Cannon Fodder His Dad

Chapter 176: The little eunuch's father (1)

Wu Qun was pushed for a while and hurriedly opened his eyes.

I go! !

A beam and pillar pressed down on the half-year-old child on the side. Without thinking, he grabbed the child's arm and pulled the child to his side.


The roof beam fell to the ground. Wu Qun hugged the child and stood up vigorously. His ankle hurt to death.

The low wooden house was not strong enough and collapsed.

The ground was still shaking and the rain was pouring. Wu Qun dragged a broken left leg and crawled out with the child.

"Dad, how are you?"

The child in Wu Qun's arms was crying, and the body could no longer support it, but this place was not safe, and he didn't have the strength to give the child a barrier now.

Shaking his head vigorously, he can't pass out at this moment, at least take the child to a safe place.

In a daze, he couldn't move forward, and the thoughts in his heart couldn't be realized. He could only lie on the ground with the child, "Lie down and don't move."

In this open land, the child was protected by Wu Qun, and he finally fainted.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Wu Qun sat rubbing his brows. In front of him was a man with blood and flesh, if not mistaken, it was the body just now.

"Your Highness, please don't let my son be a eunuch. My old Wu family is a single seedling, but it can't be given to Huo Huo by the woman surnamed Huo, even if there is a marriage contract."

The man wiped the blood from his head and said something.

Wu Qun nodded: "Yes."

But the man did not turn into a light spot, but kneeled respectfully on the ground, kowtowed three times and said, "Your Highness, the villain knows that his requirements are a bit excessive, but the villain still hopes that you can bring My son is far away from Qingshui Village."

Wu Qun heard this, what is this wish? It's not easy to leave a place, I agree without thinking.


The man turned into a spot of light and melted into Wu Qun's body.

Originally Wu Qunzhi, a warrior in Qingshui Village, his wife died early, a widower, and a son Wu Tang, now twelve years old, studying in a private school in the village.

Then, after that, it's so simple, as for interpersonal relationships, it's incredibly simple.

The golden book appeared, with a few small characters on it, the emperor's village wife and wife.

Wu Qun didn't want to read these words. His son in this life should be the **** of this village woman.

Otherwise, Huo Shuirou, a girl from the Huo family in the east of Qingshui Village, accidentally rescued the prince of the dynasty when she was fifteen years old, and gave birth to a son.

And Huo Shuirou, who was pregnant, didn't want her child to be so nameless, so she begged Wu Tang to be the father of the child in her womb, and Wu Tang agreed.

The reason why Wu Tang agreed was because his father and Huo's father had already arranged a baby kiss for the two. He didn't think about it that much, and he didn't know that the woman was pregnant and needed to conceive in October.

Even if the long-tongued woman in the village chews her tongue, he still firmly believes that the child is his. To put it bluntly, since his parents died early, he has absolutely no understanding of human affairs, no one teaches him, and he has not figured out one, two or three, and it is easy to be fooled by others.

But when the child was three years old, Yu Linwei came to the village to pick up Huo Shuirou's child. And he was beaten to death.

It was only when the village doctor examined Wu Tang that he said that when he suffered an earthquake a few years ago, he injured his descendants, and it is impossible for him to have children in this life.

So, who is Huo Shuirou's child? It was only at this time that Wu Tang realized that men were not like him.

In a trance, he walked out of the village doctor's house and slowly healed his wounds in the abandoned Huo's house.

But at this moment, he was taken away by Huo Shuirou's people.

When he saw Huo Shuirou's child again, he was happy. She couldn't tell what she thought about Huo Shuirou, but her thoughts about the child couldn't be faked.

Huo Shuirou, because of her son, has a status in the harem. Although she is still only a concubine, she is enough for her who was born as a village girl, and the most important thing is that she can raise her own children.

Wu Tang, from that moment on, became Rou Concubine's personal eunuch. For this reason, he went to the purification room and cut up his unusable things.

Huo Shuirou was not favored by the emperor at first, but only by virtue of her life-saving grace and children, as well as her superb cooking skills, she got the position. There are many people in the palace who dislike their mother and son. It was blocked, not for anything else but for the child who called his father in private.

Huo Shuirou gradually attracted the attention of the emperor by virtue of her gentleness. Even if she was favored, she kept a low profile and did not show off. After a few years, she finally became the only concubine in the palace with a prince.

Yes, she was promoted from concubine to concubine Shu.

The emperor cherished Huo Shuirou more and more, and couldn't leave her more and more, even if she was pregnant again. The emperor loved the dishes she made and the tea she made.

In the end, the emperor favored Concubine Shu alone and did not hesitate to abolish the queen, because the queen was fornicating with the guards and confused the royal heirs.

The women in the palace gradually died and died, and became crazy. In the end, only Concubine Shu's family was the only one, who had two children in a row and was named queen.

This is the only woman who ascended the post in the Zongyang Dynasty as a commoner. It was recorded in the historical records of Zongyang.

And Wu Tang saved Huo Shuirou's death when his eldest son seized power.

If he died, it would be fine if he died, but he didn't. In his thirties, he had nothing to say. This death was also planned by the eldest son of the emperor.

He, Wu Tang, was an indelible stain on the life of the emperor's eldest son of the Zongyang Dynasty. He died without a place to be buried, not even a broken mat.

The emperor and Huo Shuirouen loved each other until they were old, and she also persuaded the emperor to be his son, and the two of them went to old age happily.

Wu Qun closed the book with a "pop". This woman probably has a spiritual spring space. No matter whether she is a traveler or a native, as long as she doesn't provoke his son, he will not take the initiative to kill her.

After all, with such a magical thing in her body, this woman is not afraid of being stupid.

When he opened his eyes, it was still pouring rain, no matter what he thought, he was in a half-collapsed house.

My goodness!

Earthquakes can't be in such a place, it's too dangerous.

"Father, how are you?" Wu Tang touched his nose and couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears.

"No problem." Wu Qun said, a good boy, why can't he think about it?

This Huo Shuirou is really harmful.

"Father, the earth dragon is gone, what should we do if the house collapses?" Wu Tang looked worriedly at the heavy rain outside. The broken house they were in was also filled with water. The two of them were lying on the bed.

"The house collapses and rebuilds. Son, this house is very dangerous, we have to leave here." Wu Qun looked at the house that was about to collapse at any time, and had to remind him.

Wu Tang looked at the heavy rain outside, then looked at his father's legs, frowning: "Father, where can we go? Many houses in the village collapsed, and there is nowhere to go."

Wu Qun sat up, and his body was remodeled when he was in a coma. Apart from looking a little scary, it was actually fine.

He likes this, a healthy body is better than anything in this harsh environment.

But looking at the obviously malnourished son in front of him, he didn't know what to say, such weather, such a house. The things in his space cannot be used.

"Son, do you remember the stone house in the back mountain? Where are we going?" Wu Qun thought for a while. In the original memory, there were few places where he could live.

"I'm afraid the road up the mountain will be washed away and I won't be able to go up." Wu Tang was reluctant to move. Going out in this weather would make him sick even if he didn't die.


The beams in the collapsed house were still moving, and they were about to collapse. If they didn't leave, they would be buried.

Wu Qun grabbed Wu Tang and jumped out of the house, letting the rain wash him.



The house completely collapsed.

Wu Qun looked at Wu Tang with big eyes and small eyes, Wu Tang wiped a handful of rainwater: "Dad, then go to the stone house."

Wu Qun raised his eyebrows, this son's opinion should not be too strong.

Wu Qun took his son and ran all the way to the stone house. It was okay. It was dry and there was some food in reserve.

That's right, it's a little dirty and unsightly inside. If Wu Qun had to choose, he would rather take a bath in the heavy rain than stay in a toilet.

Seeing that Wu Tang was about to go in, Wu Qun grabbed him by the back collar and said, "Wait, daddy go to the back to get the tools and clean up."

Wu Tang wiped the rain from his eyes and looked at a stone house. He thought it was actually pretty good, except for the smelly smell of some children coming up to play.

Wu Qun came quickly, with a dustpan and broom in his hand, as well as a shovel.

"Father, when did you hide here, why have I never seen it?" Wu Tang asked suspiciously.

Wu Qun twitched the corners of his mouth, of course it was produced by his space, where can you find it.

The house is not big enough to clean up. Cleaned up in no time. But the smell is not very good. Fortunately, the food is stored on the roof. The children are noisy, and they know how precious the food is, so they won't touch it.

"Dad, you took all the straws away, how are we going to sleep tonight?" Wu Tang asked a question while looking at the bare stone kang.

Wu Qun's head is big, where did this son come from so many words, isn't it easy to sleep? Just lie down.

But looking at his son's wet clothes and the stream formed under his feet, Wu Qun felt that it was necessary to clean up his son.

This stone house is for the convenience of the hunters to live in. Now the two of them are occupying it. I am afraid that when the rain stops, someone will come over.

But don't worry about him, stay for now.

"You wait here, Dad goes back and packs the cage." Wu Qun patted Wu Tang's thin shoulder and said.

He read the very explanation of the house, and it gave him the illusion that the stone walls were poured with rice slurry.

"Okay, Dad, remember to bring our pots and pans." Wu Tang stood at the door and said while leaning on the wooden door.

Wu Qun waved his hand and ran down the mountain.

All the things in the shabby house were searched clean, checked that nothing was missing, and then rushed back to the mountain.

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