Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Half a decade had led up to that faithful day. Her first day of active duty as a real police officer. Five years of working her butt off, day in and day out, and where had they placed her? Guard duty at Central Station. What an honour!

As if in a dream, Caitlyn marvelled at an airship as it coasted overhead. As long as the tallest buildings in Piltover were high, sporting eight egg-shaped balloons the size of clouds, it cast the entire station in shadow. What sort of wonders were contained within? Magical artifacts? Brave adventurers? Wise scholars? Maybe even Vastayans. Oh, what a treat that would be!

No. No, she needed to focus. She was an officer now. The people relied on her for their safety. What sorts of dangers could the airship hold? Smugglers? Fleeing felons? Weapons? Illicit substances?

“Eyes on the crowd, rookie!” Samuel snapped.

Samuel, her senior officer towered a head and a half over her. A plump, balding man who’d seen more years of active duty than Cailtyn had been alive for, to hear him say it; a true veteran. His sharp eyes scanned the crowd even as he reprimanded her.

“Yes- Yes, sir!”

Argh, what was she doing?! How many times had they drilled it into her?! Always stay alert, danger is everywhere. Caitlyn tore her eyes from the airship at once and watched the stream of bodies flooding through the final terminal gates. Right away she noticed most were locals returning to the country. Only Piltover residents dressed in such wild and lavish outfits.

A troupe of ladies wearing dresses with collars that reached high above their heads paraded past her. Rubies the size of coins speckled the towering collars, sparkling warmly in the sunlight. After them, a tall man with grey streaks in a well-kempt beard smiled and tipped his top hat at her. Gears and thin copper pipes adorned the hat. They worked together to make wire yordles dance on the brim. Before Caitlyn had even processed the spectacle, a little old lady passed beneath her nose, dressed in a gown with sleeves that trailed along the ground behind her. High fashion never made much sense but it always made for good entertainment.

“How many times must I say it, rookie? Focus!”

“Sorry, yes, you’re right sir.”

“I know I’m bloody right, you don’t have to tell me.”

“Sorry, sir.”

Caitlyn rubbed her temples, willing her stupid brain to focus. She couldn’t keep getting distracted. As a terminal guard, she held the responsibility to catch those who managed to fool the initial screening upon arrival. The last line of defense against evil trying to sneak into Piltover. Straightening her back, Caitlyn scanned the crowd for troublemakers.

She watched the bags carried by the crowd for suspicious bulges. She watched their eyes for any nervous shifting. She watched the people they met up with for signs of Zaun gang membership. But found nothing. Hundreds upon hundreds of people passed her by, all looking perfectly innocent. Good. Good, that meant Piltover was safe yet, as the hours passed, Caitlyn found it harder and harder to keep her eyes from the airships.

Just as she was about to sneak a look, something unbelievable passed in front of her. A woman with nine, white fox tails that sprouted from a hole in the back of her skirt. Two pointed ears with black fur, like that of a cat, twitched on top of her head. Gorgeous, flowing black hair streamed past her shoulders. A Vastayan. There was no doubt about it. Caitlyn tried to look away. She really did, but her stupid gay brain forced her to keep staring at the spectacle.

She could’ve melted right into the concrete.

A gap between the end of the vastayan’s skirt and knee-high socks, exposed two bulging, smooth thighs. The white of the skirt outlined a wide, round ass. A form-fitting, shoulderless blouse hugged a slim waist and perky breasts.

The Vastayan looked over her shoulder as if feeling her stare. A set of golden eyes stared back at her. Caitlyn’s insides melted.

Samuel huffed. “Vastayan pest. Up to no good, no doubt. Bring in her for inspection, rookie. Let’s see how you do against Vastayan trickery.”

“H-Her, sir?” Caitlyn pointed to the nine-tailed woman.

“No, the other one with nine tails. Yes her! Go! Now!”

“Ah, yes sir!” Caitlyn squeaked.

She hurried off, almost tripping as she half-ran from Samuel. Her haste vanished all in one go as she neared the Vastayan. The midday sun painted golden streaks in her raven hair, matching her eyes. A smirk spread across her lips, lifting the whisker-like streaks painted on her cheeks.

“Have I done something wrong, officer?” Even her voice was beautiful, all high and sweet.

“No, uh… No citizen, you are not in any trouble. You have been selected for a random search. If you follow me, I will escort you to a private inspection room.”

A little frown dropped her features. “Well, officer, I am in a bit of a rush. I’m running late for lunch with some very dear friends of mine.”

“I apologise, Ma’am but I must insist you come with me. This shouldn’t take long and I assure you I’ll do my very best to have you on your way as fast as I can.”

The Vastayan looked Caitlyn up and down. Her golden eyes pierced right through her. “You’re very polite aren’t you?” The smirk returned to her face.

Caitlyn’s voice caught in her throat. “Uh, yes- I mean no, I mean- “

The vastayan giggled. “Shall we proceed then?” She joined Caitlyn’s side.

Caitlyn cleared her throat. “Yes. Yes, follow me.”

Samuel gave her an approving nod as she led the Vastayan through a door in the exterior of the station. She couldn’t even enjoy the praise. She had to touch this gorgeous, sexy woman! She’d do something stupid. She would. Beautiful women always made her act stupid. She’d mess up and get reported and fired on her very first day!

Caitlyn led the Vastayan down a hall to one of five doors along the hall. She opened the door to the inspection room, a bare place of sterile tiles. Only a plastic chair in the corner and a bench along the back wall occupied the space. The sharp string of cleaning chemicals stabbed her nose.

“In here, Ma’am.”

“Thank you, dear.” The vastayan smiled as she passed by her through the doorway.

Caitlyn swallowed a gulp and lingered outside the room. With all her might she prayed that everything would just go right for once. She drew a deep breath and entered the room.

“Okay, Ma’am, let me run you through the procedure.” She turned her back on her to close the door. “This is a non-invasive search but, I am required to touch you in order to-”

When Caitlyn turned back around, the Vastayan’s skirt lay crumpled around her ankles. Her hands reached for the waistband of her panties.

“Ma’am no! This isn’t that kind of search!”

The Vastayan stopped. “Oh? My apologies, dear.”

She’d apologised but she didn’t sound the least bit embarrassed. Caitlyn noticed something peculiar. Something bulged in the Vastayan’s panties. Something big enough to be an illicit item.

“Ma’am. What’s that in your underwear?”

The Vastayan arched an eyebrow. “My penis.”

“Oh! I-I’m so sorry, Ma’am! I thought… it’s just it looked… oh, I’m sorry. Please, I didn’t mean any offence!”

“You thought… what? What did you think it was?”

“Well, you see… the, uh, the bulge- the bulge is big enough to look like drugs or a weapon or something. But it’s not! I can see that. Please, put your skirt back on. This isn’t a strip search. I’m so sorry for any confusion.”

“What if it is?”

“Wh… what?”

“What if it is drugs or a weapon? What if I’m lying?”

“Well… I’d have to detain you, Ma’am. But I can see that it isn’t. Please-”

“How do you know?”

“I just do. By looking.”

“You can see through clothes? No wonder they wanted you for this position.”

“That’s not what I-”

“I think the only way to know for sure is to take a look, dear.”

“No, really. I know. I can see it, uh… growing.” It looked as if she’d stuffed a cucumber in her panties.

The Vastayan chuckled. She stepped out of her crumpled skirt and approached with light, gliding steps. Her tails swished and snapped like vipers. “Well, there is another reason to look. I assure you.” The Vastayan stood so close her breath brushed against Caitlyn’s lips.

“What…?” Caitlyn backed up against the door.

The Vastayan pursued. Her golden stare filled Caitlyn’s vision. “Because you want to.”

Fire blazed on Caitlyn’s cheeks. The Vastayan stroked one soft, slender finger along the curve of Caitlyn’s cheekbone. A tingle shot down her spine.

“I assure you, I don’t,” Caitlyn said in a voice so small she could barely hear it.

“There’s no point in lying about it, dear. Your spirit speaks the truth for you, loud and clear. Lust is ever so sweet and, well dear, your spirit may as well be candy.” Her finger wandered past Caitlyn’s jaw and onto her neck.

White and blue light flashed in the Vastayan’s golden eyes the way clouds flash when lighting strikes. They saw right through her. Was this Vastayan magic? It must be.

“Even so. I’m… I’m on duty! I can’t just… do that stuff with you.”

The Vastayan giggled and rested her forehead against hers. “So adorable. You’re a precious thing, aren’t you dear? Come now, no one will notice. Especially not the ignorant fool posted outside. Do you think he’ll care if you take a few extra minutes to search me? A few dozen even. No, he’ll praise you for your thoroughness in dealing with the Vastayan pest.”

“You heard that?”

“I hear many things, dear and see more.” Her finger gilded onto her collarbone. “Now, be a good girl, get on your knees and start your inspection.”

She shouldn’t. “Yes, Ma’am.” It’s improper. The tiles chilled her knees. It’s unprofessional. The Vastayan’s panties slipped off easy as that.

Her cock erupted from its confinement, missing her cheek by less than an inch. Thick veins bulged and throbbed along the shaft. The ballsack had tightened in the cold of the room but, even so, fitted comfortably in the palm of Caitlyn’s hand. When she took hold of the immense shaft, her finger failed to reunite, no matter how tight she held it.

The Vastayan took a small step back so that the cock hung in front of her face, rather than beside it. She stroked Caitlyn’s hair and slipped the tie from her ponytail, spilling her dark-blue hair down her back.

“Much better,” the Vastayan said. “Before you begin, dear tell me your name. When things are impersonal, they’re so awfully dull.”

“Caitlyn, Ma’am.”

“Oh, I love it. So pretty.” She cupped Caitlyn’s cheek. “Mine is Ahri but, keep calling me Ma’am it’s so much more fun.”

Caitlyn smiled. “Yes, Ma’am. Shall I begin?”

“Soon, dear. First, how is your gag reflex?”

“My… my gag reflex.”

“Yes, dear.”

“Normal, I guess.”

“Hmm, well let’s see if we can’t change that. You’re going to gag, I’m afraid. You’ll feel like you’re choking but I assure you, you won’t. Just relax, breathe through your nose and look into my eyes. Can you do that?”

“I can!” Caitlyn said far too eagerly.

Ahri laughed. Her cock twitched. “Good girl. Now open wide, gum those teeth, yes that’s it. Very good.” She placed her hand on the door and put all her weight on it as she guided her cock into Caitlyn’s mouth.

It pressed her tongue down flat and pushed against the roof of her mouth. Warm sweet and salty filled her mouth. The tip slid past her tonsils and, just as Ahri had said, she gagged. Tears brimmed in her eyes, unbidden. Spit spluttered onto her chin. Yet, the discomfort soothed her. Which made absolutely no sense.

“Relax, dear… Look into my eyes”

Caitlyn did just that. Staring into Ahri’s twin pools of gold, she remembered a mantra from the academy. Discomfort is only sensation and sensation can’t hurt you. She drew a deep breath through her nose and let her muscles turn to jelly. Ahri’s cock slid deeper and deeper down her throat until her balls pressed against her chin. Ahri shuddered and snatched a handful of her hair.

“So talented~ Keep it up, dear.” Ahri smiled as she bit her lip.

Caitlyn would have smiled too if her lips weren’t stretched to their limits. Instead, she let her eyes speak for her, staring deep into Ahri’s. A mischievous glint flared in Ahri’s golden pools as she drew her hips back.

She thrust her cock back down Caitlyn’s throat. Caitlyn gagged at once. Spit spluttered. She moaned and spit spluttered again, slicking her chin and Ahri’s balls. Wet warmth explored the patch of her chest left bare by her officer’s dress.

Ahri’s hips moved back and forth in a slow, steady rhythm, fucking Caitlyn’s head into the door. For all her relaxing, Ahri’s girth forced gag after gag after gag, and splutter after splutter after splutter. The wet warmth discovered her breasts, soaking her brand new uniform.

Comforting discomfort. The steady rocking of Ahri’s thrusts. The sweet and salt of her cock. Heaven of Earth.

“Pleasure yourself, dear,” Ahri panted. “Don’t nod, just keep looking at me. Oh keep looking at me Caitlyn~”

Caitlyn stared into Ahri’s eyes as started a frantic search for her pussy. Floundering, her hand dove between her legs, slipped under her officer's dress and circled her clit through her panties. Gentle little bolts of pleasure danced in her groin. Each bolt flared in time with each thrust of Ahri’s cock.

Ahri’s moaned soft, delicate moans. Adorable, little gasps accented each draw of her cock. Her nine tails swished rhythmically behind her, slow and steady. Her ears drooped, laying flat on her head. Suddenly, her moans became loud. Her tails puffed and stood on end. Her ears stiffened. She cried out, whipped her cock out of Caitlyn’s mouth and staggered back. Her cock twitched and throbbed and bulged as her face scrunched up.

“Fuck, dear! You almost made me cum. Oh, I apologise, I usually have much better control.”

“It’s okay, Ma’am.” Caitlyn continued pleasuring herself and staring into Ahri’s eyes. “You can cum if you want.”

Ahri face softened and she cupped Caitlyn’s cheek. “So sweet of you to offer but, no. It’s improper to cum before your bottom. Now, how about we get you out of those dirty clothes and get me inside you?”

For a moment, Caitlyn forgot to breathe. She felt herself nod, take Ahri’s hand and stand. As if floating, she allowed Ahri to guide her over to the chair in the corner of the room by the hand. Once they were standing before it, Ahri unlaced her officer’s dress at the back and let it fall to the ground. In a flash, she unhooked her bra and let that fall to the ground too, leaving Caitlyn in nothing but her thigh-high officer’s boots and her sodden panties.

“Your uniform doesn’t exaggerate. You’ve got quite a full chest, dear.” Ahri cupped her left breast and pinched her right nipple.

Caitlyn gasped. “Th-thank you, Ma’am.”

Tossing any courtesy out the window, Caitlyn stared at Ahri’s chest. Ahri giggled and removed her shoulderless, form-fitting red blouse. She wore no bra underneath. Two perky breasts bounced out. Two pink nipples stood erect. Forgetting herself, Caitlyn grasped them, kneading the pillowy flesh and thumbing the hardened nipples.

“Oh, quite bold. Good girl.” She slipped Caitlyn’s panties past her hips and glided her palms over the curves. “Keep the boots on dear. They’re electrifying.”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Caitlyn said staring into her breasts.

Ahri eased Caityn’s hands away from her breasts before making her way to the chair. She sat down and held her cock by the base, waiting with a significant look.

“Coming, Ma’am.” With a spring in her step, Cailtlyn approached and straddled Ahri. Her knees sunk into the soft embrace of Ahri’s thighs.

Ahri seized her hips and held her above her cock. Staring down into Ahri’s eyes from on top, Caitlyn decided to be a little bold. She grabbed both of Ahri’s breasts, leaned on them and kissed her. Ahri smiled against her lips, kissed her hard and licked her teeth.

“Ah! You’re such a delight!” Ahri laughed.

Caitlyn blushed, squeezed her breasts and kissed her again. Lips locked and hands full, Caitlyn lowered herself onto Ahri’s cock. The girth stretched her right to the limit. An electric shudder shivered up her spine and she fell into Ahri’s kiss. Ahri seized her ass, holding her still.

“Easy now, dear. I’m quite big and you’re- oh you’re awfully small.”

“Y-” Caitlyn moaned then swallowed. “Yes Ma’am.”

As slow as she could manage, Caitlyn sat on Ahri’s cock. Shivers and shudders turned her bones to pudding but, despite it all, she kept strong and never faltered until, suddenly, Ahri’s groin met her clit. Nothing had ever been so deep inside her. Not even her biggest toy. It must’ve been the very edge of her limit. As if Ahri and she had been made for each other.

Caitlyn rode Ahri slowly. Very very slowly. Pushing herself up until her thighs stood straight and then, sliding back down the entire length. Never once, did Ahri’s cock leave her pussy. Not even close. Ahri assisted the climb, lifting her ass with a firm grip. All the while they kissed, flicking each other’s teeth, sucking each other’s tongues. The pleasure was unreal. I rocked her whole body. She floated with each movement small and large.

But she could not float forever. All of a sudden, she came crashing down. Her joints locked. Her muscle turned to steel. A fountain of bliss spurted up her spine, all the way to her shoulder blades in long, crashing pulses. A steel grip seized every part of her body. She cried out. She shouldn’t have, not so loud but, she did.

“That’s it dear.” Ahri stroked her back. “Enjoy it. You’ve earned it.”

As the fountain died and euphoria’s steel grip loosened, Caitlyn melted into Ahri’s embrace.

Ahri arm’s swaddled her. Gentle heat radiated from Ahri’s pillowy breasts through Caitlyn’s, calming her tight chest and racing heart. Ahri’s heart did quite the opposite. It thundered against Caitlyn’s chest. Ahri took hold of Caitlyn’s face and buried her face into hers, locking their lips. She pulled away. A thread of spit connected their lips. Ahri’s jaw clenched.

“I want to fuck you. I want to give you everything I’ve got. Can you handle that, dear?”

“I can~”

“I can, Ma’am.”

“I can, Ma’am. Please fuck me.”

“Good, get up. Quickly now.”

Caitlyn slid off Ahri’s cock and scrambled to her feet. Her legs may as well have been noodles by Caitlyn refused to fall.

“On the bench.” Ahri panted as she spoke, her voice trembling. “On all fours, face down, ass up. Yes, that’s it, good girl. Thighs straight. Perfect, dear!” Stroking her cock, she mounted Caitlyn. One hand planted beside Caitlyn’s head, and the other took hold of her hip.

With no warning, Ahri plunged inside her. The pleasure that erupted through her with that one, single thrust dwarfed everything Ahri had even given her up until then. The second came quicker than the first and before Caitlyn recovered from either of them, the third came. A flurry of rapid thrusts fucked Caitlyn down into the bench. She moaned and moaned, curled her toes and kicked her feet. Ahri’s power threatened to topple her. Her legs threatened to betray her. But, she would not collapse. Ahri’s pleasure relied on it.

Ahri’s rhythm was all off, all janky and mismatched but, Caitlyn didn’t care. No orgasm in the world could compare to being used like that. Being someone’s plaything. She’d always been a good girl. A dutiful girl. She never broke the rules. Never stepped out of line. Always did what was expected of her.

What had she been thinking all these years?

“Cum inside me, Ma’am!”

“I will!” Ahri let out a long moan. “I am!”

Ahri buried both hands between Caitlyn’s shoulder blades and buried herself deep inside. Their cries mixed into one, unified moan. Hot cum filled her in a flash and then overflowed, spilling onto the bench. As cum cascased like a waterfall, Ahri and Caitlyn fought to catch their breaths.

Time had appeared to slow but, with each ragged gasp it regained its tempo. Ahri slid out of Caitlyn, her huge cock shrunken and limp. A gush of cum flowed from Caitlyn’s pussy and yet, she still felt full.

Lacking the energy to move, her cheek planted against the cold steel of the bench, Caitlyn could only look up at Ahri as she loomed over her. Her nine tails flicked and swished around her slim waist and wide hips. A sheen of sweat showed off the subtle definition of abs. Ahri gave her a great show as she turned and approached her clothes. Her wide, round ass swayed with each step. She fished a notebook and pen from a pocket inside her skirt of all places and jotted something down. She tore out the page and planted it beside Caitlyn’s head.

“Come to this address, tomorrow, midday. More of this, more than you can possibly imagine, awaits you.”

Ahri planted a kiss on Caitlyn’s cheek, dressed and left Caitlyn to soak in glee. She'd prayed for things to go right and right things had gone.

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