Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 119

30. Finding the Catarian 009 1

The captain has intentionally distanced himself from the chaos and training of his men around the world. It was because the captain didn’t need to touch it.

Belu has already had a good match with Tyrant as long as he has undergone a basic brain function improvement procedure. One Belu accepted people from all over the world. Moreover, the buildings that were built quickly with concrete went up for a long day, but that was not enough to create a vast tent village around it, and people were constantly buzzing.

There were a lot of complicated things to do with other people’s languages, but that allowed the Refugee Camp to roll.

Although the production line could not be used, no one was hungry because at least nutrients and essential nutrients could be overflowed.

At the same time, Crassus frequently destroyed and plundered the Mansion’s facilities. The coordinates of the Pantheon facility were not built on top of the alfazeta. The map given by Whisminide showed a ‘thin’ area of the dimensional wall between the Alphazeta and the Manchun Temple facilities.

Then Krasus tore up the dimension, burned down the facility and smashed it. Inside the portal was a beautiful colorful world with all kinds of flowers blooming, burning everything with an ion brace, leaving less ash.

The victorious Krasus exhibited a myriad of enchanted spears with different wizards. He returned with a basket full of various rare metals and magical ingredients, as well as gold. Tyrant was so radiant that one of them was a Dragon Heart. However, there was no Wernex as expected.

While they were busy running the territory, the captain locked himself in the concert hall and immersed himself in training for several days.


A deep breath emanates from his body, and his body flutters gently. His lungs were different from those of ordinary humans. Even all sorts of harmful poisonous gases could be cleaned, and energy synthesis could be possible, even without oxygen.

At the same time, his two hearts beat fiercely. A powerful error rotated, drawing 8 characters between the two hearts. As the rotation accelerated, a powerful magical force condensed throughout his body.

[It’s like creating a kind of internal lining in the human stomach, but it allows me to refine and store that energy in whole skin cells. It’s a good idea to keep it in one place for the average person’s brain, but it won’t work on you. How are you feeling?]

“You’ve turned the skin into some kind of battery. I feel refreshed.”

Tyrant feels somewhat chatty today, but that doesn’t interfere with the captain’s performance. The captain’s brain, which anyone could think of at the same time, was the pinnacle of human bioengineering. His brain was very sophisticated in controlling the flow of errors and physical responses. Soon, the order wrapped around my body and infiltrated all over my skin.


Once again, the performance is over with a deep breath. His body finally starts to sweat. Since the nanorobots are periodically cleaning up impurities in the body, there is little odor in the sweat spilled from the body.

Luna looks at it interesting from behind. The liquid that was pouring out of the captain’s body was not sweat, but a kind of spirit, an ectoplasm. It was a magical cycle seen only by masters.

Immediately, powerful cyonic energy sank throughout the body and was partially stored on graphene-shaped carbon nanochips installed between the skin. He opens his eyes and receives the towel Luna handed him.

“Thank you, Luna. ”

The captain greets Luna and wipes her torso with a magic towel. A warm flame rags from a towel made of fire by the spirit lord. A clean underwater flood gently sweeps through the captain and swallows fire from the ectoplasm. The captain handed Luna the towel and told Tyrant.

“Tyrant. I was too busy at first to get a bowel removal procedure, but I never imagined we’d be able to use cyanic in this new form. I guess life just doesn’t know it until it’s over. ”

[Yes, sir.]

Some Marines also had procedures to remove all of their intestines. It safely fills the body with a slightly harder metal, and all the energy needed was a strategy to transport it to a nanorobot.

At the end of the 21st Century, the idea spread quickly to many people, but the captain did not want to abandon the organs in his body. My wife and children wanted me to listen to their warm heartbeats as they lay on their chests.

“My body is full of energy. I can definitely feel the cyanic energy flowing through my skin. You took your time. It’s a terrible place for us to go. ”

“If it’s a terrible place, are you going to fight the vertebrae of the continent? ”

Luna’s voice trembles slightly. She often sent an army to attack the Catarian 006. Though the body did not reveal itself, it gives me goose bumps when I think of the memory of fighting strange twisted monsters.

She soothes with her palms the creeps on her arms that appear out of her sleeveless clothes.

“It’s okay not to worry too much. I have to get to the Spirit Queen alive, but she’s deep underground. Driving a jet stream of iron, swinging plums. ”

“Iron Jet Stream? Plum? I don’t know what you’re talking about. ”

Today, the science teacher’s share was Tyrant. Tyrant launches a hologram in the air. Inside the hologram was the Earth. The Earth was clearly showing the inside like a cut peach. Images of the crust, mantle, external nucleus, and internal nucleus were shown in turn.

Finally, he showed the terrifying pressure and the rapidly rotating liquid that melted in heat wrapped around the inner nucleus like a river. Luna swallows her saliva. I tried to get used to the occasional inhalation of things I had never seen in my life, but it was still difficult. Tyrant said in a warm voice.

[Luna, there is a nucleus in the middle of a normal star. Like our heart, the nucleus is beating, and the blood around the heart is spinning. This is the heart of an ordinary star. It’s our home.]

“Home · · · I know · but every time I hear it, it’s amazing and amazing. And this swirling whirlpool is the heart of a star?

It feels like the first time I saw my heart. ”

[Yes, it’s a beautiful sight. But the heart of this star that we’re stepping on, it was dead at first.]

Again, the video changed and appeared at the time of the first landing on Alpha Zeta. Alphazeta was a planet still floating in the Goldilocks Zone, a habitable region of Alpha Triul, a star slightly larger than the Sun.

Without a magnetic field, the surface was completely combusted by the cosmic radioactivity, mixed with gray and yellow, and there were no signs of life. The atmosphere burns and is sparse due to weak gravity and magnetic fields.

Video is the heart of a star. You showed me the core. There was hot, boiling liquid around the core, but it didn’t flow at all like liquid iron on Earth. Unfortunately, it was a metal that was not suitable for making a magnetic field.

[If that metal doesn’t flow, the planet will remain a burning wasteland forever. It’s like a beating heart.]

In the video, something like a giant pillar from the sky fell to the earth. It felt like a rainfall, dropping beautifully towards the surface.

[Look, Luna. That’s what the Catarian 009 looks like. We got ‘KATALIAN 009. PROGENITOR MODULE SYSTEM TERRAFORMING CORPORATION.]

Should I say pillar? Or should I say roots with lots of mouths? It had grassrooted columns that only grew spontaneously in different directions.

“It’s like the number of worlds. There was a story in our legend about the world’s water Eugdrasil. Maybe that’s the original tree? ”

“It’s a long way from trees, but yes. It’s okay to look like that. ”

The captain nods. Sometimes mythology fills the gaps in history. The Catarians 006 would not have had the power to deliver all the memories at the same time while guarding the sea. So you wait for these myths to come out and spread, and the truth hidden in them to come out.

For a moment, the captain remembered the tears on the beautiful face of the Catarian 006. She has really endured 100,000 years without stopping.

In the screen, you still see the Catarian 009 floating through the air, and the alfazeta clearly shows a cross-section like a cut fruit. Finally, the Catarian 009 takes orders and gently descends toward the ground.

As it touched the ground, it melted like liquid. A pillar of liquid is sucked into the ground as if it were sucking water. But it was clearly visible in the cross-section, riding down the ten giant liquid pillars that were going down in the mantle. The captain reaches out and points to the ten pillars and tells Luna.

“Luna, this is called a plum, a kind of heat column. Think of the air. The cold air sinks and the hot air rises. You’re coming up close to the ground, piercing the cold lava, and descending the spine of the continent. ”

It was weak to simply say ‘go down’. The grassrooted nanobots that were floating on the liquid pillar surround and hug the pool. The small hologram made it hard to realise its size, but it had the shape of a sphere that was hundreds of kilometers or more.

Soon, the thick plums sank to the vicinity of the outer nucleus by the Catarian 009 and began emitting a faint light. As a unique wavelength flows, energy is supplied around the external nucleus and eventually the metals begin to rotate.

“She · · · She just thought she was a crazy demon like Gnosis. But at the beginning of all this life, she was this close. ”

Luna reaches out and touches the hologram. Since it wasn’t a nanogram, Luna springs out an elasticity, looking at the silver jet stream rotating around the inner nucleus, as if she were putting her hand inside a transparent chest to touch the heart.

“Beautiful. Really, really beautiful. This is how the hearts of the whole world start beating. And my heart. and the hearts of my parents. That’s how life began for everyone on this star. ”

Luna glances at the devastating light without breaking her eyes. Her face is dazzled with joy, and her clean ears and neck run red. The captain said softly.

“Yes. It’s still beautiful to see. Though the spine of the continent. I thought the Catarian 009 was crazy. But for some reason, the planet’s magnetic field activity remains intact. Why?”

[You must hear the details in person to find out. I just hope that her Iquarium resin works just as well. Captain.]

Tyrant’s voice holds a delicate expectation. It would be nice to be sober, like 006.

I can only say that the Catarian 009 was severely insane as the captain of the continental vertebrae confirmed by video the troops sent from its spine.

“The spine of the continent is terrible. Freaky monsters. I’ve sent monsters to mock and despise the life of the earth. Horrible creatures that had to crawl into a crooked, rotten body.”

The video changed and a list of the monsters that the Catarian 009 dealt with was unfolded in a data file sent by the Catarian 006.

The myriad of monsters attacking Lotus Island looked disgusting and ugly together, and there seemed to be no similarities except that they were fiercely symmetrical and discordant.

“I created these monsters on purpose.”

Weird-looking ‘synthetic creatures’ from her. It seemed like a funeral home with a terrible taste made by a corpse leaning over it.

His ugly mouth was torn or his tongue was sticking out long, and his hair was like a dry mop. It was the best thing. Most of them had multiple arms and legs hanging from their huge bodies, smelling terrible, and their entrails were seeping with cyanide.

A mass of a corpse was literally sent to the enemy. The captain frowns and looks at it.

“I sense malice.”

I had no idea why they were making and sending things like that under the surface. If she had to construct a soldier, it would be better for her to send a powerful steel machine or a lava spirit.

And if you wanted to destroy the whole world, stopping the Jet Stream would be quick.

But why is it that we’re creating creatures that are less distant? I would rather restore the Dimensional Core Engine than go to that dangerous outer core to meet the Catarian 009 if I can.

“I would like to receive repair package services from PROGENITOR MODULE SYSTEM TERRAFORMING CORPORATION if I can. I mean, the CP invested in this planet was enormous. It had a dimensional core engine on.”

Normal nuclear development did not have a choice to turn the external nucleus. The 009 series for magnetic fields had to have extremely rare dimensional core engines throughout the universe. Even if the magnetic field does not stop, so far the engine has been functioning properly.

“Let’s move as soon as we’re ready to freeze. Tyrant, take good care of the planet’s surface. ”

[Of course, sir.]

thitapel Co-man

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