Caged In

Chapter 4: Ding-Dong!

It’s been two hours.

I cannot believe that after he ordered me like a dog, I am actually obeying him.

I glared at the locked door, seeing whether I could activate laser vision and melt it off so I could escape.

Well, it isn't as though I have much of a choice in the matter. The walls had to be sound proof, based on the fact that I yelled for the better half of an hour for help and no one even so much as passed by the door.

I eventually gave up and fell back onto the bed.

I have so much homework that I still have to complete. I rolled onto my side to continue stressing out and trying to crunch the numbers and figure out the least amount of time it would take to finish everything.

The man may not have put a television in this room to keep me entertained, but there is a nice wall clock hanging up, taunting me.

You could be doing your homework or looking at tasteful memes, but instead you’re here.

Stupid clock.

Stupid Greg.

I got off the bed, picked up a pillow, and lobbed it at the clock. The beautiful, expensive looking, and annoying time telling device then promptly fell to the ground, and rudely shattered loudly scattering glass and wood splinters all over the carpet.

I lightly tap my hands to my cheeks,” Oh no, whatever shall I do, I should alert his highness of this atrocity at once.” I say monotonously.

I reach for the door knob again, to see if breaking the clock somehow unlocked the door, as if I completed the Escape Room riddle, but the door is opened before I could turn it, and I am pushed onto my but by the force of the door opening.

I groaned and rubbed my now bruised derriere as I looked up to see the boy from earlier. William was his name, if I was remembering correctly.

" You’re the one from earlier, aren’t you ?” He asked.

" I would’ve expected you to stay in your room, didn’t your parents ever tell you to stay away from strangers ?” I say.

He just smiled devilishly,” I’ve been told countless times.”

" Hey, kid you wouldn’t happen to know where that guy from earlier is, would you ?” I ask.

His smile widens,” He told me not to say anything, so I’ll tell you where he definitely is-n’t. He probably isn’t straight down the hall in the first room on the left.”

" You’re an evil little child, you know that ?” I smirk.

" He locks me in a room with toddlers, seeing you locked in here makes me feel the parallels in our situation.”

" My you are quite mature for your age.” I smiled and went to pat his head.

He dodged my hand with a disgusted look on his face,” I also happen to enjoy making life difficult for him whenever possible.”

I huff and cross my arms as he pushed the door open for me,” I like you.”

" I’m not into older women.” He quips.

" And I’m not into underdeveloped brats that talk more than I do.” I say before exiting the room.

I barely get halfway down the hall before I’m out of breath, and I walk about a quarter longer before I run into someone. Literally, I collapsed onto her. In this case, I will admit, I’m not in the best shape.

" Uh, who are you ?” The girl throws me off of her, and I stumble around on my feet.

" I’m, erm, I mean - I need to see Greg.” I say confidently.

" Yeah, that’s a lie. How about you come with me and we can figure this out with the alpha.”

Shit. I knew I should have taken that two credit improv class!

She laughs,” Okay, I didn’t want to have to use force, but you’re going to have to come with me one way or another.” She goes to grab me, but luckily my legs give in and I collapse to my knees, and with all my strength I grab her heels and cause her to fall on her butt.

" You -”

" Sorry, I have to go.”

Things to do, places to be, people to piss off.

I run past her and the second I see the door on my left, I burst into it without thinking what would be inside.

" Agh, where are your shirts, if you’re too poor to buy some, just warn people next time.”

A room full of half naked men stared at me.

" Lucy, I told you to stay in my room!”

" Wait a second, that was your room!” I yell in anger.

Oh that’s gross!

He just growls, but one of the men stops him from attacking me,” Who is this woman ?”

He looks to me and scans my outfit that I was still wearing from last night.

" She got into some trouble last night, so I helped her.” He says.

" I’m pretty sure they call it kidnapping nowadays.” I hiss.

" Lucy, shut up!” Greg hisses.

" Is she yours, Alpha ?” One of the men laughs.

Alpha ?

" I’m most certainly not -”

" She was really drunk, I helped her. That’s it.”

They pack members all looked at him with obvious disbelief.

" If you’re that desperate for it then I’m sure any of the women in the pack would be happy to comply.” Another says,” You wouldn’t have had to get it from some intoxicated woman.”

" No, guys, remember how he’s waiting for his mate.” A brown haired one laughs.

" Awe, how romantic, you cute little virgin.” One in the front sang.

" He's still waiting for her return like a loyal pet.” A tall one with darker skin smirked.

" Whoever said that has bathroom duty for the rest of the month!” Greg growled.

The sad truth is out, I guess.

I just keep hearing comments like this coming from his pack, and by the time it settles down, Greg is tomato red and I am on the ground laughing.

" Cut it out, it’s not funny!” He yells.

" I’m sorry, I’ll stop . . . Sir Virgin!” I say between fits of laughter.

" Lucy, you’re making things worse -” Greg starts.

" Lucy is not involved with me. She’s like us, and I’m . . . helping her.” He says too quickly for any person with common sense to believe him.

" Like you ? Oh please, don’t put me on your level. It’s insulting.” I say .

Don’t compare me to your pure blood elitist club.

" That’s it you’ve done quite enou-” Greg is cut off by the doorbell.


" I’ll get it!” I hear William’s voice ring through the house.

I hear growls in the back of the room.

" What is it ?” I ask,” What’s got you all on silent mode all of a sudden ?”

Greg pushes to the front and grabs my wrist as he walks to the front door,” There’s another pack on our territory.”

Another pack, you say, I wonder who that could be . . .

1212 words

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