you want to do with my assistant?" I repeated.

"U-um, m-my apologies, please forgive my remarks," Gilot began to sweat; it reeked since he had not been cleaned for a while. I was pretty sure that the girl who had the accident smelt better. Actually, I wonder how the elevator cleaning is doing.

"Very well then, as I said before, those slaves will be confiscated. Slavery is prohibited here, and that's that."

"This is theft, and plus, this land belongs to the Cerenth Empire. Once they know that you have built a base on their land, they will send their army!" he argued.

Cerenth Empire? We have set up our base in their lands if he's telling the truth. We only have a hundred units for combat; we can probably take down a couple of hundreds of melee soldiers if they work together. We lacked knowledge of this world, and it would be better to set up in unoccupied lands.

"You know, I have some connections with a commander within the army; if you let me go with my slaves, I can probably convince them to give you favourable conditions on your surrender." he offered.

I ignored his words, and Ayumi sighed in frustration, probably at Gilot's stupidity. I wonder where he keeps getting his arrogant and delusional attitude from.

"There's no need. Units take these ladies to the mansion and have them cleaned up. Ayumi, please show them how everything works."

"Understood. While I am away, I would like two units to stay by your side."

"Very well, send two units to accompany me. Gilot, you can go now. This meeting has ended."

"P-please, at least let me keep one slave! I need the money to pay off my debts! I know; I'll take that young one right there!" Gilot points to a slave girl who looks around ten years old, and I couldn't help but feel disgusted. That was the last straw.

"Units take him away; I'm going to build a prison now so you can throw him in there."

I took out my phone and built a small prison on one side of the base, away from the main area. For now, I have no idea what it looks like, so I will have to trust the app.

I could really see the fear in his eyes as he was being dragged away. Is this what it feels like to have power? I couldn't help but laugh wickedly, which scared the girls. Oops, another just had an accident. Better get out of here so that it can be cleaned up.

After that whole issue, which could have taken less time, it took so much longer since I decided to have some fun. I returned to the place where the hostages were relaxing and chatting.

It immediately went quiet as soon as they noticed me. They must think that something must have happened with Gilot and the slaves. I guess I need to explain.

"As you may have heard, Gilot was a slave merchant. Under our rules, slaves are not allowed, so they have been taken away from him and taken care of. Gilot, on the other hand, chose to resist. He is now kept inside a prison."

Many of the people sighed in relief. Some guys looked at me with a bit of discontent, so I made sure to have them watched by the units. I needed to make sure that this place was secured.

I split the hostages into groups and showed them how everything worked inside the house. I got several surprised reactions; some were ecstatic at the luxury of the rooms.

"Everyone, please get a goodnight's sleep; I would like to conduct a meeting with everyone attending," I announced and left.

I had the families in the medium houses, and everyone else partnered up. Those who were alone were put together with someone of the same gender.

I had units hidden around each living area to catch anyone attempting to sneak out or do something they were not supposed to. I want to filter out all those with immoral intentions for the first couple of days.

I headed back to my own mansion and realised that having a ten-bedroom house might be too much for me. I took a hot, comfortable bath and went back to my room.

Waiting inside my room were three of the slave girls waiting naked on my bed.

"What the hell!" I panicked and slammed the door shut; simultaneously, Ayumi came over with four cups of water on a tray.

"Ayumi." I said as calm as I could, "Why are there three naked girls in my room?"

"Hmm, I followed your instructions and took them to the mansion to be cleaned up."

"And why are they here, naked?!"

"You did not specify which mansion, so I assumed you meant yours."
"Ughhh. But that doesn't explain why the girls are naked!"

"They personally requested to service the Supreme Commander. I have verified their intentions and have checked that they are all virgins."

"What the hell!?"

I was speechless. I had so many questions that could only be answered by the girls inside. Wait, did she says they're all virgins? Anyways, I went back into my room with my eyes closed.

"Okay, please cover yourself with the blanket on the bed. Make sure that everything is covered." I said.

After the rustling stopped, I opened my eyes, assuming they were all covered. These three girls looked to be the older girls from the group of slaves. The left girl looked around 21, the middle around 18 and the right looked around 15. The girls were beautiful in their own unique way.

The left girl looked more refined and mature with her light brown hair, and despite hiding under the cover, I could tell that she had two giant mountains. The middle girl had blonde hair; she looked like an attractive rebellious girl, and her chest seemed pretty flat. Finally, the last girl looked like a high school girl, with bobbed brown hair and a bigger chest than the middle girl, but not as big as the oldest. Wait, no, that isn't the point.

"Please tell me why you are in my room, naked," I asked, and the left girl answered.

"As a slave, we are treated worst than livestock. Our group of girls were going to be sold in the capital of the Carenth Empire to nobles and brothels. And since we are all virgins, our previous master treated us better."

"I understand that, but why do you want to serve me."

This time the blonde girl spoke up.

"Once you are made a slave, you can never get out of slavery. Our future was either becoming sex slaves to nobles or a slave prostitute at a brothel..."

As soon as she mentioned what their future would've held, she started to cry. This world is making me sick, especially these people who enslave others.

"Wait-wait, please don't cry now; you are safe now," I said, panicky.

"I know we are making a selfish request, but please don't lay your hands on the other girls; they are young and innocent. Please defile our bodies instead." the older girl carried on.

It finally made sense. They were willing to sacrifice their purity to save the other girls. They were commendable for willing to sacrifice themselves for others. Of course, I wasn't going to do anything to them in the first place. The other girls were around 9 to 12 years old; only those with twisted minds would lay their hands on them.

"I assure you that you do not need to sacrifice anything; you are free to live as you want now. If there is a home you wish to return to, we can take you, as long as it's within our capabilities."

All three girls shook their heads.

"My entire town was razed down to the ground by the army of a nearby lord. I managed to escape with my younger brother, but Gilot killed him when he took me."

"My father was the lord of territory, but his advisor stabbed him in the back and took over my house. My father and brothers were killed, and my mother and sisters were raped and killed. I was away, but they sent people to kill me. I managed to slip away, but then I was captured by Gilot."

"My only family was my father, who was a peddler. During our travels, we were attacked by bandits. My father was killed, protecting me, but I was still captured and sold to Gilot."

All three girls told me their tragic stories, recalling their memories, and tears began to flow like a waterfall. I started to panic again; I had no idea what I should do in such a situation. I have no memories, and my knowledge only complied of military stuff. Ayumi saw my struggles but decided to not help me.

The next moment I found my arms around the three girls. I had no idea what I was thinking; my body just reacted on its own. I was prepared to be shouted at or even hit, but it didn't happen.

Instead, I felt our bodies coming closer. The only thing that kept my body from coming in contact with their bare skin was the cover. And then it slipped.

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