Canon Fodder


We walked into the large building. Inside was spacious with no exterior walls. Nejire, Toru, and I signed in at a reception desk and were given temporary passes. Going up the elevator we were a little quiet. Nervous as we headed up to the agency leader’s office. 


“You 2 seriously didn’t come here because I was interning here?” Nejire asked. 

“No,” I said. 

“We had no idea,” Toru repeated. 


“Then why did you?” 


“I wanted to fight a dragon,” I said, clenching my fist. And kill someone, but that was for later. 


“She was the highest ranked hero that offered me a nomination,” Toru said honestly. “And she is pretty amazing. She is one of only 2 women heroes in the top 10. Why wouldn’t I want to learn from her?” 

“What about you? Why do you intern here?” I asked.

Nejire frowned. “I’ve been to a few guy agencies. They can be pretty sexist. I heard a rumor you were going to Endeavors,” she said. 

“Keeping tabs on me?” I asked as we stepped out of the elevator. She didn’t answer. “Na, he’s kind of a shit dad. I wanted Yoroi Musha because it looks like he can fight. But an old guy versus a hot dragon lady, it was an easy choice.” 

“Well thank you for that,” the woman’s voice said as we walked past some cubicles. On the other side was the hero, Ryukyo Tatsuma. She was younger than I expected, maybe only mid-twenties. Short cut blonde hair. The wings behind her head moved slowly as if she was ready to take flight. Wearing a red gown with white sleeves she was rather beautiful. Long attachments almost like claws were attached at the right side of her face, obscuring her eye. 


“You’re welcome,” I said with a big smile. She handed some rolled papers to an assistant, and they walked off. “Nejire, I see you met the nominations. I expected you here Monday.”

“I didn’t have anything else going on,” Nejire admitted. The girl was a little nervous staring at Ryuko. Her hands behind her back she twirled her long hair as she stood at attention.

“Good to see you,” Ryuko said. Walking past she eyed Toru and I up and down. “Now you 2, I am excited to meet. I enjoyed your fights. So, you both are here for the next week. What would you like to do?” 

I looked to Toru but she was too nervous to answer. “I want a fight with a dragon,” I said with a big smile. Ryuko’s eyes sparkled.


“Anything else?” She asked, her lips tightening as she studied me. 


“Hero work, maybe? Shadow you, see what you do? We are both kind of lost. Never done this before,” I said.

“Which is a good thing,” she said. “I prefer…the inexperienced.” She eyed me up and down. I frowned, curious if she thought I was a virgin, or she actually meant hero inexperience. “What about you?” She asked Toru.  


“I wanted to learn about hero work,” she said. “But um also everything else?” She asked, nervous. “You’re such an inspiration. You run this place. Have your own clothing line. And yet still rank as number 9 on the hero list.” 

Ryuko nodded, patting Toru on the shoulder. “Come.” 


We began walking the way we had come from. “Do either of your know what it means to list in the top 10 of heroes?” Ryuko asked. 


“You can beat up everyone above you?” I asked. 


“Perhaps, but since fighting amongst our number is frowned upon, it’s hard to judge,” she admitted. We walked into a room with people running around. Taking calls. Watching televisions mounted on walls. “This is our observation room,” Ryuko said. 


“We monitor the general area for villain activity. People send us tips. We work with local police. Plan routes throughout the area to let those in the neighborhood know we are here. Watching everything. Ready to move to help at a moments notice.”


It was an impressive setup. I was surprised how many people were working in the large room. All trying to do their best to help those in the neighborhood. I was surprised that most appeared to be normal people. No costumes or secret identities. 


“As you can tell. A lot is going on at this time to ensure no one is using their quirks when they shouldn’t be. Because you can’t forget. There are plenty of crimes going on that police are handling. We simply help where quirks are involved. Now does anyone know who pays for all of this?”


“The city?” Toru asked. 


“I do,” Ryuko said. “The city pays for some of it. But a lot comes from my own profits. Normally these people are working on my side jobs. Like my clothing line. But things have been picking up lately in the villain world. So we shift focus and work hard.”


“Being in the top 10 means sacrifice. I am strong, yes. But also willing to do what it takes to ensure this area is safe. To each their own, really. You won’t see All Might with a team like this. Endeavor has one just as impressive. But I am busy and only 1 person.”


“Cool,” I said. Impressed with her setup. “So what do you want us to do while we are here?”


“This is a full-time job. More than that it is a lifestyle. I don’t want to sugarcoat it for you. We are on call 24/7. Everyday we train. Patrol. And try to juggle having a normal life and job.” She eyed us. Trying to judge our reactions to the information. 


“What I want from you is for you to give your all. I want to test and push you. See if you have what it takes to be a hero.” 


“When do we start?” I asked. 


Ryuko chuckled. “Tomorrow. I have a few meetings to wrap up before we start the real job. Nejire would you mind showing them around and getting them settled?”


“Sure,” Nejire said. Ryuko nodded and headed off to a meeting room. Soon enough the others in the room were following her. Giving some report. 


“Okay miss tour guide. Give us the rundown,” I said. 


Nejire rolled her eyes but headed out. Toru and I followed. We still had our luggage in hand as we headed down the hall. “Ryuko leases the first 5 floors of this building. The majority of office work is done on this floor. The 2nd floor is storage. 3rd is marketing as well as modeling. 4th floor is a training area. She owns a factory outside of town for making her clothes line. And another for perfume and a few other smaller businesses.”


“I’m guessing she was a hero before a fashion diva?” I asked. 


“Of course,” Nejire said. “Hence why I like interning for her. I want to start my own business after I establish myself as a hero.”


“Makes sense. Are there any other interns?”


“There are. But I doubt they’ll be here this week,” Nejire said. “We can-“


“Whose office is this?” I asked. Able to read the name tag outside, I couldn’t help myself. 


“Eiko Tamari?” Nejire asked. “Uhh she does the makeup for the models. But she’s on sabbatical for a bit. Why?”


“No reason,” I admitted. I grumbled under my breath. If she was on sabbatical it might be a pain in the ass to find her. I’d have to rethink my plan. That could wait. 


“Where are we off to?” I asked. 


“Your apartments,” Nejire said. “You’re here a week. You’ll need to stay somewhere.” We headed down a flight of stairs to the floor below where the training area was. Near the stairs was a grouping of rooms. 


“Pick a room,” Nejire said. “Not that one. That’s mine.”


“You just said-fine,” I groaned with a sigh. “Toru which room should we pick?”


“You will not be staying in the same room,” Mejire said. 


“Why?” I asked. 


“Because these walls are super thin,” she retorted angrily. 


I looked to Toru. She shrugged. “Sucks for you then,” I said. “If it bothers you so much you can just join us.” I gave her a wink and walked into the room by Toru. 


Dumping my luggage near the bed Toru did the same. I really didn’t see the point in pretending we were not going to be together. We turned to see Nejire in the doorway. 


“So what now?” I asked. 


“Now you are free to do whatever. Ryuko usually brings her new hires out for drinks. But since you’re young she will probably order dinner in. Do a meet and greet. You 2 did well in the tournament so people will want to meet you.”


“So we have a bit?” I asked. 


“A couple of hours,” Nejire said. 


I nodded. Moving over I picked up Toru and threw her on the bed. She giggled as she landed. Bouncing up off the mattress a bit I was quickly on her. Kissing her slowly she reciprocated. 


Then I yawned big and turned to the side. Grabbing her head I pulled her into me. “Nap time,” I announced. 


“I knew it,” Toru said. “You’ve been training too hard.”


“Just some shuteye. We can pick up later,” I said, letting out another yawn. I began rubbing her temple. Snuggling up to me she let out a sigh as she found her spot on my shoulder. We enjoyed the alone time for a bit. At least we tried to. 


“Seriously? You’re just gonna sleep?” Nejire asked from the door. 


“What? We have had a long day. First we had school. Snuck away for a make out session. Then lunch. Some more school. Then more fooling around. Then packing. Then taking the train. It’s been a busy day,” I said. Toru nodded from my shoulder. Draping her leg on me as we relaxed. 


“This is a real hero agency,” Nejire said. “You 2 are treating it like a vacation.”


“It’s a couples retreat,” I said with a big smile. “Now shut up. Come over here. I have another shoulder. We can make it a throuple weekend.”


“I’m not doing that,” Nejire said with a blush. 


“Then shut the door and let us know when we need to show up for dinner,” I said. 


“You know, I’m in charge of you. My evaluation of your performance will be taken into account,” Nejire said, glaring at us. 


I groaned, sitting up. Toru mumbled angrily since she had to lay on s pillow. “Nejire, is there something we should be doing?”


“You could be walking around. Getting to know people. Training…other stuff.”


“I train a minimum of 6 hours a day,” I told her. “So when I want a nap. I’ve earned it. That other stuff can wait until this dinner. If you don’t want to be here. You can leave. I thought you liked us. Yet you’ve been nothing but hostile since we met you. I don’t have the energy or drive to figure out your issue at this time. So we will be napping. Enjoying probably the first time we have been able to be alone for days now. I would appreciate it if you told us when this dinner starts. Whether you are in here or out there doesn’t matter to us.” 


I eyed her up and down. She was cute, but still glared at me. “Please shut the door. You pick which side of it you are on.” Laying back down she didn’t move. “5-4-3-2.” The door shut and she walked over to the bed. I hid a smile as she climbed over me and Toru. Laying on my other side. 


We laid there for a bit. I began running my hands through their hair and in a matter of minutes all 3 of us were asleep. 

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