Caged In

Chapter 37: Nostalgia

My eyes are drawn to the photo from when I was seven. I pick up the frame to look at the photo closer. I was posing with Evan and his parents in my combat practice uniform. Evan was clinging to a girl with black hair, and I was smiling - showing off my missing front teeth - while holding a poor kid in a choke hold and ruffling his black hair.

I could not remember who I was holding on to in the photo. Their face wasn’t shown because they were being held face down by me. I ignored the indescribable feeling that came over me when I tried to think of that kid as I looked at Evan’s parents.

Evan’s parents were now long gone. They were killed when he was ten, and his grandfather took his father’s position as beta of their pack until Evan was old enough to take over. Despite his smiley disposition now, he was quite the opposite when he was a child.

13 years ago

I fell as a boy in my self defense class kicked me down. The teacher intervened before he could attack again, and she told him to sit down. The boy stomped over to the edge of the matts and huffed as he sat down with his legs crossed.

" Sorry, Evan can be a bit much at times. He’s not used to having girls as training partners and he probably thinks I believe he’s weak or something.” The woman shifted her gaze from Evan to me with a smile on her face until she saw tears streaming down mine,” No, no sweetie, don’t cry!”

The male rushed over as the woman gently put me on the ground. I tucked my legs in and wrapped my arms around them,” My leg really hurts.”

I could hear the woman panicking as the man knelt down beside me,” Oh, I’m sorry, do you want to sit out with an ice pack. Did he hurt you that badly ?”

I looked up and sniffled as I began to reply,” Ye -”

" Then stand the fuck up and get it yourself.” He whispered.

" Ryu! Don’t say that!” The woman tapped him.

" No, Genevieve, she needs to understand this because she’s the least developed one in this class. We have to stop babying her if we want results.” He said to the woman,” Look kid,” he knelt down,” I know Evan’s kick probably hurt, I didn’t really think about teaching him to pull his punches yet,” He shook his head,” That isn’t the point.” He muttered to himself,” Whether it’s a kick from Evan or something else, nothing can hurt you unless you let it.”

I stared at Ryu. He was making less sense today than usual.

I huffed and crossed my arms,” That doesn’t even make any sense.”

" Just don’t let your opponent know they hurt you and you won’t lose as fast.” Ryu smiled and nodded, as if confirming his own words.

I slowly stood up and looked at Evan. He glared at me, keeping his head angled down.

" Evan stop it.” Genevieve lightly thwacked him.

Evan just growled loudly at me as I passed by him.

" Fine, you’ll just sit out for the rest of class. Olivier can practice with Fea.” Genevieve said as she brought Evan over to the side ans sat him down.

" Mommy, I -” Evan began to protest.

Genevieve cut him off,” No, you’ll stay here and think about what you did.”

He glares at me harshly from his new spot in the room. Genevieve brings a girl with long black hair across from me,” Fea this is Olivier, Olivier this is Fea.”

The girl bows politely before getting into a fighting stance. I do the same and Ryu says to start. I was too preoccupied with trying to ignore Evan trying to glare a hole into my head, that I hadn’t noticed the girl advance towards me. She landed a punch on my cheek before jumping back to avoid my counter. I hissed in pain as I brought my hand up to rub my cheek. I now had two glares burning into my side, as Ryu was absolutely seething that I hadn’t taken his words of wisdom to heart. I tried to ignore the father-son duo as I brought my attention back to the fight.

The girl lunged forward once more, but this time I dodged her advance and she tripped onto her face. After she fell I proceeded to sit on her back and pull one of her arms behind her back. I had successfully pinned her down. That is until Evan came charging into me. I flew off of her and landed harshly on the ground a few meters in front of them. My vision was getting more and more blurry, I only heard Evan’s growls and his parents yelling at him to stop.

I woke up to my mother yelling at someone.

" My daughter was severely injured because of your son, Ryu! I don’t care how young he is, he should understand how to treat other children with respect at this point in his life.” She growled,” I get that it’s a training class for fighting, but he tackled her when she was sparring someone else.”

" I understand.” Ryu said,” And Evan does too.”

I hear someone growl.

" Evan!” His father warns.

There was a brief silence.

" Okay! I get it, jeez.” Evan said reluctantly.

" Good.” My mother says.

I hear fudge footsteps rumbling towards the room I was in.

" Where is she ?” My father’s voice booms.

" She’s in here.” My mother says,” And she’s resting, so don’t -” before she can finish speaking, he throws my door open and says,” Everyone leave.”

I hear a lot of shuffling and then silence.

An uneasy feeling comes over me.

" Stop pretending to sleep.” My father says.

I keep my eyes closed tightly, hoping in the back of my mind that he would leave me alone if I didn’t reply.

" Don’t ignore me when I’m speaking to you, Olivier, I know you’re awake.” He growled.

I whimper as I slowly open my eyes to see his angry eyes staring at me.

" Do you know why I’m here ?” He asked.

I shake my head, pretending I didn’t. As if feigning ignorance would change the outcome.

" Because I heard you allowed a boy to defeat you publicly in your combat practice class.” He said,” Do you know how shameful that is for me to have a daughter like you ?”

" But the fight wasn’t fair, the -”

" Do you expect your enemy on the battle field to be fair ?” He asked,” You should know better.”

I look away.

" If only you could fight like your brother.”

I softly apologize,” I’m sorry.”

He offered me a cold stare in response before turning around,” Well then, I have more important things to get to.” I hear him push the chair out as he stood up,” Remember, don’t bring shame upon me again like this.” He says before opening the door and walking out.

After a couple of seconds of silence, I let a tear roll down my cheek as I sniffle. I quickly bring up my sleeve to wipe it away.

" I’m sorry.” I whimper.

I hear light footsteps and I sit up instantly in my bed to see Evan standing awkwardly standing in the doorway.

I glare at him before laying back down in the bed, pulling the sheets over my head, and continuing to cry silently.

" Olivier ?”

I don’t answer Evan.

" Olivier ?”

I remain silent.

I feel the sheets being pulled off of me, and Evan balls them up and throws them onto the floor,” I’m trying to talk to you, so listen up!” He yelled,” I came here to say that I’m -” he swallows,” I’m -” he puffs his cheeks out and crosses his hands over his chest,” I’m . . . ” he mumbles the last part so I can’t hear it.

" What ?” I ask as I use my sleeve to wipe the tears from my cheeks.

" I’m sorry . . . about earlier.” He murmurs.

I jump to my feet on the bed and point at him,” You should be! It’s your fault that -” I stop talking once I notice the annoyed look on his face,” Uhm,” I sit down,” Never mind.” I grumble with puffed out cheeks to the side.

He glances at me and then the door,” I only said that ’cause my parents made me.” He says.

" Whatever.” I say,” Can you leave then ?”

" No.” he said,” They told me I wasn’t allowed to leave you alone if you were crying when your dad left.”

" I wasn’t -”

" Your eyes are puffy.” He says,” Don’t lie.”

" They’re puffy because you tackled me earlier.” I say.

" You deserved that because you were hurting Fea.” He said.

" Why does that matter, is she your girlfriend or something ?” I ask, pointing an accusatory finger towards him.

He blushed harshly, but refused to answer me.

“ It wouldn’t matter either way, it’s not your business to break up a spar.” I growl.

" I said sorry!” He throws out his arms.

" Stupid!” I drawl out angrily.

" You’re so annoying! I can see why your only friend is that one green eyed freak in class who rarely shows up.” He growls.

" At least I have a friend! All you do is stare at Fea.” I huff.

" Shut up.” He growls.

" Why should I listen to you ?” I cross my arms defiantly.

" Do you want me to tackle you again ?” He threatened.

" Bring it on, the only reason you got me was because it was a surprise attack!”

Present time

I smile as I put the frame down. I pad over to my bed, not bothering to put pajamas on, and I fall asleep, hoping I wouldn’t have to do anything tomorrow, or at the very least, that I wouldn’t have to see Celia. Though I knew that wasn’t going to happen. I didn’t know what my father wanted from me back yet, but it certainly wasn’t just to see my beautiful smile again. It was probably for some political reason.

Celia probably has something to do with it. I seethed. She always hated me.

I huffed and rolled onto my side before pulling the blanket over my body, ignoring the dread I felt in the pit of my stomach.

1783 words

Sorry this chapter is so long, I couldn’t split it up easily. Have I mentioned that I love Celia, I love a good villain esp when it’s a woman. Stomp on me with those heels you gorgeous evil-doer !!1!11!1 Anyways, I hope you liked this cutesy little flashback moment this chapter :>

- Zolot

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