Burning the world from pirates.

Chapter 8 Technology and Fools

Chapter 8 Technology and Fools

The body of the ox head fish, with two pairs of big fangs exposed outside, and three pairs of shark fins on the fish body, looks a bit ugly at first glance, but if it is zoomed in to a behemoth of about 50 meters, it will only be hideous.

The sea water broken by the sea beast poured down on the boat like a torrential rain, and everyone on the boat did not dare to move, and had already lost their ability to move in fear.

As for Noah, he was very nervous, and he didn't make any movement while holding the handle of the sword. He even restrained his spirit around himself and stopped diverging. Drawing the sword at this time would probably stimulate the sea beast.

With Noah's current strength, he can't deal with sea beasts of this level. At least he must have the state of cutting steel to hurt the opponent.

Large-scale sea beasts have been diving deep in the sea all year round. Even if they have a special structure to face the pressure of the sea, their bodies are basically made of steel and iron.I can't go to sea for a week, the protagonist dies.

The bull-headed sea beast swung its big head and scanned the merchant ship, and then its two big eyes, which were as tall as a person, fixed on Noah.

This sea beast was attracted by a strange force, as if it was a call.

But now this power is gone again, so strange.

After staying for a while, it couldn't figure it out clearly.

Forget it, flicked the tail and set off a wave of waves and dived into the bottom of the sea to eat.This kind of villain on the sea is not delicious.


Everyone on the boat exhaled, and one by one they sat down on the ground.Some sailors simply fainted from fright.

Noah also relaxed the handle of the knife. Although it was useless to draw the knife at the time, the courage to resist could not be lost.

A gust of sea breeze blew and felt a chill on the back. It turned out that the back was covered with cold sweat.

come back

1% of the introduction to knowledge and domineering
This can be regarded as a life-and-death crisis, and the mind is concentrated in an instant to forcefully complete the retraction and relaxation.

This is even more dangerous than facing pirates. After all, most pirates in the four seas are rarely stronger than sea kings, let alone in the vast sea.

The name Neptune is achieved very realistically.

If the sea beast really wants to destroy the ship, Noah has no choice but to take the risk of bursting out with domineering arrogance.

But his domineering aura is just at the level of beginners, and the mental pressure is so great that he can't control it at all. As long as he releases it, it will affect everyone present.

Unless Noah kills the entire ship, the news cannot be blocked at all. Noah will not underestimate the interrogation methods of the world government's spy agencies, nor will he overestimate the good and evil of human nature.

Why do people who are not relatives or old friends keep it a secret for themselves?

At that time, the mad dogs of CP9 will definitely follow them, and follow the clues to Shuangyue Village.Bringing destruction to Frostmoon Village.

After this incident, Noah had a deep understanding of the danger of the sea.

Unpredictable sea kings, pirate ships that appear at any time, the life of civilians in this era of great pirates is too difficult.

With a bang, Old Neil directly fell to his knees on the deck, praying chanting words.

Thanks and blessings to all sea gods.Then I don't know where to find some sacrifices and throw them into the sea, and it's over.

It is very common to sacrifice sea gods at sea, especially the old captain believes in this very much.

After the pious sacrifice, Old Neil decided to improve the atmosphere on the ship. After all, sailors have been sailing on the dry sea for a long time, and terrible things will happen if their mental state is not good.

"Little ones, let's take an extra day off on the next island. The bonus will also be 1 Berries per person."

"Oh, long live the captain!"

The terrified crew members were appeased by this primitive and rude way of motivating, and the panic atmosphere on the ship was dissipated.

Human beings are a paradox of fragility and tenacity.

Shout the chant and move on.The next island is only a day away, and it's time to take Bailey to the tavern, drink two glasses of rum and brag with the other crew members.

Neptunes, 50-meter-long Neptunes, there is nothing more worthy of bragging than having seen this one.

I almost died in the sea this time, it's not too much to ask a chick to relax.

With such a mentality, the atmosphere on the boat rose for a while.

The demands of the low-level civilians are well satisfied, and the stimulation of the sailors is so simple and unpretentious.

However, since Noah showed his foresight of danger, Old Neil and the sailors began to be in awe of Noah.

They didn't know whether Noah was fooled at the time or if he really had a foreknowledge of the danger, but it was a bit mysterious after all.

Anyone with a little brain on the sea will not be in awe of the unknown and mysterious.

You say that a person can run a horse with his arms and stand upright with his fists, then everyone knows that this kind of trouble is not easy to provoke, just stay away from him.

But mystery is not necessarily the case, and hiding is not necessarily possible. There is a market for sea horror stories.

All kinds of ghost ships, mysterious wizards, curses and the like are especially popular.

This made Noah discover that under the rule of the world government, the policy of obscuring the people at the bottom is actually implemented.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why the people are still afraid of the mysterious power when technology is so advanced in this sea.

In Noah's view, the level of technology in One Piece's world is higher than that of the previous life.

The Wanli Sunshine created by Pluto's blueprint is simply unscientific under the skin of technology.

What the hell is the Coca-Cola power, and what kind of technological level can reach that level.

Science and technology are primary productive forces, and high technology and its industries have greatly increased labor productivity.

Every major scientific and technological progress in human history has greatly innovated labor tools, improved or updated labor objects, and improved the quality of labor.

It also changed the position and combination of various elements of productivity in production, which led to a substantial increase in labor productivity and brought great impetus to economic and social development.

In terms of cutting-edge technology, Vegapunk, a scientist across the ages, mass-produces the pacifist plan.

The technology during this period involves human body modification, machine creation, devil fruit ability extraction imitation, intelligent system, etc. This is a BUG.

The leftovers he researched also created Germa's genetic technology and Caesar Courant's artificial devil fruit technology.

Not to mention these advanced technologies.Just talking about steam power, and electricity have also been widely promoted in daily life.

This is equivalent to the completion of the first and second industrial revolutions in the previous life. Logically speaking, people's minds should also be liberated with the advancement of science and technology.

With technological innovation, there should be a large number of capitalist classes that will then question the existing system of divine right of kings.

The descendants of the twenty kings, the blood of the Creator, will be crushed by the wheel of history.

But as far as it is now, the myths and lies woven by the world government are still operating normally.This deformed political system is still being maintained.

There are very few pure capitalists at sea, and they are basically simple and brutal violent groups commanded by personal force.

This should be a world in which the might of the individual is superior to the working people.

It seems that the task of smashing the old world is a long way to go. It is necessary to unite high-end combat forces that can be united, and eliminate the ruling class that rides on the sea. Only after a comprehensive sweep can the shackles on the people's heads be broken.

As for the promotion of science and technology at the bottom and the construction of spiritual civilization, it must also be carried out simultaneously.In this vast ocean, revolution must come from top to bottom as well as from bottom to top.

After figuring this out
Overlord Color Domineering +1%
Noah was thinking and taking notes.After each travel experience, I will write it down in my notes and organize it slowly after I return to Shuangyue Village.

The next morning, the merchant ship docked at the port of Morro Island, which is located in the middle of the East China Sea. The nearest naval branch is two days away, and the distance is just right.

Some big pirates would not dock here for supplies, but the small ones didn't matter. The navy fleet would not dispatch for a few pirates whose bounties were less than 1000 million Baileys.

Now the sea is still in the early days of the great pirate era, and all kinds of troublesome pirates emerge in endlessly.

The navy is also very busy every day, as long as it is not too much, it will pass by with one eye closed.

After docking, Old Neil left a few unlucky guys to watch the ship by himself, and the rest of the sailors scattered to have fun.

Originally, I would leave after a day off, but if I promised the sailors to take an extra day off, I would fulfill my promise.

Old Neil didn't want to be shot in the back, there were quite a few captains who died here.

Loading and unloading is naturally done by the laborers on the docks. These are organized port gangs who specialize in organizing people to do some labor work.

It only takes a few people to watch the loading and unloading.

Jobs like this at the port also require connections.The moving goods are all cash settlements, which is a benefit for many people.

Next to Noah, he slowly recorded, these are also part of the investigation.

In addition to improving strength, it is also important to investigate the production and living patterns of the people in the East China Sea this time.

The gangsters ignored him when they saw him writing and drawing with a pen and paper.

If the sea does not affect you, you must know how to keep your own business.

(End of this chapter)

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