Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 113

27. Rebuild Illuvelas

“Society is not something you should simply think about. Perhaps we have a means and organization to legally dispose of all suspected alien contamination. ”

Tripod is a heretic on Treasure Island immediately! It was too much to shout. Even if they tried to shoot, they didn’t have to react so violently. They were different species and had different religions.

Now that I think about it, the captain thought it was probably the reason the powerful wizard’s spirit was contaminated first.

“It is said Satan disguises himself as the angel of light. Consignment with the inspectors is paramount in order to hide the wicked. It was common to become a mafia patron even when there was no alien contamination, shouting that the mafia should be wiped out. ”

Of course, she blinks, not knowing what Satan and the mafia mean. The captain speaks rather than waiting for an answer.

“The contamination the aliens inflicted was terrible for us. Either the whole system goes crazy or genocide happens all the time. The psychosis they cause is called the Necrolupus phenomenon. People were eating each other like animals. Alive or dead. What is special is that ‘intellectually advanced’ people were contaminated first. Instead of ordinary people who are young. The first to” rationalize “their desires a little more intellectually sophisticated was rotting. ”

“Your Grace, I’m sorry, what are you talking about? Is this about the magical plague?”

“No. It’s about my hometown, and the enemies that come here. Killing machines made of bones and flesh.”

The captain stood up and inspected the other crates, plucking the powder from his hands. It was worthless to check the box. I just couldn’t bear to say such a painful story with nothing in my hand.


Schleivich mutters as if trying to engrave his ominous name. The captain nods heavily.

Necrolupus. Womanizing corpses.

As the Alien fleet approaches, they send a special Sionic pulse to sweep through the entire system. Facilities that are not equipped with strong defensive equipment experience contamination at the DNA stage due to cyanic.

At first, it is a minor change that occurs in the brain.

Several signals are disrupted in the human brain. People feel appetite from each other’s body odor, and then the frontal lobe is slowly paralyzed. Initially, meaningless sexual activity increases throughout the system. Instead of admitting that people felt appetite for each other, they just felt sexual appetite.

More secret sexual activity throughout the planet. Meaningless rebellion and bizarre sexual activity traverse the entire system because they cannot fulfill their original desires. People trying to cover up the signs of shameful sexual intercourse block technologies to prevent crime, such as turning off the CCTV.

The captain extends his waist and looks up at the mountain in the container box.

Immediately, those who can no longer endure the appetite felt in each other’s bodies think about how to kill and eat each other more secretly all day long.

“Yes. Eating each other ‘sane’ happens. ”

Among them, those who are weak in cyonic resistance hate themselves for being delusional. Those who cannot stand begin to harm themselves, and those drawn to the smell of their blood devour him unknowingly all night.

People get nervous when there’s a storm like that. At first, they try not to admit the fact. Violence and murder began to spread in the city in secret, and the defensive power of the whole system decreased dramatically. How can a community that doesn’t trust each other defend itself militarily?

In the midst of that chaos, the alien fleet descends into the system through slip space in space.

As soon as the fleet enters the system, contamination at the protein level begins. Bugs like wheels and ants living in the house are the size of dogs, attacking people, changing the living, and even dead bodies arise. The powerful cyanic of the alien hive mind dominates all proteins.

Those who deny the truth can no longer deceive.

Nobody’s fooled anymore. However, no one can stop what is happening.

Those who are desperate worship the aliens and are eaten alive.

“It’s common in the natural world. Like a parasite that tricks an ant into a bird’s stomach. The difference would be that it devours both one system and the myriad of people in it.”

“Your Grace, is there anything you can do to cure the infection?”

The captain pauses, silent as a hard glacier.

“At first, the only way to deal with pollution was by fire. It’s still useful, of course.”

That’s why Washts is equipped with a terrible flamethrower, a black burn, and why the captain was able to burn bandits so easily.

Appropriate prescriptions, non-prescription-only systems that cut tumors, collapse from the inside. Subsequently, the alien fleet is hit by merciless contamination rounds and live ammunition and completely destroyed.

That way, the aliens devour the whole system, then lead the fleet of death again and roam the life-filled universe. From here to there. Scroll through.

“We fought desperately. And we’ve developed an anti-alien contamination wave. If the DNA in the brain wasn’t distorted in the early stages of contamination, we might be able to overcome that. ”

A giant piston on top of the Tyrant. Every time it hit the resonant electromagnet hard, it reminds me of a view of the cleansing of the alien contamination of gnosis. Schleivich cautiously asked.

“If · · · · ·. What if the wizards are inspected and they find out about it? ”

His face was very tense. Not all of them can be trusted yet, but they reacted very differently to the man who used to be a jeweler for the same Triford. There are many contexts, but the captain just nodded and said.

“Take out your brain or burn it. ”

The captain said in a grave.

His face pales. Schleivich’s thoughts got complicated. How far do I have to trust this?

What if all this Captain is saying is that he’s just a cheater and he wants to bring in all the wizards to carry out his historical verifications and massacres? Are the prophecies about the fact that if the Horse Tower falls, we will build a Wizard Camp?

But the captain was determined. He glances at the mandrake this time and throws it back into the box.

“I’ll make the outside of the building in a day. Fill all the interior facilities with this material within a week. Then announce the coup’s success and summon all wizards. Make it clear that those who do not respond to the summons will be dealt with as treason. They tried to slaughter 20,000 people by number. Let the monarch know there’s no escaping his wrath. ”

persecution of wizards has been frequent throughout history. The reason the first tower was built was also to ensure the safety of the wizards in each country.

The monarchs wanted to put a necklace around the fire-breathers’ necks and drag them to the battlefield. So the existence of the tower has been against the freedom of the wizards since birth.

He wondered at how shocking these extreme policies would be. But the captain was not unaware of that. He robs his hands and says,

“There is no mercy in the presence of alien pollution. I’d rather be a demon than let people get eaten in Necrolupus. ”

The captain was a tyrant to the bone.

Schleivich was able to feel that twisted.

* * *

Schleivich’s work was swift. Purple spirits rose, naming the last Ashley floating round, proclaiming its name to all the forces of the Old Tower, and utterly taking control of the facility.

The new name of the facility was given to Captain Cristae as if it reminded him of the mitochondria in the cell.

Captain, why don’t you make it mitochondrial?], but the captain shakes his head. He said, “Later, when you take control of the main point of the Great Crystal, you decide to name it that way.” I said.

In front of Crystal Ball, Schleivich told wizards all over the world who had been watching the war all night.

“So this massive craft is inhumane evil magic all the way through. If it’s our elders who use this magic randomly, how are we different from those evil black wizards?

The elders who disrespected the oath of life, which wizards first learned of magic, are no longer worthy. The captain destroyed Ashley with legitimate vengeance against his people who had lost their lives in the waters.

But it was always a defense against survival. And at the same time, he captured all the elders. I negotiated with Captain Ashley as the great king of the tower, and he accepted our surrender.

There are no more steeples. All the Magic Grids belong to Captain Illuvelas. Silver dragons guarantee this. ”

Schleivich was seriously reading the speech.

Then Schleivich stepped forward with a silver dragon, Krasus. I didn’t say anything great. The face of a giant silver dragon appeared, nodding and confirming Schleivich.

However, the shock was tremendous because Dragon, who was always independent and in his own way, took the king’s side. How evil would the Senate be if the Divine Constabulary took the king’s side? There were so many people who thought.

“Your Majesty, we hope that all wizards will soon come to the new tower in Illuvelas and register for this. There will be no harm to the registrant.

The number of wizards who register will receive more than 50,000 Demon Hearts at the market price, as well as about 100 gold in jewelry dust.

On the other hand, if you don’t register a new registration within the year, it will be resolved as a rebellion. Furthermore, registrations will be excluded from the Magic Grid, which will prevent the use of magic from using the earth’s terrain. If your organization or organization refuses your rule, it will be destroyed by the super-spread spell that destroyed Ashley. ”

He was speaking boldly, but in his mind all sorts of emotions were converging. Not all political action could be given simply by speech. There were still those who dreamed of struggling. How will the captain deal with such people? Is there really going to be a massive purge?

While Schleivich was speaking, the captain was in Ixa. The silver machine brain illuminates with a blue lamp in a murky vibration.

There were countless flasks floating around and a new pink brain was acquired in turn. Sounds like a dolphin diving into the water. Dolphins sleep half their brains, but half their brains are awake. These brains had to stay awake forever as if they were asleep.

A bundle of nano-fiber nerves arose in the flask and sat around the brain. The captain stands in front of Ixa and watches the elders’ brains fuse into her system. Immediately, the protections loosened and saw the elders’ brains connected in series within Ixa.

The captain looks at it and sees a flask flashing white from the corner. The giant cylindrical flask was consuming an enormous amount of power unlike those around it, and the brain was still showing more than 200 hertz of brainwaves, as shown on the dashboard.

“Francesco. How’s Arden?” ”

“I’ve suffered too much. Why don’t you give it a rest? ”

“Sorry, Francesco. Inside is the incarnation of the Gelnorim. Reduce the pain but keep the dream alive so he doesn’t die. Maybe I should go see him someday. ”

“Do you think that’s best? ”

Francesco’s voice is accompanied by a gentle gesture. A physician’s AI struggled over whether it was right to inflict merciless pain on the spiritual world with political requirements. But the captain nods sadly.

“Yes, Francesco. Please understand, the situation we are in is · · ·. ”

“Yes, sir. If we want to prevent more damage, we can’t help it. I know, but think about it. Many of these sufferings are grief itself.”

“Of course. I’ll think about it. But now, save Arden’s pain, but keep him alive. ”

“Very well. I’ll keep that in mind. ”

Francesco, greeted by the captain, nodded and returned to his seat to manipulate Arden. What good is a seat for an artificial intelligence? This was just a gesture that showed his distance. Soon, Arden’s extensive brainwaves, which had surpassed 200 hertz, gradually stabilized and dropped to 100 hertz. However, it was still an unbearable electroencephalogram for ordinary people.

The captain looks at the instrument board and commands Tyrant.

“Tyrant, dig up secrets from the elders. ”

[Copy that, Captain. I’ll use Ixa to analyze the inside of the elders.]

They also had protection, of course, but it was weaker than Arden’s. After attacking Arden’s Protect multiple times, Iksa, familiar with Magical Protect, was able to soon hack through the magical mental barrier by pressing forward.

Immediately, the identity fused with Ixa began to discuss the deep secrets of the elders.

“Non-funding, sexual harassment, secret bases, espionage lists, operations to deny, real estate speculation. Reading magic. Take out any secret. It should be used as a means of trading.”

Huge scandals, huge scandals. Soon, not only did the captain’s demands become increasingly data-driven, but there began to be a huge collection of specific magical techniques that used magical components, terrestrial magic, and giant crystal magic.

[Captain, useful cyonic techniques. It’s not the way we imagined it. We can combine all of this with a new form of wizarding.]

“It would be better to teach in a new tower as a formal standard method of education. ”

As long as the magic itself can be produced in a nuclear cell, it was not a dream to build a large fleet of wizards as crew members.

“Tyrant. Calculate priority and dispatch a diplomatic android. Escorts have more than a hundred android carriers attached to two available escorts. Make it clear to all the Wizards that we have all of their weaknesses and that we will give them three days. Inside, if it harms a diplomatic android, punish it with a nuclear bomb immediately. I will not tolerate any reprisal. ”

[Copy that, Captain.]


thitapel Co-man

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