
Chapter 897 Bullshit

Chapter 897 Bullshit
When Medved showed his talent, the others could only stand by and wave their flags.

None of the Suns' existing personnel can stop Medved.

"Damn it, don't we have anyone to stop him?" Carter shouted angrily.

Nash was dressed in a suit, as if he was an invited guest, and everything on the field had nothing to do with him, sitting and watching the storm.

After halftime, the Timberwolves took the lead with an overwhelming advantage.

Medved scored 14 points and 12 rebounds in the half, taking statistics as easy as drinking water.

Zhao Li's performance was also brilliant, commanding Fang Qiu, scoring 7 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists.

"Little Li, work harder and get a triple-double."

Bai Jidong sat relaxed, it has been a long time since he had such an opportunity.

Fans will feel sorry for Bai Weidong's declining average per game, but they will also be relieved that he doesn't have to take the lead in every game and fight at the forefront.

Human beings have always been complicated, wanting everything, and being afraid of this and that.

In the second half, the Suns used extreme consumption tactics against Medved.

No matter how strong Medved is, he is recovering from a serious injury and needs to adapt.

Every player coming back from injury will encounter this kind of targeting. Medved fights with all his strength, and Gortat's hands are rough, like a savage fighting.

If there were no referees, Gortat would definitely have to ask Medved about how to turn a basketball game into a wrestling game.

The cooperation of the sun is very methodical, no one is standing still.

As the ball moves, so do people.

"The movement of the ball is wonderful, but the movement of people is the key to the success of the tactics."

Facing a team with such a mature tactical system, the Timberwolves showed unusual ability.

Vashabek predicted the Suns' passing route in advance and intercepted the pass.

When Carter saw Vashabek steal the ball and counterattack, he wanted to chase after him, but when he saw Vashabek's speed, he gave up early.

"Too fast." Carter sighed secretly.

When I sighed, I was also a little helpless. Once upon a time, he was as fast as Vashabek.

Injuries devastated Carter and turned the Canadian trapeze into a mortal.

In the Sun's offensive round, the tactics stagnated here in Carter.

Vashabek didn't know what he was going to do, and stared at him cautiously.

Suddenly, Carter took a step, scaring Vassabek away.

Vashabek was stunned, and Carter immediately collected the ball and changed direction, rushing to the basket and scoring a one-handed dunk.

The height of the flight is not comparable to that of the past, and the chic gestures of the hands and feet can still make people feel the style of UFO.

Everyone knows that Carter can still play, he can score 20 points at halftime, and he can still lead the team to win the game alone.

But he is old, the former aerial dancer has landed, and the audience can occasionally appreciate the artistic beauty of his flying, but that is no longer all about him. Now watching Carter's game, it is difficult for the audience to regard aerial work as his Style label, or maturity after injury, or experience after getting old, Carter gradually changed his style of play, which is the best way for him to prolong his career.

No matter how long it has passed, no one will forget that night in Auckland in the first year of the new century.

Carter brought the most perfect performance to fans all over the world.When he raised his hands to the sky and enjoyed everyone's worship, there was a UFO flying over Oakland. The amazing 360-degree windmill and the flawless crotch dunk, all the movements became The classic, together with that slam dunk contest, will be recorded in the annals of history and recorded in everyone's mind.

"Boy, back then I was as good at dunking as you were." Carter said reminiscently.

A strange color flickered from the corner of Vashabek's eyes, "So what?"

how?I just want to tell you that while you are young, you can buckle up as much as you want, and don't wait until you can't buckle up to regret it. " Carter said in a preaching tone.

Vashabek couldn't understand even more. What does this mean?Do you think I don't have enough dunks?

The problem is that Vashabek is the Timberwolves' dunk leader, and he doesn't even have as many dunks inside.

"Bonu, leave him alone, that old guy is just acting out of love." Bai Jidong approached Vashabek and said.

Vashabek nodded, he didn't take Carter's words seriously, he just found it strange.

"Bai Lang, did you ever think that I would fight until now?" Hill and Bai Jidong said casually back to back.

This Bai Jidong really didn't expect that when Hill suffered devastating injuries consecutively in the Magic, everyone thought he was going to die, just like those geniuses who were destroyed by injuries.

Reimbursement for the season, hard treatment, come back, reimbursement, continue treatment, continue to come back, continue to be reimbursed like a curse.

Bai Jidong once thought that Hill might sign a veteran's basic salary after the contract ended, and try again in the end.

As a result, Hill was reborn on the sun.

Maybe Felix's feng shui is good, maybe the sun really has a miracle doctor, Hill has been working almost every year in recent years, and "Apollo", who has tortured Hill for many years, seems to be finally ready to extend his claws to other people (such as the poor Auden). (Note: Apollo is the god of plague and disaster in Greek mythology)

"I really didn't expect you to be able to play until today, even Penny retired, but you are still here." Bai Jidong said flatly.

"I feel like I'm missing some time, but I'm making it up in other ways," Hill said, with the reassuring tone of a kindly Father. "I still have that desire. I wouldn't be here now if I didn't play, maybe my body wouldn't allow me to be here at this time. I still love basketball, I love competing and winning. I think I can still play."

It is really rare, you know, Hill was born in 72, almost one round older than Bai Jidong, and he is 39 years old this year.

The 39-year-old Hill is the starting No. [-] position of the Suns. The phrase "old and strong" is no longer enough to describe his reverse growth.

The old guys are talking about the old days, and the young people are making great strides. This is their time.

The game is good and the progress so far can be said to be perfect.

The Suns achieved the purpose of rehearsing tactics, and Medved played a relatively successful return battle.

In the fourth quarter, Medved has scored 31 points and 20 rebounds, and this number is still rising.

The other main players have been replaced, but Medved is still playing.

Do you want to replace him?Rambis was thinking about this question, but Medved took the board off Gortat's head and dunked.

2 minutes, let Bourne play for another 2 minutes, he also needs this kind of game with average intensity to find his feeling.

Sometimes, a single thought can lead to a big mistake.

Medved played smoothly. First, he assisted in defending against the Suns' offense, grabbed rebounds, and then grabbed offensive rebounds, preparing for a second offense.

Medved looked around, the sun did not double-team him.

Such a good opportunity, Medved did not intend to let it go, put away the ball, and played with a post.

Robin Lopez couldn't stop him at all, like a defeated general who was ready to kill, he gave up resistance.

Medved turned around and rubbed against Lopez. The referee blew his whistle and blew his whistle.

Medved turned over and shot, feeling good.

Landed smoothly and looked no problem.

It was just such a turnaround jumper landing after a back hit, without any confrontation, without any collision, and there was no one three meters behind Medved.

Medved sprained his right foot, as if another needle had pierced his cruciate ligament, and the thorn felt from the sole of the foot to the top of the head.

Endless pain surrounded Medved, and he fell again.

Rambis's mind went blank. The moment Medved fell, he seemed to see the O'Brien Cup going away from him, and also saw his bleak coaching prospects.

The teammates sitting off the court stood up one after another, and everyone was worried.

The team doctor stepped forward to help Medved move his knee, and then carefully watched Medved's reaction.

Medved's reaction left the team doctor in a cold sweat...

"What happened to him?" Rambis could only pray that Medved just sprained his ankle.

The team doctor shook his head and said: "The situation is very complicated, we must immediately send him to the hospital for an MRI!"

Ziegler didn't expect that he would come off the bench in such a way. Medved was injured, so it stands to reason that he should be happy.

Even if he is a teammate, he should be happy about it.

If Medved goes down again, what he lost before can be regained.

For some reason, Ziegler was not happy at all.

Ziegler is the first to train at the training ground every day, and Medved is the second.

He is so good and so talented, but he can show the same diligence as Ziegler and strictly demand himself.

Perhaps, this is the secret of Medved's rapid progress.

The previous serious injury could not destroy his will. He stood up again and proved to everyone that as long as he is healthy, he is the strongest insider in the league.

"Efforts pay off, and God favors those who work hard." Ziegler knew that this was a complete Bullshit.

Whether you are a genius or a mediocre person, God will not favor you because of your diligence.

After something like this happened, the taste of the game changed. The Timberwolves had no intention of fighting and ended hastily.

The Timberwolves won the final victory, but only the assistant coach and Bai Jidong participated in the post-match press conference.

Bai Jidong is also worried about Medved's injury, but Rambis has left the reporter alone, so he can only stay and deal with the reporter.

Bai Jidong understands Rambis, if Medved gets injured again, he will be finished.

Insignificant garbage time insists on using core players who have just come back and should be regarded as key protection targets, causing them to be injured again.

The case of Dwayne Casey is not far away, and Minnesota reporters are extremely sensitive to this kind of thing.

The Timberwolves are a small club, and there are no stars willing to join. Finally, the White Wolf found Bai Jidong's successor, but Rambis snatched him away.

If that's the case, Minnesota's public opinion will spit Rambis out of the way.

In the end, the management's only option was to fire Rambis.

In the Timberwolves, the only valuable players are the unpopular coaches, and getting out of class is a matter of minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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