Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 109

25. Arden’s Inside the Head 3

Entering the dream was like slipping into a cave of jewelry that glowed in total natural color. I felt a glittering sensation that stretched my mind and body. Dr. Francesco’s voice also growled and grew long.

Recalling that voice for a long time, I could barely understand what it meant, but it seemed to mean something like this.

“Captain, the timeline is slow with the outside, but you can’t go back if you keep stalling. If you have a lot of damage in your dreams, you can do the same in real life. Be careful.”

“Equal damage” meant death.

A few moments later, the captain finds himself standing at the bottom of the deep sea.

“I miss my hometown even in my dreams. ”

[I wish it wasn’t in the cold ocean. Captain.]

The captain shakes his head, smiling. I have fought on many of the stars of the universe. Stars, orbital rails, asteroid regions, and many other places break Alien bones.

There were so many beautiful places to say this vast universe, but there was no place as beautiful as Earth. Even though it was deeper in the Bering Strait than the ice.

Thick water pressure pressurizes the Washts. But Wartsuit is a tactical weapon, costly to the destroyer, built to fight aliens in extreme environments than the oceans on Earth. This amount of pressure could be sufficiently coped with the output of the force field.

Captain Washts lights up the front, and with a strong glow, clear underwater glow. From the gigantic king crab, swirling water grass, coral reefs, conch, and other unidentified animal plants were tightly composed of an underwater ecosystem.

“You care about the details. ”

[It’s more edible than it actually is. I had to have Arden work 30 hours straight.]

“Poor thing, must have been hard. ”

More than 32,000 Ardens were truly pitied. Not enough hard labor. How frightened would his subconscious be of fighting a captain’s zombie nightmares?

The captain suddenly encountered walkers in washsuits surrounding the area. They are drawn by the captain’s light and rush out of the dark sea. But I don’t have time to argue with imaginary zombies. The captain picks up the Warhammer Magneta and points to the front, and the water rushes out.

There is a void in the globe around the captain’s body. It was because a powerful magnetic field spilled from Magneta pushed off the anti-magnetic water. The gas was forcibly separated in the water and sucked into the empty space, mixed with the pushing water and incoming gas and thick water pressure, creating a hydrodynamic very complex cyclone.


The scream that should have been shouted out of the water swept through the air. Cyclone sweeps through the zombies resembling the captain.

Red blood was scattered in the sea, and soon crabs came from somewhere and ate blood and flesh. It was not very pleasant to see a corpse that resembled him eaten, no matter how hypothetical. The captain frowned.

“It’s not just about keeping nightmares like this from waking up. ”

[Yes, sir. Arden’s subconscious is now retracing the process of concealing the code. As the scope of the interpretation grows, Arden is replacing the interpretation data and executing more complex encryption. Nightmares are what we predicted, but the process of interchange between encrypted data was unpredictable. But luckily, we found the central axis of the data exchange process while we were tracking the nightmare backwards.]

For example, the way Arden 1 exchanged data with Arden 10 was unpredictable, and the central axis of the trade was in this deep sea.

[Arden’s subconscious was searching for the deepest, darkest place in the world, but it must have been his dream. On a large scan, a large temple was discovered at the bottom of the ocean.]

“Temple? Got it. Summon the equipment and let’s go. Load data.”

Soon the summoned Big Bear appeared in Arden’s dream. The armored car speeds past the massive underwater valley, withstanding pressure. Every time the vehicle passed by, dust flew and animals hid.

After a short run, a massive temple shaped building appears. Above it was a golden statue of a man with a spear carved into it, and a decoration of armor from the front door.

It gives the impression that an ancient civilization that had been destroyed a long time ago sank into the sea. However, there were no resolutions to surround the building, and it looked neat as if it had just sank or teleported.

“The bubbles are closing in. Is it penetrable?”

[No problem. I’ll turn it off.]

Big Bear tears the bubble gently and enters. Instead of water, the air fills up and the front door of the temple is sealed tightly.

As soon as the captain gives the order, virtual androids spill out of the armored car, ripping off all the hinges with an arc welder. Soon the door opened wide and a magnificent interior facility was revealed.


You hear a voice full of joy. A gigantic tentacle wraps around the columns inside the temple, and in the middle is an eye suspended between the dreadful red-brown neural cord. Red tears fell from my eyes. The captain gives me goosebumps for a moment.

I know exactly what that statue is! The eyes of the beast, the Hive Mind! The hot breathing sounds of it hurl against Captain Waschuth.

The captain shakes his hand furiously.

“No more trivial threats! Are you trying to scare me with your stupid hive mind? ”

The big eyes flinch for a moment, then say.

“Aren’t you afraid of this body? ”

The captain picks up the plasma pistol from his arms and shoots it into the eye without saying anything. A lump of compressed plasma flew rapidly through the eyeball and burst. The blood flows through the cracked area, and my eyes collapse like a blown balloon.

The giant eye that was shot gradually shrinks and becomes a human figure. He was a young boy with a white coffin on his head and his eyes closed in a long robe. The white skin and the delicate golden hair looked sacred.

“I’m sorry for testing it this way. But I needed it. Well, you’ll soon find out who I am, won’t you? ”

In a mysterious atmosphere, the boy was shining with vague beauty, whether it was a man or a woman. Moreover, he closed his eyes like Yongsin Wheaminaide.

“I know about the imposing golden temple, the Aliens. You’re closing your eyes. It makes me think of you as a dragon gelnorim. Is that wrong?”

The disgusting tentacles surrounding the temple melt away, and a faint golden glow flashes through the temple. Gelnorim had an interesting smile on his mouth in the form of a young gesture.

“If it’s a question of whether I’m real or not, What do you think of this? ”

“Are you happy with the leading answer? I can’t believe you actually ordered the disinfection of this star. ”

Gelnorim frowned without answering. As he sat on the chair at the giant table of his days, the maidens dressed in golden glitters set up over a hundred golden bowls filled with food at the long table. Gelnorim twists his legs and puts his clasped hands on his knees. Each finger was fitted with a rainbow ring.

“I don’t care about that. I just needed to talk to you. You wouldn’t have gotten into Arden’s head like this unless it was a so-called cosmic hazard. Don’t you think? I barely made it. I hope you enjoy it. Come on, sit down. We have a lot to talk about. ”

The captain sits down with repeated urges. According to him, the golden candlesticks are lit. A golden chandelier flashes over your head and sprinkles light. The acolytes also drop their meal in front of the captain and leave. The bells began to sing and dance.

“A splendid banquet to occupy in others’ heads.”

“I can’t help it. I wanted to take you to my Plain Golden Svallana, but now there are so many eyes watching you. If I tried to intervene in a seemingly straightforward manner in the backyard of each other, we’d be under heavy attack soon. We had to use all sorts of means to keep them out of the picture. Spent a lot of magic, a lot of resources. So I’d like you to join me for dinner. Well, that explains a lot. ”

It meant that the order to destroy the Alpha Zeta in the courtyard that was being watched by many eyes was to do with the sweetener Kina. The captain still hasn’t touched the piled forks and knives. He asked straightaway.

“Let me make sure. Tell me the coordinates of the Warp Gate. ”

Gelnorim sighs, drinks lemon juice, and paints in the air.

“I’m tired of being so skeptical.”

They were magical coordinates made in three dimensions. Tyrant scans those coordinates.

[Captain, I’ll tell you when I’ve located the coordinates.]

If the distance accessible with the optical observation equipment prepared for Tyrant could be determined to be the distance that gamma rays explode. If no gamma explosion is detected around the coordinates sent by the Gelnorim, the summon was just a blurring card.

“There’s a big difference between the outside world and here. You must have contacted her somehow. Relax and eat until you get an answer. ”

“You know a lot about me. Seeing as how you ask for food in a yard like that makes me suspicious. I won’t eat it.”

“That’s harsh. Well, it’s good to have control in that way. I feel ambition.It’s invisible to ordinary Humans. That’s exactly what I was looking for. Maybe it’s because there are two hearts? What do you think? How’s that working out for you? I thought Ramon’s army was coming for you. Destroying four Ashleys in the Horse Tower is not enough to destroy that world. It’s all out of the question. Out of common sense.”

“That’s exactly what you did. Why would they do something like that?”

The boy-shaped jellyfish continued the story by slicing the steak in front of it into several pieces. Red juice flows out.

“I’ve been interested since you first appeared on this star. The green dragon approached you first and sucked your finger. You avoided our prophecy many times. All we could foresee was the pitiful fate of those you destroy. Your methods, powers, abilities, and many others didn’t seem to have black fog on them. How could you not care?”

Gelnorim takes a bite of steak and smiles in the room.

“You broke the head of the young dragon, Krasus, which caused the Pantheon to explode on the surface of the star at the beginning of many years. So was I, the Lord of Manchuria and the Lord of the Forest. I was so surprised by that prediction! We planted slaves fighting desperately on every route you could find, but the winner was the Green Dragon Tribe. A woman of the Green clan, who hid herself in the arms of the mercenary Herminide. I was very sorry to hear that. ”

Gelnorim shrugged his shoulders and said,

“Of course it is. The prophecy of the Great Crystal only binds those who use the power of the Great Crystal. It often doesn’t work for the likes of you in this world. Unless you’re killing people who use the power of the Great Crystal. Of course, you have to choose whether you believe me or not. ”

The captain shakes his head.

“I am not of this world. It’s just a distant past. ”

“Past? What are you talking about? ”

“The details are long. And it’s not funny to hear. ”

The captain didn’t say anything specific about his origins. It’s not too late to show your Hand after checking the opposing Pokémon’s Hand.

“Hm. Anyway, this is the world we already live in. What should we call you if you’re not from another world? ”

The captain refused. I didn’t want to insist on breaking the moon with Tyrant, creating a planetary magnetic field, and controlling the moisture concentration to make the entire planet a ‘livable space.’ It was because the more I remembered the story, the more I felt offended by the 100,000 years.

“Zenorim. Take your hands off the alien’s power. The great power is returning. Everything you deal with or see now is a joke, and those beings will be all over this sky. ”

An army of predators with cosmic horrors. The Dunamist-class army is not a planet, it is a monster army that will blow up a system.

They are also monsters the size of which can swallow the planet as it is with a colonized alien fortress. A horror parade of monsters with hundreds of millions of vanguard troops trying to prey on planets can terrorize civilizations without cyanic pollution.

The captain’s warning seemed to have been taken differently by Zenolim. It was because he was smiling brightly with a completely different face. Zenolim sings joyfully, pointing to the captain with a knife.

“Yes, that’s it. I want that reaction. Captain, think about this. You fought fiercely against these monsters. And I’m still showing that determination in front of me. This is the difference between us and that inferior creature, you and I. ”

“Excuse me?”

The captain couldn’t understand his reaction. Gelnorim took a quick sip of lemon juice and said joyfully.

“Captain! You know that, right? In fact, anyone who’s more than a champion can feel the magical power they’re betting on. We Florajes are all the same. Everyone feels the magical power of these monsters from beyond the universe. Everyone acts like that day’s not coming, but we all know the truth! It’s as clear as the fact that night will come when the sun goes down. The celestial bodies are already strangely aligned and contaminating the fragile mortals and the minds of foolish, little creatures. You know what the consequences are, don’t you? ”

The gelnorim pushes the food on the table to the side and sweeps away the tablecloth. A magical map was drawn in the swept place. Immediately, the crystals were split apart from one another. It was divided into areas with black shadows and splendid rainbows.

“Behold! A third of the Great Crystal is saying they want to serve that alien as a new god! ”

According to the map, the rainbow area was 1/3, the black area was 1/3, and the area was surrounded by dark flames. Looking at the map for a moment, Zenolim laughed loudly and said.

“Puh, puhahaha! Oh, my God! You believe there are people worthy of worship other than dragons! Idiots! Puhahaha! I don’t even know what God is. ”

The captain looks up at the Zenolim and looks up at the sky. I felt like I had forgotten the fundamental makeup of this war for a moment.

The dragons worshipped them for a long time, and they finally ‘believed’ that they had gained divinity.

It was like the Pharaoh of Egypt or the madness of the Roman Caesar who believed he was a god.

Their power, and the ion of mortals pouring against them. A magical crystal of cosmic scale that can handle it.

The dragons with the necessary control over the Great Crystal called themselves Yongsin, and twelve Yongsin gathered to form Floraju. Obviously, this power was much more convincing than the madness of people like Caesar. In fact, it is the backyard that controls rain and life.

They think they’re the only God after all. Humans build massive temples and entrust them to the Teacher. Not only does it govern the lives of those who use the magic of the Great Crystal, but it also knows their fate. Life and death are all things that must be allowed by the hand of the Dragon God.

Eventually, his arrogance settled deep in his bones, creating a psychological state that no human captain could comprehend.

Their delusions were real. They mistook themselves for gods. And the gelnorim is banging on the table with a smile.

Maybe it’s also some kind of cyanic contamination?

The captain knew.

unconditional worship

Or a narcissistic madness.

It was a cruel method for planetary predators.


thitapel Co-man

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