Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 105

24. Swallow the Tower! 3

Tuda! Tuda!

Aside from the scattering sound of the BFG Colbat, the Great Fortress is completely silent. There are still working sorcerers on the ruins all over the hillside, a fortress that had been laid waste to pieces.

Occasionally, the enchantment worked, causing various monsters to emerge, from vicious trolls to disgusting undead, but they had to be unssummoned and brutally grinded wherever a spreading bomb fell from the sky.

Aside from the sound of that short war, the fortress was like a pan of baking bacon. Once a fortress and a tower, the stones are boiling. And the heat rising in between caused a flurry of rage.

The water in the fortress was vaporized and flowing from everywhere. The whirlpool of blue magic blows away, and the keep remains silent.

[Captain, we have eliminated all external defenses as instructed. The outer walls of the fortress have been completely shattered and they are powerless to pursue enemy combat. However, all internal improvements have not been destroyed, and the remaining enemy forces are continuing to attack from within the fortress. If you want to silence it completely, you have to go into the mountains.]

“Cease firing. Prepare to move in. ”

Krasus looks at the hologram rising above the table, casting additional stealth and undetectable spells on the captain and himself. A drone flew in and sprinkled nanograms to get a full map of the battlefield on the table.

By this afternoon, the great granite fortress, glowing with majestic red light, had fallen like an earthquake. At the very least, some of the entrances leading up to three or four divergent paths eventually survived and ran close to the center of the mountain pass.

“Captain, I think we need to re-cast the protection spells. I’m starting to feel more gaze. A more powerful spell is needed to keep you from looking at it with divine spells. There’s been a lot of erosion. As expected, this is the most annoying thing. There’s more than one or two things you need to do from Spell Immunity to Prophecy Defense. It’s nothing compared to a dragon, of course. ”

Although the wizards of the Tower could not have predicted a champion-level war, they were able to see the future with their own magic tricks, including historic crystal balls and tarot cards. Krasus snorts and carefully blocks it all.

She looks at Krasus’ defensive magic and says,

“Your Majesty, may I have a word? ”

Both Schleivich and the Chief of Staff pledged allegiance to the Captain, Mana Circle. The captain did not trust the vows made with complex magic and gave them a pill of loyalty neatly. It was a drug containing nanobots. That’s why they’re calling the captain King now, and Schleivich speaks politely.

“Your Majesty, the Senate must have a black spell. ”

“Black spell? ”

“Suicide code, or equivalent control code. The other four weren’t paid for, but they will be used as soon as Luca Forest Ashley is occupied. ”

“You mean we need to stall. ”

The Magic Node was the top priority of the Horse Tower and if it was stolen from the enemy, it was a ‘heavy damage’. Therefore, at the very least, the level of self-destruct should be controlled remotely to prevent the enemy from jumping.

Moreover, the last remaining Ashley is now a facility covering the entire magical grid of the continent.

Stealing this was like handing over the lifeline of the tower. Also, the explosion alone could swallow up an enemy force.

“Yes, we need to show that not only are we desperately defending the occupation, but we are actually pushing it away. because there are so many magical eyes out there right now looking at us. And the rest of the time, we have to decipher the spell code and take the spell. ”

With the spellcode interpretation, the captain was not worried because there were Tyrants and Crassus here.

“Let’s play a play. Excellent. Let’s send out the android soldiers. How are we going to defend them? And where do we go to get the codes? ”

“Ashley has meticulously crafted defense strategies in many forms. First, if an enemy attack is anticipated, the Wizard Towers will be assisted by teleportation as their first defense strategy. But because the enemy anticipates and attacks, a second defensive strategy is to knock down all the thick walls of the fortress and block the way inside. ”

“Then what’s that sparkling entrance? ”

The captain points to the center of the nanogram moving on the table. The metal entrance was exposed as if it had been extended inward.

“That’s a trap. It’s bait for those trying to get through the collapsed perimeter and into the entrance. That passageway leads directly to the camouflage of the other dimensional monster. Monsters will be summoned to block the passageway and the weather will be controlled at will. ”

Tyrant told me.

[Captain, I’m picking up a bio-signal under a pile of rubble. Giant insects lurking in the dirt.]

Defend with a magical tower, but at worst, cause a landslide to bury the fort and use it as bait pretending that a single path has been uncovered by chance. And summons all the strange monsters to burrow their way into the keep and use them as magic traps.

It was a thorough defense strategy. Anyone is forced to lose power just by getting close to it.

“If you teleport in there without clear coordinates and passwords, you’ll be floating in dimensions forever. But · · · · · ·”

“Yes! You have the code! ”

Krasus chants in peace. Schleivich nods.

“You and I need to show ourselves and attract the attention of the elders looking at this fortress. If I give you the coordinates, your men and mine will go with them.”

“No, I don’t believe you. Female. I’ll teleport you to the coordinates you gave me. ”

I teleported to the sub-coordinates. What if it’s in lava or space?

As Krasus growls, Schleivich swallows his saliva and takes a slight step back.

I took an oath with my mouth, but my mind is always free. Crassus stares at her sharply with suspicion that she might be prepared to die and relocate her teleport coordinates. Schleivich nods, nodding his head as if he had resigned.

“Of course, my dragon. Do what you want. Give me the coordinates and I’ll go inside with you and steal the code. ”

Teleportation was not a simple spell.

The ritual of the teleportation spell contained elaborate coordinates for time and space, so even a slight error could have thrown it away from the orbital axis of the alfazeta, which quickly flew through space, and into space. Every planet was flying through space really fast.

[Captain, the more I look at it, the more I wonder. It’s a miracle we can do this naturally with local warp. My heart flutters when the day comes when we can use warp warheads, not ICBMs. What better way to force them to teleport unwanted aliens?]

“Like a solar core. It’s gonna be a great ride. ”

Tyrant, of course, had no heart to palpitate, but the sweet, trembling voice was enough to know. We still don’t know how it works, but Po was working on it with his head in his grip. There will come a day when we can use this method.

“I’m looking forward to it. I hope I can study the Horse Tower with the energy it generates. ”

The teleport Po uses so far is to move to Nanograms, not moments of real meaning.

“Then, Your Majesty. I will leave my self-immolation and summon the Crows and Tree Spirits, 2,000 of them at the rear of the keep, and I will summon them again and again to protect the central trap. We would appreciate it if you could just postpone the damages. And I will summon all the wizards of our tribe and declare a coup at once. Would this be okay? ”

“Very well. Then I will march 500 metal skeleton-grade androids armed with electromagnetic rifles into collapsed walls to the west, central gates and burning cobblestone roads to the east. So this is where the battlefield should be torn apart. Tyrant, fill the android with artificial blood and advance. Oh, tell them to synchronize with about a hundred Territorial Territories and shout loudly. ”

[Copy that, Captain. Android regiment, on the move.]

Goo! With great drums and music, the android soldiers march on. This scene was broadcast throughout the Illuvelas province and required a demonstration of the captain’s military strength.

At the same time, the hostiles were enchanting the area as the Captain’s satellites and drones were acquiring various information from planet trajectories and altitudes. Enemies against the BFG Colbat and Android forces who have already revealed their identity many times have probably prepared a plausible defense strategy.

“Baron, keep summoning your troops to battle while I’m gone. We have to make it look like we’re fighting the best we can. ”

“Yes, Your Excellency. ”

Schleivich takes out the Wizard’s Hall with a large opal and gives it to the baron. The baron knelt down and politely accepted the hall.

As he breathes his magic into the hall, widespread forests spread out behind the keep, and crows fly in and sit on the trees that dropped all the leaves in the winter.

The trees that the crows sat on seemed to have sprouted black leaves. However, this heavy silence, without even the slightest sound, stunned those who faced it, despite the massive gathering of ravens that had darkened the forest.

“Dragon, I’ll send you the coordinates. Go ahead.”

“I’ll let you go first. ”

She takes out the parchment and recits the incantation. The magic ink moves and delivers the circular coordinates. The words appeared on the left cover as if the barcodes were layered on top of each other.

Krasus seriously deciphers the coordinates and chants his words pointing to Schleivich’s forehead.

“Don’t resist. Well, that would be useless. ”

Soon, the body of Schleivich melts away. Krasus glares at the professor’s uneasy gaze. As the professor slowly dodged the eye, Krasus made a few magical tests with a satisfactory look on his face. You can clearly feel Schleivich’s presence inside the portal. Soon after reviewing them, Crassus vanishes with the same coordinates.

The baron sees them leave, casting a spell, raising the hall and creating a giant magic circle on the floor.

“Your Grace, I will advance the Tree Spirit. ”

“Then I’ll be on my way. Get in touch with them. ”

The captain flicks his fingers and leaves with two androids that look exactly like humans.

The captain moves so stealthily that he reveals himself, setting up a large terrestrial barracks in the hills near Illuvelas, in the northern part of the keep.

I boldly took a large golden throne and set it up without a tent on the hill, as if everyone else was watching. It was a good place to look down on the battlefield. Strong field generators were installed around it.

[Captain, the Android regiment is advancing.]

“Those trees, it’s like climbing up a mountain upside down. ”

The Black Forest, where the crows descend, climbs over the collapsed fortress rather than reversing the scene of the landslide being swept away. On the other side, an army of androids marches forward in a row. Soon after, there was a struggle between the territorial forces synchronized with the android and the tree spirit on which the crow sat.


You hear Samir’s synchronized voice. As the Black Android battalion begins to run, it climbs up the slope. At the top, four-footed trees walked on their shoulders and threw stones with a huge swarm of crows.



The crows flit up, whistling at the same time, and spilling like arrows. A raven’s razor-sharp beak is inserted into the body of the android running from the front.

Grinding and sparking, several Android stops working. The android was a machine, but it was a humanoid machine with a humanoid joint that resembled the human body, so once the crows were inserted into the joints, it could no longer work.

However, the Android was not alone.

Numerous metal skeleton-grade androids have formed a network to fire their rifles. Ravens flying across the sky fell favorably, and all the hillsides were suddenly filled with the blood of crows mixed with the artificial blood of Android.

Glug glug

The android’s flamethrowers blaze from all over. I smelled the nasty smell of roasted crow meat roasting alive as it burned in a single batch. The stench and black smoke flow along the slopes, and now the flames continue to burn to the trees.

However, in response, the tree spirits surrounded the androids with their full bodies, without any spark. At the same time, enormous singer-like bugs rise from the ground, wrapping the androids in enormous numbers of legs.

“You’re well prepared for defense. ”

[BFG Colbat. Open fire.]

A circulating BFG Colbat spills a cannonball over the sound of burning firewood and the sound of soldiers fighting. Then, with the sound of Tatata!, you focus only on the giant insects. The tough upper of the bugs hit by the bullet shatters and the green bodily fluids erupt.

[Psionic Energy Detection. It’s large-scale climate control.]

Suddenly the weather begins to dim and the storm begins to fall. The cold rainfall attempts to extinguish the flames of the burning Tree Spirit. The wood that was directly hit by the flame solution was never extinguished by the rain, but the fires themselves quickly cooled.


A massive lightning bolt landed on Colbat, and BFG Colbat’s CIWS system was struck by lightning and no more bullets were spilled.

Colbats were supposed to lead the battlefield with overwhelming firepower, but after being struck by lightning, they were merely surrendered as lightning strikes for the androids.

However, Colbat prevented the thunderbolts as they flew over the Android troops. However, all the androids were made of metal, so lightning struck them senselessly.

“Must be nice to watch. Looks like he’s gonna win. ”

But that time Krasus and Schleivich were running rampant to take over the internal codes.

[Captain, if you acquire the code and take control of the Magic Grid, what will you do first?]

“First, we have to draw out the elderly who are looking at this scene. Confirm your location and I’ll fire a cannon to kill you. ”


thitapel Co-man

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