Caged In

Chapter 30: Marina

It had been hours of torture for Greg before his mother decided it was time for dinner and put the books away. She did give me a copy of the photo of Greg crying when he wet the bed as a joke, and I treasured that future blackmail as I put it in my shirt’s pocket gently.

" What’s for dinner ?” I hear Evan ask as he walks into the room being dragged along by the kid who ran out into the woods earlier. Not far behind them was the child’s father, and presumably Greg’s brother, who glared at me as he turned his nose up and walked indignantly into the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and my plate was loaded with more food than I could hope to eat. I looked at it with a grin as I began to scarf it down.

Someone cleared their throat, and I looked up from my food to see Greg glaring at me,” We say grace before we eat.”

" Fhats ofay, I’m not rehifious.” I say as I chew my food loudly.

" You’re in our house, you’ll say grace, it’s the polite thing to do.” He growls.

Evan smirked at the vein that was popping on Greg’s forehead,” Look, she’s not very cultured, you shouldn’t expect this much from her.”

" I didn’t expect the low breed to even sit at the table.” Greg’s brother muttered.

" Hey, woah, only one verbal attack at a time.” I turn to Evan,” You shut up.” I flick my hair over my shoulder as I turn to Greg’s brother,” And you . . . what was your name ?”

The man looked at me for a moment, as if asking me if I was serious, before saying through a clenched jaw,” . . . Dean.”

" Dean, I really hope you didn’t just insult me a couple of seconds ago.” I say.

" And what if I did ?” He squints his eyes.

" I’ll have to teach you a lesson.” I say.

" How would a halfer like yourself even attempt something so fooli -”

Before he could finish his sentence, my mashed potatoes had somehow landed on his face. His younger son giggled as Isaac broke into a fit of laughter.

" Lucy -” Greg is interrupted by Isaac’s plate hitting his face resulting in meat slices beginning to slide down Greg’s face, mixed with green vegetables, and bits of salad.

" Food fight!”

I looked to my left to see Evan stand up in his seat, ready to fling the plate of food at Greg’s mother, but I jumped onto the table to block it,” Evan, don’t, you idiot!”

It was too late. The plate of food collided with my chest and my clothes were stained with all different sorts of food.

I looked up to see Greg’s mother, who looked back at me with gleaming eyes.

" I’m so sorr -”

" My, this has been the most exciting meal in a while, wouldn’t you say so, dear ?” She smiled from ear to ear at her husband.

He grunted and looked away,” They’re cleaning this up.”

I sit up on the table as I slowly return to my seat,” You’re . . . you’re not angry ?”

Greg’s mother looked as surprised as her two sons did in that moment,” Of course not. My sons can be real assholes sometimes, I won’t deny that. Sometimes one or both of them deserve a plate of food to the face.”

" But mother -” Dean started.

" I don’t want to hear it, you were being rude to my guests.” She glances at him,” You’ll help them clean this all up.” She then smiled at me as she stood up with her husband,” Enjoy the rest of dinner.” She said as they exited the room. I looked back at the table to see that it was an absolute mess, after I belly flopped onto it, I must have ruined everything . . . but she still wasn’t angry.

I stand up abruptly as I push my chair out and stomp out of the room.

I hear Greg follow behind me.

" Why’d you do that ?” Greg asks,” He may have been rude, but you didn’t have to -”

He grabs my shoulder and I stop walking as I try to wipe away tears that stream down my face against my will. His eyes go wide,” Oh god why did you have to cry of all things ? What am I supposed to do ?” He panicked.

" Leave me alone. I’m going to my room to change my shirt, I’m filthy.” I say.

" That’s what you don’t do. You don’t make a woman cry and then leave her to be alone.” He says.

" I’m not some weak little girl, I can take care of myself.” I hiss as I rip my arm away from him.

" Look, I’m sorry about my brother -”

" I’m not crying because of him.” I say quietly.

" Then why ?” He asks.

I don’t turn around,” You know Greg, it’s infuriating having to sit there. For a long time now, I think, I’ve really . . . ” I slowly turn to face him now,” Envied you. Sitting at that table and having everyone treat me normally is so strange. Even after I caused a scene, your mother smiled at me and she even laughed. She didn’t even yell at me for my rudeness or for the mess I caused. At home, and wherever I’ve been staying, I was treated like an outcast - rightfully so I may add. I’m the family disappointment -”

Greg pulls me into a hug,” You aren’t a disappointment! Don’t ever think so lowly of yourself.”

" Says the guy who’s been doing nothing but that for the entirety of our time together, you monumental douche bag!” I yell.

" That was -”

" What ? Enlighten me, Gregory, what was that ?”

" Not my best moment.” He mutters,” Look, I’m sorry.”

" That doesn’t change anything right now, does it ?” I look at Greg, and I see that he is staring at the ground, deep in thought,” Look, just forget about it. I guess I just saw your mom and how nice she was and I got over emotional and jealous.” I say,” I’m tired, and covered in food, so just show me to my room so I can sleep.”

Greg opens his mouth, but then closes it, as if taking back whatever he was about to say,” Okay, follow me.”

He grabbed my hand and lead me through a long hallway before handing me a key to the room with the sign “Alpha Waters” on it.

" This is your room.” I state.

" I’ll sleep on the floor.” He says.

" I want my own room.” I hiss,” I don’t want to have to worry about what you’ll do to me at -”

The door to the room suddenly opened, and a beautiful brunette walked out in only a tee-shirt and panties.

" Oh, Greg, you’re back.” She smiled at him as she pushed past me, ignoring my entire existence as she walked over to him.

" Marina.” He said,” I -” he glanced at me,” Let’s talk later.”

I crossed my arms over my chest as she pressed herself against him.

" No need to talk, it’ll be just like before.” She murmured as a painted fingernail ran down Greg’s chest.

In that moment an inexplicable liquid rage suddenly rushed through my body as I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth.


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