Captain wakes up 100,000 year later

Chapter 123

31. Starfish Hijacking 2

Enemies were numerous and strong. The knights were very classic. It was my first time fighting in Magma, although I was wearing a tunic.

Salamanders were sliding around in lava like fish, swiftly moving their tails and attacking knights from everywhere. The reason they didn’t fall down was because they were fully reinforced.


There is someplace surreal to be seen running around and fighting over lava. Surely those who are not familiar with this view can see it with their own eyes, but they will wonder if it is real.

But walking on hot fire, walking on lava, or the temperature is no different. In fact, the heat of lava is not hotter than a torch. So they almost fight on the torch.


A knight swung his sword and couldn’t stop it, but flew over the hot lava and crashed into the wall. With intense shock, he exhaled every breath in his lungs and sensed the final moment, but 10 minutes of oxygen contained in the special solution into his blood was enough to survive.

“Wake up! Get in line and fight! Never mind the lava! Think of it as fighting on shining water! ”

Samir yells and encourages.

“Hmm, the knights are fighting well. ”

Krasus looks at those who stand and fight in the lava. Lava is now kicking my thighs.

Soon, Samir struck down six spears in the six arms of the Salamander rushing towards him, plunging a sharp sword into his heart.

As the clear liquid picks up and pops out into the yellow lava, it bubbles up and becomes cooked broth and disperses. Soon after, the body of the lifeless salamander turned red like a ripe crab in hot lava.

“Hurt! Die by yourself!”

The other knights who gained courage before Samir’s deployment did their best to inflict small injuries.

“Samir! We’re going in! ”

The captain lunges at them and stomps them hard. The whole root flutters, and lava draws a crown and sweeps to all sides. The flame lizard flares its tongue as if it had been hit by hot lava.

The captain’s hand pierces the waves of lava and grabs the lizard’s tongue. As the soles of his tongue are torn off, the lizard screams, but the giant iron slaps his neck with his bare hands and cuts it off. Captain says.

“Save your head! I still have a lot to ask. ”

A creature that spills blood and ripens meat. Like Elves, half is spirits and half is life. So the captain and his guard slay the Salamanders and head for the mouth of the giant starfish.

Finally, I stood in front and looked around, and there was no equipment to open the door outside. The captain swings Magneta hard, and Kwak shrugs the hole in the starfish.

I pushed myself into it, and ironically, there was no magma in it. Wartsuit’s body reveals itself into the air. Next to him, Crassus swims up.


You hear a cry from inside. It is a dreadful place. A lava-flowing tube was installed on the floor instead of a torch, from which vapor and light were illuminating the interior. It was like the skin of dogs with leather sticking to their bones, slowly starving for months. The inside was wacky in color.

Some of the knights activated drones attached to suits, and dozens of small drones flew quickly to scan the interior facilities.

“Khan, scan the Magic Grid. I will occupy the most active area immediately. ”

As the Khan chants the incantation, you see a snarling vision. It was like a compass that only showed direction. The captain goes in that direction, but there’s only a wall of leather.

The captain doesn’t look back, sticks his sheep’s fists into the wall and tears them left and right.

As the wall was torn, you see the blood flow and the starfish shake.

“Your Majesty! I’ll do it!”

Samir and his guards rush up to the wall, stick their swords in the wall and scratch it out, and there’s a path.

“Ah! It’s a rock! Let’s see! ”

Crassus chuckles and pushes himself into the wall first. A long tongue flew over the wall and punched him in the face. The machine tendon rises on Krasus’ forehead as his saliva drips down his face.

“Krocta! Le Rache! Kiyaahhhh!”

The places that looked like walls opened wide, and small starfish salamanders poured down.

“You bastards! ”

Crassus ran, shouting the heavy shout of the running salamander. And then I chewed off the sheep’s neck of the nearest one.


The serrated blade ripped open her throat and gushed enormous blood all over the place.

“Gaaaa! This is better than I thought! ”

The captain cries out in horror.

“Krasus! We must keep our heads!” ”

“Tsu. Dark Glass! ”

According to him, even at Tultulda, Krasus started having a feast just down his neck, making sure he didn’t intend to disobey the captain’s orders. Since it was a dragon to eat gems in the first place, the salamanders living in lava seemed to fit into his mouth. Soon, my head was piled up thick. The knights seem a little bored.

“Khan, keep it. ”

As the Khan wears the conservation spell over his head, the group breaks through one more wall.

“Oh, my God. This is horrible. ”

“Worse than a parasite. How could you do something so evil? ”

“Sixty bastards! ”

“Bastards! ”

Knights’ insults have been heard everywhere.

This place was literally a crystal of evil. There seemed to be some hard hatred and anger within.

Nearly ten people were hanging from the corpse, and their mouths were wide open, and they were fixed to their mouths to make the shouting as loud as possible, especially so that they could hear the sound.

Arms and legs were hanging on the wall, nails and claws were pulled out, and eyes were wide open.

There were various signs of torture that I couldn’t bear to see, but it seemed to peel off the skin one layer at a time. However, the last person who was caught died with a knife marks on his body, but he realized that the situation had become disadvantageous and killed all the captured people.

[especially in pain for a very, very long time. I put a tube in my mouth to allow nutrients to flow in to preserve my stamina, and I let the feces flow down. It’s like being created by a brainy psycho somewhere. Captain, we’re picking up traces of dimensional core energy here. It’s overwhelming.]

According to Tyrant’s report, the most brutally right-handed person is fading and diminishing in signs of torture throughout the body and towards the left. There must have been some reason to torture one another.

Below is a crack in the void, where there is a pile of filth, and the bodies of the dead fall from the end of the torture. The captain has his head.

“I’ll leave you to it if I find anyone. What the hell are you doing this for? ”

The captain’s muttering did not expect an answer, but someone answered.

“Road · · · terrestrial life. Their screams become our path. The song of our screaming goddess · · · Kwalka Le Lulu Kroxar Urellu · · · · · · · · · · · · ·. ”

Among the filth below, someone replied. In a flash, the knights’ breasts illuminated a cavity with a glowing searchlight stain.

In the darkness, two pair of dark red cracked eyes come to mind.

It was uttered in all directions because of its many mouths, some of which could not even be interpreted as translation spells.

It had four eyes, five horns, each bent at a strange angle. There was a grim energy just looking at it. Many tentacles around my mouth grew in strange directions, and I frightened those who saw them.

The compartment mutters faintly.

“Soulless, soulless, soulless. Your Grace, this is one of the most horrifying things in the history of Gehenna. ”

As the enormous creature moves, the impurities are pushed to the left and to the right, and the image of the goddess that was hidden within appears. The statues of the screaming goddess with their eyes peeled off and their long tongues stretched out.

[Warning. Cyonic attack imminent. It appears to be a special particle that infiltrates the psychic world. It can be blocked while the cyonic defense system is running. Blocked. Stabilize your articles. Draka, a former gnome merchant, once mentioned the ‘Monster of the Underworld’. Could it be them?]

“Details can also be found after ripping the head off. Let’s get rid of that son of a bitch before he starts talking nonsense. Throw grenades.”

A horse to the captain says Samir pulls a neutron grenade from his arms and throws it into the lower pit of the corpse.

Kuku Kung!

As the radiation heats up in the pit, the boiling flesh quickly envelops the intestines. The explosion was small, but the flames of radioactivity tore the bodies apart as if they had been struck by thousands of shotguns.

“I wouldn’t be dead. Be sure to slit his throat. ”

“Yes! Let’s go! To His Majesty! ”

Samir lunges first as the captain looks down. Shortly thereafter, several knights leapt down the cavity, surrounding the area and attacking the monsters. A number of workshops come and go in a short time, and finally the monster’s body is cut off and kneels. It vomited blood and said quietly.

“I die and we don’t die.” Khet Kjetuk Tunakar Veli Bnual Lérière! ”

A giant head falls between the crushed impurities. He slowly closes his eyes without a single scream, as if he had boldly embraced death.

“That’s disgusting. Khan. Extract information from the brain. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

Khan pulls the square box out of his arms. Unlike Iksa, who puts it on a flask and investigates it safely, it makes me think of a crude weapon.

“Bring me Salamander’s corpse. Khan. Take control of the Starfish brain first. The second guard should collect all the bodies here. ”

Soon, the knights carried the Salamander corpse onto their shoulders and piled it up one by one. The other knights lay their tortured bodies to the ground. You closed their eyes, ripped out the food supply tubes that closed their mouths, wrapped their hands around each other, and sprayed a spray and covered the entire body.

In the meantime, the Khan descends beneath the dirt and drags all the corpses up with the other knights. It smelled terrible because it was badly decomposed.

“I will take control of my brain and have a ceremonial ceremony. ”

“Yes, Your Majesty. ”

Once the bodies have been cleared out, the compartment tears out the skull of the hidden starfish. There was a soft starfish brain as it ripped off its filth and bones. The starfish tremble as the compartment plugs electrodes into the exposed brain’s portable brain hacking equipment. It was a huge ship, but the structure was simple.

[It’s a very simple creature. Instant brain hacking without complex protocols.]

Shortly after, Tyrant said,

[Hacked. This mystery belongs to the captain now. Feel free to ride.]

‘I feel like I’ve heard that a lot. The thought of’ slipped through the captain’s mind for a moment.


thitapel Co-man

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