Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Her fingers had never felt so amazing. They were shorter and slimmer than any cock and yet, her pussy flooded her with heavenly warmth. It was as if her whole body was blushing. Her pussy quivered. Her chest rose and fell in shaky bursts. Her nails dug into the carpet. Caitlyn turned her head and watched dawn turn to twilight. Greys and blues veiled the gardens in a calm, coolness. They transformed the space yet, it could never hope to erase the memories; the gorgeous bodies and the loving eyes. Her body’s blush flared. A loud, pitched moan escaped her lips. She worked her fingers double time as she rode the warmth, rocketing to its peak.


Delicate footsteps tipped and tapped up the stairs. The warmth stalled. Her hand froze. Caitlyn lifted her head to the door. In the doorway, looking quite shocked, was a short girl with skin as pale as porcelain. Glowing diamond shapes made a ring around her neck, like tattoos made of light. Swirls of blue hair fell past her shoulders as two, lazy pigtails. She wore a frilly dress made from a hodgepodge of materials that reached beyond her knees. A dozen different patterns covered the pleats and frills, the puffy shoulders and the tight bodice. The pleats of the dress fanned wide, giving the illusion of impossibly wide hips. 


The girl gasped and shot her hand over her mouth. “I’m awfully sorry! Please don’t let me disturb you.” Her dress pitched a massive tent. Porcelain cheeks turned peach pink. She tried to push her cock down. To no avail.

A wave of calm washed over Caitlyn. She couldn’t hurt a fly . “It’s okay.”


The girl shook her head, still fighting her cock. “I interrupted you. Please, don’t stop on account of me.”


  “You could always help me finish.”


The girl stopped fighting her cock. She pursed her lips. “So long as it’s not any bother.”


  “It’s not.” Caitlyn sat up and patted the spot beside her. “What’s your name?”


  “Gwen…” Gwen approached as cautious as a mouse. She knelt beside Caitlyn and managed a shy smile. One of her eyes had a pink cross in place of a pupil that cut through its blue iris. Her face was heart-shaped, two dimples dotted her cheeks and she had a little button nose. “You’re quite pretty,” she whispered, staring into Caitlyn’s eyes.


  “You’re one to talk, you’re adorable.”


Gwen beamed like the sun. “Thank you!” She touched Caitlyn’s arm. Her hand shot back and she gasped. “Oh my, you’re so cold!”


  “I am?” Caitlyn felt her arm. Her skin was ice.


Gwen flung her arms around her and pulled her into a tender embrace. “Please, let me warm you. You must be freezing!”


Pressure swelled in the back of Caitlyn’s eyes. Tears welled. What? She scrubbed them away. Why am I crying for?


  “Oh, you’re cold all over!” Gwen rubbed her side vigorously. “Kalista…” she tittered.


  “Is that her name? Kalista?”


  “Of course, she didn’t tell you her name… she’s so rude.” Gwen rubbed her back and her forehead creased. “Elise… oh, look what she’s done to you. Would you like me to get you some ointment?”


  “For what?” Caitlyn peered over her shoulder. Rows of cuts ran down her back. “Oh.”


  “I can ask Ahri to heal you,” Gwen said.


  “No.” Gwen’s hands felt as heavenly as a stretch after a long workout. “You’re all the medicine I need.”


Gwen’s cheeks flushed peach pink again. Caitlyn giggled and lay her head on her cleavage. The dress left the tops of her small, round breasts bare. They cushioned her better than any pillow. Gwen smelt of lavender, not lavender perfume but real lavender. Her body’s warmth settled, even as the tip of Gwen’s poked her belly through the dress.


  “Did you make your dress yourself?” Soft silk, fluffy wool, stiff cotton; Caitlyn ran her hand over all of the materials of the bodice.


  “All by myself! Do you like it?”


  “It’s wonderful.”


The diamond shapes that encircled her neck pulsed as Gwen beamed. “Oh, thank you. I worked very hard on it. Do you have clothes?”


  “I do.” Her hand wandered down Gwen’s side. “Do you want to see them?”


  “Oh, yes please!”


As Caitlyn’s hand approached the curve of Gwen’s dress, she expected it smooth over her actual figure. Her hand followed the curve. No way . It was solid as the bodice, tight against her chest.


  “Is your dress reinforced?”


Gwen cocked her head. “No.”


Caitlyn’s jaw dropped. “So there are your real hips?”


Gwen looked down at her hips and back at Caitlyn. She blinked. “Yeah?”


Warmth flushed her body. “Can I see?”


  “Well…” Gwen fidgeted. “You said I could see your clothes first.”


  “Oh.” Caitlyn sat up and clutched the back of her head. “Right, sorry.”


  “Oh no, don’t apologise.” A desperate look filled Gwen’s eyes. “It’s okay, really, I swear.”


Caitlyn caressed Gwen’s cheek. It was so soft and squishy. “It’s alright.” She pecked her on the forehead. “I’ll go get dressed for you. Would you like that?”


Porecaline turned pink. “Yes, please. Thank you.” Gwen managed a shy smile.  


Caitlyn eased Gwen’s forehead against her lips, getting a delightful squeal of a giggle out of her. Her heart fluttered all the way to the walk-in closet. In the corner beside the inside of the door, lay her officer’s uniform in a crumpled pile. Gwen’s hips swam in her mind as she wrestled into her clothes. Would they be as soft and squishy as her face and breasts, or firm and packed with muscle? Both possibilities left her panties soaking wet. They matched the rest of her clothes now; soiled. Somehow, cum had gotten on her officer’s dress. Who’s exactly she couldn’t be sure. It was wrinkled too and stiffer than usual. It smelt of sweat and pussy and cock and cum; of sex. Caitlyn donned her boots and officer’s tall hat and reentered the bedroom.


  “Wow!” Gwen rushed over and ran the dress through her fingers. “Such a pretty blue, it’s dark like deep ocean. Oh, and the seamwork! You must be quite talented.”


Caitlyn giggled. “I didn’t make it, Gwen.”


  “Huh?” Gwen looked at her as if she were crazy. Realisation widened her eyes. She slapped her forehead lightly. “Right, people usually buy their clothes, don’t they? Silly me, always forgetting.”


  “Usually but, I didn’t buy it either.”


  “A gift then?”


  “In a manner of speaking, I suppose.”


  “Was it from a loved one? Is it special to you?”


  “The man who presented it to me I admire a great deal so, yes it is quite special to me.” A smile spread across Caitlyn’s lips. She ran her hands over the stiff, wrinkled fabric. Sergeant Orinno had looked so proud of her when she’d earned her badge and uniform.


Gwen smiled fondly. “That’s good. Everyone should have something that’s special to them. I have something too but, I have to leave it outside.”


  “What is it?”


  “My scissors. They were a gift from Mother. Wherever I take them, her love follows. But, Ahri forbids weapons. Which is fair.”


Caitlyn smiled. She cupped Gwen’s soft, squishy cheek. “That’s so sweet.”


Gwen nuzzled her palm.

  “Wait,” Caitlyn said. “Kalista had a spear. Isn’t that against the rules?”


Gwen’s mouth formed an ‘O’. She covered it with her hand. “It is,” she whispered.


  “Do you think Ahri knows?”


  “Most definitely. She might bar her from taking part anymore.”


A small part of her felt bad for the spectre. She seemed quite sad and lonely . Caitlyn shrugged and thumbed light circles onto Gwen’s cheek. “That’s none of our concern, now is it?”


Gwen giggled and flushed. “No.” The pitched pleats of her dress shifted.


Caitlyn tilted Gwen’s head back and eased her lips to hers. They shared a tender, lingering kiss. Caitlyn had never kissed someone shorter than her before. Strangely, she liked it. A lot. The heat of Gwen’s flushed cheeks spread through her lips to radiate into Caitlyn’s mouth. Sweet and warm. The perfect mouth. Caitlyn’s hands slid down Gwen’s sides and rested on her hips. Fuck… She squeezed Gwen’s ass. Squishy as a pillow. Gwen’s flush flared red hot.


Caitlyn slid her hands up Gwen’s back in search of a zipper. Laces ran up the entire length of the dress. “May I?”


Gwen nodded. “Uh huh~”


As Caitlyn worked on unlacing her, Gwen bit her lip and fidgeted. 


  “What’s wrong?” Caitlyn asked gently.


  “What should I call you?”


  “What should you call me?”


Gwen chewed her lip and nodded. 


Caitlyn’s hands froze. Do I want to be called something? She shook her head. “Just Caitlyn is fine.”


Gwen smiled. “Okay, just Caitlyn.”


Caitlyn laughed and kissed her. She introduced her tongue to Gwen’s and resumed unlacing. Gwen shrugged free of the puffy shoulders. The dress slipped free, like unpeeling a banana. A white, frilly bra covered her small, round breasts. Her hips and cock caught the dress.


Gwen broke their kiss. “Hold on.” She reached beneath her dress, held her cock flat against her stomach and wriggled free. The dress crumpled around her ankles, revealing the widest set of hips Caitlyn had ever seen.


  “Oh my god…” Her heart thundered. “Turn around…”


Caitlyn almost fainted. I must be dreaming. Kalista must have knocked me out . Gwen’s ass was unreal; wider than her shoulders but a great deal and fat enough to comfortably sit on one cheek alone. Her thighs were as equally fat. At once, Caitlyn seized it and squeezed. Pillows. Someone’s stuffed two pillows in there. Surely.


  “How…” she whispered, kneading the enormous cheeks.


Gwen looked over her shoulder, blushing. “It’s just how I turned out.”


  “Fucking hell~ You’re making me wish I had a cock…”


Gwen giggled. “You can. There’s a strapon downstairs.”


Caitlyn squeezed with all her strength, getting a mind-melting gasp out of her. “Don’t tempt me.”


  “W- Would you like to see my cock? It’s also rather large.”


  “Yes, please~”


Gwen pursed her lips and turned around. It hung under its own weight, it was that girthy. Pale as the rest of her and just as smooth. Its length gave Illaoi and Camille a run for their money but, Caitlyn suspected it was ever so shorter.


  “May I?” Caitlyn extended her hand.


Gwen nodded and Caitlyn took hold of her from underneath. Her fingers wrapped around the pale, smooth shaft. Inches separated the tips, no matter how tight she squeezed. “You’re going to destroy me…”


Gwen giggled. “I hope not. I think I quite like you.”


  “Oh?” Caitlyn stroked her cock. “You only think you like me?”


Gwen gasped and bit her lip. “I… oh~ … I know I do.”


Caitlyn scanned Gwen’s wide hips. A shudder ran up her spine. “Shall I retrieve that strap-on?”


Gwen gained a bold look. “Later. I would like…” Gwen covered her mouth and giggled. “I would like to fuck you, please.”


They giggled together. Flush flared in Caitlyn’s groin. “Yes, Ma’am,” Caitlyn said.


  “Just Gwen, actually. If that’s okay…”


  “Of course.” Caitlyn pecked her forehead. “Just Gwen it is.”


Giggling, they wandered over to the bed, eyes locked and sharing kisses. Gwen got onto the bed first and crawled across the silky, red sheets into the centre. Her fat ass jiggled all the way and her huge cock swayed. Caitlyn’s blood pumped red hot. She scrambled after her. Cast in the dull cool colours of twilight, Gwen awaited her with a shy grin and flushed cheeks. Her blue, mismatched eyes stared into hers, loving and desperate. They embraced. Their lips locked. The sheets rushed to meet them. Caitlyn fell on top of Gwen and her fat, squishy thighs wrapped around her waist. Her huge cock pressed flat against her belly, hot and throbbing. Caitlyn kneaded Gwen’s hips, taking handful after handful of soft, squishy flesh. Little, squeaking moans interrupted their kisses.


Gwen cupped her face delicately. “Your hands are so strong…”


  “And yours are so adorable.”


Caitlyn kissed her pale, slender fingers one by one, earning her those tiny, pitched giggles that got her heart to fluttering. Gwen’s cock twitched and throbbed. She bit her pink, glossy lip. At once, Caitlyn’s lips found hers again. Gwen gasped into the kiss before locking lips and sucking on Caitlyn’s tongue. Caitlyn wrenched a hand off of Gwen’s heavenly hips and unhooked her bra in a single motion. The nipples of her small, round breasts were as pink as her tongue and erect as her cock. Caitlyn popped one into her mouth and twiddled the other between her finger and thumb.


Gwen moaned and melted into the sheets.


Caitlyn grinned. “Do you like that?”


  “Uh huh~”


  “And this?” Caitlyn pinched the nipple.


Gwen gasped and then laughed. “A lot.”


Caitlyn sat up and pinched both nipples. “Tell me when to stop.”


Gwen’s cock flexed. She nodded and Caitlyn clamped her nipples. Her beautiful, pale face scrunched up, her nose wrinkled, her hands clenched into fists and her thighs squeezed Caitlyn’s waist. But not once did she close her eyes. Through drooped eye lids, she gazed right into Caitlyn’s. Gwen yelped.




Caitlyn let go and Gwen sighed. Her cock throbbed and she bit her lip.


  “You’re tough,” Caitlyn whispered against her lips.


Gwen giggled. “You’re strong.”


Caitlyn kissed. “I better be if I’m gonna take this.” She rolled off Gwen and ran her finger up her cock’s shaft. “You might break me~”


  “Oh, w- well you took Illaoi didn’t you? And Camille? I’m sure I won’t hurt you.”


  “I think you might be girthier than Camille. Maybe even Illaoi.” Caitlyn pulled back her foreskin and rubbed her thumb against the tip.


Gwen moaned. “W- We don’t have to- to… oh~ … penetrate. I- I don’t wanna hurt you.”


Caitlyn kissed her trembling lips. “You won’t.”


  “Are you sure?”


  “I am.”


Gwen smiled. “Good because I would very much l- like to fuck you.”


Caitlyn laughed and Gwen flushed. “I’d very much like it if you did. But first.” Caitlyn placed her top hat on Gwen’s head and then slid her tip between her lips. Sweet, meaty precum flooded her mouth as she eased Gwen’s cock down her throat.


  “Oh! Caitlyn~” Gwen’s eyes oozed love. She propped herself on her elbows, gawking, caught between shock and bliss.


The girth bulged her throat. The shaft crushed its walls. Muscles stretched and fluttered as they accommodate the new guest. Caitlyn gagged. It snuck up on her like a slap across the back of the head. Tears brimmed in her eyes. She spluttered all over Gwen’s cock. Drool ran down the half yet to enter her throat.


Gwen’s drooped eyes widened. “Are you okay?”

Caitlyn smiled with her eyes and nodded. You can do this . She centered herself. You have done this .


Gwen ran her fingers through her hair, smiling as sweet as honey. “Swing your leg over me. Lie on my front.”


The plan made sense. Caitlyn nodded and carefully got into position. Two, soft delicate hands grasped her hips and a familiar mouth embraced her pussy. The moan made her gag again. Spit spluttered all over Gwen’s balls. The angle was perfect. Caitlyn turned herself to jelly and pudding, and slid her throat down Gwen’s throbbing cock. Gwen moaned against her pussy until Caitlyn’s lips met her groin, where upon she gasped.


Gwen’s hips jostled. “That’s so good~” She moaned and squeezed Caitlyn’s ass.


As Caitlyn bobbed her head up and down, gagging and spluttering, Gwen ate her out with quivering lips. Her moans kept any sort of rhythm or pace from Gwen but regardless, it felt like heaven. Swamped in bliss, Caitlyn kneaded Gwen’s thighs. They were unbeleivable. Unexplainable. Fat as pillows, but not tender nor lumpy, instead smooth and soft as if they had been handcrafted by a god. Caitlyn worshipped with her mouth. Spit spluttered and bubbles, coating Gwen’s cock and balls, and Caitlyn’s chin and chest. Her officer’s dress clung her to her breasts and her bra sodden as she’d taken a swim in it. Gwen’s cock throbbed and twitched without end, flexing and heaving like an untamed beast trying to break its bonds. She’ll ruin my pussy. Oh please, let her ruin me .


  “C- Caitlyn! I wanna fuck you! Oh fuck, I wanna fuck you so bad!~” A long moan breathed against Caitlyn’s pussy.


Caitlyn scrambled into position and found Gwen’s embrace waiting for her. Their lips rushed back together. Caitlyn lifted her hips. Gwen lifted the pleats of her officer’s dress and guided her cock inside her. They moaned and melted into each others arms.


  “Oh my god…”


  “Is it too much?”


  “It’s perfect.”


Her pussy’s walls quivered as they fought to house Gwen’s beast. It pushed right up against her cervix, stretching it. It hurt. Like having a thumb pressed into a bruise. Gwen’s eyes were full of love and bliss. Somehow, the pain was a distant thing. Caitlyn sat up, planted her palms on Gwen’s breasts and lifted her hips. Gwen’s eyes rolled back and a smile spread across her lips. Caitlyn felt close to fainting as she slapped her against as Gwen’s balls again and again. Her hips took on a mind of their own, allowing her to find Gwen’s lips again. The angle shortened the strokes but, somehow, it didn’t detract from the pleasure. If anything, with her lips locked around Gwen’s, the pleasure increased. And increased. And increased. Until they were both moaning so much that their lips could do little but brush against one another. Shudders and trembles plagued Caitlyn. They ruined her breathing and made her rhythm all jagged and lopsided. And then, when her hips lowered and took all of Gwen’s cock for the countless time, they froze. She strained and she strained but her hips were as heavy as stone.


  “I- I can’t move…” Caitlyn flushed. I’m failing her .


Gwen smiled and kissed her. “It’s okay.” She grabbed her hips. “Let me take care of you.” Gwen lifted her hips and pumped her pussy full of cock.


Caitlyn fell limp, like a puppet without string. No matter. Gwen rolled them onto their sides, swaddled her in an embrace and fucked her gently. Her mismatched eyes smiled.


  “I- I’m sorry,” Caitlyn whispered.


  “Huh? What for?”


  “I… oh~ … I’m here to serve you.”


Gwen giggled. “No silly, we’re here to serve each other.”


Before Caitlyn had time to so much as process those words, her orgasm snuck up on her. She cried out and buried her face into Gwen’s collarbone, shaking and trembling. Her pussy gripped Gwen’s cock, locking it in place.


Gwen kissed the top of her head and stroked her back. “That’s it, Caitlyn. That’s it…”


Tears returned and this time, she hadn’t the strength to scrub them. They flowed as she came and it took everything she had not to sob. Only when the orgasm died and the adrenaline subsided could Cailtyn think. Why do I keep crying? What’s wrong with me?


Gwen wiped away her tears giggling. “Wow, that must have been some orgasm.”


  “Tears are normal?”


  “Sometimes. Kayle once made me cum so hard that I cried. A happy cry though.” Gwen tensed. “Yours was a happy cry, right?”


The final pieces clicked together and Caitlyn saw the puzzle for what is was. She smiled and nuzzled Gwen’s chest. “Yeah. It was.”


For a while, they simply lay bundled in each other’s arms. Gwen’s steady heartbeat thumped against her ear. Thump thump. Thump thump . As soft as her skin. It might have lulled her off to sleep if she hadn’t remembered where she was.


  “Shall I get the strap on?” Caitlyn squeezed Gwen’s hips.


Gwen bit her lip and nodded. Caitlyn giggled, kissed the valley of her breasts and scrambled off of the bed. Downstairs, she found a set of strapons in the couch drawers. They came in all sorts of sizes from tiny to bigger than even Camille. Each one had been made to look like a real cock. Caitlyn picked up one that shared a size with Gwen. It even feels realistic . She decided on that one, grabbed a bottle of lube and hurried back to Gwen.


  “It’s not to big is it?” She asked, coming up the stairs two at a time.


The most beautiful sight awaited her. Gwen sat against the backboard, her fat ass on several cushions, gently stroking her cock. She giggled. “It’s the same size as me.”


Caitlyn blushed. “Is that okay?”


Gwen bit her lip and nodded. “Can you… could you, get undressed?”


  “Of course.” Caitlyn peeled off her sodden dress, panties and bra.


Gwen moaned. Her cock twitched. “So pretty~” 


Caitlyn hastily secured the strapon around her hips. The cock weighed far heavier than she ever expected. How does she walk around with this all the time?


Gwen crawled to the edge of the bed. “How would you like me?”


  “How would I like you?”




Her eyes were so beautiful. Too beautiful to not gaze into. But her ass… it would jiggle. Ripples would course through it with each and every thrust. The cheeks would clap together. Her flesh would melt between her fingers. “I… I don’t know…”


Gwen lay on her back. “You like my eyes right? You could have me like this.” Her mismatched eyes smiled; two pools of summer ocean. “Or would you prefer my ass, like this?” She got on all fours and arched her back. Her giant ass somehow got even bigger. The small movement jiggled her cheeks, and their weight kept the movement going and going.


  “Whatever will please you most.”

  “Your smile pleases me.”


… No silly, we’re here to serve each other… 


Caitlyn pursed her lips. “Can I have both?”


Gwen sat up and touched her chin. “Hmmm.” Her eyes widened. “Oh, how about this?” She got on all fours again, but this time she looked back at Caitlyn.


Perfect eyes. Perfect ass. She was something out of a dream. As if walking through the very dream, Caitlyn mounted her. Nervous lust filled Gwen’s eyes. Her cock flexed. “You’re… amazing.” Caitlyn slathered lube over her strap-on.


Gwen flushed. “Thank you. So are you…”


Caitlyn took hold of Gwen’s ass. Her hands sunk into the cheeks. Soft and warm as a freshly made bed. “I’m going to ruin you,” she heard herself whisper.


  “Please do,” Gwen whispered back. Her eyes oozed desire.


Caitlyn's heart fluttered and she guided her dildo into Gwen’s ass. It opened for her, like a pink mouth. The dildo glided deep with the easing of Caitlyn’s hips. It felt awkward to control something not a part of her body but, Gwen’s blissful moan made up for any discomfort.


  “It’s so big!” Gwen cried, her voice melting. Her body quivered but didn’t fall. Her eyes drooped but didn’t close.


As their groins met, Caitlyn leaned forward. Gwen raced to meet her. Her arms wrapped around her petite torso and pulled their lips together. Gwen’s warmth spread through her, flushing her body. As heat rose to the surface of her skin, Gwen’s quivers infected her. Despite no pleasure, no giant cock filling her ass, nothing, Caitlyn quivered as if she were on the verge of an orgasm. As they shared quivering kisses, Caitlyn drew her hips back.


Gwen’s eyes stared into hers, desperate. “F- Faster.”


Caitlyn kissed her. “Of course.” She planted a foot on the bed. Steadied, she fucked Gwen with her all her strength.


Wet slapping and squelching mixed in the air with Gwen’s wailing moans. She ground her fat ass up against Caitlyn’s groin, lay the side of her head against her forehead and squeezed her crossed forearms. Gorgeous ripples spread through her ass like a stone dropped into a pond. She could have taken hold of it. She could have squeezed it. She could have kneaded it. Instead, she held Gwen against her chest so she didn’t fall, so her eyes so full of love could not fall away out of sight.

  “I- I love your cock!” Gwen moaned.


  “I love your everything.” 


Gwen’s lips slammed against hers and her tongue filled Cailtyn’s mouth. Caitlyn returned her ferocity. Her thrusts roughened. Her grip tightened. Her tongue beat Gwen’s back and invaded her mouth. Gwen submitted and melted into her embrace. Warmth flooded her eyes.


  “I’m close…”


  “Cum for me.” Her eyes would melt. “Please…”


Nodding, Gwen began to pant. Her moans turned ragged and shuddered. Quivers turned to tremors. The grinding of her hips turned frantic. Moans built and built, like a sneeze that refused to blow. Gwen cried. A rope of cum flew through the air and splattered against the back wall. Then another and another. Gwen limped and Caitlyn guided her onto her side. She held her in a tender embrace, jostling her strapon as she stroked her heaving cock. Never once did their eyes leave each other. Glazed as they were, Gwen’s mismatched eyes stared into hers, full of love and bliss. When the final load of cum dribbled onto the sheets, Gwen closed her eyes. As did Caitlyn. They lay together, panting, kissing and laughing even as two knocks wrapped the doors.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Diana, The Scorn of The Moon

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