Cat on Water

Chapter 26 – Cat Takes Bath, Finds Fish, Annoys Fisherman

Hey All! Heres another chapter. I was intending to go into cannon soon, seeing as how I am running out of ideas for pre-cannon. I had this whole roadmap in my head for the rest of the section, but it turns out that things in my head are much shorter than when I actually write things out, so here is another one. Hope you like :D

Chapter 26

The impact with the frigid water woke Yoruichi from any ideas of relaxation she might have had. When she hit the water, she did so fast enough to turn the impact into something similar to landing on solid stone, the surface tension barely breaking as the Shinigami slammed painfully into the water.

Immediately after, she started sinking. By the time she caught her breath, she had already sunk around 50 feet deep, her eyes adjusting to the darkness of the ocean.

‘Urk.’ She thought painfully ‘I think that broke my wrist’

She quickly pushed her Reiryoku into the water surrounding her, showing her descent almost to a stop immediately. She also started healing her left arm, where her wrist hung somewhat limply.

Glancing around, she could see pretty much nothing. However, her Reikaku could sense many things.

She was currently surrounded by extremely large fish. ‘Sea Kings, I think they’re called.’ She thought, her senses curling around the massive forms.

Knowing she was in a very disadvantageous position, she pushed off the solidified water around her, shooting up and toward the air at a faster speed than she had arrived.

She broke the surface in an instant, continuing to shoot up into the air. Yoruichi was followed directly behind by about 20 Sea Kings, the same ones who were staring her down underneath the waves.

“Oh hoh,” She grinned, spinning around to look each and every one of them in the eye, “Don’t want your meal to get away, do ya?”

The only response she got was a low growl from a few of them. “Can’t imagine I am much of a meal though. But what do I know?” Yoruichi kept grinning at the oversized sushi in front of her.

Her and the Sea Kings kept staring at her for a few moments, and the only warning she got was multiple growls from behind her as she felt the 2 closest to her back tense up.

She flash-stepped upwards immediately, dodging the bite of a orange seaking with a head probably 4x the size of its body, and laughed.

“Hahaha. Gotta be quicker than that.” She called, as she twirled in her spot looking at the other sea kings.

Yoruichi sidestepped the tail of the same Sea King who’s head she was standing on, as it came flashing down at breakneck speeds, easily breaking the sound barrier in an attempt to turn her into a pulp.

The tail failed miserably, cracking against the top of the Sea King’s own massive head, leaving a very large bruise and bump forming.

Yoruichi snorted in amusement, and said derisively, “I bet that hurt, didn’t it buddy.” She leaned down and ‘patted’ the Sea King on the head, her hand positively miniscule compared to the fish, and she ended up with her hand halfway into it’s skull when she was done.

Said Sea King roared in pain, shaking like something had just electrocuted it.

Yoruichi quickly vacated the area, the thrashing of her current platform annoying the rest of the assailants.

Flash-Stepping away in a blur, she quickly found herself a new vantage point on the tip of the nose of a Sea King with a very thin face, almost like someone tried to draw a horse then flattened it out in 2d.

It was staring at her with its beady red eyes, teeth bared.

She gave it a jaunty wave, before she promptly flickered and kicked it in both eyes, blinding it and setting it to thrash in pain much like the first.

At this point Yoruichi was covered in things that were not safe to eat, and was honestly pretty disgusting. The eyeballs she kicked had splattered on impact, and when something that squishy explodes when it is twice the size of you, you don’t really have a choice but to get covered in eye matter.

This led to the quite unfortunate situation of Yoruichi not paying attention to what was on the soles of her feet, and she slipped off the nose of the sea king almost immediately, as the thrashing was too much for her to stay on with gravity alone.

She fell past the Sea King’s mouth as she looked upside down at the other sea kings, who were still eyeing her with hungry gazes.

‘Oi, Rain. Im gonna need your help in a second.’ She called out to her partner.

She heard a grunt in the back of her mind as Rain ‘woke up’ from a nap. “What. This had better be important, We were having a nice dream.” Rain growled snarkily.

Yoruichi grinned slightly, and said, ‘You can have wet dreams about your kitty love life later, we have some fish to fillet.’

I WAS NOT- holy shit those things are huge.” Rain roared, before he caught sight of the Sea Kings out of Yoruichi’s eyes.

‘I know, right? Want to have some for dinner?’ Yoruichi smirked. Rain, like any cat, loves his fish.

A meal fit for an entire country.” Rain mused, then sent feelings of agreement across their still growing bond.

That was all Yoruichi needed.

“Iai. Kazeyoke.” She said calmly, as she fell upside down from the nose of a Sea King. On hand was on the hilt of her blade, and the next moment, there was a blur of movement, and a massive boom as Yoruichi drew her blade and made one clean cut in 180 degrees around her.

Although there was absolutely no wind movement, or any movement other than the beings present, there appeared to be a large whirlwind for only a single moment as the currents of air got forcibly shoved out of the way by Yoruichi’s attack.

The wind blade move silently and almost too fast for the average eye to see as it moved toward its intended targets.

However, Yoruichi and Rain were left disappointed as the attack only managed to crush a few of the scales on the sea kings’ bodies.

Yoruichi pouted slightly, as she flipped over so she could stand on air platforms formed from her Reiryoku.

‘These guys are much tougher than I thought.’ Yoruichi complained.

Didn’t you pierce one of their skulls earlier?” Rain asked inquisitively.

Yoruichi absentmindedly nodded her head as she examined the cuts she had made. Her attack had made contact with multiple sea kings, but it barely did more than scratch them through their extremely tough scales.

‘These guys are nothing like the ones in the first part of the grand line.’ Yoruichi thought despondently. ‘I thought I was going to get an easy dinner tonight, but now they’re making me work for it.’

With a sigh, Yoruichi reached toward her Kido reserves and started cycling it through her body, activating Shunko.

With another breath that caused an exhalation of Reiryoku to come from her body, Yoruichi flickered away silently. An instant later, she appeared above the head of the closest Sea King to her, a red one that looked more like an alligator than anything else.

Twisting her body in a summersault motion, she brought her leg down right where the top of the head starts to go down the back.

A sickening crack reverberated over the completely silent sea, as Yoruichi crushed the skull of the sea king into small pieces, and the Kido forced itself into the monster’s brain, killing it instantly.

Yoruichi nimbly jumped off the skull that was now in pieces, only being held together by tatters of skin and muscle that makes up the outermost portion of an animal’s face.

As she came back down, she twisted around to face behind herself and delivered a sickening punch to the jaw of another sea king, completely disintegrating its jawbone in the process and the Kido creating a blast powerful enough to tear the rest of its lower face off.

Yoruichi let herself fall as the two sea kings she had just finished attacking fell with her. While she was falling, she suddenly sensed something.

‘What was that?’ Yoruichi thought, her head swiveling to face off to the north. ‘Felt like…. People…’

All of a sudden, she could barely make out a sound that sounded suspiciously like “Fire”.

She was proven correct, as a moment later she watched what looked to be hundreds of cannonballs impact the sea kings around her.

Quickly, she extended her arms and shouted, “Sekisho!” and a slightly transparent wall that looked to be made of yellow glass quickly appeared between her and what she assumed was the direction of the cannonballs. Not a moment too soon, either, as more than 5 cannonballs impacted her barrier almost instantly afterward.

She gave a quick glance around at the sea kings, many of which had turned from her encirclement to face toward the new threat.

Yoruichi quickly vacated the area as the cannonballs kept flying. Flash-stepping outside the circle of sea kings, she immediately noticed the literal fleet of ships. She also noticed how…. Interesting they looked.

‘Uh, Rain? Is it just me or do those ships looks like cakes?’ Yoruichi thought incredulously.

No, you’re not going insane, unfortunately. That is a cake ship.” Rain replied, a little bit of disbelief creeping into his voice as well.

Indeed, the fleet of ships looked to be almost entirely identical. Each ship was shaped like a three-tiered cake, with what looked to be chocolate frosting on the outside and some sort of marshmallow on top. The first tier was submerged, and acted as the ship’s hull with the other two tiers getting smaller and smaller as they went up. At the top, they had a ‘frosting’ spiral going up to a tip, with strawberries laid around the ring of it. Attached to this uppermost layer looked to be a two-tiered pink sail, with both the upper portion of the ship and the lowermost sail having a number on it. Coming out the front of these ships on the second layer was a three barreled cannon that looked to be able to swivel up and down.

On the other hand, there was a ship that looked to be very different from the others. Firstly, it was much bigger. This one was shaped more like a ship, though it still had a lot of ‘candy’ type decoration. Its rails looked like overflowing chocolate syrup, along with a swirl pattern on sections of the hull. On its front was the dopey smiling face of a man with completely white eyes. On the upper deck, it had two three-barreled cannons that looked to be mounted on a circle that could swivel anywhere in a 180-degree sphere upwards. It also had a white dome behind it, making what looked to be a navigation/officer deck with windows poking out onto the sides. It had two sails, mounted on two different masts. The first was right behind the swivel guns, and the second looked to be coming out of the white dome. The second sail had white dots on it, in a sprinkle like decoration, whereas the first sail had the word ‘DAIFUKU’ written on the front of it.

Above all, every single one of them had a flag Yoruichi had seen before. The pirate flag of the ‘Big Mom Pirates’.

‘Well, I got to give them props for sticking to a theme.’ Yoruichi thought. ‘What is a fleet of one of the emperors doing here?’

You are forgetting something, Yoruichi.” Rain said with a tone that heavily implied she was a dumbass. “This is the New World. The territory of the emperors. For all we know, we could be near Big Mom’s.”

Yoruichi mentally shrugged, not really caring either way. She was just annoyed that they shot at her when she was having fun.

As she sat there staring at the ships, Rain got her attention. “Hey, do you feel those cannonballs? Why do they feel alive?” the Zanpakuto asked, morbid curiosity creeping into his voice.

‘What are you on about, Rain?’ Yoruichi asked. She then focused on the cannonballs that were flying toward the sea kings who were now trying to make a break for it at the fleet of ships, who in response were spreading out with what looked like nets between them.

She quickly noticed what Rain was talking about, and flash-stepped over to a cannonball that was about halfway to the sea kings and grabbed it, before flash-stepping back out of range and vision of the ships.

As soon as she stopped moving, she heard a voice saying, “Hey what the hell was that?! Ugh, I think I’m gonna be sick…” she felt the cannonballs swivel itself around in her hand until what looked to be a face, with a pointy nose and sharp teeth.

“Hey lady!” the voice cried, its high-pitched tone starting to hurt Yoruichi’s sensitive ears already. Yoruichi looked down at the cannonball in surprise. She started lifting it closer to her face, putting it between her and the sun, and twisting it all over to get a good look at it while she had a look of utter bafflement on her face.

“Hey. Lady! Im talking to you!” the cannonball kept shouting, of which Yoruichi ‘pretended’ to not notice.

‘What the hell is this thing?’ Yoruichi thought to herself, Rain giving off much the same feeling of confusion as her.

“Why do I feel like this thing is a person, with a soul and everything.” Yoruichi muttered out loud, the cannonball starting to turn red in anger as it tried to get her attention.

She then took the cannonball in both hands, and shook it extremely hard, watching in fascination as the face on it distorted in clear distress and, well, nausea.

“wuh-wuh-wuait. Stuoahop it!St-o-o-o-op-ppp! Urghh.” The cannonball tried to say, but it was too caught up barfing.

Yoruichi saw what was coming and turned the cannonball to face away from herself, which seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. The cannonball let loose a river of what looked like metal shavings and gunpowder as it barfed its literal guts out.

The cannonball was then shaken like a salt shaker, getting the last few bits of metal and powder out, before Yoruichi turned it back to face her, her face scrunched up in morbid fascination.

“So, uh. What exactly are you?” she asked the cannonball.

It still looked a little green, but it replied anyway. “I’m one of Mama’s cannonballs.” it said with a chirpy voice.

“Annndddddd what does that mean?” Yoruichi asked, her voice taking on an annoyed tone.

“I’m a homie, made from her collection of taxes from people who live in Totto Land.” It said primly, acting proud to be something that was slowly getting more interesting, and even more horrifying as Yoruichi kept examining it with her eyes, and her Reikaku.

Yoruichi finished spinning the cannonball around, and turned it to face her, and then brought it up close to her own face, so she could look it in the eyes. “If you’re artificial, when why do you feel like you are alive?” Yoruichi paused for a moment, her eyed narrowed. “To me, it feels like you are a person stuffed into something wholly unsuited for what you are. You remind me of something else, something that my people really did not like.” She said slowly, her golden eyes almost glowing as she used them to stare deep into what she was starting to recognize as a small piece of a human soul stuffed into a cannonball.

“U-uh could you tone it down, miss?” the ball stuttered, a fearful expression crossing his face. “You’re starting to remind me of mama when she gets mad.”

Yoruichi smirked slightly but said nothing. She let the ball fall to her side, still holding onto it with one hand. She pointed with her chin, and glanced down at the cannonball that was now watching the scene of Sea Kings get shot at by what she could now pinpoint as more cannonballs like the one she had in her hand. “So, what are you, uh, Homies was it? Doing out here?” she asked.

The cannonball struggled a bit in her hand, and eventually said, “I don’t know! We just go where Mama’s children tell us!”

Yoruichi then gestured with the cannonball, and tentatively asked, “Sooo, that ship down there, the one with the DAIFUKU on it, has one of Big Mom’s children on it?”

“Yup” The cannonball replied animatedly, as much as a cannonball can animate.

Yoruichi nodded absentmindedly, and then looked down at the cannonball again. She twisted it up so she could look at its face, then asked, “And what should I do with you?”

The cannonball shrugged its eyes. “I dunno, throw me? Its what we were made for.”

Yoruichi shrugged herself, thinking, ‘Eh, it has a point. Might as well see what happens.”

She then underhanded the cannonball at the water directly below her, then flash-stepped to follow it. She made it to the surface of the ocean immediately, landing in a crouch. She looked up at the cannonball falling down from where she was.

She could hear the cannonball shouting, “I didn’t mean thiiiiisssssss!” and followed it down as it sped toward the water. When it splashed down, she was slightly unsurprised at what happened. The cannonball immediately lost it’s ‘humanlike’ features and turned into a normal cannonball as it sank to the bottom of the ocean.

What did interest her was that she could feel the piece of soul escape it’s confines and then zoom off in a direction  to the northeast, the same direction the fleet of ships came from.

Yoruichi reached out at an insanely fast speed and grabbed the soul as it tried to escape, or at least head back to wherever it came from. She looked intently at the small, struggling mass of Reiryoku as it tried to squirm out of her grip, to no avail.

‘Hmm.’ She pondered, reaching out with her senses to examine the soul on a more spiritual level. ‘This soul was torn off of the whole forcefully, and quite crudely.’

Yoruichi examined it for a moment longer, not noting anything else out of the ordinary, before she reached around with her free hand and grabbed her Zanpakuto.

She then brought the blade out, and swiftly tapped the hilt onto the still squirming soul. It shuddered for a moment, then slowly broke into motes of light.

‘Huh. Same process as that Kuina girl at Shimotsuki village.’ She thought. ‘Though this time it took a while.’

She watched the soul break apart and then dissipate, before she glanced over at the ships. Most of them were slowing down in their cannon fire, now using large nets to shoot out and catch the pieces of Sea King that were now floating in the water.

She was originally confused at why the pieces looked to be chopped up fillets, until she noticed a string of blue smoke leading to what appeared to be an absolutely massive genie with what looked to be a naginata as a weapon, chopping the dead Sea Kings into pieces to be dragged onto the ships.

She smirked a little, before flash-stepping in the direction of the source of the smoke that makes up the Genie.

She quickly appeared on the second sail atop the white mound in the center of the ship. She quickly erased her presence as much as possible so she would not be noticed by the admittedly large amount of people.

The one she was focusing on was the man near the two guns on the front of the ship. He was standing with his back to her, doing a motion that looked like he was rubbing his belly. He had a golden cape on that was attached to what looked to be the combination of medieval armor and a fur coat.

 He also had extremely large pauldrons, that looked like massive blue and white striped beach balls. From the back, she couldn’t see the rest of him but he looked to have an absurdly large back, and tiny limbs, based on what she could. She couldn’t even see the man’s head!

Using her senses she could feel almost 200 people running around on the ship she was on, including the guy at the front with the smoke genie coming out of what looked to be a very, interesting place.

‘Jeez, I wouldn’t want to even touch that thing’ Yoruichi shuddered a bit as she saw what was happening. ‘Wait is he not rubbing his belly’ She paused for a moment, then cringed. ‘OH that’s just WRONG on so many levels!’

She then forcefully shook her head to get rid of the image she had in her head and hunkered down to get a free trip back to land.

‘Hopefully this boat goes somewhere useful…’ She said, idly watching the sailors get ready to take off.




About a day later, in which Yoruichi was observing the crew of the DAIFUKU, they landed at what was probably the most absurd island Yoruichi had ever seen. It was a somewhat small island, in that she could see both ends of the island, but it was completely covered in beans.

‘What….. the…… fuck…..’ Yoruichi thought incredulously as she stared out from her perch halfway up the mast. She had learned in the past day or so that the fleet of ships was responsible for food runs, where they would go into the calm belt and hunt down some sea kings for easy access food.

Apparently Big Mom has a very large appetite, which caused the rest of her crew to have to go and find food much more often than normal, even going so far as to go into certain islands in the blues looking for food.

However, what Yoruichi was looking at now was just absurd. The beans looked like they were alive, swaying slightly in the wind, along with bending and twisting as time went on.

She heard shouting from down below, causing her to glance down.

“Come on, you worthless pieces of shit! Get a move on! Mama’s not gonna stay nice and friendly while we sit here with her food, and you all know what happens when she gets angry.” Said the large man who she recognized as the rest of the crew shivered fearfully. “Yes, Daifuku sir!” They all shouted and scurried to offload the pieces of sea king meat onto the docks.

‘Hmm, so the ship isn’t named Daifuku, it just has that guy’s name on it. How pretentious.’ Yoruichi snorted. Before flash stepping toward the island. ‘Time to see if this place has anything useful. Maybe they have met with Shiki, since Big Mom and him were crewmates once upon a time.’ Yoruichi thought as she flickered through the dock area and into the common street levels.

A few minutes later she found herself near what looked to be the center building on the island. It was a very large square building that looked to be larger than anything else on the island. She could see many people running in and out of the building, sometimes carrying things, sometimes leaving with things.

‘Must be some sort of storage or central facility.’ Yoruichi thought after watching multiple people go inside with something, and then either leave with something else or nothing.

Yoruichi eased her presence down low enough and then breezed in behind a sickly-looking young man who was carrying what looked to be bags of grain. Once inside she saw what looked like some sort of supermarket drop off or something.

People would come in with food and other items and drop them off to one side where what looked like pawns with faces were grabbing what was left and heading into the back. The people were then given some beri, or some other metal, etc. It looked like they could bargain with the receptionist on what exactly they wanted in return for their goods.

Yoruichi quickly evaded around the throng of people in a line to put their stuff down and slipped off behind the receptionist desk, where she could see a flight of stairs behind them.

Heading up to it she found herself in a nondescript hallway with no markings. Yoruichi just shrugged and started exploring, not feeling or seeing anyone with any of her senses, on this floor at least. Peeking into some doorways did not bore fruit to anything, seeing either bunk areas that had no one in them or some sort of lounge areas.

‘Must be for the crew of the ships that I came in on.’ Yoruichi thought idly, before she found another set of stairs at the end of the hallway.

Going up this set led her into a much more opulent area.

It was more open, with that seemed to be an actual lounge room in something one would see in a casino, with a pit of fluffy chairs and couches dotting the area, tables filled with snacks and fountains of water and other beverages.

What surprised Yoruichi was that most of the things that she was looking at were moving and had faces.

When she came up to the stairs initially the ‘décor’ was idly chatting and hopping around. As soon as she stepped onto the floor though, it was like someone stopped the record player. Everything that was alive in some way shape or form froze at what they were doing and stared at her fearfully.

Yoruichi and the decoration had a staring contest, one side had eyes wide with fear and the other wide with disbelief.

‘Oh hell no….’ Yoruichi thought, eyes wide. Her spiritual senses quickly reached out and touched many of the items, from food to chairs to the ceiling fan, and she watched as each and every one of them shivered like someone was staring into their soul.

Which technically, Yoruichi was.

‘Oi, Rain, look I found more of those weird homie things.’ Yoruichi called out to Rain in her mind.

She felt Rain shuffle around in her mind scape, his presence taking a more ‘active’ side.

Oh? Oh wow, there are a lot of them this time. Bring this King closer to them. We wish to investigate for our own.” Rain said, curiosity taking over.

Yoruichi ‘looked’ inquisitively at Rain her senses turning inward to his own regal one. ‘What are you up to, you lazy furball?’ Yoruichi asked, a metaphorical eyebrow raised.

Rain just huffed impatiently, and said, “Get a move on, woman. We wish to see the interesting souls up close. They remind Us of Ourselves.”

Yoruichi was silent for a moment but shrugged helplessly in the end. She quickly took Rain out of his sheath and held him at her side, blade pointed down. There was a general outcry of fear when she did that, the homies huddling together for warmth against Yoruichi’s senses.

She raised Rain up slightly, which caused the homies to jerk in response. She then slowly laid it on a table next to some homies that looked like creampuffs with eyes, all of which were currently huddled together like some sort of fluffy kitten pile, if the kittens were edible pastries.

She stood silently while she felt Rain ‘inspect’ the homies near him. Most people in the Soul Society don’t really know exactly how Zanpakutos work. Originally, a part of a Shinigami’s soul is put into an Asauchi, which then morphs into the spirit of their weapon over time and connections.

As one reaches Shikai, and Bankai, that connection deepens, and allows the spirit to eventually manifest itself during Bankai. This level of existence allows them to do some things that most people are unaware of, such as spreading out their own awareness in a way extremely similar to a Shinigami’s Reiatsu and Reikaku.

It is this aspect of Bankai that allows Yachiru to be someone who can act on her own, even as Zaraki himself doesn’t know who she is.

This leads to a slightly difficult situation for Yoruichi. Her connection with Shikai and Bankai with her own Zanpakuto was broken, or at least worn down to a level that it was unusable. But there were still pathways for the connection. There were still ways a Zanpakuto spirit such as Rain could manifest themselves into the world, even without ‘fully’ manifesting.

Yoruichi watched as Rain trembled on the table, the blade taking on a yellow tint, with a tiny bit of aura leaking out from the blade. This alone caused some of the homies nearest to the weapon to faint immediately, while others looked like they were close to it. All of them were speechless as they cowered in front of what must be the apex predator in the world, to them at least.

After a few minutes of examination, Rain retracted his presence back into the blade. Everything froze for a moment, utterly silent, unable to fill the void that the pressure from a spirit on the level of Rain.

After a single moment, all the homies sprang into action, racing for the door. The dogpiled their way outside, throwing themselves out the windows, hiding behind doors, running downstairs, anything they could do to get away from the monster that was in the room with them.

That was for all except one. What looked like a tiny little creampuff child stood with bleary eyes as it swayed back and forth. After a moment or two, there was a *blegh* and the creampuff threw up what could only be considered the contents of it’s stomach, or pretty much all of the ‘cream’ in the creampuff. It then flopped over, falling on it’s side as it passed out for a little snooze fest.

Yoruichi just watched with an impassive face as this happened. After a moment she picked Rain back up off the table and stared down at him, all covered in what was definitely a suspicious white liquid.

‘Look what you did. You scared them all away! You even made the child so scared it threw up on you! Bad Kitty!’ she berated, her eyes holding a tint of amusement as she tried to put on her ‘angry mother’ face.

She could feel Rain’s presence scrunch up in distaste, and absolutely lost it.

“Bhahahahahaha -Oh my -haha -Did you see what they did? Bahahah Did you see the little one?! Hehehehahaaah.” Yoruichi crowed out loud, bent over at the knees in laughter.

Rain watched on unimpressed. “Will you stop that……” the lion spirit muttered pointedly.

“Hehe… Why would I want to stop? Or do you not want to experience the affections of a toddler. Heheh…” Yoruichi snickered as she held out her partner’s source like it was a dirty tissue. She then quickly went over to the drapes on the windows, the few things that weren’t a homie in the room, and wiped him off.

“There there. All clean. Maybe next time little kitty cat won’t try and mess with the children. They’re vicious creatures, you know.” Yoruichi cooed at her blade, a mocking tone taking over her voice.

As she was making fun of her blade, she felt a presence start marching its way up the stairs. She immediately recognized it from the ship she was on, and due to her being distracted, did not notice in time to hide herself completely. Not that it would be much point with what Rain just did.

The door to the lounge area creaked open forcefully, slamming against the wall as Yoruichi watched Daifuku slouch down slightly to fit into the doorway.

He had to go sideways to fit his massive balls on the shoulders of his armor through the doorway, clearly compensating for other areas.

What in the hell is going on in here?!” the man roared, with Yoruichi finally able to get a good look at his face.

Yoruichi could see a short cropped blond head that looked like someone found a voodoo dall of a shrunken head and slapped it onto the biggest body it could find. He was wearing small round golden earrings and had what could only be called the ‘french pedo stashe’.

He had a permanent sneer on his face that reminded her of Kizaru, though Kizaru at least looked like he was kind enough to help grandma out. Daifuku looked like he would punt said grandma for even being in his presence.

So there they were, Yoruichi sitting by a window cleaning off her blade like she had just walked through a massacre, and Daifuku staring at her like she was going to be mincemeat on a platter soon.

They locked eyes, and Yoruichi smiled kindly while still cleaning off Rain. “Yo.” She said with a smile.

Daifuku’s scowl turned even worse, and he said coldly, “Who the fuck are you?! How did you get in here?!” he started stomping his way over to where Yoruichi was standing, but paused when she raised her hand.

“No no, no need for that, dearie.” Yoruichi put on her best big sister smile. “I was just leaving. Ta ta!” She then ejected herself out the window behind herself with a confident smile and a jaunty salute to Daifuku. Yoruichi quickly flew out the window and fell toward the street at the ground.

Soon after she did that, she felt something stir behind her. Twisting her body in the air, her eyes widened slightly as she saw some smoky genie bust out the window, breaking most of the wall it was on, causing bricks and other pieces of the building to rain down on her.

The genie looked around for a moment before spotting her. “Master, found her!” it shouted, before shooting down at breakneck speed to finish off the falling woman.

Yoruichi grinned, her hands coming up to guard herself from the broken wall falling on top of her. ‘Heh, he robbed me of some fun with those sea kings, lets see how he likes it!’ she thought wildly, her hair whipping around as she fell toward the ground.

Ah, another fight. Sorry for the cliffhanger, I usually like putting my fight scenes in one chapter. Though this one is a lead up to what is planning on being a big plot point for the story, so strap yourselves in as it's about to get a bit bumpy. (for canon at least.) See you next time!

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